
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)


Catalog#: SFCD-1
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 20 Sep 2000
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

         Головокружение (goh-loh-voh-kroo-dzyeh-nee-eh)

Ева Адам (yeh-vah ah-dam)

Мучение (moo-chyeh-nee-eh)

Жертва (dzyehrt-vah)

Апостол (a-poh-stohl)

Бог Боль (bohg bohl)

Родиться (roh-dee-tsyah)

Пробовать (proh-boh-vyah-ts)

Кровь (kroh-v)

Ноль (nohll)

Eve Adam




God pain

to be born

to taste


         got for gimmick... devise

saa, nemurimashou yume wo miyou blood . earth . lie . sky
tainai ni hakidashite body . god . box . beast
otsukisama kirei deshou smell . neck . trap . black
Ano hito wa kabe no naka...

akaku amaku rasen wo ega ita kioku wo tsuchi ni kaeshite
motto fukaku ezuku gurai ni warau wa tadareta yoru ni...

sen kyuhyaku kyujuu kyu nen juuichigatsu itsuka gozen rokuji sanjuu pun nijuunana byou
B-gata de keppekishou no watashi wa A-gata de fuminshou no anata kara
sukoshi dake uso wo oshiete morai
ureshisa no amari heishokyoufushou no watashi wa anata ni
teisou obi wo purezento shimashita (tottemo niau wa)
kanpeki shugi no watashi wa tadareta yoru ni
doumyaku wo pikupiku sase nagara
anata no joumyaku ni halcyon wo chuunyuushi
arittake no ketsueki wo toridashite
shinpuruna kono heya ni
hitotsu dake tsuru shite kazarimashita
sore wo mi nagara watashi wa kando bousou no bechobechona are wo gankyuu mukidashi no anata ni
mise nagara sanbun tengoku ii kanji
sakuran joutai TYPE-A

akaku amaku rasen wo ega ita kioku wo tsuchi ni kaeshite
motto fukaku ezuku gurai ni warau wa tadareta yoru...
tsukihi ga tateba izure wa
kono ko ga umarete anata ni nari
motto fukaku ezuku gurai ni chikara wo komete misete
akaku amaku

egureta kikei
got for gimmick... devise
         got for gimmick…devise

さあ眠りましょう 夢を見よう 血・土・嘘・空
体内に吐き出して 体・神・箱・獣
お月様 綺麗でしょう 香・首・罠・黒

緋く Ah 甘く 螺旋を描いた 記憶を土に返して
もっと Ah 深く 餌付く位に笑うわ 爛れた夜…

1999年11月5日 午後6時30分27秒
B型で潔癖症の私は A型で不眠症の貴男から
完璧主義の私は 爛れた夜に 動脈を ピクピクさせながら
貴男の静脈に 春死音を注入し ありったけの血液を取り出して
シンプルなこの部屋に 一つだけ 吊るして飾りました
見せながら 3分天国 イイ感じ 錯乱状態 TYPE-A

眠りましょう 夢を見よう 血・土・嘘・空
体内に吐き出して 体・神・箱・獣
お月様 綺麗でしょう 香・首・罠・黒

緋く 甘く 螺旋を描いた 記憶を土に返して
もっと 深く 餌付く位に笑うわ 爛れた夜

月日が経てば 何れは この子が生まれて 貴方になり
もっと 深く 餌付く位に 力を込めてみせて
緋く 甘く…

got for gimmick…devise
         got for gimmick... devise

well, let's sleep let's see the dream blood . earth . lie . sky
vomit inside the body body . god . box . beast
glorious moon isn't it pretty smell . neck . trap . black
That person is inside a wall...

scarlet sweet a memory sketched as a spiral returns to the earth
deeper still laughing like you're tame in this inflamed evening

