
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)

Buck-Tick - 天使のリボルバー

Label: BMG Japan
Catalog#: BVCR-17057/17058[DVD/w]
Format: CD, Album, Limited Edition
Country: Japan
Released: 19 Sep 2007
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Industrial

01.Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
         Mr.Darkness & Mrs.Moonlight

天使のように完全 天国より禁断
uh・・bravo  uh・・bravo
宇宙  世界中  体中

Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight  地獄のように熱いんだ
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight  死ぬほど愛してる Baby
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight

クロスで契約交わしたんだ  魔王の角で貫いてよ
愛してる  My sweet sweet Baby
死ぬほど愛してるBaby  魔王の角で貫いてよ
愛してる  My sweet sweet Baby

ルシファーに売るBlues  十字路で落とす
oh・・my god  oh・・my god
宇宙  世界中  体中

Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight  地獄のように熱いんだ
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight  死ぬほど愛してる Baby
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight

クロスで契約交わしたんだ  魔王の角で貫いてよ
愛してる  My sweet sweet Baby
死ぬほど愛してるBaby  魔王の角で貫いてよ
愛してる  My sweet sweet Baby

Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight  死ぬほど愛してる Baby
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight  死ぬほど愛してる Baby
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight  死ぬほど愛してる Baby
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight  魔王の角で貫いてよ
         Mr.Darkness & Mrs.Moonlight
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

You’re perfect like an angel, and more forbidden than paradise
Uh…bravo, uh…bravo
In the cosmos, all over the world, and throughout my body

Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight, it’s as hot as the fires of hell
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight, baby, I love you so much I could die
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight

We made a pact on the cross, pierced through with the devil’s horns*
I love you, my sweet sweet baby
Baby, I love you so much I could die pierced through with the devil’s horns
I love you, my sweet sweet baby

We sold the blues to Lucifer and dropped them at the crossroads
Oh…my god, oh…my god
In the cosmos, all over the world, and throughout my body

Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight, it’s as hot as the fires of hell
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight, baby, I love you so much I could die
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight

We made a pact on the cross, pierced through with the devil’s horns
I love you, my sweet sweet baby
Baby, I love you so much I could die pierced through with the devil’s horns
I love you, my sweet sweet baby

Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight, baby, I love you so much I could die
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight, baby, I love you so much I could die
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight, baby, I love you so much I could die
Mr. Darkness and Mrs. Moonlight, pierced through with the devil’s horns

*The word here, “tsuranuku,” which I translated as “to pierce,” really means “to go through,” however, I thought that in context, “pierce” made the most sense. The kanji can also mean “to penetrate,” so perhaps there is also some small sexual connotation here, too.
02.Rendezvous ~ランデヴー~
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Be my baby
Be bop a baby
She's my baby love

Watashi no tonari de hohoemu tenshi yo
Tobitatsu futari wa hoshikuzu RENDEZVOUS

Tatta hitogoto kiite kureru kai
Sou ananta ni aeta yorokobi ni
Kokoro kara arigatou

Watashi no kono mune madoromu tenshi yo
Tobikau seirei yumemiru RENDEZVOUS

Tatte hitogoto ittemiru no sa
Sou anata ni aete yokatta tte
Kokoro kara arigatou

Mou ichido arigatou anata wo aishiteiru
Anata ni arigatou mouichido saigo ni

Tatta hitogoto kiite kureru kai
Sou sayonara ga kuru sono hi made kokoro kara
Tatte hitogoto ittemiru no sa
Sou anata ni aete yokatta tte
Kokoro kara arigatou

Mou ichido arigatou anata wo aishiteiru
Anata ni anata ni

Be my baby
Be bop a baby
She's my baby love

私の隣で 微笑む天使よ
飛び立つ二人は 星屑RENDEZVOUS

たった一言 聞いてくれるかい
そう あなたに会えた喜びに
心から ありがとう

私のこの胸 まどろむ天使よ
飛び交う精霊 夢見るRENDEZVOUS

たった一言 言ってみるのさ
そう あなたに会えて良かったって
心から ありがとう

もう一度 ありがとう あなたを 愛している
あなたに ありがとう もう一度 最後に

たった一言 聞いてくれるかい
そう さよならが来るその日まで 心から
たった一言 言ってみるのさ
そう あなたに会えて良かったって
心から ありがとう

もう一度 ありがとう あなたを 愛している
あなたに あなたに
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Be my baby
Be bop a baby
She's my baby love

You’re a smiling angel by my side
Together we fly to a stardust rendezvous

Please listen, just to this one word
Thank you, from my heart
For the joy of having met you

You’re a slumbering angel in my heart
We're fluttering ghosts, dreaming of a rendezvous

I'll say just one word
Thank you, from my heart
I'm so glad I met you

Thank you, I love you, one more time
At the end, I'll thank you, one more time

Please listen, just to this one word
Yes, from my heart, until the day we say goodbye
I'll say just one word
Thank you, from my heart
I’m so glad I met you

Thank you, I love you, one more time
Thank you, thank you
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Furisosogu taiyou mabushikute tamaranai
Issou tada kage no you keshisatte kamawanai

Bokura jigoku mitai na netsu de
Bokura minna jouhatsu sasete

Sukeru hifu chi no kuda kamitsuite hanasanai
Motsuretara hodokenai mou nido to hodokenai

Bokura dakou no su de karamiau
Tokenai giwaku no ozuwarudo

Nee shiranai darou hora owaranai kuro wo
Yami yori fukai kurai kurai yami wo

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Nani mo ka mo tokedashite
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Dakiaitai mazariaitai Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

Bokura dakou no su de karamiau
Tokenai giwaku no ozuwarudo
Bokura marude montaaju mitai
Boku mazariai kimi ga inai

