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SuG - Alterna.

Label: PS Company
Catalog#: PSIM-1002 [w/DVD]
Format: Maxi-Single Limited Edition
Country: Japan
Released: 05 Sep 2007
Genre: Rock
Style: Indies

         tobikiri kyuuto na ashi tori de sadisutikku muubii
tsukai mawashi no serifu “kimi dake ni,,,” mou ne, ii akichatte

fainaru katto mukaeru tabi ni nagareru nanbaa
mawaru mawaru shiin kurikaeshi nage hiroteta “otsukare”

kakushinteki yuketsuhan avunoomaru pyua kokoro x okurazu shite ookami purei
gozen dara dara daratte darira rira chakushin kyohi keetai ni kawareteru?

samenu yume no mama iki isoideku no kao no nai aijou to katatema ni tawamureru
hitori ga suki nano mou nidoto kamawanai de
urahara, kokoro no koe wa “kowareru hodo aishite.”

kakushinteki fukaikan wikipedia chousa kekka migi mo hidari mo repurika & rai
mita me kira kiratte imiteeshon nyuushin kyohi pachi mon shiawase nara douzo

katachi aru mono wa subete kowarete shimau koto kurai, saisho kara shitteta kara ataenai de?

samenu yume no mama iki isoideku no aimai na nukumori wa kiseihin de koto tariru
kimi to futari nara kizutsuku no mo ii kamo ne
kuchi no hashi yugamete warau “kowareru hodo aishite.”
使いまわしの台詞 「君だけに、、、」

投げ捨てた 「お疲れ様です。」

確信的愉快犯xアヴ ノーマルピュアゴコロx送らずしてオオカミプレイ


裏腹、心の声は 「壊れるほど愛して。」

核心的不快感xウィキペディア調査結果x右も左も Reprica&Lie



         shootin' so sadistic movie
with steps exceptionally cute

words "only for you"
that I was bored of saying
to so many lovers

this music number is
always on when our final
cut is coming

the scene turns
around and around repeatedly

thrown the word
(that is good job done to go home)

been a convinced criminal who enjoys
watching how people react to what
he has done and who has abnormal pure heart

playing a wolf like possible
escort with lecherous motives

refused any noisy humming
receipt of telemessage in the morning
Are you fed by cellphone aren't you?

going to die in a hurry with
dreaming never awaken
affection without face is
my partner to play on pastime

I like being alone myself

never have to do with me again,
my mouth cried so,
but my deep heart voice differently
asks you to love me as if
I come to be damaged in love.

core unpleasant feeling,
check wikipedia the result,
either right or left,
everything all are repricas &
lies you know it

outlooking so fabulous but
just imitation so that
I reject to become to believe

you are welcomed if
you are happy in false immitation

don't give me anything
material as I have known from
beginning that'll be disappeared
or be demolished someday

going to die in a hurry
with dreaming never awaken

vague kindness is
enough to ready-made one

it might be fun if get
wounded playing with you

I smiled faintly with wry mouth to say
love me as much as I can become a faint
02.Girl meets Girl
         YU-UTSU na hirusagari wa socchi no ke KOKEBAN moyou
juppunkan no OASHISU wa imi nashi ME-RU CHEKKU

KYU-KUTSU na habatsu wa IYA demo HITORI mo sabishikute
juppunkan no himatsubushi tanuki neiri ni nigeru no

yokome chirari chirari akogare manazashi
ano ko mitai ni naretara nante esoragoto, nounai RAKUGAKI

yappa yappa yappari,, wakaru, wakattemasu!
kangaetaku mo nai no ni ukabu 「atashi nanka ja DAME ka↓」

☆ nakiwarai ☆ sui mo amai mo deta toko shoubu!
nozomu toko mazu wa IYA na atashi to nakayoku shimasho♪
a- mainichi kawaru gawaru semete kuru nichijou
nozomu toko tsugi wa ‘SUKI na atashi’ wo PUSSHU shimasho- kah♪

yokome chirari chirari koisuru manazashi
KIMI no KANOJO ni naretara nante RANKU gai? gekokujou daih

demo nandemo nandemo naa,, yowaki mushi ni katsuh!
kotae no nai mono bakari na no ni KIMARIGOTO no FURI yame-!

