
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)


Label: Sony Music Entertainment
Catalog#: BVCL-128
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 13 Oct 2010
Genre: Rock
Style: Major


yume ga hora bousou chotto genkai
kimi ga kie ru kitto kaere nai

shabu ritsuke mousou motto ganbou
kimi wa nedaru LOLLIPOP BABY

tobikome uta kata no BOYS & GIRLS
iki teite ureshi ika ?
yume no tsudzuki no youna ni jiiro yoake mae

kaira ku kanbi ga jinsei sa


kimi to Moulin Rouge datte Weekend
Hana wa akaku hito wa haka nai

soshite live or die haato cho o dai
odori aka su konya jinsei wo

tobikome uta kata no BOYS & GIRLS
iki teite ureshi ika ?
yume no tsudzuki no youna ni jiiro yoake mae

hai dase taikutsu na rejisu tansu
sorenari de tanoshi ika ?
yume no tsuduki wa marude ni jiiro yoake mae

kairaku kanbi ga jinsei sa

kairaku kanbi ga

kairaku kanbi ga jinsei sa

作詞:今井寿 作曲:今井寿


夢が ほら 暴走 ちょっと 限界
キミが 消える きっと かえれない

しゃぶりつけ 妄想 もっと 願望

飛び込め うたかたのBOYS&GIRLS
生きていて うれしいか?
夢の続きの ような 虹色 夜明け前

快楽 甘美が 人生さ


キミと Mouling Rouge だって Weekend
花は赤く 人は儚い

そして live or die ハートちょーだい
踊り明かす 今夜 人生を

飛び込め うたかたのBOYS&GIRLS
生きていて うれしいか?
夢の続きの ような 虹色 夜明け前

這い出せ 退屈なレジスタンス
それなりで 楽しいか?
夢の続きは まるで 虹色 夜明け前

快楽 甘美が 人生さ

快楽 甘美が

快楽 甘美が 人生さ


Your dreams are overdrive
We’re at the end line
You’re gonna disappear
No you can’t go back

Whack off to wild ideas
More, more desire
You’re the one teasing me LOLLIPOP BABY

Come on and jump in, evanescent BOYS & GIRLS
Aren’t you happy to be alive?
Like another chapter of the dream
Before the rainbow dawn arrives

Sweetness and pleasure are what makes a life


We’re at the Moulin Rouge (1)
On the weekend
Flowers are crimson and people are short-lived

And baby live or die
Make your heart mine
Dancing the night away
That’s our life tonight

Come on and jump in, evanescent BOYS & GIRLS
Aren’t you happy to be alive?
Like another chapter of the dream
Before the rainbow dawn arrives

Go on and crawl with your killjoy resistance
Is that the way that you have your fun?
And it’s another chapter of the dream
Before the rainbow dawn to come

Sweetness and pleasure are what makes a life

Sweetness and pleasure yeah

Sweetness and pleasure are what makes a life

03.狂気のデッドヒート[Kyouki no deddohiito](Kyouki no Deadheat)
honnou ga doku doku tagiru Get up!
yume ni mita o mae ni ae ru Start!

400,000,000~500,000,000 no Baby face. eee?
doitsu mokoitsu mo noppera bouzu uso !?

megami no itazura kyouki no deddo hiito Woo Yeah!

inkoosu giri giri nerae So cool!
auto kara yuuki wo mise ro Oh shit!

me to me mo nai noni me to me ga atta eee!?
ai no zanryou katamichikippu uso !?

megami ha kimagure kyouki no deddo hiito Woo Yeah!

You are・・ You are my sunshine my only.
You are .. You are my sunshine so so sweet.
You are・・ You are my sunshine my only.
You are .. kimi wa watashi no taiyou

oodeiensu shizuma ri kaeru Shiiiii ...
yume ni mita o mae no naka he ( Come on! )

otoko mo onna mo soudachi nanosa Woo!
ore moo mae mobisho nure nanosa Aha~!

megami ga hohoemu kyouki no deddo hiito You win!
megami wa hohoemu kyouki no deddo hiito You win!
作詞:櫻井敦司 作曲:星野英彦

本能がドクドクたぎる Get up!
夢に見たお前に会える Start!

400,000,000〜500,000,000のBaby face. え〜っ!?
どいつもこいつも のっぺら坊主 嘘!?

女神の悪戯 狂気のデッドヒート Woo Yeah!

インコース ギリギリ狙え So cool!
アウトから勇気を見せろ Oh shit!

目と目も無いのに目と目が合った え〜っ!?
愛の残量 片道切符 嘘!?

女神は気まぐれ 狂気のデットヒート Woo Yeah!

You are‥You are my sunshine my only.
You are‥You are my sunshine so so sweet.
You are‥You are my sunshine my only.
You are‥君は私の太陽

オーディエンス 静まり返る Shiiiii…
夢に見たお前の中へ (Come on!)

男の女も総立ちなのさ Woo!
俺もお前もびしょ濡れなのさ Aha〜!

女神が微笑む 狂気のデットヒート You win!
女神が微笑む 狂気のデットヒート You win!
My urge is gushing and bubbling over
Get Up!
I’m gonna meet you, the one I saw in my dreams

You’re four or five hundred million times Baby Face
But every last one of them’s a hairless faceless nightmare girl (1)
No way!!

Goddess making mischief with you
It’s a crazy deadheat
Woo Yeah!

Taking aim for the inside course just barely (2)
So cool!
Keep your courage up when it comes to an out
Oh shit!

It’s not our eyes that met but baby eye to eye your eyes met mine
One way ticket to whatever could be left of love
No way!!

Goddess she’s too tricky for you
It’s a crazy deadheat
Woo Yeah!