Nee shiranai darou hora owaranai kuro wo
Yami yori fukai kurai kurai yami wo

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Nani mo ka mo tokedashite
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Dakiaitai mazariaitai
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Nani mo ka mo tokedashite
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Dakiaitai mazariaitai
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Furisosogu taiyou mabushikute tamaranai
Issou boku kage no you montaaju mou inai

Dakiaitai mazariaitai

降り注ぐ太陽 眩しくて たまらない
いっそう ただ 影のよう 消し去って かまわない

僕ら 地獄みたいな熱で
僕ら みんな蒸発させて

透ける皮膚 血の管 咬みついて 放さない
縺れたら 解けない もう二度と 解けない

僕ら 蛇行の巣で絡み合う
解けない 疑惑のオズワルド

ねえ 知らないだろう ほら 終わらない黒を
闇より 深い 暗い 暗い 闇を

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
抱き合いたい 雑ざり合いたい Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

僕ら 蛇行の巣で絡み合う
解けない 疑惑のオズワルド
僕ら まるでモンタージュみたい
僕ら 混ざり合い君がいない

ねえ 知らないだろう ほら 終わらない黒を
闇より 深い 暗い 暗い 闇を

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
抱き合いたい 雑ざり合いたい 
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
抱き合いたい 愛し合いたい
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
降り注ぐ太陽 眩しくて たまらない
いっそう 僕 影のよう モンタージュ もういない

抱き合いたい 雑ざり合いたい
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

The sun raining down is so bright, I just can't stand it
If it were all erased, just like a shadow
I wouldn't care

You and I, with a passion hot as hell
You and I make everyone disappear
You and I…You and I…

I bite into your veins through your transparent skin, and I won’t let go
When we tangle together, we’ll never come apart
We’ll never again come apart

We tangle together like snakes in their nest
We can't uncoil our suspicions of Oswald

Hey, I don’t think we know
Look, into the endless black
Deeper than darkness
Darker, darker than darkness

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Melt everything away
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Let’s hold each other, blend together
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah

We tangle together like snakes in their nest
We can't uncoil our suspicions of Oswald
You and I are just like a montage
You and I…when we mix, you’re not there

Hey, I don’t think we know
Look, into the endless black
Deeper than darkness
Darker, darker than darkness

Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Melt everything away
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Let’s hold each other, blend together
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Melt everything away
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Let’s hold each other, love each other
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah!
The sun raining down is so bright, I just can't stand it
And I’m just like a shadow
Our montage is already gone

Let’s hold each other, blend together

Note: Some have speculated that the “Oswald” referred to in this song is Lee Harvey Oswald, who was accused of assassinating Jonh F. Kennedy in 1963. However, if this were true, it would mean that Imai wrote a dark, passionate love song about John and Jackie Kennedy. considering Imai's previous lyrical idiosyncrasies, I suppose that's not impossible, but then again, there are countless other Oswalds in history and literature, and maybe in his brain, so I would say, pick your favorite one, or use your imagination.
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Ai no nai hanashi wa kirai tenshi no hane haeru ka na
Lily kimi ga hoshigatta
Lily hane wa mitsuketa ka

Mabataki kaze eien

Ai no nai hanashi wa kirai hane no tame ni sora wa aru
Lily kimi ga miageteru
Lily sora wa mizuiro ka

Fui ni sekai wa futari sa

Furimuku na tonde ikeru kimi ga supiido gogo no sora
Furimuku na tonde ikeru kimi ga azayaka gogo no sora
Koko ga towa

Mabataki kaze eien
Fui ni sekai wa futari sa

Furimuku na tonde ikeru kimi ga supiido gogo no sora
Furimuku na tonde ikeru kimi ga azayaka gogo no sora
Furimuku na tonde ikeru kimi ga supiido gogo no sora
Furimuku na tonde ikeru kimi ga azayaka gogo no sora
Koko ga towa

Furimuku na tonde ikeru kimi ga supiido gogo no sora
Koko ga towa

愛のない話は嫌い  天使の羽  生えるかな
リリィ  君が欲しがった
リリィ  羽はみつけたか

瞬き  風  永遠

愛のない話は嫌い  羽のために空はある
リリィ  君が見上げてる
リリィ  空は水色か


振り向くな  飛んで行ける  君がスピード  午後の空
振り向くな  飛んで行ける  君が鮮やか  午後の空

瞬き  風  永遠

振り向くな  飛んで行ける  君がスピード  午後の空
振り向くな  飛んで行ける  君が鮮やか  午後の空
振り向くな  飛んで行ける  君がスピード  午後の空
振り向くな  飛んで行ける  君が鮮やか  午後の空

振り向くな  飛んで行ける  君がスピード  午後の空
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

I don’t like stories without love in them
Maybe I could sprout an angel’s wings
Lily, have I found
Lily, the wings you wanted?

For an instant, in the wind, forever

I don’t like stories without love in them
The sky exists for our wings
Lily, that sky you’re looking up at
Lily, is it the color of water?

