
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)


Catalog#: SFCD-12
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 30 Jan 2002
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

         semi ga naku matsunatsu no kisetsu desu fusuma no mukou kara
obi wo yurumeta yukata sugata de onna wa hasuishite
kami wa midasarete kao wa mienaku niyari to kuchi warau
onna no kuchibiru kurenai ku nureba nidou mo dekiru kana?

chou ga shinu mafuyu no kisetsu desu ichinen sekkei iro
ido no naka kara hau agaru kimi onna wa takawarai

kokoro me mousou Victimization
rankan bousou Victimization
hairan hannou Victimization
hana sakigake kanjou Victimization
danchou setsudan Victimizaion
danshou chuuzetsu Victimization

seiyoku ganbou sakasemashou onna no shitai wo sakasemashou
ninshin ganbou sakasemashou rainen no haru wo sakasemashou
onore no ganbou sakasemashou kyo no miyako ni sakasemashou
         蝉が鳴く真夏の季節です 襖の向こうから
帯を緩めた浴衣姿で 女は破水して
髪は乱れて顔は見えなく ニヤリと口笑う
女の唇紅く塗れば 二度目も出来るかな?

蝶が死ぬ真冬の季節です 一面雪景色
井戸の中から這い上がる君 女は高笑い

心眼妄想 Victimization
卵管暴走 Victimization
排卵反応 Victimization
花魁干渉 Victimization
断腸切断 Victimization
談笑中絶 Victimization

性欲願望咲かせましょう 女の死体を咲かせましょう
妊娠願望咲かせましょう 来年の春を咲かせましょう
己の願望咲かせましょう 京の都に咲かせましょう
It is summertime you can hear the bugs from over there
You can see a girl in a Yukata as her water breaks
Her hair is a mess you can not see her face
Do you think it is possible to see it if she puts on her red lipstick?

It is wintertime the season when moms / moths die all white everywhere
You come crawling out from the well and the girl cries out in laughter

Shinganmousou Victimization
Rankanbousou Victimization
Hairanhannou Victimization
Oirankansyou Victimization
Danchousetsudan Victimization
Danayouchuuzetsu Victimization
Let your sexual desires bloom. Let the girls dead body bloom
let your pregnancy desires bloom. Let the coming spring bloom
Let your desires bloom. Let us bloom in Kyoto
         naasu cosupure 'ni' namerare nagara gaman dekizu ni shasei no ojikan desu
kimi no kao e to dobadoba bichabicha

gofun tarazu no ojikan deshita ga kannou torippu torappu S torippu desu
kimi no kuchi e to dokudoku nechanecha

hachijuu nendai SM poruno 'wa' boku no seishun midori to eri, ai, jun
bokashi ga jama desu iraira mukamuka

boku mo ima de wa sukkari otona bideo wa tomete burasera kayoi no hibi
arupusu no shoujo muhamuha muramura

Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My

High High toransu
High High toransu purei toransu purei
High High toransu
High High toransu purei toransu purei

shinjuku gyoen mae no chiisana kouen to gotanda biru 4F
sukkari mesamete horahora giragira

ima kara BY ni wa narenai kara teokure jimita kangae nigiritsubuse
danki chuudoku berobero guchagucha

Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My

High High toransu
High High toransu purei toransu purei
High High toransu
High High toransu purei toransu purei
High High toransu
High High toransu purei toransu purei
High High High High High High High High High High High High toransu purei... toransu purei

Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
Sweet My Honey
君の顔へと ドバドバビチャビチャ

堪能 トリップ トラップ Sトリップです
君の口へと ドクドクネチャネチャ

僕の青春 みどりとえり、あい じゅん
ボカシが邪魔です イライラ ムカムカ

アルプスの少女 ムハムハ ムラムラ

新宿御苑前の 小さな
すっかり目醒めて ホラホラギラギラ

男器中毒 ベロベログチャグチャ

Sweet My Honey

High トランスプレイ
         Licked by the Nurse Cosplayer,
I can't hold it in, it's time to ejaculate
spattering slimy on to your face.

It only lasted five minutes but,
it was a pleasure, a trip, a trap, an S trip.
running gooey into your mouth.

The S&M Porno's of the 80's were my adolesence.
Midori, Eri, Ai, Jyun.
The blurred out bits got in the way, frustrated and pissed me off.

Now even I'm all grown up.
These days I've stopped just watching the videos,
now I go to specialty pervert shops.
I'm hot and horny for little Alpine Heidi.

