
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)

Buck-Tick - Mona Lisa Overdrive

Label: BMG Funhouse, Inc.
Catalog#: BVCR-11048
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 13 Feb 2003
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Industrial, Synth-pop

Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi


Fuck up! Go fuck yourself!
Lift up your middle fingers
Say "Fuck you" or "Fuck off"

Get it up! Get it up!


koko ni mo, soko ni mo, afureteru


Fuck up! Go fuck yourself!
Lift up your middle fingers
Say "Fuck you" or "Fuck off"

Get it up! Get it up!


ここにも、そこにも あふれている
         Nakayubi (Middle Finger)
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi


Fuck up! Go fuck yourself!
Lift up your middle fingers
Say "Fuck you" or "Fuck off"

Get it up! Get it up!
Stick it up now!


Here too, there too, it’s overflowing
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Sekai wo fumitsubusu BUSTER akusei idenshibyou
Wagamonogao no ashiato nerai wo sadamete Swallow dive

Hakai ga bitoku no creatures
Yuitsu muni sa The only one
Hakai ga bitoku no creatures
yuitsu muni sa The only one

Omae wa kuitsubusu EATER akusei idenshibyou
Kui chirakashite nomikomu niku kara METAL made OK!

Hakai ga bitoku no creatures
Yuitsu muni sa The only one
Hakai ga bitoku no creatures
Yuitsu muni sa The only one

La La La... umareta ka La La La... kara wo yabutta
La La La... umareta ka La La La... omae wa dare da
La La La... umareta ka La La La... kara wo yabutta
La La La... umareta ka La La La... omae wa dare da

Ana wo hotteru no wa DIGGER akusei idenshibyou
Atari kamawazu hottemo hottemo hottemo mada tarinai

Fukai kurai kyodai na ana?? sorosoro ki ga tsuku koro da
Fukai kurai kyodai na ana?? omae no haka no ana wa Bingo!

La La La... umareta ka La La La... kara wo yabutta
La La La... umareta ka La La La... omae wa dare da
La La La... umareta ka La La La... kara wo yabutta
La La La... umareta ka La La La... omae wa dare da

世界を踏み潰すBUSTER 悪性遺伝子病
我が物顔の足跡 狙いを定めてSwallow dive

唯一無二さThe only one
唯一無二さThe only one

お前は食い潰すEATER  悪性遺伝子病

唯一無二さThe only one
唯一無二さThe only one

La La La…生まれたかLa La La…殻を破った
La La La…生まれたかLa La La…お前は誰だ
La La La…生まれたかLa La La…殻を破った
La La La…生まれたかLa La La…お前は誰だ

穴を掘ってるのはDIGGER  悪性遺伝子病

深い暗い巨大な穴 そろそろ気が付く頃だ
深い暗い巨大な穴 お前の墓の穴でBingo!

La La La…生まれたかLa La La…殻を破った
La La La…生まれたかLa La La…お前は誰だ
La La La…生まれたかLa La La…殻を破った
La La La…生まれたかLa La La…お前は誰だ
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

BUSTER crushes the world underfoot—It’s a virulent genetic disease
With footsteps like he owns it all, choosing his aim, he makes a swallow dive

A creature for whom destruction is a virtue
He’s completely unique, the only one
A creature for whom destruction is a virtue
He’s completely unique, the only one

EATER eats up your fortune with idleness—It’s a virulent genetic disease
Eating sloppily and gulping it all down, everything from meat to metal is OK!

A creature for whom destruction is a virtue
He’s completely unique, the only one
A creature for whom destruction is a virtue
He’s completely unique, the only one

La La La…were you born? La La La…you broke open the shell
La La La…were you born? La La La…who are you?
La La La…were you born? La La La…you broke open the shell
La La La…were you born? La La La…who are you?

DIGGER is digging a hole—It’s a virulent genetic disease
It doesn’t matter where he digs, but even though he digs and digs and digs, it’s never enough

A deep, dark, huge hole; eventually, he’s going to notice
A deep, dark, huge hole, in the hole of your grave, it’s Bingo!