Suddenly, the world becomes just us two

Don’t turn around, we can fly
You’re our speed in the afternoon sky
Don’t turn around, we can fly
You’re so vivid in the afternoon sky
This is forever

For an instant, in the wind, forever
Suddenly, the world becomes just us two

Don’t turn around, we can fly
You’re our speed in the afternoon sky
Don’t turn around, we can fly
You’re so vivid in the afternoon sky
Don’t turn around, we can fly
You’re our speed in the afternoon sky
Don’t turn around, we can fly
You’re so vivid in the afternoon sky
This is forever

Don’t turn around, we can fly
You’re our speed in the afternoon sky
This is forever
05.La Vie En Rose ~ラヴィアン・ローズ~
         La vie en Rose
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

Mayonaka wo kirisaki doresu hikisaku
Koe wo agete shiri wo agete
Suitsuku you na hada ni yubi suberaseba
Tsumetaku koruto komekami hajiku

Yasumono kooto eri wo tate
Hikizuru you ni hikizurarete yuku

Jinsei wa barairo nante subarashii
Jinsei wa barairo nante hakanai no deshou ne

Genzu buuru ame dou dada bishonure no marii
Hadashii no marii itoshii mariiruu
Roji ura noraneko ore wa yume mita
Asu ga hoshii to omae ga hoshii to

Jitan no kemuri kara no botoru
Hibiwareta koe naru you ni nare

Jinsei wa barairo nante subarashii
Jinsei wa barairo marude yume miteiru mitai ne

Jinsei wa barairo nante subarashii
Jinsei wa barairo nante hakanai no deshou ne
Jinsei wa barairo nante subarashiir
Jinsei wa barairo marude yume miteiru mitai ne
         La vie en Rose ~ラヴィアン・ローズ~

真夜中を切り裂き ドレス引き裂く
声を上げて 尻を上げて
吸い付くような肌に 指滑らせば
冷たくコルト こめかみ弾く

安物コート 襟を立て
引きずる様に 引きずられてゆく

人生はバラ色 なんて素晴らしい
人生はバラ色 なんて儚いのでしょうね

ゲンズブール 雨ドゥダダ びしょ濡れのマリー
裸足のマリー 愛しいしマリールー
路地裏 野良猫 俺は夢見た
明日が欲しいと お前が欲しいと

ジタンの煙 空のボトル
ひび割れた声 なる様になれ

人生はバラ色 なんて素晴らしい
人生はバラ色 まるで夢見ているみたいね

人生はバラ色 なんて素晴らしい
人生はバラ色 なんて儚いのでしょうね
人生はバラ色 なんて素晴らしい
人生はバラ色 まるで夢見ているみたいね
         La vie en Rose
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

Tearing through midnight, tearing your dress off
Lift up your voice, lift up your ass
Sliding my fingers on your sticky skin
I snap the cold Colt against my temple*

I pull up the collar of my trashy coat
I’m seduced as if I’m the seducer

Life is rose colored, ah how wonderful**
Life is rose colored, and oh, it’s so short

Gainsbourg’s rain falls do-da-da onto my wet Marie***
Barefoot Marie, my beloved Marilou
A stray cat down a back alley, I dreamed
That I wanted tomorrow, that I wanted you

The Gitanes smoke, time cut short, the empty bottle****
My voiced cracks—just let it be

Life is rose colored, ah how wonderful
Life is rose colored, and it’s just as if we’re dreaming

Life is rose colored, ah how wonderful
Life is rose colored, and oh, it’s so short
Life is rose colored, ah how wonderful
Life is rose colored, and it’s just as if we’re dreaming

Note: “La Vie en Rose” was the title of a very famous song by the French cabaret singer, Édith Piaf. The song has been covered by a great number of other musical artists, and was also the name of the movie that was recently released about Piaf’s life. It’s a warm and passionate confession of love, with vaguely sexual undertones. Interestingly, this song was a great favorite of the theremin virtuosa Clara Rockmore, and her version of the song played on the theremin appears on “Clara Rockmore’s Lost Theremin Album.”

*Sakurai is referring here to the Colt .45 revolver. Also known as the “Single Action Army,” the Colt .45 is the classic six-shooter and the gun of the Wild West. Obviously, the reference here goes very well with the meaning of the album title. Another interesting note to make is that in the original Japanese, it's impossible to tell whether the narrator of the song is shooting himself or his partner. Since English requires that sentences have subjects, for the purpose of my translation, I had to make a choice. I chose to assume he's shooting himself, just because the song seems to be so much about self-destruction.

**This line contains some beautiful alliteration in the original Japanese, which I unfortunately could not reproduce in English. Sakurai sings “jinsei wa barairo, nante subarashii,” and emphasizes the word “bara,” which means “rose.”

***Serge Gainsbourg was a celebrated French composer. He wrote songs in all styles, but was particularly famous for his bent towards explicitly sexual lyrics. “Marilou” is a song by Gainsbourg, off his album “Cabbage-Head Man,” featuring the character Marilou. The song “Marilou” itself tells the story of a man’s love for a woman, Marilou, in slightly threatening terms. While singing of his love for her, he also threatens to beat her. The song includes a line which translates roughly to “on your guard, your life is short.” Sakurai’s lyrics for this song seem to call to the same themes. However, he said in an interview about the album (translated on this site, go read it!) that more than evoking a French theme, he was trying to express an atmosphere of general back-alley nightclub sleaziness and despair.

****This line contains a wonderful double entendre. The word “jitan,” which is spelled in katakana in the original lyrics, mean “shortening of time” in Japanese. However, “jitan” is also the katakana spelling for “Gitanes,” a French brand of dark cigarettes. “Gitanes” means “gypsy woman” and the Gitanes cigarettes package is emblazoned with the image of a gypsy woman holding a tambourine, highlighting the romantic rebel image that the cigarettes have due to their strong, bitter taste. Of course, if one smokes Gitanes, one’s life will surely be shortened, and the French-rebel image of the cigarettes helps add even more to the song’s theme of trashy, Francophile decadence. Another interesting note: Gitanes are the cigarettes of choice for Issay, vocalist of the Japanese Goth-pop band Der Zibet and a friend of Sakurai.