1999, November 5th 6:30pm and 27 seconds
B-type, I, a perfectionist from A-type, you, an insomniac
you teach only a little of the lie
I, claustrophobic, am so happy that
I gave you a present of a chastity belt (it suits you very well)
I with flawless principles, in this inflamed evening
while my arteries pulse
into your veins inject the halcyon
take out all the blood that there is
in this simple room
only one I decorated it by hanging
while looking at that my feelings run wild, at my moistness you're staring in shock
while showing 3 minutes of paradise a good feeling
hysteria TYPE-A

scarlet sweet a memory sketched as a spiral returns to the earth
deeper still laughing like you're tame in this inflamed evening

if time passes anyhow
this child will be born and will become you
deeper still show me your best, as this child is tamed

scarlet sweet
gouged freak

got for gimmick... devise
         Hachigatsu itsuka doyoubi sora ni kumo wa naku
Biru no saijoukai kara kizukeba wakare wo tsugete
Hachigatsu mikka mokuyoubi boku no kokoro ni kizu ga
Roku dome no kizu zutazuta ni nari subete kowarete shimae subete

Deatte hajimete kizuita jibun no orokasa wo
Hito wo shinjirarenai mama hito wo kizukete iru to
Naze mata boku wa kimi no koto wo korizu ni ai suru no
Koushite boku wa aisuru koto wo wasurerarenai you da demo

Shinjiru koto wa shiawaku kizukarenai you ni
Hitori de naite ita kimi ni wakaranu you

Kore ijou, kore ijou wa kizutsukitakunai
Demo ima dake wa kimi dake wo aishite itakatta

Wasureyou to shita toki mo aru kedo ima wa dakishimetai

Shinjiru koto ga shiawaku kimi no kako wo shitta
Wasurerarenai no wa kimi no kata na no ni

Kore ijou, kore ijou wa kizutsukitakunai
Demo kimi dake wo chikara tsuyoku dakishimerarenai

Hachigatsu itsuka hareta kumo no nai sora no naka de
Mou saigo da ne jimen ni hirogaru jibun wo mitsume
Kimi wo daite, kimi wo mitsume
Kimi wo aishi, kimi wo omou
         8月5日土曜日 空に雲は無く
ビルの最上階から 気付けば別れを告げて
8月3日木曜日 僕の心に傷が
6度目の傷 ズタズタになり全て壊れてしまえ 全て

出会って初めて気付いた 自分の愚かさを
人を信じられないまま 人を傷付けていると
何故また僕は君の事を 懲りずに愛するの
こうして僕は愛する事を 忘れられない様だ
信じる事は辛く 気付かれない様に
独りで泣いていた 君に分からぬ様

これ以上 これ以上は 傷付きたくない

忘れようとした時もあるけど 今は抱き締めたい

信じる事が辛く 君の過去を知った
忘れられないのは 君の方なのに

これ以上 これ以上は 傷付きたくない
でも君だけを 力強く抱きしめられない

8月5日 晴れた雲の無い空の中で
もう最後だね 地面に広がる自分を見つめ

「君を抱いて」 「君を見つめ」 「君を愛し」 「君を想う」
         August 5th, Saturday not a cloud in the sky
from the top floor of this building if I notice, I'll inform of our parting
August 3rd, Thursday in my heart, a wound
the 6th wound it becomes torn, everything is broken everything

the first time we met, I noticed my own foolishness
always unbelieving of people wounding people
why didn't I learn of my love for you
having done this I cannot seem to forget this love
I believe in happiness I don't seem to notice
alone I was crying I didn't seem to understand you

more than this more than this I don't want to be hurt
but only now, it's only you that I wanted to love

there's a time I made sure to forget, but now I want to hold you close

I believe in happiness I knew your past
I cannot forget in spite of you

more than this more than this I don't want to be hurt
but it's only you I cannot hold closely, reassuringly

August 5th in a sunny sky with no clouds
already this is the end spread across the ground, staring at myself