La La La…were you born? La La La…you broke open the shell
La La La…were you born? La La La…who are you?
La La La…were you born? La La La…you broke open the shell
La La La…were you born? La La La…who are you?
03.残骸-Shape2-(Zangai -Shape2-)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

gareki no ue de utau ki no kurueta tenshi
shizuka ni tatakizukeru ame wa rekuiemu

zangai ga zanzou ga zankoku ni moeru
omae wa yume miru asu ga kuru koto wo
ame ni utare

yamanai tsumetai ame wa dare no rekuiemu
uruwashii omae no hada wo ore wa kegasu darou

zare koto wa oshimai da yokubou dake da
ore wa mou yume minai asu ga kuru koto wo

fukaku motto fukaku ore wa kegarete yuku
kusarikitta hibi yo saigo wa omae no naka de fukaku...

zangai ga zanzou ga zankoku ni moeru
omae wa yume miru asu ga kuru koto wo

zare koto wa oshimai ga zetsubou dake da
ore wa mou yume minai asu ga kuru koto wo

fukaku motto fukaku ore wa kegarete yuku
kusarikitta hibi yo saigo wa omae no naka de
fukaku motto fukaku fukaku aishite kure yo
kudakechitta hibi yo saigo wa omae no naka de

fukaku motto fukaku ore wa kegarete yuku
kusarikitta hibi yo saigo wa omae no naka de
fukaku motto fukaku fukaku aishite kure yo
kudakechitta hibi yo saigo wa omae no naka de

fukaku... fukaku

ame ni utare
作詞 櫻井敦司
作曲 今井寿

瓦礫の上で歌う 気の狂えた天使
静かに叩きつける 雨は鎮魂歌

残骸が 残像が 残酷に燃える
お前は夢見る 明日が来ることを
雨に 歌れ

止まない冷たい雨は 誰の鎮魂歌
麗しいお前の肌を 俺は汚すだろう
戯れ言は お終いだ 欲望だけだ
俺はもう夢見ない 明日が来ることを

深く もっと深く 俺は穢れて行く
腐りきった日々よ 最後は お前の中で 深く…

残骸が 残像が 残酷に燃える
お前は夢見る 明日が来ることを

戯れ言は お終いだが 絶望だけだ
俺はもう夢見ない 明日が来ることを

深く もっと深く 俺は穢れて行く
腐りきった日々よ 最後は お前の中で

深く もっと深く 深く 愛してくれよ
砕け散った日々よ 最後はお前の中で

深く …深く

雨に 撃たれ
         Zangai (Ruins)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

A crazy angel sings atop the rubble
The rain is a requiem, quietly pattering down

The ruins and the after-images are burning cruelly
You dream that tomorrow will come
As you're pounded by the rain

Whose requiem is this endless cold rain?
Your beautiful skin is making me dirty

The end is a joke, it was only a wish
I no longer dream that tomorrow will come

Deeply, more and more deeply, I am tainted
Our days are rotten and gone, and the last is within you, deeply

The ruins and the after-images are burning cruelly
You dream that tomorrow will come
As you're pounded by the rain

The end is a joke, it was only a wish
I no longer dream that tomorrow will come

Deeply, more and more deeply, I am tainted
Our days are rotten and gone, and the last is within you
Deeply, more and more deeply, please love me deeply
Our days are broken and smashed, and the last is within you

Deeply, more and more deeply, I am tainted
Our days are rotten and gone, and the last is within you
Deeply, more and more deeply, please love me deeply
Our days are broken and smashed, and the last is within you


Pounded by the rain…
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Omae ga nagasu namida sono wake wa
Shinobiyoru shuumatsu ni obie nageku sei ka
Omae ga nagasu akai chi no imi wa
Ikiteiru akashi to tsumi to batsu no sei sa

Ai wo kawasou tatoe jigoku demo honoo ni nurete SEX for YOU

Kowarechimaeba ii no sa
Tokihanateba ii no sa

Omae ni fureru akai shikyuu furuwasu
Yurugi no nai shinjitsu yo mekurumeku ai yo

Chi wa tagiri niku odorikuruu tobichiru mitsu wa SIX or NINE

Me wo tojiteirya ii no sa
Kanjiteireba ii no sa

Ai wo kawasou tatoe jigoku demo honoo ni nurete JUST ONE MORE KISS

Omae ga ireba ii no sa
Kurucchimaeba ii no sa
Omae ga ireba ii no sa
Kurucchimaeba ii no sa