At the small park in front of Shinjuku Gyoen
on the fourth floor of the Gotanda Building.
my eyes were opened anew, unable to look away.

It's too late to think that I can be Bisexual now,
so I rid myself of the thought.
Addicted to the male sexual organ. Licking up the goo.

Sweet my Honey

High Trance Play.
03.24個シリンダー[24(ni-juu shi)-Ko shirinda](24(ni-juu shi)ko Cylinder)
         24ko SHIRINDAA

(Give Me Laugh) daremo ga omou
(Give Me Pain) toki ga owareba
(Give Me High) mujun darake no
(Give Me) yume wo…
(Give Me Laugh) aisouwarai
(Give Me Pain) uso no kazu dake
(Give Me High) yukiba nakushita
(Give Me) ai ga…

todokanai kimi no aijou todokanai boku no aijou
ima mo hora ne…
todokanai kimi no koe wa todokanai boku no koe mo
ima mo hora… keredo…

(Give Me Laugh) daita kazu dake
(Give Me Pain) kimi wo aiseru?
(Give Me High) mujun darake no
(Give Me) boku ga… Ah

todokanai kimi no aijou todokanai boku no aijou
ima mo hora ne…
todokanai kimi no koe wa todokanai boku no koe mo
ima mo hora… keredo…

toki wa owaru toki wa kawaru boku ga kimi ga ima ga yakitsuku toki no nagare
toki wa tomaru toki no hate ni netsu wo motanu ai ni kuchizukete nemurou

An end begins a trivial matter.
It's a time to burn everything
If I could forget you without hesitation…
Serious injury laughs at me
The time is changing, the passage of time burns me, you, now
Solitude laughs as it likes.
Solitude laughs as it likes
You laugh You laugh
You laugh You laugh as you look down
The time is over, the time will stop
At the end of the time sleeping with a kiss to unheated death

todokanai kimi no aijou todokanai boku no aijou
ima mo hora ne…
todokanai kimi no koe wa todokanai boku no koe mo
ima mo hora…
yume wa kare suna ni kaeri itsuka mata boku no naka de
yume wa saku no?
yume wakare omoidasenu kimi no koe todokimasu ka
boku no moto e keredo…

toki wa owaru toki wa kawaru boku ga kimi ga ima ga yakitsuku toki no nagare
toki wa tomaru toki no hate ni netsu wo motanu ai ni kuchizukete nemurou

(Give Me) toki ga owareba

(Give Me Laugh) 誰もが想う
(Give Me Pain) 時が終われば
(Give Me High) 矛盾だらけの
(Give Me) 夢を…
(Give Me Laugh) 愛想笑い
(Give Me Pain) 嘘の数だけ
(Give Me High) 行き場無くした
(Give Me) 愛が… Ah

届かない君の愛情届かない 僕の愛情
届かない 君の声は 届かない 僕の声も
今もほら… けれど…

(Give Me Laugh) 抱いた数だけ
(Give Me Pain) 君を愛せる?
(Give Me High) 矛盾だらけの
(Give Me) 僕が… Ah

届かない 君の愛情 届かない 僕の愛情
今も ほらね…
届かない 君の声は 届かない 僕の声も
今も ほら… けれど…

時は終わる 時は変わる
僕が 君が 今が 焼き付く時の流れ
時は止まる 時の果てに
熱を持たぬ愛に 口付けて眠ろう

An end begins a trivial matter.
It's a time to burn everything
If I could forget you without hesitation…
Serious injury laughs at me
The time is changing, the passage of time burns me, you, now
Solitude laughs as it likes.
Solitude laughs as it likes
You laugh You laugh
You laugh You laugh as you look down
The time is over, the time will stop,
At the end of the time sleeping with a kiss to unheated death

届かない 君の愛情 届かない 僕の愛情
届かない 君の声は 届かない 僕の声も
今も ほら…

夢は枯れ 砂に還り 何時か また 僕の中で
夢 別れ想い出せぬ 君の声 届きますか
僕の元へ けれど…

時は終わる 時は変わる
僕が 君が 今が 焼き付く時の流れ
時は止まる 時の果てに
熱を持たぬ愛に 口付けて眠ろう

(Give Me…) 時が終われば
         24 CYLINDERS

(Give Me Laugh) Everyone dreams
(Give Me Pain) If the time is over
(Give Me High) A full of contradiction
(Give Me) Dream…
(Give Me Laugh) A forced smile
(Give Me Pain) The number of lies
(Give Me High) Lost a place to go
(Give Me) Love… Ah