"I embrace you" "I stare at you" "I love you" "I will remember you"
04.egnirys cimredopyh +) an injection
         aru tsuki no kuroi hi tsuki wo zutto mite ita doukou hiraki nagara
kinou tsurusareta kuroi neko hitomi dake hikatteru gira gira

aru tsuki no akai hi neko wa boku wo mite iru doukou hiraki nagara
niku to furan no katamari "nou no neji ga vier tarinakunatte iru n da"
romantic da ne

kamisama dou ka tasukete ima sugu ni nukedashitakute
ima sugu ni inochi wo tatte, awarena kono mi wo tsurushite

shi . ro . i . ko . na . onaka dashitai hane ga haete yuku Psycho no yoru
shi . ro . i . ko . na . onaka dashitai psycho no tsukiyo to romanticist

aru tsuki ga nai yoru kabe ni shaberi kaketa yo boku no kahanshin ga
juuhachi wo sugite mo musei wa ima da ni tomarazu
souieba kimi wa biniiru no hon da ne

kitto boku to issho da ne shi . ro . i . ko . na .o . supuun ni nosete
hi de aburi gitsugitsu tokashi, awarena kono mi ni tokekonde fuwa gura guru core
kamisama dou ka tasukete ima sugu ni nukedashitakute
ima sugu ni inochi wo tatte awarena kono mi wo tsurushite

shi . ro . i . ko . na . onaka dashitai kimi ga haete yuku Psycho no yoru
shi . ro . i . ko . na . onaka dashitai psycho no tsukiyo to romanticist

kireina migite wa kimi no te de
dan dan minikunatte iku
hone no zui kara GOD
hengenjizai no unou ga kataru
"are" wo shitteru "are" wo matteru "are wo" utteru BAD

boku wo matsu shiroi betto to chuushaki to
teisoutai tsutsumareta "are mono" no boku to
karameau karameau migite dake no kimi wa
tottemo kirei de hosokute
dan dan dan dan mukatsuite kita yo
dakara tsurushita n da







断dan 醜くなっていく
骨の髄から GOD
「アレ」を知ってる「アレ」を持ってる「アレ」をうってる BAD

         On the day of the black moon, as my pupils dilate.
The black cat hung yesterday, only the eyes still glint sharply

On the day of the red moon, the cat watches me,
its pupils dilate.
The meat and the rotten mass,
"I've got 4 screws loose in my head"
Isn't that romantic ?

Please god save me, I wanna put an end to it
put an end to my life right away, and hang my pitiful body.

white powder, expose my naked belly,
the psycho night when wings develop.
white powder, expose my naked belly,
the psycho moonlit night and the romanticist.

On the moonless night,
I started to speak to the wall with my lower half...
even past eighteen I still have wet dreams
speaking of which you're a porno mag.

You're surely with me, putting the white powder on the spoon,
cook it over the fire, it bubbles up and melts,
then melts into this pitiful body.
My head spins, the room spins, here it comes.
Please god save me, I wanna put an end to it,
put an end to my life right way, and hang my pitiful body.

white powder, expose my naked belly,
the psycho night when wings develop.
white powder, expose my naked belly,
the psycho moonlit night and the romanticist.

a clean right hand is your hand, gradually getting uglier.
From the marrow of your bones GOD
the phantasmagoric right brain tells
natural genius, developed genius, grave sin
"That" I know, "That" I have, "That" I shoot up. BAD.

The white bed I wait in, an injection,
you, who is only my right hand,
entwining fingers, interlocking fingers with "that kind of me"
bound in the chastity belt, so very pretty and thin,
little by little by little I got sick of you.
So I hung you.
         I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
Dead Born Dead Born
Dead Born
Sid Vicious

Dead Born Dead Born
Dead Born
Sid Vicious

I wanna be an anarchist, too Anarchist
I wanna be an anarchist, too Anarchist
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
Dead Born Dead Born
Dead Born
Sid Vicious

Dead Born Dead Born
Dead Born
Sid Vicious

I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
I wanna be an anarchist, too
Dead Born Dead Born
Dead Born
Sid Vicious

Dead Born Dead Born
Dead Born
Sid Vicious
         Furu boketa shashin dake ga
Hi wo kasane yuku
Hi wo tomoshi kazaguruma de
Ayashi namida ga

Kago ni yurayura yureteta
Akago waratte

Ra ra sayonara
Ra ra yoru ga fuke

Anata aishita kono ko ni
Anata kasanete
Anata ima soba ni yuku wa
Kono ko to futari

Ra ra sayonara
Ra ra yoru ga ake

Minamo ni ukabu anata dake senjou no naka utsushidasu

Kaze ni naru kamikaze wa
Yami no naka e kiete
Saikai no yoru ni saku
Hotaru no hikari