お前が流す 涙その理由は 忍び寄る終末に 怯え嘆くせいか
お前が流す 赤い血の意味は 生きている証と 罪と罰のせいさ

愛を交わそう たとえ地獄でも 炎に濡れて SEX for YOU

壊れちまえばいいのさ 解き放てばいいのさ

お前に触れる 熱い子宮震わす 揺るぎの無い真実よ メクルメク愛よ

血は滾り 肉踊り狂う 飛び散る蜜は SIX or NINE

目を閉じていりゃいいのさ 感じていればいいのさ

愛を交わそう たとえ地獄でも 炎に濡れて JUST ONE MORE KISS

お前がいればいいのさ 狂っちまえばいいのさ
お前がいればいいのさ 狂っちまえばいいのさ
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

What is the reason for the tears you shed?
Do you fear and lament the end creeping nearer?
What is the meaning of the red blood you shed?
It’s proof that you’re alive, it's all for crime and punishment

Let's make love, though we're in Hell
Getting wet in the flames, SEX for YOU*

It's fine if I'm broken
It's fine if I let go

Hot womb trembles as I touch you
Firm reality and dazzling love

Blood boiling, flesh dancing in ecstasy
The scattering honey is SIX or NINE*

It's fine if I close my eyes
It's fine if I'm feeling it

Let's make love, though we're in Hell
Getting wet in the flames, JUST ONE MORE KISS*

It's fine if you're here
It's fine if I go mad
It's fine if you're here
It's fine if I go mad
If I go mad…

*In this song, Sakurai refers back to BUCK-TICK’s earlier works: the song “Sex For You,” off the album TABOO, the Six/Nine album, and the band’s hit single “JUST ONE MORE KISS.” The result of these references is obviously a sexual one (who could have figured that one out I wonder?)
05.Mona Lisa
         Mona Lisa
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Nemure ashita ga hoshii darou furuedashitara yoake made motenai
I hear nothing see nothing say nothing
Kraus no Hyper opera voice song hibikiwataru
Adios Amigo gomi no yama asaru Alchemist
Long long ago tsumetai yubi niku ni tsukitate futari ga dakiatta

Kooritsukisou nanda kimi no koto wo
Furue ga tomaru you ni kikasete yo
Kooritsukisou nanda kimi no koto wo
Furue ga tomaru you ni kimi no koto kikasete yo

Oshietehoshii kikasetehoshii yogoreteiru ka okashii ka
Sore demo kamawanai ka
Warattehoshii miteitehoshii sore nara koko wo uchinuite
Kuretemo kamawanai sa

Sabanna ga miwataseru oka Son of a gun by oneself nakidasu
Soko ni iru no ka sawatteitekure karadajuu furuedashita
Mizu no oku made torihada de umaru keiren ga houyou miminari ga shaberikakeru
Long long ago namanurui shizuku ito wo hiku mou nido to aenai n da

Kooritsukisou nanda kimi no koto wo
Furue ga tomaru you ni kikasete yo
Kooritsukisou nanda kimi no koto wo
Furue ga tomaru you ni kimi no koto kikasete yo

Oshietehoshii kikasetehoshii yogoreteiru ka okashii ka
Sore demo kamawanai ka
Warattehoshii miteitehoshii sore nara koko wo uchinuite
Kuretemo kamawanai sa

Oshietehoshii kikasetehoshii yogoreteiru ka okashii ka
Sore demo kamawanai ka
Warattehoshii miteitehoshii sore nara koko wo uchinuite
Kuretemo kamawanai sa
Oshietehoshii kikasetehoshii yogoreteiru ka okashii ka
Sore demo kamawanai ka
Warattehoshii miteitehoshii sore nara koko wo uchinuite
Kuretemo kamawanai sa
         Mona Lisa

眠れ明日が欲しいだろう 震え出したら夜明けまで持てない
I hear nothing see nothing say nothing
KrausのHyper opera voice song 響き渡る
Adios Amigo ゴミの山あさる Alchemist
Long long ago 冷たい指肉につき立て 二人が抱き合った