I can't reach your love, I can't reach my love
Even now, look…
I can't reach your voice, I can't even reach my voice
Even now… but…

(Give Me Laugh) With only the number of times we embraced
(Give Me Pain) Am I able to love you?
(Give Me High) The full of contradiction
(Give Me) Me… Ah

I can't reach your love, I can't reach my love
Even now, look…
I can't reach your voice, I can't even reach my voice
Even now… but…

Time will end, time will change
Me, you, now The scorched flow of time
Time will stop, to the end of time
With a love without fever let's kiss and sleep

An end begins a trivial matter.
It's a time to burn everything
If I could forget you without hesitation…
Serious injury laughs at me
The time is changing, the passage of time burns me, you, now
Solitude laughs as it likes.
Solitude laughs as it likes
You laugh You laugh
You laugh You laugh as you look down
The time is over, the time will stop
At the end of the time sleeping with a kiss to unheated death

I can't reach your love, I can't reach my love
Even now, look…
I can't reach your voice, I can't even reach my voice
Even now… but…

The dream has withered and returned to the sand, will it sometime bloom inside of me again?
The dream parted away and I can't remember Can your voice reach
To me… but…

Time will end, time will change
Me, you, now The scorched flow of time
Time will stop, to the end of time
With a love without fever let's kiss and sleep

(Give Me) If the time is over

         S teki S teki S teki S wo kakusei
S teki S teki S teki S wo umekome
S teki S teki S teki M wo setsudan
S teki S teki puratonikku wo hajimemashou

kibanda yoku no mushi wa
yokkyuufumanteki rikaisha
kusatta ringo ieki no naka
seiyoku suupu mo omeshiagare
S yoku horumarin tsuke no
dokudoku tareru pinku no uji
kusatta ichigo asoko no naka
ketsueki jitate no marina sawaa

Filth Hi

eiga wo miyou kimi no yakusoku dohri te wo tsunai de
yoru ni wa owakare desu ringo to ichigo ga kusaru mae ni
yume wa hirogaru kimi no yakusoku dohri kisu wo shi nagara
kimi to wa owakare desu saigo no bansan tanoshimimashou

Filth Hi

S teki S teki S teki S wo nomihose
S teki S teki S teki S karu, horaa
S kakusei ga odemashi da
yotte rasshai mite rasshai
S teki S teki shinkuro shikomi no retoro horaa

nikuyoku fesutibaru ga hajimaru
seiyoku fesutibaru ga hajimaru
S teki fesutibaru no bousou
jinniku jinsoku saiko horaa
kanzou iri no orenji jyuusu
jinzou majiri no amakuchi karee
suizou shikomi no pesukatohre
itoshi no itoshi no saiko horaa
S的 S的 S的 Sを覚醒
S的 S的 S的 Sを埋め込め
S的 S的 S的 Mを切断
S的 S的 プラトニックを始めましょう

腐った林檎 胃液の中

Filth High

夜にはお別れです 林檎と苺が腐る前に
君とはお別れです 最後の晩餐楽しみましょう

Filth High

S的 S的 S的 Sを飲み干せ
S的 S的 S的 Sカル、ホラー
S的 S的 シンクロ仕込みのレトロホラー

         Something like the S, like the S, like the S, S awakes
Something like the S, like the S, like the S, I bury the S
Something like the S, like the S, like the S, cut off the M
Like the S, like the S, lets start the platonic

The yellow greed insect, a person with Frustration from desire
The rotten apple inside the stomach acid
Why don't you have some sexual soup
Soaked S desire in formalin
Dripping down like a pink knat
Rotten strawberry inside the pussy
A marine sour drink with a twist of blood

Filth High

Lets go see a movie like we promised
Say goodbye at night time before the apple and the strawberry rot
Our dreams are endless lets kiss like we promised
Say goodbye let us enjoy out last meal

Something like the S, like the S, like the S, you gotta drink up the S
Something like the S, like the S, like the S, S like horror
S is coming your way
Gather around, come and see
Like the S, like the S, in sync like the retro horror

