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Buck-Tick - Glamorous

Label: BMG Funhouse, Inc.
Catalog#: BVCR-19508
Format: CD, Single
Country: Japan
Released: 06 Sep 2000
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Industrial, Synth-pop

Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

mizu no naka no betto ni kimi wo sasou kazoekirenai kurisutaru nomikonde
kimi wa tottemo kenage ni nani ka wo sagashiteru kedo... kaerenai futari ga iru dake

tobira o tsukinuketara hikari no shawaa no naka e...
tokete kieru futari ni memai o...

nee bonyari kimi no me mitsumeteirareru no nara mezame o shiranai yume no naka
nee tashika ni kikoeta tenshi no sasayaku koe ga sayonara oyasumi kimi no naka

chi wo nagasu koto mo naku namida mo nai fukai umi no yami ni naru dakiatte
kimi wa hohoemi ukabete nanika wo sagashi tsuzukete yagate wa tsukare hate nemureru

mabuta wo kogashita nara hikari no shawaa no naka e...
tokete kieru futari ni memai wo...

nee bonyari kimi no me mitsumete irareru no nara mezame wo shiranai yume no naka
nee tashika ni kikoeta tenshi no sasayaku koe ga sayonara oyasumi kimi no naka

tobira o tsukinuketara hikari no shawaa no naka e...
tokete kieru futari ni memai wo...

nee bonyari kimi no me mitsumete irareru no nara mezame o shiranai yume no naka
nee tashika ni kikoeta tenshi no sasayaku koe ga sayonara oyasumi kimi no naka

水の中のベットに君を誘う 数え切れないクリスタル飲み込んで
君はとってもけなげに何かを探してるけど... 帰れない二人がいるだけ

溶けて消える二人に 眩暈を...

ねえ ぼんやり君の目見つめていられるのなら 目覚めを知らない夢の中
ねえ 確かに聞こえた天使の囁く声が さよなら おやすみ 君の中

血を流す事もなく涙も無い 深い海の闇になる 抱き合って
君は微笑み浮かべて何かを探し続けて やがては疲れ果て眠れる

溶けて消える二人に 眩暈を...

ねえ ぼんやり君の目見つめていられるのなら 目覚めを知らない夢の中
ねえ 確かに聞こえた天使の囁く声が さよなら おやすみ 君の中

溶けて消える二人に 眩暈を...

ねえ ぼんやり君の目見つめていられるのなら 目覚めを知らない夢の中
ねえ 確かに聞こえた天使の囁く声が さよなら おやすみ 君の中
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

I invite you to a bet in the water, swallow countless crystals
You are searching for something very gallantly but… we’re just here and can’t return

When it pierces the door, toward the center of the shower of light
We’ll wash away and disappear in dizziness

Say, when your eyes gaze at me aimlessly in dreams that know no waking
Say, I’m sure I can hear the voices of the angels whispering, “goodbye, goodnight” within you

Without shedding blood, without tears, we become the darkness of the deep sea embracing
You softly smile and continue to search for something; then, worn out, you can sleep

When it burns your eyelids, to the center of the shower of light
We’ll wash away and disappear in dizziness

Say, when your eyes gaze at me aimlessly in dreams that know no waking
Say, I’m sure I can hear the voices of the angels whispering, “goodbye, goodnight” within you

When it pierces the door, toward the center of the shower of light
We’ll wash away and disappear in dizziness

Say, when your eyes gaze at me aimlessly in dreams that know no waking
Say, I’m sure I can hear the voices of the angels whispering, “goodbye, goodnight” within you
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

Atarashii inochi wo tsunda Machine ni tobinorou
Full Speed ni kodou awase mabui sekai e

Nigiyaka na ginga no station kyarameru wo kaou
Kimi wa nemutteiru nani wo yume miteru

Tobikau kami wo surinuke doko e
Kono mama tsukinukeyou uchuu no hate made mo

Natsu no yoru furisosogu honoka na hikari
Nemutteiru neko wa mada utsuro na yume ni

Totsuzen me no mae ni wa hikari
Kono mama tsukinukeyou uchuu no hate made mo

Ima wa mou utsuriyuku subete ga yume ni
Itsu kara ka doko kara ka utsuro na yume ni

Natsu no yoru furisosogu honoka na hikari
Itsu kara ka doko kara ka utsuro na yume ni

Natsukashii ai ni tsutsumare nemuru
Mou nani mo kanjinaku natte ima nemuru nemuru nemuru…

新しい命を積んだ Machineに飛び乗ろう
Full Speedに鼓動合わせ 眩い世界へ

賑やかな銀河のステーション キャラメルを買おう
君はまだ眠っている 何を夢見てる

飛び交う神を擦り抜け 何処へ
このまま突き抜けよう 宇宙の果てまでも

夏の夜 降り注ぐ 仄かな光
眠っている 猫はまだ 虚ろな夢に

突然 目の前には 光
このまま突き抜けよう 宇宙の果てまでも

今はもう 移り行く 全てが夢に
いつからか  何処からか 虚ろな夢に

夏の夜 降り注ぐ 仄かな光
いつからか  何処からか 虚ろな夢に

もう何も感じなくなって今 眠る 眠る 眠る...
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

Let’s jump on this machine piling up new lives
Entwine our heartbeats at full speed, towards a cool new world

Let’s buy caramels at the bustling galactic station
You’re sleeping, but what are you dreaming of?

Let’s move quickly past the fluttering spirits to somewhere else
Let’s break through, just like this, even to the ends of the universe

Distant lights rain down in the summer night
The cat is still sleeping in an empty dream

Suddenly, there’s light before my eyes
Let’s break through, just like this, even to the ends of the universe

Already, everything’s turning into dreams
From sometime, some place…into empty dreams

Distant lights rain down in the summer night
From sometime, some place…into empty dreams

I sleep, wrapped in wistful love
Becoming unable to feel anything, I sleep, I sleep, I sleep…

Here is Sakurai’s foray into cyberpunk lyrics, it would seem.