Special thanks to Kame for her help with French translations!
06.Cream Soda
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

Kuruisou da kuruisou da
Kuruisou da omae ni muchuu

Nee nee kimi tte nante charming
Nee nee kimi tte nante cute
Dai daisuki sa daisuki nanda
Dai daisuki sa daisuki

Torokesou da torokesou da
Torokesou da omae ni muchuu

Nee nee utatte aisu kuriimu
Nee nee boku tte nante fuck
Saa saa kurutte odoridasou
Kono yo wa kurutterun darou

Ikareteru ore wa anata no naka
Ikareteru ore wa omae no naka

Kuruisou da kuruisou da
Kuruisou da omae ni muchuu

Nee nee kimi tte nante charming
Nee nee kimi tte nante cute
Dai daisuki sa daisuki nanda
Dai daisuki sa daikirai

Ikareteru ore wa anata no naka
Ikareteru ore wa omae no naka

Nee nee utatte aisu kuriimu
Nee nee boku tte nante fuck
Saa saa kurutte odoridasou ze
Kono yo wa kurutterun darou

Ikareteru ore wa anata no naka
Ikareteru ore wa anata no naka

狂いそうだ 狂いそうだ
狂いそうだ お前に夢中

大大好きさ 大好きなんだ
大大好きさ 大好き

とろけそうだ とろけそうだ
とろけそうだ お前に夢中


いかれてる 俺はあなたの中
いかれてる 俺はおまえの中

狂いそうだ 狂いそうだ
狂いそうだ お前に夢中

大大好きさ 大好きなんだ
大大好きさ 大嫌い

いかれてる 俺はあなたの中
いかれてる 俺はおまえの中


いかれてる 俺はあなたの中
いかれてる 俺はおまえの中
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

I’m gonna go crazy, I’m gonna go crazy
I’m gonna go crazy, I’m delirious in you

Hey hey you’re so damn charming
Hey hey you’re so damn cute
I love, love, love you, I love you
I love, love, love you, I love you

I’m under your spell, I’m under your spell
I’m under your spell, I’m delirious in you

Hey hey sing to me about ice cream
Hey hey why don’t you fuck me
Yeah, yeah, let’s go crazy and dance
I think this world has gone fucking crazy

You’re making me come, I’m inside you
You’re making me come, I’m fucking inside you
I’m gonna go crazy

I’m gonna go crazy, I’m gonna go crazy
I’m gonna go crazy, I’m delirious in you

Hey hey you’re so damn charming
Hey hey you’re so damn cute
I love, love, love you, I love you
I love, love, love you, I hate you

You’re making me come, I’m inside you
You’re making me come, I’m fucking inside you
I’m gonna go crazy

Hey hey sing to me about ice cream
Hey hey why don’t you fuck me
Yeah, yeah, let’s go crazy and dance now
I think this world has gone fucking crazy

You’re making me come, I’m inside you
You’re making me come, I’m fucking inside you
I’m gonna go crazy

Note: Hats off to Sakurai for the fantastic word play in this song. The words “cream soda” sound just like the words “kuruisou da” (“I’m gonna go crazy”) that appear in the first line. And of course, the connotations and image of cream soda work very well with the theme of the rest of the song.
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Mitegoran konna ni mo yogorete
Boroboro no yaiba de motte kizutsuketa
Nukumori ni yasashisa ni iradachi se wo mukete wa
Hitotsu futatsu mittsu namida koboreta uu uu

Itsu kara ka konna ni mo yogorete
Kizuguchi wo whiskey de motte gomakashita
Shiawase ni yorokobi ni tomadoi se wo mukete wa
Yottsu itsutsu muttsu namida koboreta uu uu

Sing in the rain. Ame ga kimi ni tsukisasaru
Waracchimau ore wa waraenai piero
Kimi wo kanashimaseru tsumori ja nai sou ja nai no ni
Sing in the rain. Hito wa kanashii ikimono
Warattekure kimi wa zubunure de dansu
Itsuka sekai wa kagayaku deshou to utai tsuzukeru

Sayonara wa iwanaide kimi to deaeta yorokobi
Nanatsu yattsu namida namida afureta

Sing in the rain. Hito wa okashi na ikimono
Waracchimau ore wa waraenai piero
Kimi wo kanashimaseru tsumori ja nai sou ja nai no ni
Sing in the rain. Ame ga kimi ni tsukisasaru
Waracchimau ore wa waraenai piero
Kimi wo kanashimaseru tsumori ja nai sou ja nai no ni
Sing in the rain. Hito wa kanashii ikimono
Warattekure kimi wa zubunure de dansu
Itsuka sekai wa kagayaku deshou to utai tsuzukeru

Ame ni utaeba ame ni utaeba…

見てごらん  こんなにも  汚れて
ぬくもりに  優しさに  苛立ち背を向けては
ひとつ  ふたつ  みっつ  涙こぼれた  うう  うう

いつからか  こんなにも  溺れて
幸せに  喜びに  戸惑い背を向けては
よっつ  いつつ  むっつ  涙こぼれた  うう  うう

Sing in the rain.  雨が君に突き刺さる
笑っちまう  俺は笑えないピエロ
君を悲しませるつもりじゃない  そうじゃないのに
Sing in the rain.  人は悲しい生き物
笑ってくれ  君はずぶ濡れでダンス
いつか世界は輝くでしょうと  歌い続ける

さよならは  言わないで  君と出会えた喜び
ななつ  やっつ  涙  涙あふれた

Sing in the rain.  人は可笑しな生き物
笑っちまう  俺は笑えないピエロ
君を悲しませるつもりじゃない  そうじゃないのに
Sing in the rain.  雨が君に突き刺さる
笑っちまう  俺は笑えないピエロ
君を悲しませるつもりじゃない  そうじゃないのに
Sing in the rain.  人は悲しい生き物
笑ってくれ  君はずぶ濡れでダンス
いつか世界は輝くでしょうと  歌い続ける

雨に歌えば  雨にうたえば・・・

Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Look at me, here’s another way I'm tainted
I wounded you with a dull sword
I grew angry with warmth and gentleness, and turned my back on you
And one, two, three, my tears fell

Since when did I start to drown like this?
I deceived my scars with whiskey
I grew confused by happiness and joy, and I turned my back on you
And four, five, six, my tears fell