Desire of Flesh, the Festival is about to start
Sexual desire, the Festival is about to start
S Festival out of control
Like a human flesh psycho horror
Liver orange juice
Kidney sweet curry rice
Pasta with insides
My sweet loving psycho horror
05.Bottom of the death valley
         soko ni aru kuruma no toranku ni wa aishita mono subete wo tsumekomi
kagi wo sashite saigo no doraibu shite ano gake kara watashi wa jiyuu ni

My Sister, Obscene Sister dakarete asobare oboreru
My Sister, Lustful Sister ki ga tsukeba shiroi umizoko
My Sister, Mother Is Sister mama ga aishita shiroi umi
My Sister, Drug Addiction [R]

I Will Go To The Heaven
Playing The Suicide
I Will Go To The Hell

soko ni aru kibou no tobira ni wa aishita mono subete okiwasure
te no furue ga yamanai migite wo osaete watashi ni kizukarenai you ni namida kakushite

My Sister, Obscene Sister dakarete asobare oboreru
My Sister, Lustful Sister ki ga tsukeba shiroi umizoko
My Sister, Mother Is Sister mama ga aishita shiroi umi
My Sister, Drug Addiction [R]

I Will Go To The Heaven
Playing The Suicide
I Will Go To The Hell

soko ni nemuru kuruma no toranku ni wa watashi no kodomo tsumete ima mo futari de

My Sister, Obscene Sister だかれてあそばれ
My Sister, Lustful Sister きがつけばしろい
My Sister, Mother Is Sister ままがあいした
My Sister, Drug Addiction [R]

I Will Go To The Heaven
Playing The Suicide
I Will Go To The Hell


My Sister, Obscene Sister だかれてあそばれ
My Sister, Lustful Sister きがつけばしろい
My Sister, Mother Is Sister ままがあいした
My Sister, Drug Addiction [R]

I Will Go To The Heaven
Playing The Suicide
I Will Go To The Hell

         I've packed up everything I loved in the trunk of the car over there
putting in the key, I'm going for a last drive from the cliff I'll be free...

My Sister, Obscene Sister fucked toyed with drowned
My Sister, Lustful Sister if you notice the white ocean floor
My Sister, Mother Is Sister mother loved the white ocean
My Sister, Drug Addiction (R)

I Will Go To The Heaven
Playing The Suicide
I Will Go To The Hell

I've left behind everything I loved through the door of hope that's down there
with my right hand I catch hold of hands that won't stop trembling so I won't notice the
tears she hides from me

now my child and I are packed in together sleeping down there in the trunk of the car
         sou kawaranai mono kusatte yuku mono
shinde yuku mono watashi no ai shita mono wo subete kaeshite
sou umarete yuku mono umutsukeru mono
okashite yuku mono hito no kutsuu ga kono toki kara hajimaru

shinde yuku mono ureshisou na kao umarete yuku mono
kanashisou na kao bai bai Mother
yo no naka no hito wa nani mo kizuku kazu
yo no naka no hito wa shirazu kizutsuke watashi wa hitori

Without a Face mure wo nashi
Without a Face nomikonde

hora ima ni mo oshitsubusare kokoro ga harisakesou
tada atatakai ryoute ni idakarete nemuritai

My Sweet Mother hohoende
atatakai nemuri wo saigo ni
Deadly Sweet Mother hohoende
yoru no naka itami wo nigirishime nemurimashou

sou jiyuu wa nakute jiyuu no naka de
jiyuu no kabe ga watashi ga ai shita mono wo subete kaeshite
sou kimetsukerareta kimetsuke koto ni kimetsuke bito wa
sorera no naka de jiyuu wo nakusu

shinde yuku mono ureshisou na kao umarete yuku mono
kanashisou na kao bai bai Mother
yo no naka no hito wa nani mo kizuku kazu
yo no naka no hito wa shirazu kizutsuke watashi wa hitori

My Sweet Mother hohoende
atatakai nemuri wo saigo ni
Deadly Sweet Mother hohoende
yoru no naka itami wo nigirishime
My Sweet Mother hohoende
atatakai nemuri wo saigo ni
Deadly Sweet Mother hohoende
watashi mo jiyuu ni saigo no o wakare wo
         そう変わらない者 腐ってゆく者
死んでゆく者 私の愛した者を全て返して
そう生まれてゆく者 産み付ける者
犯してゆく者 人の苦痛がこの時から始まる