You are… You are my sunshine my only.
You are… You are my sunshine so so sweet
You are… You are my sunshine my only.
You are… You are the sunshine in my sky

The audience all go silent suddenly
Into you, yeah the one I saw in my dreams
(Come on!)
Boys and girls are standing up together
You and me we’re dripping wet together

Goddess yeah she’s smiling on you
It’s a crazy deadheat
You win!
Goddess yeah she’s smiling on you
It’s a crazy deadheat
You win!
04.独壇場Beauty-R.I.P.-(Dokudanjou Beauty-R.I.P.-)
         Yeah Yeah dokudanjou beauty
Kodoku zetsubou Yeah Yeah omae ga jiyuu

Yeah Yeah hana mo hai mo beauty
Kaze mo inochi mo Yeah Yeah mugen mo eien mo

Oh my god
Kamisama mo tsukaenai na sore nara katte ni yacchae
Wain mo tabako mo bara mo aru ore ga waratte miteteyaru

Yeah Yeah tobashite kure beauty
Ano sora no ue Yeah Yeah omae no jiyuu

Yeah Yeah yasashiinda na beauty
Mou daijoubu Yeah Yeah nani mo okinai sa

Oh my god
Kamisama wa minai furi sore nara hade ni yacchae
Shinu hodo tanoshime odore ore ga waratte miteteyaru

Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop Yeah

Oh my god
Kamisama mo tomerarenai omou ga mama no jinsei
Saigo ni zenbu tabechae yo ore ga waratte miteteyaru

Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop Yeah

Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop Yeah
         Yeah Yeah 独壇場 Beauty
孤独 絶望 Yeah Yeah おまえが自由

Yeah Yeah 花も灰も Beauty
風も命も Yeah Yeah 無限も永遠も

オーマイガッ 神様も使えないな それなら勝手にやっちゃえ

Yeah Yeah 飛ばしてくれ Beauty
あの空の上 Yeah Yeah おまえの自由

Yeah Yeah 優しいんだな Beauty
もう大丈夫 Yeah Yeah 何も起きないさ

オーマイガッ 神様は見ないふり それなら派手にやっちゃえ
死ぬほど楽しめ 踊れ

Go Go Beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah Beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop Yeah!

オーマイガッ 神様も止められない 思うがままが人生

Go Go Beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah Beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop Yeah!

Go Go Beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah Beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop

Go Go Beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah Beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop Yeah!
Yeah Yeah beauty the stage is all yours
Loneliness & despair Yeah Yeah
It's your freedom

Yeah Yeah beauty flowers & ashes
The wind & your life Yeah Yeah
Infinity & eternity

Oh my god
Not even God can use you, so just do what you want
We have wine and roses and cigarettes
Makes me laugh to see it

Yeah Yeah beauty make me fly
Up in the sky Yeah Yeah
It's your freedom

Yeah Yeah my sweet beauty
It's gonna be all right Yeah Yeah
Nothing's gonna go wrong

Oh my god
When God pretends he isn't watching, just go wild
Love & dance so much you could die
Makes me laugh to see it

Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop

Oh my god
Not even God can stop it, our life is in the moment
At the end, just eat it all
Makes me laugh to see it

Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop Yeah

Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Go Go beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop
Yeah beauty round round Nothing's gonna stop Yeah
05.羽虫のように(Hamushi no Youni)
tenshi tachi teikuu hikou gikochi na kute warau
chuu burari henshin ganbou are wa sanagi no yume

suki sa suki sa yubi saki dekama wanai
raku ni narusa hai noyouni

ai nante sokoja na kute
iki teru dakeja tari na kute

ai nante souja na kute
hane mushi no you ni hai no you ni chiri no you ni

koro gatta rasen nantai ore wa kamufu raaju
te wo nobase ariado ne ore wa kamufu raaju

suki sa suki sa te mo ashi mo dena iyo
raku ni narusa hai no you ni

ai nante sokoja na kute
iki teru dakeja tari na kute

ai nante souja na kute
hane mushi noyou ni hai no you ni chiri noyou ni

ai nante sokoja na kute
iki teru dakeja tari na kute

o negai da souja na kute
hane mushi noyou ni yubi saki de

ai nante sokoja na kute
iki teru dakeja tari na kute

ai nante souja na kute
hane mushi no you ni hai no you ni chiri no you ni

iki teru dakeja tari nakute

hane mushi no you ni yubi saki de

iki teru dakeja tari na kute

hane mushi no you ni yubi saki de
作詞:今井寿 作曲:今井寿

天使たち 低空飛行 ぎこちなくて 笑う
宙ぶらり 変身願望 あれは 蛹の夢

好きさ 好きさ 指先でかまわない
楽になるさ 灰のように

愛なんて そこじゃなくて
生きてるだけじゃ 足りなくて

愛なんて そうじゃなくて
羽虫のように 灰のように 塵のように

転がった 螺旋 軟体 俺はカムフラージュ
手をのばせ アリアドネ 俺はカムフラージュ

好きさ 好きさ 手も足も出ないよ
楽になるさ 灰のように

愛なんて そこじゃなくて
生きてるだけじゃ 足りなくて

愛なんて そうじゃなくて
羽虫のように 灰のように 塵のように

愛なんて そこじゃなくて
生きてるだけじゃ 足りなくて

お願いだ そうじゃなくて
羽虫のように 指先で

愛なんて そこじゃなくて
生きてるだけじゃ 足りなくて

愛なんて そうじゃなくて
羽虫のように 灰のように 塵のように

生きてるだけじゃ 足りなくて

羽虫のように 指先で

生きてるだけじゃ 足りなくて

羽虫のように 指先で
Low in the sky, the angels flying
So clumsy, they're smiling
Hanging in the air, longing to transform
That’s the wish of the chrysalis