凍りつきそうなんだ 君のことを
震えが止まるように 聞かせてよ 
凍りつきそうなんだ 君のことを
震えが止まるように 君のこと聞かせてよ

教えて欲しい聞かせて欲しい 汚れているかおかしいか
笑って欲しい見ていて欲しい それならここを撃ち抜いて

サバンナ見渡せる丘 Son of a gun by oneself 泣き出す
そこにいるのか さわっていてくれ 体中が震え出した
水の奥まで鳥肌で埋まる 痙攣が抱擁耳鳴りがしゃべりかける
Long long ago生ぬるい雫糸を引く もう二度と会えないんだ

凍りつきそうなんだ 君のことを
震えが止まるように 聞かせてよ 
凍りつきそうなんだ 君のことを
震えが止まるように 君のこと聞かせてよ

教えて欲しい聞かせて欲しい 汚れているかおかしいか
笑って欲しい見ていて欲しい それならここを撃ち抜いて

教えて欲しい聞かせて欲しい 汚れているかおかしいか
笑って欲しい見ていて欲しい それならここを撃ち抜いて
教えて欲しい聞かせて欲しい 汚れているかおかしいか
笑って欲しい見ていて欲しい それならここを撃ち抜いて
         Mona Lisa
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Sleep—don't you want tomorrow?
If you tremble you can't hold on till dawn
I hear nothing see nothing say nothing
Kraus Hyper Opera voice song resounds
Adios Amigo, an Alchemist looking for a pile of garbage
Long long ago, we embraced, digging our fingers into the flesh*

You look like you’re going to freeze
Tell me, so you can stop shivering
You look like you’re going to freeze
Tell me about you, so you can stop shivering

I want you to teach me, I want you to tell me
If I’m dirty or strange, what does it matter?
I want you to laugh, I want you to look at me
It's fine if you do me the favor of shooting me*

On the hill overlooking the savanna
Son of a gun by oneself bursts into tears
Are you there? Please touch me
My body starts to tremble inside
I'm covered in goose bumps in the depths of the water
Convulsions are embraces, the buzzing in my ears speaks to me
Long long ago, lukewarm drops of water drew threads
You and I can never meet again

You look like you’re going to freeze
Tell me, so you can stop shivering
You look like you’re going to freeze
Tell me about you, so you can stop shivering

I want you to teach me, I want you to tell me
If I’m dirty or strange, what does it matter?
I want you to laugh, I want you to look at me
It's fine if you do me the favor of shooting me*

I want you to teach me, I want you to tell me
If I’m dirty or strange, what does it matter?
I want you to laugh, I want you to look at me
It's fine if you do me the favor of shooting me*
I want you to teach me, I want you to tell me
If I’m dirty or strange, what does it matter?
I want you to laugh, I want you to look at me
It's fine if you do me the favor of shooting me*

Note: many of the nonsensical phrases in this translation were written in English in the original lyrics, so I didn’t change them. I didn’t italicize or boldface them so as not to interrupt the flow of the translation, but if you are interested, please check the Japanese text to see which parts were originally English.

*I wrote “flesh,” but “niku,” the Japanese word Imai used here actually means “meat.” In this case, I felt that flesh conveyed the meaning better. I just want to stress with this note that Imai was being very vulgar here, referring to the body as meat.

**This line has given me trouble for a while, but basically what Imai means here is that if the "you" referred to in the song is willing to notice him, it's fine if that person goes ahead and shoots him through the heart. The further implication is that shooting him through the heart would be doing him a favor.
06.GIRL -Shape2-
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

natsu no owari no sora no you ni kimi wo miteiru to
nandaka sou totemo ii yokan ga suru n da

Just a single girl

wasureteshimaitaku naru you na koto
sekai ga kuzuresou na sonna koto bakari ja nai hazu darou