Sing in the rain. The rain stabs into you
I’m a clown who can’t smile, and I’m smiling
I didn’t want to make you sad, but even so…
Sing in the rain. People are sad creatures
Smile for me, as you dance, dripping wet
Keep singing to me that the world will shine again

I was so happy to have met you, without saying goodbye
And seven, eight, my tears…my tears overflowed

Sing in the rain. People are strange creatures
I’m a clown who can’t smile, and I’m smiling
I didn’t want to make you sad, but even so…
Sing in the rain. The rain stabs into you
I’m a clown who can’t smile, and I’m smiling
I didn’t want to make you sad, but even so…
Sing in the rain. People are sad creatures
Smile for me, as you dance, dripping wet
Keep singing to me that the world will shine again

When you sing in the rain
When you sing in the rain…
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Hametsu e tsuppashiru no sa fukidasu Extasy Yeahhh!
Ketsu ni hi ga tsuita ze Honey! Get it on Get it on Baby.
Ore-tachi kedamono na no sa furueru Sextasy Yeahhh!
Haato ni hi ga tsuita ze Honey! Get away Get away Baby.

Tsukiyo no erosu beddo ni tanatosu
Omae no aibu ga hoshii

Shinu made tsuppashiru no sa omae wa Extasy Yeahhh!
Ketsu ni hi ga tsuita ze Honey! Get it on Get it on Baby.

Tsukiyo no erosu beddo ni tanatosu
Omae no aibu ga hoshii
Abareru ribidoo senaka no neiru
Yaketsuku aibu ga hoshii

Ore wa maboroshi oikakeru kurutte inakerya ikirarenai
Omae no nioi shi no kaori nando mo nando mo nakisakebu Yeahhh!

Tsukiyo no erosu beddo ni tanatosu
Omae no aibu ga hoshii
Abareru ribidoo kuikomu neiru
Yaketsuku aibu ga hoshii

Ore wa maboroshi oikakeru kurutte inakerya ikirarenai
Omae no nioi shi no kaori nando mo nando mo nakisakebu
Ore wa maboroshi oikakeru kurutte inakerya ikirarenai
Omae no nioi shi no kaori nando mo nando mo nakisakebu Yeahhh!

破滅へ突っ走るのさ 噴きだすExtasy Yeahhh!
ケツに火がついたぜHoney! Get it on Get it on Baby.
俺達獣なのさ 震えるSextasy Yeahhh!
ハートに火がついたぜHoney! Get away Get away Baby.

月夜のエロス ベッドにタナトス

死ぬまで突っ走るのさ お前はExtasy Yeahhh!
ケツに火がついたぜHoney! Get it on Get it on Baby.

月夜のエロス ベッドにタナトス
暴れるリビドー 背中のネイル

俺は幻追い駆ける 狂っていなけりゃ生きられない
お前の匂い 死の香り 何度も何度も鳴き叫ぶ Yeahhh!

月夜のエロス ベッドにタナトス
暴れるリビドー 食い込むネイル

俺は幻追い駆ける 狂っていなけりゃ生きられない
お前の匂い 死の香り 何度も何度も鳴き叫ぶ 
俺は幻追い駆ける 狂っていなけりゃ生きられない
お前の匂い 死の香り 何度も何度も鳴き叫ぶ Yeahhh!
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

We’re running swiftly to our ruin, bursting out in ecstasy, yeahhh!
I’ve just got to have you, honey! Get it on, get it on baby*
You and I are beasts, trembling in sextasy, yeahhh!**
Your heart is on fire, honey! Get away, get away baby

Eros in the moonlit night, Thanatos in bed***
I long for your caresses

Running swiftly until we die, you’re my ecstasy, yeahhh!
I’ve just got to have you, honey! Get it on, get it on baby

Eros in the moonlit night, Thanatos in bed
I long for your caresses
Raging libido, your nails in my back
I long for your burning caresses

I’m chasing an illusion, I can’t live unless I go mad
Your smell and the fragrance of death, I’m screaming out again and again, yeahhh!

Eros in the moonlit night, Thanatos in bed
I long for your caresses
Raging libido, your nails eating in
I long for your burning caresses

I’m chasing an illusion, I can’t live unless I go mad
Your smell and the fragrance of death, I’m screaming out again and again, yeahhh!
I’m chasing an illusion, I can’t live unless I go mad
Your smell and the fragrance of death, I’m screaming out again and again, yeahhh!

*The expression used here “ketsu ni hi ga tsuku” literally means “your ass is on fire,” but it’s actually an idiomatic phrase referring to an urgent need to do something (or in this case, someone.)

**The word “sextasy,” is obviously not really a word, it’s a word Sakurai made up and used in the original lyrics, so of course I preserved it in the translation. Since we get a lot of visitors to this site who aren’t native English speakers, I’ll say that it’s a combination of the words “sex” and “ecstasy,” therefore it must mean “sexual ecstasy.” What’s not to like?

***Eros and Thanatos are the Greek gods of erotic love and death, respectively. Eros was the song of Aphrodite, goddess of love, and is classically portrayed as a beautiful winged young man with a bow and a quiver full of the arrows of love. Thanatos and his twin brother, Hypnos, god of sleep, were sons of Nyx, goddess of night, and Erebos, god of darkness. Early representations of Thanatos show him as fearsome, but later, he came to be associated only with peaceful or natural death, and has been portrayed as a beautiful winged man, similar to Eros.
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Mujou da mujou da mujou da zekkai
Ugomeku uzumaku arekuruu zekkai

Shizumi yuku taiyou sora ni kirameku hoshi
Nami no oto to ore to omae Baby, I love you.
Ii ka wasureru na yo ii sa wasurechimae
Kono yo wa zenbu omae no yume Baby, I love you.