I love you, I love you
And I don’t care if it’s with fingertips
It’s so easy this way
Just like ashes

Something like love
That isn’t what I mean
Just being alive
Is not enough for me

Something like love
That isn’t what I mean
Like the tiny insects
Just like dust and ashes

Tumbling down like a spiral snail
That’s right, I’m camouflaged now
Reach out your hand, Adriadne (1)
That’s right, I’m camouflaged now

I love you, I love you
Hands and feet, they won’t come out
It’s so easy this way
Just like ashes

Something like love
That isn’t what I mean
Just being alive
Is not enough for me

Something like love
That isn’t what I mean
Like the tiny insects
Just like dust and ashes

Something like love
That isn’t what I mean
Just being alive
Is not enough for me

Begging you please
That isn’t what it is
Like the tiny insects
At my fingertips

Something like love
That isn’t what I mean
Just being alive
Is not enough for me

Something like love
That isn’t what I mean
Like the tiny insects
Just like dust and ashes

Just being alive
Is not enough for me

Like the tiny insects
At my fingertips
Just being alive
Is not enough for me

Like the tiny insects
At my fingertips
06.妖月 -ようげつの宴-(Yougetsu -Yougetsu no Utage-)
hate nai yume no tochuu deae tane
bokura wa kurayami wo samayou koibito

na mo nai hoshikuzu kazoe te asonda
bokura wa ankoku ni tadayou tabibito

ruri iro kimi no hitomi nozoki kondara konagona

tsukiakari ayashi ku hitori mau makka na kuchibiru wo name te
afureru o mae no chi to namida wa zenbu watashi no mono subete

sayounara ... sore wa totemo sou amai
bokura ni nokosa reta saigo no yakusoku

ruri iro kimi no hitomi daki yose tanara konagona

tsukiakari ayashi ku futari mau makka na kuchibiru wo name te
afure ru watashi no chi to namida wa zenbu anatano mono subete

tsukiakari ayashi ku futari mau makka na kuchibiru wo name te
afure ru eien no chi to namida wa mou dare no mono kamo wakannai
果てない夢の途中 出会えたね
僕らは暗闇を彷徨う 恋人

名も無い 星屑数えて遊んだ
僕らは暗黒に漂う 旅人

瑠璃色 君の瞳 覗きこんだら粉々

月明り 妖しく一人舞う 真っ赤な唇を 舐めて
溢れるお前の血と涙は 全部私の物 全て

さようなら…それはとても そう 甘い
僕らに残された 最後の約束

瑠璃色 君の瞳 抱き寄せたなら粉々

月明り 妖しく二人舞う 真っ赤な唇を 舐めて
溢れる私の血と涙は 全部あなたの物 全て

月明り 妖しく二人舞う 真っ赤な唇を 舐めて
溢れる永遠の血と涙は もう誰の物かも わかんない
da dubida dubida dida・・・

umare ru mae wa kitto ore tachi wa hoshi datta
tabun hora sou andoromeda atari dakke

umare ru mae wa kitto ore tachi wa hoshi datta
nanimo naku te anshin shi te yume wo mite ta

daki shime tara hitotsu kobo reta
waratte mo waratte mo toma ra nai

kaze ga fui teiru kimi no hitomi kami no iro kuchi biru
dan dan suke teku waratte yo

kaze ga fui teiru kimi no kehai wo kanji te miage ru
andoromeda de nee waratte yo

nee waratte yo

da dubida dubida dida・・・

kimi no inochi wa kaze itoshii kodou wa bolero
yume wa tsubomi itsuka hiraku kirei na hana

daki shime temo hanasa na kutemo
tsukan demo saken demo sayonara da

waratte mo waratte mo afurete ku

kaze ga fui teiru kimi no hitomi kami no iro kuchi biru
dan dan suke teku waratte yo

kaze ga fui teiru kimi no kehai wo kanji te miage ru
andoromeda de nee waratte yo

kaze ga fui teiru
dan dan suke teku

kaze ga fui teiru
andoromeda de nee waratte yo

nee waratte yo

da dubida dubida dida・・
作詞:今井寿 作曲:今井寿

da dubida dubida dida…

生まれる前は きっと 俺たちは星だった
たぶん ほら そう アンドロメダ辺りだっけ

生まれる前は きっと 俺たちは星だった
何も無くて 安心して 夢を見てた

抱きしめたら ひとつ こぼれた
笑っても 笑っても 止まらない

風が吹いている 君の瞳 髪の色 唇
だんだん 透けてく 笑ってよ

風が吹いている 君の気配を感じて見上げる
アンドロメダで ねえ 笑ってよ

ねえ 笑ってよ

da dubida dubida dida…

君の命は風 愛しい鼓動はボレロ
夢は蕾 いつかひらく きれいな花

抱きしめても 離さなくても
つかんでも 叫んでも サヨナラだ

笑っても 笑っても あふれてく

風が吹いている 君の瞳 髪の色 唇
だんだん 透けてく 笑ってよ

風が吹いている 君の気配を感じて見上げる
アンドロメダで ねえ 笑ってよ

だんだん 透けてく

アンドロメダで ねえ 笑ってよ

ねえ 笑ってよ

da dubida dubida dida…
da dubida dubida dida…

Before you and I were born
We must have both been stars above
Yes, I think it’s true
Just look up right there
Near Andromeda

Before you and I were born
We must have both been stars above
With nothing at all
So don’t worry now
Just dream a dream with me

But when I try to hold you
One of them is falling down
And though I smile
I try to smile
I can’t make it stop

And the wind is blowing
Baby your eyes, and your lips, the color of your hair
Slowly fading away
Oh smile for me