Kaze ni naru kamikaze wa
Yami no naka e kiete
Saikai no yoru ni saku
Yuritachi no sugata

Kaze ni naru kamikaze wa
Saikai no yoru ni saku
Hotarubi to yuri no hana
火を灯し 風車で
あやし 涙が―――



貴方 今傍に行くわ





         Only the dusty old photographs,
days pass
they lit the fire
with the pinwheel play with the child, the tears

Rocking back and forth in the basket the baby laughs.

aa, goodbye
aa, the night wears on

The divine wind loses its divinity
and disappears into the dark
the light of the fireflies with spring up on the night of our reunion

I see the image of you in this child you loved,
I'm going to you now, with this child in tow

aa, goodbye
aa, the night comes to a close

Only you appear in the midst of the battlefield floating on the water's surface.

The divine wind loses its divinity
and disappears into the dark
the shapes of the lilies blooming
on the night our reunion

The divine wind which lost its divinity
the light of the fireflies and the flower of the lily blooming
on the night of our reunion.
         onisan kochira te no naru hou e
Gion de asonda osanai hi wo
mainichi maiban komoriuta to
mikazuki se ni yurayura

nihon ningyou no youna kimi wa
hyoujou hitotsu kaenai mama de
sotto me wo toji
soine wo shite

ima wa naki haha wo omou
kono ko ni kasanete wa
kyou mo mata koto no ne wo kanadeyou

"Mother and you and my new relation"
Without thinking I put my hand on your neck.
You say nothing and you do nothing.
I'm gonna sing the last lullaby for you while you smile at me.
I wonder why I fell in love with you.
Impossible love.

te no hira wo kasaneteru
chiisana kimi no te
tsuriawanu yume
nakigara to ai

kururi, furari, fuwari, kurari
kururi, furari, fuwari, kurakurari
kururi, furari, fuwari, kurari
kururi, furari, sawagu



「Mother and you and my new relation」
Without thinking I put my hand on your neck.
You say nothing and you do nothing.
I'm gonna sing the last lullady for you smile at me.
I wonder why I fell in love with you.Impossible love.


         Mama I dropped the candy. Mama could I please have another one?

Hey Oni-san just try and tag me
Days spent playing at Gion
Each day...each night rocked back and forth
Facing the new moon, with a lullabye

You're like a Japanese doll,
Without ever changing your expression,
Softly close your eyes
I am at your side
Go to sleep go to sleep little one

Now I'm think of my dead mother
Her image intertwining with this child's
Let's go play the koto again

Back and forth, turning, swinging and collapsing
Back and forth, turning, swinging and collapsing
Back and forth, turning, making sound.

"Mother and you and my new relation"
Without thinking I put my hand on your neck
You say nothing and you do nothing
I'm gonna sing the last lullabye while you smile at me
I wonder why I fell in love with you
Impossible Love.

Put your tiny hands put together
Palm to palm...
An impossible dream
Corpse and love.

Back and forth, turning, swinging and collapsing
Back and forth, turning, swinging and collapsing
Back and forth, turning, making sound.

Mother and you and my new relation
Mother and you and my new relation
Mother and you and my new relation
         I'm sorry
I didn't mean it
I'll be good
I'm gonna kill you
I'm gonna blow your head off like raspberry jam

Daddy mommy sad daisukina ice wa strawBerry
Daddy mommy mad sukina koneko no na wa strawBerry

Daddy mommy sad boku kara nagareta strawBerry
Daddy mommy mad daddy kara nagareta strawBerry
Daddy mommy bad mommy kara nagareta strawBerry
Daddy mommy gyakutai karada ni aza, kizu fuyasu

Makkana ice buchimakero

Umaretetatta kyuunen no boku maiban bed no naka
Neko to futari neyou
Asa wa kimatte daisukina pan jam wo tappuri tsukete
Nani mo kawaranai kedo

RaspBerry jam

Daddy mommy sad boku kara nagareta strawBerry
Daddy mommy mad daddy kara nagareta strawBerry
Daddy mommy bad mommy kara nagareta strawBerry
Daddy mommy gyakutai karada ni aza, kizu fuyasu