Just a single girl

soko de tachidomaru soko de furikaeru
soko de miagete kami ga yurete kimi wa mou arukidashita

natsu no owari no sora no you ni kimi wo miteiru to
nandaka sou totemo ii yokan ga suru n da

amai kaori ga nemuri no oku de
amai kaori ga kiseki wo okosu

Just a single girl

asahi wa terashi hana wa saki ai mo aru
ano suikomaresou na sora wa ao kaze wa made fuiteiru

tatoe negai ya inori da toshitemo
tatoe yume monogatari demo ii kimi ni wa totemo niau hazu

amai kaori ga nemuri no oku de
amai kaori ga kiseki wo okosu
amai kaori ga nemuri no oku de
amai kaori ga kaze ni fukarete

Just a single girl

夏の終わりの空のように 君を見ていると
何だかそう とてもいい予感がするんだ

Just a single girl

世界が崩れそうな そんなことばかりじゃないはずだろう

Just a single girl

そこで立ち止まる そこで振り返る
そこで見上げて 髪が揺れて 君はもう歩き出した

夏の終わりの空のように 君を見ていると
何だかそう とてもいい予感がするんだ

甘い香りが 眠りの奥で
甘い香りが 奇蹟を起こす

Just a single girl

朝日は照らし 花は咲き愛もある
あの吸い込まれそうな空は青 風はまだ吹いている

たとえ夢物語でもいい 君にはとても似合うはず

甘い香りが 眠りの奥で
甘い香りが 奇蹟を起こす
甘い香りが 眠りの奥で
甘い香りが 風に吹かれて

Just a single girl
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Just like the sky at the end of summer, when I look at you
Somehow, I have a good feeling…

Just a single girl

Like something I want to forget about
Like the world’s about to crumble—it’s not supposed to be something like that

Just a single girl

Over there, standing still
Over there, looking back
Over there, looking up, your hair blowing, you’ve already started walking

Just like the sky at the end of summer, when I look at you
Somehow, I have a good feeling…

The morning sun shines, the flowers bloom, there's love all around
The sky so blue I could just breath it in
The wind's just blowing

Even if it were a wish or a prayer
Even if it were an empty dream, it would look good on you

This sweet scent penetrates to the depths of sleep
This sweet scent makes miracles happen
This sweet scent penetrates to the depths of sleep
This sweet scent is blown on the wind

Just a single girl
07.Sid Vicious On The Beach
         Sid Vicious ON THE BEACH
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Doko de mo mikaketa rei no ano Venus
Korogaru you ni tondeiru tenshi
Ai wo furimaku Aphrodite
Kaze ni soyoideiru andaaheaa

Cool na Design sono kakudo ga totemo zetsumyou na

Cobalt 60 uchiage hibana
Ai yori fukaku sekai wo nomikomu

Cool na Design sono kakudo ga totemo zetsumyou na

Koritenai sukuenai umaku ikanai kono hoshi
Konran koso wa ga bohyou tsubuyaita

Taikutsu na hoshi ga kuruguru mawaru merry go round
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH
Taikutsu na hoshi ga kuruguru mawaru merry go round
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

Mabataki hikari mo kuzu to kieru kobaruto buruu da
Hakike ga suru hodo romatic da ze Wonderful World

Waraenai kudaranai
Fuck you never come here again
Suiheisen minami kaze ga fuiteita

Taikutsu na hi wa mata nobotte hi wa mata shizumu kurikaesu
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH
hi wa mata nobotte hi wa mata shizumu Let me go
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH
         Sid Vicious ON THE BEACH

どこでも見かけた 例のあのVenus


コバルト60 打ち上げ火花


懲りてない救えない うまくいかないこの星

退屈な星が狂々回るMerry go round
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH
退屈な星が狂々回るMerry go round
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

吐き気がするほどロマンチックだぜWonderful world

Fuck you never come here again
水平線 南風が吹いていた

退屈な 陽はまた昇って 陽はまた沈む繰り返す
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH
陽はまた昇って 陽はまた沈むLet me go
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH
         Sid Vicious ON THE BEACH
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

No matter where I looked, I saw that Venus*
An angel flying as if tumbling
Aphrodite lavishing love
Pubic hair fluttering in the wind

Such a cool design, the angle is miraculous

Cobalt 60 launching sparks
I’m taking in a world deeper than love

Such a cool design, the angle is miraculous

It's hopeless if we don't learn from experience
On this planet where we just won't get along**
"Chaos will mark our graves," I murmur