While the wind is blowing
I feel that you are there and look up to the sky
Up in Andromeda
Yeah, smile for me

Hey, smile for me

da dubida dubida dida…

Baby your whole life is the wind now
Your precious heartbeat beats a bolero
And this dream is a bud
Opening someday
Into a flower

Even when I hold you
Hold you and don’t let you go
Though I reach
And though I call
It’s time to say goodbye

And though I smile
I try to smile
They just overflow

And the wind is blowing
Baby your eyes, and your lips, the color of your hair
Slowly fading away
Oh smile for me

While the wind is blowing
I feel that you are there and look up to the sky
Up in Andromeda
Yeah, smile for me

While the wind is blowing
Up in Andromeda
Yeah, smile for me

Hey, smile for me

da dubida dubida dida…
08.Django!!! -眩惑のジャンゴ-(-Genwaku no Django-)
koi wa mou moku sutandaado garasu no kutsu de masukareedo
Ah kimi no tame no rapusodeii

suriru kome kami higou hou kin no yuuutsu LUXURY
Ah me kuru meku yoru ROMANCER

WELCOME yume no sekai he nazo meku FANTASY
Aza yakasa kugizuke sa magician Django

kiseki no sukiru EXCELLENT kami ga mioto su noomaaku
Ah yatsu wa torikku sutaa

muuran ruuju avanchuuru tsukiyo mayoi neko
anata no haato ni sururi shinobi komu

miwa ku no ANGEL furenchi kan kan PEEK A BOO
Baby yubi wo nara se BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

kodoku no Venus me wo toji te one.two.three
Just a mitsu kazoe ro BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

hengen jizai shin shutsu kibotsu hakuchuu dou dou
daitan futeki shippuu jin rai denkou sekka

WELCOME yume no sekai he nazo meku FANTASY
Aza yakasa kugizuke sa magician Django

yuu waku no wana shikake tara PEEK A BOO
Baby yubi wo nara se BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

yuu waku no wana shikake tara one.two.three
just a mitsu kazoe ro BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

miwaku no ANGEL furenchi kan kan PEEK A BOO
Baby yubi wo nara se BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

kodoku no Venus me wo toji te one.two.three
Just a mitsu kazoe ro BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

miwaku no ANGEL furenchi kan kan PEEK A BOO
Baby yubi wo nara se BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

kodoku no Venus me wo toji te one.two.three
Just a mitsu kazoe ro BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !・・・・・・Django!
恋は盲目 スタンダード ガラスの靴で マスカレード
Ah 君のためのラプソディー

スリル コメカミ 非合法 金の憂鬱 LUXURY

鮮やかさ クギヅケさ 幻惑師 -magician- Django

奇跡のスキル EXCELLENT 神が見落とす ノーマーク
Ah ヤツは トリックスター

ムーランルージュ アヴァンチュール 月夜 迷い猫
貴女のハートに スルリ 忍び込む

魅惑のANGEL フレンチカンカン PEEK A BOO

Django !

孤独のVenus 目を閉じて 1.2.3
Just a 3つ数えろ BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

変幻自在 神出鬼没 白昼堂々
大胆不敵 疾風迅雷 電光石火

鮮やかさ クギヅケさ 幻惑師 -magician- Django

誘惑の罠 仕掛けたら PEEK A BOO

Django !

誘惑の罠 仕掛けたら 1.2.3
just a 3つ数えろ BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

魅惑のANGEL フレンチカンカン PEEK A BOO

Django !

孤独のVenus 目を閉じて 1.2.3
Just a 3つ数えろ BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !

魅惑のANGEL フレンチカンカン PEEK A BOO

Django !

孤独のVenus 目を閉じて 1.2.3
Just a 3つ数えろ BIBBIDI - BOBBIDI - BOO

Django !・・・・・・Django!
Love is a blind old standard
Like a glass slipper masquerade
Ah, for you he’s playing a rhapsody

Thrills in in your temples, it’s illegal
Golden melancholy luxury
Ah, night razzle-dazzling romancer

Welcome into the dream world, a mysterious fantasy
With his brilliance, he’ll mesmerize you, magician Django

Miracle skills, he’s excellent
The gods don’t notice him, he’s overlooked
Ah, the bastard’s a trickster

Moulin Rouge aventure, moonlit night, my lost little kitten (1)
And now he's stealing into your heart while you can’t even see him

You’re my lovely angel
French can-can peek-a-boo (2)
Baby, baby, snap your fingers


You’re my lonely Venus
Close your eyes now 1.2.3
Count to three, just count to three now


And he’s there-and-gone, changeable, never the same in the daylight
He’s a daredevil, hurricane, lightning speed, you’ll never catch him

Welcome into the dream world, a mysterious fantasy
With his brilliance, he’ll mesmerize you, magician Django

It’s a tempting pitfall
When you fall in, peek-a-boo!
Baby, baby, snap your fingers


It’s a tempting pitfall
When you fall in, 1.2.3
Count to three, just count to three now


You’re my lovely angel
French can-can peek-a-boo
Baby, baby, snap your fingers


You’re my lonely Venus
Close your eyes now 1.2.3
Count to three, just count to three now


You’re my lovely angel
French can-can peek-a-boo
Baby, baby, snap your fingers


You’re my lonely Venus
Close your eyes now 1.2.3
Count to three, just count to three now


Django! …… Django!
09.錯乱Baby(Sakuran Baby)
omocha wo hoshi garu dadakko mita isa
matsu ke ga kuru kuru shibire chimatta