Makkana ice buchimakero

Daddy no hikidashi sotto nozoita oku no hou ni aru mono
Sotto machidashite mita
Daddy to mommy ga ne nemuri ni tsuku to sotto shinobiyori
Omae kara uchinekou ka

Onaka ga suite daisukina pan jam wo tsukete tabeyou
Pistol shou ni ate

RaspBerry jam
         daddy mommy sad 大好きなiceはstrawBerry
daddy mommy mad 好きな子猫の名はstrawBerry

daddy mommy sad ボクから流れたstrawBerry
daddy mommy mad daddyから流れたstrawBerry
daddy mommy bad mommyから流れたstrawBerry
daddy mommy 虐待 体に痣 傷 増やす

毎晩 bedの中猫と 2人 寝よう
朝は決まって大好きなpan jamを たっぷり付けて
何も 変わらないけど
(raspBerry jam…)

daddy mommy sad ボクから流れたstrawBerry
daddy mommy mad daddyから流れたstrawBerry
daddy mommy bad mommyから流れたstrawBerry
daddy mommy 虐待 体に痣 傷 増やす


奥の方に あるものそっと持ち出してみた
そっと忍び寄り Ah

お腹が空いて大好きなpan jamを付けて食べよう
pistol 顳に当て

(raspBerry jam…)
daddy mommy sad love is ice strawBerry
daddy mommy mad kitten named favorite strawBerry

flowed from my daddy mommy sad strawBerry
daddy mommy mad daddy strawBerry flow from
daddy mommy bad mommy strawBerry flow from
daddy mommy wounds to the body abuse increase

I was born just nine years
The cat in the bed every night and lie down two people
Always love the morning with plenty of pan jam
I expect nothing
(raspBerry jam ...)

flowed from my daddy mommy sad strawBerry
daddy mommy mad daddy strawBerry flow from
daddy mommy bad mommy strawBerry flow from
daddy mommy wounds to the body abuse increase


Gently pull the daddy
I have to gently take the back
mommy and daddy get to sleep and I have
Ah gently creep
from you?

Hungry love to eat it with a pan jam
pistol hit

(raspBerry jam ...)
09.MACABRE -揚羽ノ羽ノ夢ハ蛹-(MACABRE -sanagi no yume wa ageha no hane-)
         Hane wo hirogete tobitai kimi wa ~ ageha no yume miru
Hebi kawa niai sou da ne ~ haku yume
Garagara no ame ni utare ~ miugoki ga
Dekinakuta ne
Esa ni naru no wo matsu dake sa ~ guchi ga aku
Sanagi kara hane wo hiroge ~ ima ni mo tobitachi sou de
Kawaisa amatta kimi wa mou ~ otona ne
Hana ni koi wo shita kimi wa ~ mitsu wo susuri
Susutte wa
Boku ni kizukazu sono mama de ~ kiba muku
Ai sakimidare ~ esukarugo to foa gura no kimi wa
Itoshii sanagi no kimi ga ~ usuyogoreta hane misete
Boku wo furifuri futta ne ~ i no naka
Barari gurari bara bara no kimi ~ hane wa mogete
Hebi no kawa ga niau you na ?
Mawari. Mawaru. Mawatta
Kotae kurikaeshite ~ kurikaesarete yuku inochi wo
Magari. Magaru. Magatta
Kimi wa toke tadarete hitotsu ni nari ~ mazari aou ka
Kitto ningyo no you ni ~ ieki no puuru oyogu ~ kitto ageha no you ni
Sanagi wa hane wa yasu
Anata nara yuruseru wa ne ~ zankokuna ikimono
Demo ashi wo jimen ni wasureta wa ~ nokosanai de ne
         羽を広げて飛びたい君は 揚羽の夢見る
蛇皮 似合いそうだね Ah 白夢
ガラガラの雨に打たれ 身動きが出来なくてね
餌に成るのを待つだけさ 口が開く

蛹から 羽を広げ 今にも飛び立ちそうで
可愛さ余った君はもう 大人ね
花に 恋をした君は蜜を 啜り啜っては
僕に気付かずそのままで 牙剥く

相咲き乱れ エスカルゴとフォアグラの君に
愛しい 蛹の君が薄汚れた羽 見せて
僕をフリフリ振ったね Ah 胃の中

バラリグラリ薔薇バラの君 羽は もげて
蛇の皮が 似合う様な?