This stupid planet turns madly like a merry go round***
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH
This stupid planet turns madly like a merry go round
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

Twinkling cobalt-blue light disappears with the garbage
Wonderful World, so romantic I'll puke

You're so worthless I can't even laugh
Fuck you never come here again
The south wind blows at the horizon

The stupid sun rises again, sinks again, and repeats
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH
The sun rises again, sinks again, let me go
Just a Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

Fuckin' class hero ON THE BEACH

*The grammar structure used here, “rei no ano Venus,” refers to something (Venus, in this case) spoken of before or aforementioned. Incidentally, in the Japanese versions of the Harry Potter books, “You-Know-Who” is translated as “rei no ano hito.”

**In the original lyrics, Imai used the word "hoshi," which means "star," not "planet." I originally translated the word as "star" but eventually I decided it just didn't work that well so I translated it as "planet" instead, because that's what Imai means here anyway. "Hoshi" is just a poetic term.

***The words Imai uses here are “kuruguru mawaru.” “Kuruguru” is an onomatopoetic word to describe something turning or spinning, “mawaru” is a verb meaning “to turn.” “Kuruguru” would normally be spelled in hiragana, however, Imai spells it here using the kanji for “kuruu,” meaning “to go mad.” Thus, I have translated it as “turning madly.”
08.Black Cherry
         Black Cherry
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi and Hoshino Hidehiko
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

omae wa Queen nakenashi no ai yaseppocchi no yubi de
hirogeru kizu marude stripper chi no iro no furuutsu

BLACK CHERRY oishisou na Baby
totemo suteki da yo kuchizuketai
BLACK CHERRY mukidashi no Baby
daraku no fuchi e ore wa shizunjimau

omae wa Honey afuredasu mitsu ore wa hizamazuite
muchuu de kuurau marude inu mitai namida sae nagasu

BLACK CHERRY atama kara Baby
tsumasaki ni kakete kuchizuketai
BLACK CHERRY zubunure na Baby
daraku no fuchi de ore wa oborechimau

omae ni wa karukai kuruoshii omoi ga
omae ni mierukai iyashii ore ga

subarashii kono toki yume no you na hitotoki
subarashii kono toki yume no you na kono hitotoki wo

BLACK CHERRY oishisou na Baby
totemo suteki da yo kuchizuketai
BLACK CHERRY mukidashi no Baby
daraku no fuchi e ore wa shizunjimau
BLACK CHERRY atama kara Baby
tsumasaki ni kakete kuchizuketai
BLACK CHERRY zubunure na Baby
daraku no fuchi de ore wa oborechimau

omae ni wa karukai kuruoshii omoi ga
omae ni mierukai iyashii ore ga iyashii ore ga

お前はQueen なけなしの愛痩せっぽちの指で


お前はHoney溢れ出す密 俺は跪いて
夢中で喰らう まるで犬みたい 涙さえ流す


お前に解るかい 狂おしい想いが
お前に見えるかい 卑しい俺が

素晴らしいこの瞬間 夢の様なひととき
素晴らしいこの瞬間 夢の様なこのひとときを


お前に解るかい 狂おしい想いが
お前に見えるかい 卑しい俺が 卑しい俺が
         Black Cherry
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi and Hoshino Hidehiko
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

You’re a queen, with rail-thin loveless fingers
You just keep hurting me
A perfect stripper, a blood-colored fruit

BLACK CHERRY delicious-looking Baby
You’re so beautiful I want to kiss you
BLACK CHERRY showing it all Baby
I’m sinking to the depths of corruption

You’re the honey, my honey spilling over
I’m kneeling, eating it like a dog
So much ecstasy I'm crying

BLACK CHERRY, I want to kiss you, Baby
From your head to your toes
BLACK CHERRY, dripping wet Baby
I’m drowning in the depths of corruption

Can you understand my crazy, luscious thoughts?
Can you see me, vile and vulgar?