Marude ueta keda mono to kashi taze
yabai yabai makka na chiga hoshii
nee Baby o mae wa dare nano ?
hoo wo tsutau makka na chi wo nameta

nomi hose saigo itte ki made
wara eruze nante jinsei
Merry go-round round and round

sai shuu jietto ga ginga wo suberu
shiito ni uzumore shanpen no shawaa

mado ni utsuru suteki na shini kami san
sotto sotto kuchi biru oshi ateru
nee Baby anata wa dare nano ?

tsuyoku tsuyoku kuchi biru oshi ateta

nomi hose saigo itte ki made
nake ruze nante jinsei
Merry go-round round and round

Marude ueta keda mono to kashi taze
yabai yabai makka na chiga hoshii
nee Baby o mae wa dare nano ?
tsuyoku tsuyoku kuchi biru oshi ateta

nomi hose saigo itte ki made
nake ruze jinsei nante haka nai
nomi hose saigo itteki made
wara eruze nante jinsei
Merry go-round round and round

Koshi o fure Baby aishi te yama nai
koise yo Oh my Baby ai nara toma nai
Koshi o fure Baby aishi te yama nai
Koise yo Oh my Baby-ainara yama nai
作詞:櫻井敦司 作曲:今井寿

オモチャを欲しがる 駄駄っ子みたいさ
まつ毛がクルクル 痺れちまった

ねえBaby お前は誰なの?

飲み干せ 最後一滴まで
笑えるぜ 何て人生
Merry go-round round and round

シートにうずもれ シャンペンのシャワー

ねえBaby あなたは誰なの?
強く 強く唇押しあてた

飲み干せ 最後一滴まで
泣けるぜ 何て人生
Merry go-round round and round

ねえ Baby お前は誰なの?
強く 強く唇押しあてた

飲み干せ 最後一滴まで
泣けるぜ 人生何て儚い
飲み干せ 最後一滴まで
笑えるぜ 何て人生
Merry go-round round and round

腰を振れBaby 愛して止まない
恋せよOh my Baby 愛なら止まない
腰を振れBaby 愛して止まない
恋せよOh my Baby 愛なら止まない
You’re just begging for a toy
You’re like a spoiled child
Eyelashes in curls
And you made me go numb

And you’re turning me into a starving wild animal
I can’t take it, can’t take it, your blood so red so red I want
Hey Baby, oh could you tell me who you are?
Blood on your cheek, and I lick so red I lick it up

Drink it, drink it
Last drop, last drop, drink it down
This life, this life
Might make me laugh
Merry go-round round and round

Very last jet plane
Slides in the galaxy
Twisted in the sheets
A shower of champagne

Window reflecting the Angel of Death so beautiful
Gentle so gentle I press my lips, press my lips right up on her
Hey Baby, oh could you tell me who you are?
Hard, yeah so hard, press my lips so hard all over you

Drink it, drink it
Last drop, last drop, drink it down
This life, this life
Might make me cry
Merry go-round round and round

And you’re turning me into a starving wild animal
I can’t take it, can’t take it, your blood so red so red I want
Hey Baby, oh could you tell me who you are?
Hard, yeah so hard, press my lips so hard all over you

Drink it, drink it
Last drop, last drop, drink it down
This life might make me cry
Cause it ends so soon
Drink it, drink it
Last drop, last drop, drink it down
This life, this life
Might make me laugh
Merry go-round round and round

Shake, shake your hips my Baby
I love you I’ll never stop
Love me oh, oh my Baby
If it’s love no we’ll never stop
Shake, shake your hips my Baby
I love you I’ll never stop
Love me oh, oh my Baby
If it’s love no we’ll never stop
boku wa akuma janai marude tenshi sa

hane wo furu wa se Dance Dance Dance
hikaru rin pun kuru wa se
ima wa o mae to Dance Dance Dance
tobi chiru ai niji gaka karu

anata no mitsu wo abi te aa
(ura rei rara rara)
yume kara yume e Dream on Dream
(ura rei rara rara)

yatsu wa tenshi janai marude akuma sa

hane wo orima ge Kiss Kiss Kiss
himitsu hametsu karama se
ima wa o mae to Chu Chu Chu
ito wo hii te niji gaka karu

anata no ai wo abi te aa
(ura rei rara rara)
yume kara yume e Dream on Dream
(ura rei rara rara)

ankoku uchuu kanata kimi ga yonde iru

hane wo furu wa se Dance Dance Dance
tai kiken wo tsuki nuke
ima wa o mae to Dance Dance Dance
tobi chiru ai niji gaka karu

anata no mitsu wo abi te aa
(ura rei rara rara)
yume kara yume e Dream on Dream aa
(ura rei rara rara)
anata no ai wo abi te aa
(ura rei rara rara)
yume kara yume e Dream on Dream
(ura rei rara rara)
作詞:櫻井敦司 作曲:星野英彦

僕は悪魔じゃない まるで天使さ

翅をふるわせDance Dance Dance
光る 鱗粉狂わせ
今はお前とDance Dance Dance
飛び散る愛 虹がかかる

あなたの蜜を浴びて ああ
(うら 麗らら らら)
夢から夢へDream on Dream
(うら 麗らら らら)

奴は天使じゃない まるで悪魔さ

翅を折り曲げKiss Kiss Kiss
秘密 破滅絡ませ
今はお前とChu Chu Chu

あなたの愛を浴びて ああ
(うら 麗らら らら)
夢から夢へDream on Dream
(うら 麗らら らら)

暗黒宇宙彼方 君が呼んでいる

翅をふるわせDance Dance Dance
今はお前とDance Dance Dance
飛び散る愛 虹がかかる

あなたの蜜を浴びて ああ
(うら 麗らら らら)
夢から夢へDream on Dream ああ
(うら 麗らら らら)
あなたの愛を浴びて ああ
(うら 麗らら らら)
夢から夢へDream on Dream
(うら 麗らら らら)
You know I’m not really the devil
I’m just like an angel