廻り 廻る 廻った
答え繰り返して 繰り返されてゆく命を

君は溶け爛れて一つになり 混ざり合おうか

きっと 人魚の様に胃液のプール 泳ぐ
きっと 揚羽の様に蛹は 羽 はやす

蛹から 羽を広げ 今にも飛び立ちそうで
愛しい 蛹の君が 薄汚れた羽 見せて
僕をフリフリ振ったねAh 胃の中

廻り 廻る 廻った
答え繰り返して 繰り返されてゆく命を

曲がり 曲がる曲がった

貴方なら許せるわね 残酷な生き物でも
足を 地面に忘れたわ 残さないでね
         I want to spread my wings and fly
You dream of a swallowtail
Snakeskin may be good on you, white dream
I became unable to move being caught in a gara gara rain
I just wait for becoming a food, mouth opens

You are about to fly spreading your wings from the chrysalis
You who are too pretty have already been an adult
You who are in love with the flower slurp and slurp the honey, and
bare your fangs as you are without noticing me

Are interactually blooming in profusion and you who are an escargot and foie gras
Lovable pupal you showed your slightly dirty wings and
shook me furi furi in your stomach

Barari gurari BARA bara you
Wings are broken off and like that you look good in snakeskin?
Circle, circle and circled
Lives that is repeated repeating the answers
Bend, bend and bent
You melt and sore, be one and mix each other

Surely swim in the pool of gastric juice like a mermaid
Surely chrysalis grow wings like a swallowtail

You are about to fly spreading your wings from the chrysalis
You who are too pretty have already been an adult
Lovable pupal you showed your slightly dirty wings and
shook me furi furi in your stomach

Circle, circle and circled
Lives that is repeated repeating the answers
Bend, bend and bent
You melt and sore, be one and mix each other

I can forgive you even though you are a cruel creature
I forgot my leg on the ground, don't leave it
         ai to iu mono wa katachi ni sureba kieru
haigo de sasayaku kimi no kotae
shittobukaku wa nai kimi no senaka
tada boku wa amaete minai furi wo

kotoba nakusu no mo ii yoru wo motome aereba
ai wo nakusu no mo ii ashiba nakushi yami e to ochiru

mezameta yoko ni wa miakita kimi no kao
yatsureta kimi ni wa omosugiru ne

hieta yoru wa tsumetaku tsuki mo koori tsuiteta
tsuki wa umi ni shizunde hieta umi wo terashite kieru

hana ni nare chou ni nare doku no toge wo sashite
sunadokei kowasenai tsumi fukaki toki
genshoku no yume wa chiri baransu nakushi
sunadokei kowasenai tsumi fukaki kanjou

kizu wa fukasugite me no mae mienakute
sonna sugata tada mitsumeta

kotoba nakusu no mo ii yoru wo motome aereba
ai wo nakusu no mo ii ashibe nakushi yami e to kieru

aisenai aisanai ai no toge wo sashite
buzama da ne midara da ne modaeteru kimi
moto ni modoranai kedo amai daeki sosoide

hana ni nare chou ni nare doku no toge wo sashite
sunadokei kowasenai tsumi fukaki toki
genshoku no yume wa chiri baransu nakushi
sunadokei kowasenai tsumi fukaki kanjou
         愛という物は 形に為れば消える
背後で囁く 君の答え
嫉妬深くはない 君の背中
ただ 僕は甘えて 見ないふりを