This wonderful moment, this one moment like a dream
This wonderful moment, this one moment like a dream…

BLACK CHERRY delicious-looking Baby
You’re so beautiful I want to kiss you
BLACK CHERRY showing it all Baby
I’m sinking into the depths of corruption
BLACK CHERRY, I want to kiss you, Baby
From your head to your toes
BLACK CHERRY, dripping wet Baby
I’m drowning in the depths of corruption

Can you understand my crazy, luscious thoughts?
Can you see me, vile and vulgar?
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music:Imai Hisashi

Hi wo fuku you na arukooru yottsunbai no me
Unzari sabita kamisori ja ore mo korosenai

Akuma kara no gifuto boku no madobe ni
Kyouran kyouki tsukiakari wo dossari buchikomu

Muchuu sa tottemo hai nanda
Kagami ni utsuru anta ni

Afureru yokubou omae ni tsukisasu

Ashikase kishimu seichi kibisu kaeseba
Muchi utsu sakebi koe no ore wa zainin

Itsuka no aoi hoshi mo ima ja haiiro
Kawaii ze buta ni shinju ai no genzai

Kirai da daikirai nanda
Kagami ni utsuru anta ga

Afureru yokubou omae ni tsukisasu

Muchuu sa tottemo hai nanda
Kagami ni utsuru anta ni

Afureru yokubou omae ni tsukisasu
Tsukisasu tsukisasu tsukisasu tsukisasu

火を噴くようなアルコール 四つんばいの眼
ウンザリ錆びたカミソリじゃ オレも殺せない

悪魔からのギフト 僕の窓辺に
狂乱 狂気 月明かりを どっさりブチ込む

夢中さ とってもハイなんだ

溢れる 欲望 お前に 突き刺す

足枷軋む聖地 踵返せば
ムチ鬱 叫び声の オレは罪人

いつかの青い星も 今じゃ灰色
カワイイゼ 豚に真珠 愛に原罪

キライだ 大キライなんだ

溢れる 欲望 お前に 突き刺す

夢中さ とってもハイなんだ

溢れる 欲望 お前に 突き刺す
突き刺す 突き刺す 突き刺す 突き刺す
         Genzai (Original Sin)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Alcohol spitting flames, an eyeball on all fours
A rusty old razor can't even kill me

A gift from the devil at my window
Frenzy, madness, moonlight--fuck it all

I’m in a trance, I’m so high
Into you, reflected in the mirror

Into you, I thrust my overflowing desire

Grating at the fetters of the holy ground
If I could just get my legs free...
Gloom and ignorance, I scream as they whip me
I'm a criminal

A once-blue star now turned to grey
So cute--pearls before swine
Original sin in love

I hate you, I really hate you
You, reflected in the mirror

Into you, I thrust my overflowing desire

I’m in a trance, I’m so high
Into you, reflected in the mirror

Into you, I thrust my overflowing desire
I thrust I thrust I thrust I thrust

*In this line, Sakurai uses the word “muchiutsu,” meaning “to whip,” but he spells it with the kanji “utsu” meaning “depression.” He spells “muchi” in katakana, implying that it could be read as a separate word. By itself, “muchi” means “ignorance.” (As in the title of “Muchi no Namida.)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Ore wa buttobashiteiru yoru wo buttobashiteiru
Atama no bakemono ga ore no naka de bukkowareteiru

Abareru machine ketsu ga suberu furueru kodou hikari ga tsutsumu

Ore wa bukkowareteiru yoru ni bukkowareteiru
Atama no bakemono ga ore no naka de buttowashiteiru

Kurueru machine yami ni hoeru zenkai na kodou hikari ga tsutsumu

Kakusei suru masshiro na rain tokashitekure
Doko made mo takaku tobu sa tokashitekure

Omae no naka ni ore ga iru ore no naka ni omae ga iru

Ore wa buttobashiteiru yoru ni buttobashiteiru
Atama no bakemono ga ore no naka de bukkowareteiru

Kurueru machine ketsu ga suberu furueru kodou hikari ga tsutsumu

Kakusei suru masshiro na rain tokashitekure
Doko made mo takaku tobu sa tokashitekure
Kakusei suru masshiro na rain tokashitekure
Doko made mo takaku tobu sa tokashitekure