Gossamer your wings flutter Dance Dance Dance
Your shining butterfly scales go mad
Now with you, I want to Dance Dance Dance
This scattering love pulls the rainbow

And now I shower in your honey
(Oo lah, ooh so lovely) (1)
Ah, out of a dream into a dream on dream
(Oo lah, ooh so lovely)

You know he’s not really an angel
He’s just like the Devil

Now folding your wings ah we Kiss Kiss Kiss
With secrets and ruin in our embrace
All over you, I want to (Chu Chu Chu) (2)
Ah pulling your thread pulls the rainbow

And now I shower in your love
(Oo lah, ooh so lovely)
Ah, out of a dream into a dream on dream
(Oo lah, ooh so lovely)

Out from the space of the darkness
I hear you calling

Gossamer your wings flutter Dance Dance Dance
Slicing right through the atmosphere
Now with you, I want to Dance Dance Dance
This scattering love pulls the rainbow

And now I shower in your honey
(Oo lah, ooh so lovely)
Ah, out of a dream into a dream on dream
(Oo lah, ooh so lovely)
And now I shower in your love
(Oo lah, ooh so lovely)
Ah, out of a dream into a dream on dream
(Oo lah, ooh so lovely)
11.くちづけ(Kuchizuke) -SERIAL THRILL KISSER
Aishi .. Aishi ae ruto iu no ? kimi no kuchibiru wo fusagu yo
me wo toji te tsumibukaki kuchiduke

Aishi .. Aishi ae rusa kitto kimi no kubisuji ni tsuki tate
me wo toji te tsumibukaki kuchiduke

nido to modore nai soredeii
mayonaka wo mitsu mete wain nomihosu

Aishi .. Aishi au nosa motto hageshii kawaki ni kurui sou
me wo toji te tsumibukaki kuchiduke

o mae no nioi kuruwa seru
mayonaka ni mezame te kyouki aiin mi hosu

oidekono ude no naka " acchino yami wa nigai zo "
kun ha madoi yura meku
yagate eien ninaru " kocchino yami aa amai zo "
boku wa fukaku tsuki sasu

o mae no nioi kuruwa seru
mayonaka ni mezame te kyouki aiin mi hosu

oidekono ude no naka " acchino yami wa nigai yo "
kimi wa madoi yura meku
yagate eien ninaru " kocchino yami wa amai zo "
boku wa fukaku tsuki sasu

oidekono ude no naka " acchino yami wa nigai zo "
kimi wa sukoshi hohoemu
korede eien ninaru " kocchino yami wa amai zo "
boku wa fukaku tsuki sasu
愛し‥ 愛し合えると言うの? 君の唇を塞ぐよ
目を閉じて 罪深き くちづけ

愛し‥ 愛し合えるさ きっと 君の首筋に突き立て
目を閉じて 罪深き くちづけ

二度と戻れない それでいい
真夜中を見つめて ワイン飲み干す

愛し‥ 愛し合うのさ もっと 激しい渇きに狂いそう
目を閉じて 罪深き くちづけ

お前の匂い 狂わせる
真夜中に目覚めて 狂気 愛 飲み干す

おいでこの腕の中 "あっちの闇は苦いぞ"
君は惑い 揺らめく
やがて永遠になる "こっちの闇は甘いぞ"
僕は深く 突き刺す

お前の匂い 狂わせる
真夜中に目覚めて 狂気 愛 飲み干す

おいでこの腕の中 "あっちの闇は苦いよ"
君は惑い 揺らめく
やがて永遠になる "こっちの闇は甘いぞ"
僕は深く 突き刺す

おいでこの腕の中 "あっちの闇は苦いぞ"
君は少し 微笑む
これで永遠になる "こっちの闇は甘いぞ"
僕は深く 突き刺す
Will you say that we can each other? I'll cover your lips
Close your eyes and give me a sinful kiss

We can each other surely, stabbing into the nape of your neck
Close your eyes and give me a sinful kiss

I can't ever return again, but that's okay
I stare into the middle of the night and drink my wine dry

We'll each other more, seeming to go mad in our intense thirst
Close your eyes and give me a sinful kiss

Your scent drives me mad
I wake up in the middle of the night and drink insanity and love dry

Come here into my arms, "The darkness over there is bitter"
You'll get confused and waver
It'll turn eternal before long, "The darkness over here is sweet"
I'll pierce you deeply

Your scent drives me mad
I wake up in the middle of the night and drink insanity and love dry

Come here into my arms, "The darkness over there is bitter"
You'll get confused and waver
It'll turn eternal before long, "The darkness over here is sweet"
I'll pierce you deeply

Come here into my arms, "The darkness over there is bitter"
You'll smile a little
With this, it'll turn eternal, "The darkness over here is sweet"
I'll pierce you deeply
12.月下麗人(Gekka Reijin)
yami nima girete iki wo korosu
yami woma totte futto hohoemu

kino seisa o mae nado daremo shiru hazunai
Tsuki dake ga mitsu mete iru

kage wo oi kake o mae wa yuku
tsukare hate tara sotto shinu dake

hone ni nari hai ni nari yaga te saki hokoru
hana ichirin uta ni shite

aa owari no nai yoru samayou
aa anata no yume tada yume mi te
aa owari no nai yoru samayou
aa anata no yume tada yume mi te

kino seisa nuku mori kono teni yomi ga eru
tsuki dake ga mitsu mete iru
hone ni nari hai ni nari yaga te saki hokoru
hana ichirin uta nishite

aa anata no yume aa sakebu sakebu

aa owari no nai yoru samayou
aa anata no yume tada yume mi te
aa owari no nai yoru samayou
aa anata no yume tada yume mi te