言葉 無くすのもいい 夜を求め合えれば
愛を 無くすのもいい 足場 無くし 闇へと

目覚めた横には 見飽きた君の顔
窶れた君には 重過ぎるね

冷えた 夜は冷たく月も凍りついてた
月は 海に沈んで冷えた海を 照らして

※花になれ 蝶になれ 毒の棘を刺して
砂時計 壊せない 罪深き時
原色の 夢は散り バランス 無くし
砂時計 壊せない 罪深き感情※

傷は深すぎて 目の前 見えなくて
そんな姿 ただ見つめた

言葉 無くすのもいい 夜を求め合えれば
愛を 無くすのもいい 足場 無くし 闇へと


愛せない 愛さない 愛の棘を刺して
無様だね 淫らだね 悶えてる君
元に戻らないけど 甘い唾液 注いで

         Things that you love disappears
Your answer
Deeply jealous are not you back
But I pretended not watch if you're sure

The night to eliminate words
Into darkness and not lose the love of a good footing

The next awakening is you face
You're too heavy

I was also frozen balls of ice-cold Monday night in cold
Against the cold sea is sinking in the sea

※ stabs of venomous spines when it comes to flowers butterfly
The dream of primary colors are not balanced surface flashes
feelings sandglass

Wounds are not visible before the eyes
But that figure

You can also night to eliminate words
Into darkness and not lose the love of a good footing

Thorn stabs unfond love
It's you
I have to get back to our original sweet saliva
         shakou ohanatsu henbou wa
oboro zukiyou ni utsushi
midare . karakuri . furachiyue
senriganmitoosenu jaki

onore okaeta shura no michi
hyakki yakou wa ja no me
onore no sugata tooshite wa
anchuu mosaku ja no gotoshi

rei . sei . kairi . Jaki

dantoudai ni kakerareshi
kesera kera kera warau
kubinamazukami tami wa iu
rasa koku kitaru

raikai no tami inochihate
yotei chou wakuzurenu
onore no inochi ozomashiku
kono yo wa shura no kuni

onore wo wasure shura tonari
kokoro motsu mono subete mu to nari
kore sude ni toki osoku
subete kuzuretari

rei . sei . kairi . Jaki
千里眼見通せぬ 邪鬼

己遠変えた 修羅の道
百鬼夜行は 蛇乃目
己乃姿 通しては
暗中模索 蛇乃如し


磊鬼乃民 命果て


心持つ者 全て無と成り
         The transformation triggered by the musk
Reflecting on the night of the hazy moon
Displaced * tricky * wicked
The cleric's eye can't see, this demon.

The road of carnage which changed my self
Lawlessness running rampant is a bull's-eye
Searching the dark through this form, like a snake.

I've been put on the executioner's stage.
They jeer and laugh wickedly.
Holding upon high my severed head, the peasants say,
"the kingdom of demons is upon us"

Manners * nature * estrangement * demons

Many peasants died.
The hope for peace was destroyed.
This life is revolting
This is a world of carnage.

Manners * nature * estrangement * demons

I throw away myself, and become the carnage.
All the people with hearts, become nothing.
Now it's too late, everything is destroyed.
         koe wo dashite sakenda anata no namae
kitto todokanai wa ne watashi no koe sae mo
demo ne ima wa sore demo watashi wa ii no
itsuka kokoro no naka de anata wo

yume wo konya mo miru wa anata no yume wo
makura no shita ni oita anata no tegami no sei
yume wa zankoku sugite iki ga togire
itsumo gozen yojihan kurushiku me ga sameru wa

toki wa naga sugite
toki wa tsura sugite
yume wa tomaranai
ai wa kogoete yuku no
hieta yoru
konna ni nagai yoru ni wa

ishiki ga chigirete
konagona ni natte
omoide wo chirashi
anata no yubiwa nigirishimeru hodo ni
namida ga makura wo nurasu

kikoenai you ni mimi wo fusaideta
anata no koe wo
tekubi no kizuato
mata hitotsu fuete
kizu ni tokekonde iku anata

watashi wa kowareru tegami moyashi hai ni naru
watashi wa kowareru kokoro kowashi hai ni naru
watashi wa kowareru anata wo nakushi ai shiteru
         声を出して叫んだ 貴方の名前
きっと届かないわね 私の声さえも
でもね 今はそれでも私はいいの
何時か 心の中で貴方を

夢を今夜も見るわ 貴方の夢を
枕の下に置いた 貴方の手紙のせい
夢は残酷すぎて 息が途切れ
何時も午前4時半 苦しく目が覚めるわ


貴方の指輪 握り締める程に

聞こえない様に 耳を塞いでた
傷に溶け込んでいく 貴方

私は壊れる 手紙燃やし 灰になる
私は壊れる 心壊し 灰になる
私は壊れる 貴方を無くし 愛してる
         My voice screamed out your name
Even if it surely won't reach you my voice
But even so, I'm fine now
One day in my heart you will be...