死んでゆく者 嬉しそうな顔
生まれてゆく者 悲しそうな顔 バイバイMother
世の中の人は 何も築かず
世の中の人は 知らず傷つけ 私は一人

Without a Face 群れをなし
Without a Face 飲み込んで


My Sweet Mother 微笑んで
Deadly Sweet Mother 微笑んで

そう自由は無くて 自由の中で
自由の壁が 私が愛した者を返して
そう決めつけられた 決めつけ事に
決めつけ人は それらの中で自由を無くす

死んでゆく者 嬉しそうな顔
生まれてゆく者 悲しそうな顔 バイバイMother
世の中の人は 何も築かず
世の中の人は 知らず傷つけ 私は一人

My Sweet Mother 微笑んで
Deadly Sweet Mother 微笑んで
My Sweet Mother 微笑んで
Deadly Sweet Mother 微笑んで
         Yes, the unchanging ones, the rotting ones
The dying ones, give me back all of the ones that I loved
Yes, the ones being born, the ones giving birth
The ones who sin, human suffering begins from this time

The faces of those who are dying seem so happy
The faces of those who are being born seem to sad, bye bye mother
People in this world create nothing
People in this world hurt each other without knowing it; I'm all alone

Without a face, the crowd gathers
Without a face, and sucks me in

Look, my heart that is even now being crushed, feels like it's about to break
I just want to be held by a pair of warm hands, and sleep

My sweet mother, smile
At the end, let me fall into a warm sleep
Deadly sweet mother, smile
I'm going to sleep in the night, grasping ahold of the pain

Yes, there is no freedom, within freedom
There is a wall of freedom; Give me back the ones that I loved
In deciding the things that have been decided
The people who have decided them lose their freedom

The faces of those who are dying seem so happy
The faces of those who are being born seem to sad, bye bye mother
People in this world create nothing
People in this world hurt each other without knowing it; I'm all alone

My sweet mother, smile
At the end, let me fall into a warm sleep
Deadly sweet mother, smile
In the night, grasping ahold of the pain
My sweet mother, smile
At the end, let me fall into a warm sleep
Deadly sweet mother, smile
Let me be free to say my last goodbyes
08.逆上堪能ケロイドミルク[Gyakujoutannou keroidomiruku](Gyakujoutannou Keloidmilk)
         bugaisha wa terebi mi nagara hakushukassai
kore kara hajimaru SHOW wo goran are
ayatsuri ayatsurare karakuri no hate
kanshoku tannou yona yona yona yona yobai desu. re incarnate

kagaisha wa garagarakuri garagaragaragara to oto wo tate
zugai no unou to sanou washizukami
sakasama no aijou to gyakutai no mure
hensoku tannou yona yona yona yona yobai desu. re incarnate

higaisha wa namida to kizu ga hakushukassai
shinjitsu mitsumeru koto wo akiramezu
waraidasu minasama douzo goran are
tanmei tannou yona yona yona yona yobai desu. re incarnate

garasu jidai no osanaki toki
dore dake kizu wo fukamereba...
hahen wo kokoro tsukisashite wa
dore dake itami wo......

Death Warrant
mou jiki shuuen wa hajimaru
Death Warrant
mou sugu ore ni mo kikoete kuru no sa
間食堪能夜な夜な夜な夜な夜這いです。 re incarnate

変速堪能夜な夜な夜な夜な夜這いです。 re incarnate

短命堪能夜な夜な夜な夜な夜這いです。 re incarnate


Death Warrant
Death Warrant
         Outsiders watching TV, applausing
Please take a look, the show is about to begin
Pulling strings, being manipulated, end of the trick
Sneaking out to enjoy a snack night after night after night after night re incarnate

The assailant's screeching, clattering sounds
It's skull is crashed, along with the right and left brains
Inverted love, an oppressed crowd
Sneaking out to enjoy the irregular speed night after night after night after night re incarnate

Applaud the tears and wounds of the sufferer
to accept seeing the truth
Everyone who burst into laughter, please take a look
Sneaking out to enjoy this short life night after night after night after night re incarnate

In my childhood, an era featured glass
I saw how could I deepen my wounds...
I stabbed a piece into my heart
to see how much pain I could bear...