Omae no naka ni ore ga iru ore no naka ni omae ga iru

俺はブッ飛ばしている 夜をブッ飛ばしている
頭の化物が俺の中で ブッ壊れている

暴れる MACHINE ゲツが滑る 震える鼓動 光が包む

俺はブッ壊れている 夜にブッ壊れている
頭の化物が 俺の中でブッ飛ばしている

狂える MACHINE 闇に吠える 全開な鼓動 光が包む

覚醒する真っ白なライン 溶かしてくれ
何処までも高く飛ぶさ 溶かしてくれ

お前の中に俺がいる 俺の中に お前がいる

俺はブッ飛ばしている 夜をブッ飛ばしている
頭の化物が 俺の中でブッ壊れている

狂える MACHINE ゲツが滑る 震える鼓動 光が包む

覚醒する真っ白なライン 溶かしてくれ
何処までも高く飛ぶさ 溶かしてくれ
覚醒する真っ白なライン 溶かしてくれ
何処までも高く飛ぶさ 溶かしてくれ

お前の中に俺がいる 俺の中に お前がいる
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

I’m going at full speed, blasting through the night
The monster in my head is crushing me inside

A raging machine, my ass is slipping
My heartbeat trembles as I'm wrapped in light

I'm being crushed, being crushed by the night
The monster in my head is beating me

A machine gone crazy, the night is roaring
My heart beats at full throttle as I'm wrapped in light

The white line that makes you high--melt it*
Wherever we go, we can fly high--melt it

I’m inside you, you’re inside me

I’m going at full speed, blasting through the night
The monster in my head is crushing me inside

A crazy machine, my ass is slipping
My heartbeat trembles as I'm wrapped in light

The white line that makes you high--melt it
Wherever we go, we can fly high--melt it
The white line that makes you high--melt it
Wherever we go, we can fly high--melt it

I’m inside you, you’re inside me

*I'm 95% sure he's talking about a line of cocaine, but if you prefer to imagine he's snorting PixyStix instead, go right ahead.
11.愛ノ歌(Ai no Uta)
         Ai no Uta
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

omae no me ga yoru wo utsusu setsujitsu na me ore wo tsukisasu
toki yo tomare kono shunkan ni ikiteiru koto setsuna kanjiteiru
aa aisuru hito yo

ore no ue de kimi ga yureru omae no naka ore wa owaru
toki yo tomare zutto kono mama amaku setsunai yoin no mama de

aa ai suru hito yo saa kono yo no hate de

utaou ai no uta wo ai no uta wo kurutta sekai de
omae ni ai no uta wo ai no uta wo anata ni sasageyou

aa aisuru hito yo saa kono yo no hate de

utaou ai no uta wo ai no uta wo kurutta sekai de
omae ni ai no uta wo ai no uta wo anata ni sasageru
utaou ai no uta wo ai no uta wo kurutta sekai de
omae ni ai no uta wo ai no uta wo anata ni sasageyou
作詞 櫻井敦司
作曲 今井寿

お前の目が夜を映す 切実な目オレを突き刺す
時よ止まれこの瞬間に 生きている事刹那感じている

ああ 愛する人よ

オレの上で君が揺れる お前の中オレは終わる
時よ止まれずっとこのまま 甘く切ない余韻のままで

ああ 愛する人よ さあ この夜の果てで

歌おう 愛の歌を 愛の歌を 狂った世界で
お前に 愛の歌を 愛の歌を あなたに捧げよう

ああ 愛する人よ さあ この夜の果てて

歌おう 愛の歌を 愛の歌を 狂った世界で
お前に 愛の歌を 愛の歌を あなたに捧げる
歌おう 愛の歌を 愛の歌を 狂った世界で
お前に 愛の歌を 愛の歌を あなたに捧げよう
         Ai no Uta (Song of Love)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Your eyes reflect the night
Your urgent gaze pierces me
Stop time, in this instant
I feel so alive

Ah, my love

You writhe above me
I end inside you
Stop time, just stay like this
Sweetly, painfully lingering

Ah, my love
Ah, at the end of the world

I’ll sing it, a song of love, a song of love in this mad world
For you, a song of love, a song of love, I offer it to you

Ah, my love
Ah, at the end of the world

I’ll sing it, a song of love, a song of love in this mad world
For you, a song of love, a song of love, I lift up to you
I’ll sing it, a song of love, a song of love in this mad world
For you, a song of love, a song of love, I offer it to you