I'll dream tonight too, dreams of you
Because of your letter that I put under my pillow
My dreams are too cruel, my breath hitches
As always, I wake in pain around 4 in the morning

Time is too long
Time is too painful
The dreams don't stop
My love is frozen, dead
On cold nights
like in this long night

My consciousness is torn apart
becoming small pieces
my memories scattering
I grasp your ring so tightly that
my tears soaking the pillow

Like I can't hear, I blocked my ears
to your voice
One more scar
added to my wrist
Melting into the wound you

I am broken the letter burnt reduced to ashes
I am broken my heart broken reduced to ashes
I am broken I lost you I love you.
13.太陽の碧(Taiyou no ao)
         yakizuku youna kokoro ga suzu no ne wo kanjiteru
naranai denwa wo mitsumete itakatta

machikado wo magaru to sugu futari de yoku mita eigo wo
manatsu no iro to tomo ni omoidasu yo ano koro wo

manatsu no taiyou omoi wo kasaneta kisetsu
kaze ni nagasareta kimi ni wa nido to todokazu

nakidashita kimi wo mite atarimae no koto no you ni
tada kimi wo mitsume nani mo dekinakute

shiranai kaori ga suru sore wa yatsu no tame na no kai?
boku ni wa kizukarenai you ni shiteta kimi wa mou

gonen no tsukihi ga sugi yatsu to kimi wa shiawase kai?
teramachi de guuzen ai naze ka kokoro ga itakute

manatsu no taiyou omoi wo kasaneta kisetsu
kaze ni nagasareta kimi ni wa nido to todokazu

tsumetai taiyou atarashii iro ni kaete
kizuato wo kakusazu atarashii kisetsu ni some

kizutsukerarete kizutsuke atte hito wa kizu wo kakusu kedo
jibunjishin wo koete miseru yo kizu wa kireina hana ni naru
rai ei
taisetsuna mono wa " " omoide wa
         焼き付くような心が 鈴の音を感じてる
鳴らない電話を 見つめていたかった

街角を曲がるとすぐ 2人でよく見た映画を
真夏の色と共に 想い出すよ あの頃を・・・

真夏の太陽 想いを重ねた季節
風に流された 君には2度と届かず

泣き出した君を見て 当たり前の事のように
ただ君を見つめ 何も出来なくて

知らない香りがする それはヤツの為なのかい?
僕には気付かれないようにしてた君は もう・・・
5年の月日が過ぎ ヤツと君は幸せかい?
寺町で偶然出逢い 何故か心が痛くて・・・

真夏の太陽 想いを重ねた季節
風に流された 君には2度と届かず

冷たい太陽 新しい色に変えて
傷跡を隠さず 新しい季節に染め

傷付けられて 傷付け合って 人は傷を隠すけれど
自分自身を超えてみせるよ 傷は綺麗な花になる
大切なものは「   」 想い出は・・・
         jade sun

my scorched heart is feeling a buzzing sound
a telephone that wasn't ringing I wanted to stare at it

soon I turn the street corner where the two of us often saw films
together with the midsummer colours I recall that time

the midsummer sun my feelings piled up on the seasons
the wind that flowed past I can never reach you

I looked at you who had burst into tears it seemed so usual
only staring at you I could do nothing

A fragrance I don't know is it about that guy?
I didn't even notice the way you were already

after five years time are you happy with him?
at Teramachi, a chance meeting for some reason my heart aches

the midsummer sun my feelings piled up on the seasons
the wind that flowed past I can never reach you

a cold sun changes to a new colour
I cannot hide my scars colouring a new season

I can be wounded I am wounded people hide their scars, but
I myself will cross over, and show scars that become beautiful flowers
next eternity
An important thing
A memory

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