Mujou da mujou da mujou da zekkai
Shirizoku ka sentou ka ikinuku zekkai

Nagareru chi wa akaku hidoku akaku akaku
Anata ga ii anata ja wakaran I love you.
Nagaruru namida naze, moroku hakanai yume
Anata ga ii anata ga ii Baby, I love you.

Mujou da mujou da mujou da zekkai
Ugomeku uzumaku arekuruu zekkai

Shizumi yuku taiyou sora ni kirameku hoshi
Nami no oto to ore to oma Baby, I love you.
Ii ka wasureru na yo ii sa wasurechimae
Kono yo wa zenbu omae no yume Baby, I love you.

Mujou da mujou da mujou da zekkai
Mujou da mujou da
Mujou da

無常だ 無常だ 無常だ  絶界
蠢く 渦巻く 荒れ狂う  絶界

沈みゆく太陽 空に煌めく星
波の音と 俺とおまえ Baby, I love you.
いいか忘れるなよ いいさ 忘れちまえ
この世は全部 おまえの夢 Baby, I love you.

無常だ 無常だ 無常だ  絶界
退くか 戦闘か 生き抜け 絶界

流れる血は赤く ひどく 紅く 紅く
あなたが好い あなたじゃ解からん I love you.
流るる涙 何故、もろく果敢無い夢
あなたが好い あなたが好い Baby, I love you.

無常だ 無常だ 無常だ  絶界
蠢く 渦巻く 荒れ狂う  絶界

沈みゆく太陽 空に煌めく星
波の音と 俺とおまえ Baby, I love you.
いいか忘れるなよ いいさ 忘れちまえ
この世は全部 おまえの夢 Baby, I love you.

無常だ 無常だ 無常だ  絶界
無常だ 無常だ 
         Zekkai (Absolute World)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

It’s so uncertain, uncertain, uncertain, this world
Squirming, spiraling, raging, this world*

The sinking sun, the shining stars in the sky
The sound of the waves, and you and I—Baby, I love you.
Please don't forget--no, it’s fine, forget it
This whole world is your dream, Baby, I love you.

It’s so uncertain, uncertain, uncertain, this world
Retreating or fighting, survive in this world

Your flowing blood is red, so awfully blood red, blood red
I love you, and you don’t know I love you.
The tears fall—why are dreams so fragile and fickle?
I love you, I’m fine with you, Baby, I love you.

It’s so uncertain, uncertain, uncertain, this world
Squirming, spiraling, raging, this world

The sinking sun, the shining stars in the sky
The sound of the waves, and you and I—Baby, I love you.
Please don't forget--no, it’s fine, forget it
This whole world is your dream, Baby, I love you.

It’s so uncertain, uncertain, uncertain, this world
It’s so uncertain, uncertain
So uncertain
This world

Note: “Zekkai” is a word which Sakurai admits to having made up himself. I think it’s a combination of the word “zettai,” meaning “absolutely,” and the word “sekai,” meaning “world.” I chose to translate “zekkai” as “this world” because I thought it conveyed the song’s surface meaning the best, and had the best flow. However, if you would like to visualize the double meaning better, substitute the word “absolutely,” every place where the phrase “this world” appears (except in the line “this whole world is your dream.”)

*The word Sakurai used here, “ugomeku,” usually refers to the action of a large number of insects, such as ants or cockroaches, swarming together in a mass. I couldn’t think of an English word with the same meaning, but the image was so powerful I felt the need to include a note about it. “Uzumaku” usually refers to the spiraling of a whirpool.
10.Snow White
         Snow white
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

Aa yume mite boku-tachi wa aishiau no sa
Aa mezamete boku-tachi wa koroshiau no ka

Saa nemutte boku-tachi wa aishiau no sa

Kobore ochiru ame yuki ni kawaru koro
Kogoeru yubisaki kimi no hoho ni

Masshiro na sekai nemureru kimi no yume ka maboroshi
Tatta hitosuji monokuroomu no hoho ni beni sasu

Dakiyoseta nara iki mo dekinai hodo
Kasaneta kuchibiru kimi no nioi

Masshiro na sekai nemureru kimi no yume ka maboroshi
Tatta hitosuji monokuroomu no hoho ni beni sasu

Mai odorimashou mai odorimashou
Haru wo matsu ni wa toosugite
Mai odorimashou mai odorimashou
Yume wo mita dake sou sore dake
         Snow white

ああ  夢見て  僕達は  愛し合うのさ
ああ  目覚めて  僕達は  殺しあうのか

さあ  眠って  僕達は  愛し合うのさ

零れ落ちる雨  雪に変わる頃
凍える指先  君の頬に

真白な世界  眠れる君の夢か  幻
たった一筋  モノクロームの頬に紅差す

抱き寄せたなら  息も出来ないほど
重ねた唇  君の匂い

真白な世界  眠れる君の夢か  幻
たった一筋  モノクロームの頬に紅差す

舞い踊りましょう  舞い踊りましょう
春を待つには 遠過ぎて
舞い踊りましょう  舞い踊りましょう
夢を見ただけ  そう  それだけ
         Snow white
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

Ah, I dream, and we love one another
Ah, I awaken…are we killing one other?

Ah, I sleep, and we love one another

When the pouring rain turns into snow
I put my frozen fingetips to your cheek

This white world must be your dream as you sleep, or an illusion
I spread a single line of red onto your monochrome face

If I were to hold you close, so close you couldn’t breathe
The close press of your lips, your smell…

This white world must be your dream as you sleep, or an illusion
I spread a single line of red onto your monochrome face

Let’s dance and fly away, let’s dance and fly away
Spring is too far away to wait for
Let’s dance and fly away, let’s dance and fly away
We were only dreaming…that’s right…only dreaming
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Karamaru yubi to kami yona yona ito haku
Anta no negai nara kanaete agetai kedo
Kirei na yokogao aojiroku ukabu
Anta no itami nado gomen yo wakari wa shinai

Motto motto beddo furuwasete
Konna mon ja dame sa tsuki agerou tenjou ura supai ai

Motsureru shita to yubi yona yona ito haku
Anta no nozomi nara kanaete agetai kedo
Namiutsu munamoto aojiroku hashiru
Anta no itami nado gomen yo wakari wa shinai

Motto gyutto ito wo taguriyose
Konna ai ja dame ka? Kurushii ka?