Death Warrant
Just a little more time, the demise'll start
Death Warrant
Just a little more, I'll be able to hear it soon.
09.The Domestic Fucker Family
         Mr. Fucker Show

Fucker Fucker Radical Fucker Trans Psycho Pleasure
Fucker Fucker Radical Fucker Trans Psycho Pleasure

Fucker Fucker Japanese Fucker Thrash Psycho Family
Fucker Fucker Japanese Fucker Thrash Psycho Family

Fucker Fucker Domestic Fucker Human Psycho Passion
Fucker Fucker Domestic Fucker Human Psycho Passion

System M -SEXIST-

suriruna geemu wo hajimeyou ka Mr. Fucker M
yaritai houdai dokuzetsu mankai Mr. Fucker M
housou kinshi no riaru aidoru Mr. Fucker M
kamiteki sonzai STALINIT no Mr. Fucker M

Radical Fucker Japanese Fucker Domestic Fucker Family
         Mr. Fucker Show

Fucker Fucker Radical Fucker Trans Psycho Pleasure
Fucker Fucker Radical Fucker Trans Psycho Pleasure

Fucker Fucker Japanese Fucker Thrash Psycho Family
Fucker Fucker Japanese Fucker Thrash Psycho Family

System M System M System M -SEXIST-

Radical Fucker Japanese Fucker Domestic Fucker Family
Radical Fucker Japanese Fucker Domestic Fucker Family

スリルなゲームを始めようか Mr. Fucker M
ヤリタイ放題毒舌満開 Mr. Fucker M
放送禁止のリアルアイドル Mr. Fucker M
神的存在 STALINITの Mr. Fucker M

Fucker Fucker Domestic Fucker Human Psycho Passion
Fucker Fucker Domestic Fucker Human Psycho Passion

System M System M System M -SEXIST-

Radical Fucker Japanese Fucker Domestic Fucker
Radical Fucker Japanese Fucker Domestic Fucker
Radical Fucker Japanese Fucker Domestic Fucker
Radical Fucker Japanese Fucker Domestic Fucker Family
         Mr. Fucker Show

Fucker Fucker Radical Fucker Trans Psycho Pleasure
Fucker Fucker Radical Fucker Trans Psycho Pleasure

Fucker Fucker Japanese Fucker Thrash Psycho Family
Fucker Fucker Japanese Fucker Thrash Psycho Family

Fucker Fucker Domestic Fucker Human Psycho Passion
Fucker Fucker Domestic Fucker Human Psycho Passion

System M -SEXIST-

shall we start a thrilling game? Mr. Fucker M
do whatever you want, say the worst you want to say, Mr. Fucker M
the real idol, illegal to broadcast, Mr. Fucker M
you're the godlike existence of a Stalinist, Mr Fucker M

Radical Fucker Japanese Fucker Domestic Fucker Family
         se wo muketa futari niwa ibasho nado nakute
hageshiku furu ame sae oto wa kikoezu
se wo muke te aruiteku futari noyuku basho
ashiato ga hitotsu kiemata hitotsu kie ...
hanarenai hanaretakunai kedo
kimi no kotoba ga kokoro ni fukaku tsuki sasaru hora
hanarenai hanaretakunai kedo
nami de kieteyuku kimi no ashiato mata hitotsu zutsu ...

ore wo omoide ni kae atarashii umi e
shiawase wo kokoro kara negauyo kimi e
namida no mukou gawa ni shiawase haaruno ?
namida no mukou gawa ni kimi wa inaisa

hanarenai hanaretakunai kedo
kimi no kotoba ga kokoro ni fukaku tsuki sasaru hora
hanarenai hanaretakunai kedo
nami de kie teyuku kimi no ashiato mata hitotsu zutsu
haru, natsu, aki, fuyu no kisetsu to ...
ososu girukedomou ichido hora te wo tsunagitai
haru, natsu, aki, fuyu no kisetsu ga ...
itsukano deai itsukano wakare kimi to no deai
         背を向けた二人には 居場所など無くて
激しく振る雨さえ 音は聞こえず
背を向けて歩いてく 二人のゆく場所
足跡が一つ消え また一つ消え…
離れない 離れたく無いけど
君の言葉が心に深く突き刺さる ほら
離れない 離れたく無いけど
波で消えてゆく君の足跡 又一つずつ…


離れない 離れたく無いけど
君の言葉が心に深く突き刺さる ほら
離れない 離れたく無いけど
波で消えてゆく君の足跡 又一つずつ
遅すぎるけどもう一度ほら 手を繋ぎたい
いつかの出逢い いつかの別れ君との出逢い
         There is no where these two can go having their backs to each other
They can not even hear the sounds of the rain that pours heavily
They walk with their backs to each other, where will they go
One by one their Footsteps disappears......