☆takawarai☆ sui mo amai mo tsuyoki de shoubu!
nozomu toko chanto IYA na atashi to mukiaimashou♪
waru agaki sezu ni yamechau hou ga KAWAIKU nai ne
nozomu toko KIMI wo SUKI na atashi wo saa meshiagare♪
Kanji Lyric
Kanji girl meets girl

ユーウツな昼下がりは そっちのけコクバン模様
10分間のオアシスは 意味なしメールチェック

キュークツな派閥はイヤ でもヒトリも寂しくて
10分間の暇つぶし たぬき寝入りに逃げるの

横目ちらりちらり 憧れまなざし
あの娘みたいになれたらなんて 絵空事、脳内ラクガキ

やっぱやっぱやっぱり、、 分かる、分かってます!
考えたくもないのに浮かぶ 「あたしなんかじゃダメか↓」

☆泣き笑い☆ 酸いも甘いもでたとこ勝負!
望むとこ まずは イヤなあたし と仲良くしましょ♪
あー毎日 変わるがわる攻めてくる日常
望むとこ つぎは‘スキなあたし’をプッシュしましょーかっ♪

横目ちらりちらり 恋するまなざし
キミのカノジョになれたらなんて ランク外?下克上だいっ

でもなでもなでもなぁ、、 弱気虫に喝っ!
答えのないものばかりなのに キマリゴトのフリやめー!

☆高笑い☆ 酸いも甘いも強気で勝負!
望むとこ ちゃんとイヤなあたしと向き合いましょう♪
悪あがき せずにやめちゃう方がカワイクないね
望むとこ キミをスキなあたしをさぁ召し上がれ♪

         Afternoon Kokuban Yuutsu is patterned skirt
Oasis 10 minutes without checking e-mail means

Hitori Kyukutsu factions will also miss any ear
Escape the boredom of the 10-minute play possum

Longing eyes glance sidelong glance
Nante figment idea of being a girl like that, in the brain Pengel

Yappa Yappari Yappa, know, I know!
They were not even want to think about floating "or something wrong with Atashi ↓"

☆ ☆ game to chance tears and laughter inside and out!
First Toko Shimasho wants peace with hate Atashi ♪
Aggressive act like a change every day Oh come
Toko next hope is 'Atashi to like' hue push Shimasho ー ♪

Suru eyes glance sidelong glance
Nante idea of being a rank outside Kimi Girlfriend? I say Gekokujō

Naa and even pats pats But, Tsu-eaten bear jolt!
I just pretend to stop Kimarigoto ー not answer that!

☆ ☆ loud laughter game in tough inside and out!
Toko Atashi hate and want decent KiImashou ♪
Do not you stop it without useless resistance Kawaiku better
Dig me a lick of Saa Kimi Suki Toko hope ♪
03.Unplugged Superstar
         the ideal has already broken
having already understood...from previous life

Therefore do you stay indoors?
do because that is easier?...dissapointing
A key to success the best, best not damaged

about you who is the "unplugged superstar"?
but you are a person with narrow veiws
What are feelings, are you just now?

By when do you stay indoors?
Do because that is betterlooking?
it is..if dying(haha)
A key to success the best, best not damaged

this world has forgotten FEAR
and it doesnt understand where to go
dont you feel this world HATEFUL?
after all it is, only pastaric

about you who is the "unplugged superstar"?
but you are a person with narrow veiws
What are feelings, are you just now?

this world has forgotten FEAR
and it doesnt understand where to go
dont you feel this world HATEFUL?
after all it is, only pasatic

Destroying it got tired. Breaking is a time situation. (x2)
DVD - 「Alterna.」PV

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