Midareteru no wa omae no sei da
Shake Hip Hit! Ore wa tobichitta kanashiki supaidaa

Motto motto beddo furuwasete
Konna mon ja dame sa tsuki agerou
Motto gyutto ito wo taguriyose
Konna ai ja dame ka? Kurushii ka?

Midareteru no wa omae no sei da
Shake Hip Hit! Ore wa tobichitta
Midareteru no wa omae no sei da
Shake Hip Hit! Ore wa tobichitta kanashiki supaidaa

絡まる指と髪 夜な夜な糸吐く
あんたの願いなら 叶えてあげたいけど
綺麗な横顔 蒼白く浮かぶ
あんたの傷みなど ごめんよ 解りはしない

もっともっとベッド 震わせて
こんなもんじゃ駄目さ 突き上げろう 天井裏スパイ 愛

縺れる舌と指 夜な夜な糸引く
あんたの望みなら 叶えてあげたいけど
波打つ胸元 蒼白く走る
あんたの傷みなど ごめんよ 解りはしない

もっとぎゅっと糸を 手繰り寄せ
こんな愛じゃ駄目か? 苦しいか?

乱れてるのは お前のせいだ
Shake Hip Hit! 俺は飛び散った 哀しきスパイダー

もっともっとベッド 震わせて
こんなもんじゃ駄目さ 突き上げろう 
もっとぎゅっと糸を 手繰り寄せ
こんな愛じゃ駄目か? 苦しいか?

乱れてるのは お前のせいだ
Shake Hip Hit! 俺は飛び散った 
乱れてるのは お前のせいだ
Shake Hip Hit! 俺は飛び散った 哀しきスパイダー
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Our tangling hair and fingers spin threads night after night
I’d love to grant anything you wish for*
Your beautiful profile floats there palely
I’m sorry, but I can't understand your grief

Make the bed shake, more and more
This just isn't right—push me away
A spy behind the ceiling
Your love

Our entwined tongues and fingers draw threads night after night
I’d love to grant whatever you desire
Your breasts move, rise and fall palely
I’m sorry, but I can't understand your grief

Pull the threads in tighter
Is this love wrong? Does it hurt?

It’s all your fault that I’m all tied up**
Shake Hip Hit! I'm spurting out
A sad little spider

Make the bed shake, more and more
This just isn't right—push me away
Pull the threads in tighter
Is this love wrong? Does it hurt?

It’s all your fault that I’m all tied up
Shake Hip Hit! I'm spurting out
It’s all your fault that I’m all tied up
Shake Hip Hit! I'm spurting out
A sad little spider

*The way in which this phrase is constructed implies that while the singer would love to grant his lover’s wish, he probably can’t or won’t for some reason.

**The word here, “midareru,” literally means “to be confused” or “to be tangled.” I translated it as “to be tied up” to be consistent with the running imagery of spider silk, or a spider caught in its own web.
12.Alice in Wonder Underground
         Alice in Wonder Underground
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Ai to ka sekai hakanai hane wo tatanda minagoroshi no tenshi
Onegai da tenshi no rappa narihibiku
Zankoku da ne daarin ai to chiniku wo musaboru zombiina
Naitari shinai ai wa nekosogi da ze nightmare

Iku yo mou ii kai mada da yo
Kimi no mimimoto de iki wo haku

Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!

Beddo no naka ryuusei kimi no kodoku wo nukedasou yo konya
Andromeda tanbarin wa piero up side down
Massakasama tonde maigo ni nari ni dekakeyou pareedo
Takaku takaku iki wo tome mogutte falling down

Takaku sou takaku shizundeku
Kimi no mimimoto de sasayaita

Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!


Iku yo mou ii kai mada da yo
Kimi no mimimoto de iki wo haku
Takaku sou takaku shizundeku
Kimi no mimimoto de sasayaita

Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!

Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!
Epicurean Let's go!
Epicurean Let's go!
Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!
         Alice in Wonder Underground

愛とか世界 儚い 羽をたたんだ皆殺しの天使
お願いだ 天使のラッパ鳴り響く
残酷だね ダーリン 愛と血肉をむさぼるゾンビーナ
泣いたりしない 愛はネコソギだぜ nightmare

いくよ もういいかい まだだよ

Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!

ベッドの中 流星 君の孤独を抜け出そうよ 今夜
アンドロメダ タンバリンはピエロ up side down
真っ逆さま 跳んで 迷子になりに出掛けようパレード
高く高く 息を止め潜って falling down

高く そう高く沈んでく

Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!


いくよ もういいかい まだだよ
高く そう高く沈んでく

Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!

Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!
Epicurean Let's go!
Epicurean Let's go!
Devil, Angel and Epicurean Let's go!
         Alice in Wonder Underground
Lyrics: Imai Hisashi
Music: Imai Hisashi

I’m praying to love and the world, to the ephemeral
And to an angel of slaughter with folded wings as his trumpet resounds
It’s so cruel, darling, that you’re a zombina who covets love and the flesh*
But you don’t cry or anything—really, love is a complete nightmare

“I’m coming, are you ready? Ready or not!”**
I hiss in a sigh next to your ear

Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean, let's go!