Change me into a memory and head to the new ocean
I wish you happiness from the heart
There is happiness behind the tears
But behind the tears you are not there

I don't want to part from you
But your words stab my heart, do you see??
I don't want to part from you but
The waves are erasing your footsteps one by one

With the changes of the 4 seasons
Maybe its too late but I want to hold your hand
With the changes of the 4 seasons
There will always be a hello and a goodbye, and a hello to you.
         uchiakerarenai dare mo shinjirarenai dare mo kare mo
hora subete mienai sashikonda hikari ga kiete ima ni mo kareru
uchiakerarenai koto wa watashi no yowasa watashi no kako
eru mono mo aru keredo kitto te ni nigiru yasashisa ga kiete yuku to
arifureta kotae wa ikiru koto hakushi ni modoshite umarekawaru

kokoro ga tozashite ima ni mo kowarete yuku
namida wo koroshite warau hibi yo
kokoro ga shimeshita shinjiru imi no nasa wo
watashi wo koroshita gizenbito yo

kokoro ga tozashite ima nimo kuzueochiru
namida wo koroshite sakebu hibi yo

kokoro ga nokoshita shinjiru imi no tsuyosa wo
watashi wo koroshita watashi kokoro
         打ち明けられない誰も 信じられない誰も彼も
ほら全て見えない 差し込んだ光が消えて今にも枯れる
打ち明けられない事は 私の弱さ私の過去
得るモノもあるけれど きっと手に握る優しさが消えてゆくと
ありふれた答えは 生きる事白死に戻して生まれ変わる


         I can't open myself up to anyone I can't believe in anyone at all
and I can't see anything the light that shines is disappearing, soon it will be gone
unable to open myself up this is my weakness, my past
I can get what I want, yet if I do, the kindness I'm holding onto will slip away
the typical answer is when you die, you'll be reborn, come back again

my heart is shuttered, soon it will break apart
stifling my tears, I laugh day after day
my heart has shown me that believing is nothing
those hypocrites killed me

my heart is shuttered, soon it will crumble away
stifling my tears, I scream day after day
my heart has left me with a belief in strength
my own heart killed me
         shounen wa
berurin no kabe ni
tsuba hakitsuke
kowashite mo
ima ga nani hitotsu
kaerarezu ni

katakuna ni jibun wo
tozashite ita

utau koto ga
yuiitsu no sasae de...

Edward H. Gein ni wa
naritaku wa nai sa
Sid Vicious & Nancy
doko de deau darou?

kokoro ni wa koe wa naku
kokoro ni mo uta wo nakushi
shizuka ni kimi wo matsu
kimi made wa
kimi no koe wo mitsuke dasezu

sotto kimi ga te wo
sashinoberu to sunao ni narezu

kokoro ni wa koe wa naku
kokoro ni mo uta wo nakushi
shizuka ni kimi wo matsu
yume wo mite
koi wo shite
koi ni koi shite
yume wa owaru Sid no yume
少年は ベルリンの壁に 唾吐き付け
壊しても 今が何一つ 変えられずに

思い出せば 頑なに自分を 閉ざしていた
歌う事が 唯一の支えで。。。

Edward H. Geinにはなりたくはないさ
Sid Vicious & Nancy何処で出逢うだろう?

心には声は無く 心にも歌を無くし 静かに君を待つ
届かない 君までは 届かない 君の声を見つけ出せず


心には声は無く 心にも歌を無くし 静かに君を待つ
恋焦がれ 夢を見て 恋をして 恋に恋して 夢は終わるSidの夢
         A young boy spit on the broken down Berlin wall
unable to change a thing

Remembering that the only thing that has helped him
open himself up was to sing
Don't want to be another Edward H. Gein
Where do Sid Vicious and Nancy meet?

No voice in my heart
No song in my heart either
I wait for you patiently
I try to reach for you but you can not be reached
I can not find your voice

I can not be true to myself when you reach out your hand to me

No voice in my heart
No song in my heart either
I wait for you patiently
Lost in love, I dream a dream, I fall in love with falling in love
Dreaming of Sid's dream has ended
         koyoi wa harusame namida to kandou no dorama ka na?
asahi ga terasu to mukan no ichi nichi ga haitai

uchiage hanabi wa kirei na imouto no kari no mama
suuji ga yomenai rinda to furan shite taidoku

nukekara kaishuu wasureta mama no ki gurumi no naka
butagoya haishutsu madamu to hikarabite ranman

death education

sarcasm one sided and rush end core

boku ni wa are kore sore ga tarizu umareru mae kara tainai no gomi de
youchien no koro ni wa fusuma wo akete oya no seikoui wo kanshou
ima de wa ane wo okashita tsumi de koko roku dokubou no ikiru gomi de
mainichi maiban ima demo kakasazu zecchou ni nobori itte orimasu!