aa ..
作詞:櫻井敦司 作曲:今井寿

闇にまぎれて 息を殺す
闇をまとって ふっと微笑む

気のせいさ お前など誰も知るはずない
月だけが 見つめている

影を追いかけ お前はゆく
疲れ果てたら そっと死ぬだけ

骨に成り 灰に成り やがて咲き誇る
花一輪 歌にして

ああ 終わりの無い夜 彷徨う
ああ あなたの夢 ただ夢見て
ああ 終わりの無い夜 彷徨う
ああ あなたの夢 ただ夢見て

気のせいさ ぬくもりこの手に蘇る
月だけが 見つめている
骨に成り 灰に成り やがて咲き誇る
花一輪 歌にして

ああ あなたの夢 ああ 叫ぶ叫ぶ

ああ 終わりの無い夜 彷徨う
ああ あなたの夢 ただ夢見て
ああ 終わりの無い夜 彷徨う
ああ あなたの夢 ただ夢見て
I lose my way in the dark
You take my breath away
You dress up in the dark
And then you suddenly smile

Is it all in my head
That there’s no way that anyone could know who you are
And only the moon

Chasing after a shade
You vanish away
When you run all the way down
Then softly, you’ll die

You’ll turn into bones
You’ll turn into ash and then you’ll come into bloom
One flower of you
I make into a song

Ah, a night never ending, and I am just wandering through
Ah, always I’m dreaming, dreaming a dream of you
Ah, a night never ending, and I am just wandering through
Ah, always I’m dreaming, dreaming a dream of you

Is it all in my head
That all the warmth is slowly coming back to my arms
And only the moon
You’ll turn into bones
You’ll turn into ash and then you’ll come into bloom
One flower of you
I make into a song

Dreaming of you

Ah, a night never ending, and I am just wandering through
Ah, always I’m dreaming, dreaming a dream of you
Ah, a night never ending, and I am just wandering through
Ah, always I’m dreaming, dreaming a dream of you
mai aga ru kara da ai no shinfonii
aa umare ru
anata ga te wo furu nami no kanata
aa mabushi i

ai ga ori dasu saki midare yo hoo wo some
yagate yuudachi ano yo to ima majiwa ru

nani nimo nai kore wa maboroshi
nani nimo nai kore wa yume ka

mai odoru tamashii ai no shinfonii
aa kana de ru
anata ga te wo furu yume no kanata
aa itoshii

mede afure ru sora ni toke te naku naru
yagate daiuchuu anata to ima maji wa ru

subete ga aru kore mo akumu ka
subete ga aru kore ga ai ka

mai odoru tamashii ai no shinfonii
aa kanade ru
anata ga te wo furu yume no kanata
aa itoshii

mai aga ru karada ai no shinfonii
aa umare ru
anata ga te wo furu nami no kanata
aa mabushi i
作詞:櫻井敦司 作曲:星野英彦

舞い上がる体 愛のシンフォニー
あなたが手を振る 波の彼方

愛が降り出す 咲き乱れよ 頬を染め
やがて夕立 あの世と今 交わる

何にも無い これは幻
何にも無い これは夢か

舞い踊る魂 愛のシンフォニー
あなたが手を振る 夢の彼方

愛で溢れる 空に溶けて 無くなる
やがて大宇宙 あなたと今 交わる

全てが在る これも悪夢か
全てが在る これが愛か

舞い踊る魂 愛のシンフォニー
あなたが手を振る 夢の彼方

舞い上がる体 愛のシンフォニー
あなたが手を振る 波の彼方
My body rising to the sky
A symphony of love
Ah I am born now
And you, you wave your hands to me
From far across the waves
Ah bright and shining

All the love is raining down
Time to bloom now
Staining my face
Evening shower raining down
Now that world and this one

Nothing at all
Is this an illusion
Nothing at all
Or is this a dream?

My spirit rising to the sky
A symphony of love
Ah yes it’s playing
And you, you wave your hands to me
From far across the dreams
Ah dear and tender

I am overflowing love
Melting in the heavens
Passing away
Outer space, the universe
And with you now

Everything is here
Is this another nightmare?
Everything is here
Or is this what love is?

My spirit rising to the sky
A symphony of love
Ah yes it’s playing
And you, you wave your hands to me
From far across the dreams
Ah dear and tender

My body rising to the sky
A symphony of love
Ah I am born now
And you, you wave your hands to me
From far across the waves
Ah bright and shining
14.TANGO Swanka
nou nai no sairen da kindan shoujou EMERGENCY
operetta no bourei tobi chitte ru endorufin tamashii
kake nuke ru kake nuke ru denkou senkou
one.two. hai kikku

o mae no yubi o mae no kami
o mae no sono ni oi
joudan janai mou yume janai
itoshi te kure Baby

roji ura TANGO ashi wa mo tsurete
dare kare kiss me ai wochou dai

nou nai no sairen kai kan RAZZLE DAZZLE BUBBLE FRAGILE
pechikoo to shootai mu aribai wa sharaku no shoutai
makka na tsuki yo mitsu yakani kaitou sanjou
one.two. hai kikku

anata no tsumi anata no yami
anata no sono ni oi
joudan janai mou yume janai
itoshi te kure Baby

kome kami BANG! BANG! nante mini kui
boku ni sawanna ai wo kudasai

o mae no yubi anata no yami
o mae no sono ni oi
joudan janai mou nido to nai
itoshi tei ruze Baby

roji ura TANGO ashi wa mo tsurete
dare kare kiss me ai wochou dai
kome kami BANG! BANG! nante kita nai
boku ni sawanna ai wo kudasai
作詞:櫻井敦司・今井寿 作曲:今井寿