Let’s break free from your loneliness tonight, make a shooting star in bed
Andromeda’s tambourine is Pierrot upside down
Let’s go join the parade to be lost children jumping head over heels
Higher and higher, hold your breath! We’re going underground, falling down

“Higher, yeah, sink higher and higher”
I whispered in a sigh next to your ear

Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean, let's go!


“I’m coming, are you ready? Ready or not!”
I hiss in a sigh next to your ear
“Higher, yeah, sink higher and higher”
I whispered in a sigh next to your ear

Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean
Oh! Yeah! Alice in Wonder Underground
Devil, Angel and Epicurean, let's go!

Devil, Angel and Epicurean, let's go!
Epicurean let's go!
Epicurean let's go!
Devil, Angel and Epicurean, let's go!

Note: I took a lot of liberties in translating this song in order to best get across the meaning and tone of the lyrics. All the changes I made in the order of lines, etc. were very deliberate.

*”Zombina” appears to be a word that Mr. Imai made up. It looks like it’s a combination of “zombie” and “bambina.” I guess she wants to get it on but she can’t, because she’s undead.

**The phrase in this line is the line Japanese children use when playing hide and seek, the Japanese version of the phrase “Ready or not, here I come!” However, taken out of context, the Japanese phrase takes on a sexual double meaning which I made every effort to preserve in my translation. So, in short, yes, the word “to come” can be interpreted sexually in this context.
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Akuma domo yo jigoku iki sa ano ko wa utau rekka uran no ue

Shinigami domo jigoku iki sa ano ko wa odoru shikabane odoru
Odoru odoru ore mo omae mo

Shoot it! Tsukisasu tamagire REVOLVER
Shoot it! Tsukisasu yatsura no atama ni
Shoot it! Tsukisasu ano ko no inori wo
Shoot it! Tsukisasu ano ko no negai wo ute!

Akuma domo yo jigoku de aou omae wa warai baramaku kurasutaa bomu
Warau warau ore mo omae mo

Shoot it! Buchikomu tamagire REVOLVER
Shoot it! Buchikomu yatsura no kokoro ni
Shoot it! Buchikomu ano ko no mirai wo
Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it!

Odoru odoru ore mo ore mo omae mo

Shoot it! Tsukisasu tamagire REVOLVER
Shoot it! Tsukisasu yatsura no atama ni
Shoot it! Tsukisasu ano ko no inori wo
Shoot it! Tsukisasu ano ko no negai wo
Shoot it! Buchikomu tamagire REVOLVER
Shoot it! Buchikomu yatsura no kokoro ni
Shoot it! Buchikomu ano ko no mirai wo
Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it!
Shoot it! Tamagire REVOLVER Shoot it!

Furueteiru kimi no mabuta daijoubu kowaku nai sa
Furueteiru kimi no mimtabu daijoubu aishiteiru Good-night Baby

悪魔共よ 地獄逝きさ あの子は歌う 劣化ウランの上

死神共 地獄逝きさ あの子は踊る 屍踊る
踊る 踊る 俺も お前も

Shoot it! 突き刺す 弾切れREVOLVER
Shoot it! 突き刺す 奴等の頭に
Shoot it! 突き刺す あの子の祈りを
Shoot it! 突き刺す あの子の願いを 撃て!

悪魔共よ 地獄で会おう お前は嗤い ばら撒くクラスター・ボム
嗤う 嗤う 俺も お前も

Shoot it! ぶち込む 弾切れREVOLVER
Shoot it! ぶち込む 奴等の心に
Shoot it! ぶち込む あの子の未来を
Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it!

踊る 踊る 俺も 俺も お前も

Shoot it! 突き刺す 弾切れREVOLVER
Shoot it! 突き刺す 奴等の頭に
Shoot it! 突き刺す あの子の祈りを
Shoot it! 突き刺す あの子の願いを
Shoot it! ぶち込む 弾切れREVOLVER
Shoot it! ぶち込む 奴等の心に
Shoot it! ぶち込む あの子の未来を
Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it!
Shoot it! 弾切れREVOLVER Shoot it!

震えている君のまぶた 大丈夫 怖くないさ
震えている君の耳たぶ 大丈夫 愛している Good-night Baby
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Oh you devils, flying off to Hell
There's a kid singing on the degraded uranium

You gods of death, flying off to Hell
She's dancing, her corpse is dancing
Dancing, dancing, you and I

Shoot it! Revolver’s bullets piercing through
Shoot it! Piercing through those assholes’ heads
Shoot it! Piercing through that kid’s prayers
Shoot it! Piercing through that kid’s hopes, shoot it!

Oh you devils, let’s meet in hell
You laugh and scatter cluster bombs
Laughing, laughing, you and I

Shoot it! Revolver’s bullets shooting through
Shoot it! Shooting through those assholes’ hearts
Shoot it! Shooting through that kid’s future
Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it!

Dancing, dancing, you and I, you and I

Shoot it! Revolver’s bullets piercing through
Shoot it! Piercing through those assholes’ heads
Shoot it! Piercing through that kid’s prayers
Shoot it! Piercing through that kid’s hopes, shoot it!
Shoot it! Revolver’s bullets shooting through
Shoot it! Shooting through those assholes’ hearts
Shoot it! Shooting through that kid’s future
Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it! Shoot it!
Shoot it! Revolver’s bullets, shoot it!

Your eyelids are trembling
It’s okay, there’s nothing to be scared of
Your earlobes are trembling
It’s okay, I love you…good-night baby

Buck-Tick - 天使のリボルバー

Label: BMG Japan
Catalog#: BVCR-11107
Format: CD, Album,
Country: Japan
Released: 19 Sep 2007
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Alternative Rock, Industrial

01.Mr. Darkness & Mrs. Moonlight
02.Rendezvous ~ランデヴー~
05.La Vie En Rose ~ラヴィアン・ローズ~
06.Cream Soda
10.Snow White
12.Alice In Wonder Underground
02.Alice in Wonder Underground (PV)