"kari no mamaa madamu" "anee rinda"
         今宵は春雨 涙と感動のドラマかな?
朝日が照らすと無感の一日が 胚胎

数字が読めないリンダと腐乱して 胎毒

豚小屋排出マダムと乾涸びて 爛漫

Death Education

Sarcasm One Sideed And Rush End Core


         Tonight a spring rain falls,
Will it be a tear-jerking drama?
When the morning light shines
It's the first inkling of a numb new day

The sky rocket's are pretty
My little sister's surrogate mother
Decomposing with Linda
Who's no good with numbers
Poison in the womb

Death Education

They forgot to collect my useless husk
Still inside the stuffed doll of my mother,
Discharged from the pigsty, shrivelling away with Madam,
Covered all over

Death Education

Sarcasm One Sided And Rush End Core

Missing this, that and the other,
The refuse of the womb since before I was even born
Open the sliding paper doors,
To indulge in a peek at my parents having sex
Now I'm rotting away in Cell #6
For the crime of raping my older sister
Everyday and everynight without fail, still to this day
Totally getting off on it
15.ピンクキラー[Pinkukiraa](Pink Killer)
         Bust daiichi no kimi chimeiteki ketsubetsu noirohze
Bust daini no kimi wa kuranke tsuke de mo masutaabeshon
Bust daisan no kimi shokkaku kirete danchi
Bust daiyon no kimi taion wa shinde yuku hennou sekkai

Bust daigo no kimi ni sanso wo ataezu shinderu
Bust dairoku no kimi setsudanmen okashiteku masutaabeshon
Bust dainana no kimi hairan kinou ketsuraku kimi
Bust daihachi no kimi haisuikou ni daisan zouki

Bust daikyuu no kimi chimeiteki ketsubetsu doutai
Bust daijuu no kimi shikkin nure de mo masutaabeshon
Bust daiichi no boku ryuusan majiri no kategoraizu
Bust daiichininsha wa sennou sareteru kanoke zaijuu

giri giri no boku fukan jintai
giri giri no boku fuzen jintai
giri giri no boku fushoku jintai
giri giri no boku furan jintai

jintai kara oyobosu aijou
jintai kara oyobosu kanjou
jintai kara oyobosu kanzou
jintai kara oyobosu taiji

Dead And Dead, Killing Child
dorokeru kara hajikeru kara ikimashou
         Bust 第壱の君致命的決別ノイローゼ
Bust 第弐の君はクランケ漬けでもマスターベーション
Bust 第参の君触覚切れて断血
Bust 第四の君体温は死んでゆく変脳切開

Bust 第五の君に酸素を与えず死んでる
Bust 第六の君切断面犯してくマスターベーション
Bust 第七の君排卵機能欠落気味
Bust 第八の君排水溝に第三臓器

Bust 第九の君致命的決別胴体
Bust 第拾の君失禁塗れでもマスターベーション
Bust 第一の僕硫酸混じりのカテゴライズ
Bust 第壱人者は洗脳されてる棺桶在住



Dead And Dead, Killing Child
ドロけるから 弾けるから行きましょう
         Bust Number 1 you crazy psycho
Bust Number 2 still masturbating even though you are a patient
Bust Number 3 your antenna cut off
Bust Number 4 your body temperature is dying your brain cut off

Bust Number 5 no oxygen for you, so you will soon die
Bust Number 6 masturbating while I cut your face off
Bust Number 7 no function to bear a child
Bust Number 8 no function to urinate

Bust Number 9 cut off your body
Bust Number 10 still masturbating while you pee in your pants
Bust Number 1 categorize myself with some acid
Bust First person is brainwashed living in a coffin

Obligation Obligation My body feels nothing
Obligation Obligation My body is not perfect
Obligation Obligation My body rots
Obligation Obligation My body has decomposed

Love comes out from the body
Feeling comes out from the body
Liver destroys from the body
Child destroys from the body

Dead and dead,killing child
It becomes slime,we bust out......let's go

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