脳内 ノ サイレン だ 禁断症状 EMERGENCY
オペレッタの亡霊 飛び散ってるエンドルフィン 魂
駆け抜ける 駆け抜ける 電光 閃光
1.2. ハイキック

お前の指 お前の髪
冗談じゃない もう夢じゃない

路地裏TANGO 足はもつれて
誰彼kiss me 愛をちょうだい

ペチコート ショータイム アリバイは 写楽の正体
真っ赤な 月夜 密やかに 怪盗参上
1.2. ハイキック

あなたの罪 あなたの闇
冗談じゃない もう夢じゃない

こめかみBANG! BANG! 何て醜い
僕に触んな 愛を下さい

お前の指 あなたの闇
冗談じゃない もう二度と無い

路地裏TANGO 足はもつれて
誰彼kiss me 愛をちょうだい
こめかみBANG! BANG! 何て汚い
僕に触んな 愛を下さい
The siren in my brain, outlaw syndrome emergency
Operetta spirits endorphins all flying free
I’m running through yeah, running through like lightning flashing
One, two, high kick whoo!

I love those hands of yours
I love that hair of yours
I love that sweet smell that is only yours
Not kidding anymore
Not dreaming anymore
Come on and love me now oh Baby

Let’s back-alley tango
Tangling your legs with mine
Anybody, kiss me
Come on give me love this time

The siren in my brain, pleasure RAZZLE DAZZLE BUBBLE FRAGILE
Petticoat showtime, alibi’s your easy true form
In the blood red moonlit night, the phantom thief comes
One, two, high kick whoo!

I love that sin of yours
That darkness of yours
I love that sweet smell that is only yours
Not kidding anymore
Not dreaming anymore
Come on and love me now oh Baby

In your forehead Bang! Bang!
Maybe a little ugly
Don’t anybody touch me
Bestow your love upon me

I love those hands of yours
That darkness of yours
I love that sweet smell that is only yours
No, you think I’m kidding?
It never comes again
Come on and love me now oh Baby

Let’s back-alley tango
Tangling your legs with mine
Anybody, kiss me
Come on give me love this time
In your forehead Bang! Bang!
Maybe a little dirty
Don’t anybody touch me
Bestow your love upon me
aru hi chouchu ni natte
aru hi umi wo yuku
aru hi kimi to de atte
aru hi ai wo shiru

o negai gaaru no sayonara no kisetsu

aru hi saka na ni natte
aru hi sora wo yuku
aru hi yume ga wotte
aru hi me wo toji ru

o negai gaarun da sayonara no kisetsu
kami sama yume wo

yume wo mise teo kure maboroshi de moii
mezame no asa haruka yume de ae rune

chiisa na chiisa na kimi wa ya gate sora ni nari
ooki na ooki na ai de boku wo tsutsumu yo

o negai gaarun da sayonara no kisetsu

kami sama yume wo

yume wo yume wo mise te maboroshi de moii
mezame no asa haruka yume de ae rune

chiisa na chiisa na kimi wa ya gate sora ni nari
ooki na ooki na ai de boku wo tsutsumu yo
作詞:櫻井敦司 作曲:今井寿

ある日 蜘蛛になって
ある日 海をゆく
ある日 君と出会って
ある日 愛を知る

お願いがあるの さよならの季節

ある日 魚になって
ある日 空をゆく
ある日 夢が終って
ある日 目を閉じる

お願いがあるんだ さよならの季節
神様 夢を

夢を見せておくれ 幻でもいい
目覚めの朝遥か 夢で会えるね

小さな 小さな君はやがて空になり
大きな 大きな愛で僕を包むよ

お願いがあるんだ さよならの季節
神様 夢を

夢を 夢を見せて 幻でもいい
目覚めの朝遥か 夢で会えるね

小さな 小さな君はやがて空になり
大きな 大きな愛で僕を包むよ
Then one day I’ll become a butterfly
Then one day I’ll fly into the sea
Then one day, one day I will meet you
Then one day, love will come to me

Is there something you’re wishing for
In the season of goodbye

Then one day, you’ll become a fish and
Then one day you’ll swim into the sky
Then one day, this dream will be over
Then one day, you will close your eyes

There is something I’m wishing for
In the season of goodbye
God, oh please give me a dream

Let me oh let me oh let me dream
Even if it’s an illusion
Far in the morning when I awake
I know I’ll see you in a dream

Tiny so tiny are you at last
Vanishing into the heavens
Love yeah, with your love, a love so vast
I feel you eveloping me

There is something I’m wishing for
In the season of goodbye
God, oh please give me a dream

Dream yeah a dream yeah give me a dream
Even if it’s a delusion
Far in the morning when I awake
I know I’ll see you in a dream

Tiny so tiny are you at last
Vanishing into the heavens
Love yeah, with your love, a love so vast
I feel you eveloping me

BUCK-TICK - RAZZLE DAZZLE [Blu-spec CD] [Limited Edition]

Label: Sony Music Entertainment
Catalog#: BVCL-20031/BVCL-20032[DVD with]
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 13 Oct 2010
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

03.狂気のデッドヒート[Kyouki no deddohiito](Kyouki no Deadheat)
04.独壇場Beauty(Dokudanjou Beauty)
05.羽虫のように(Hamushi no Youni)
06.妖月 -ようげつの宴-(Yougetsu -Yougetsu no Utage-)
08.Django!!! -眩惑のジャンゴ-[-Genwaku no jango-](-Genwaku no Django-)
09.錯乱Baby(Sakuran Baby)
11.くちづけ(Kuchizuke) -SERIAL THRILL KISSER
12.月下麗人(Gekka Reijin)
14.TANGO Swanka
DVD with music video, interview and more (subject to change). Special packaging.