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摩天楼オペラ - acedia

Label: Sherow Artist Society
Catalog#: SASCD-49
Format: Maxi-Single
Country: Japan
Released: 23 Mar 2009
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

01.悲哀とメランコリー[Hiai to merankorii](Hiai to Melancholy)
me kakushishite jibun no sugao kakushite aruite arukitsudzukete
kitto mou jibun jyanai koto ga wakaranakunatteru

motto yurushite sunao ni nare jibun no koto wo kienai you ni
hontou no koe ga kienai you ni

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me

namida misete yo

kakechigai no botan jibun to surechigattekita jikan
mukaiau tame ni tachidomaru jibun ni yasashiku shitatte ii

motto yurushite sunao ni nare jibun no koto kienaiyou ni
hontou no koe ga kienai you ni dakara

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me

namida misete yo

kawashitsudzuketa kekka ga kakushitsudzuketa kekka ga kitto omae wo hitori ni shitanda ne
sarakedashite waratte koe wo karashite sakebe yo
isso mou utomareteikire

Raise your voice of greed to this world

kawashitsudzuketa kekka ga kakushitsudzuketa kekka ga kitto omae wo hitori ni shitanda ne
sarakedashite waratte koe wo karashite sakebe yo

haguruma ni moraru ni chitsuji nante rain ni obiete nante itakunai
kagayakasete jibun no koto anata ni datte dekiru sa
kawaranai kokoro wo daite
目隠しして自分の顔隠して 歩いて歩き続けて

もっと許して素直になれ 自分のこと消えないように

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me


掛け違いのボタン 自分とすれ違ってきた時間
向かい合うために立ち止まる 自分に優しくしたっていい

もっと許して素直になれ 自分のこと消えないように
本当の声が消えないように だから

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me


かわし続けた結果が 隠し続けた結果が きっと お前を1人にしたんだね
曝け出して 笑って 声を枯らして叫べよ
いっそもう 疎まれて生きれ

Raise your voice of greed to this world

かわし続けた結果が 隠し続けた結果が きっと お前を1人にしたんだね
曝け出して 笑って 声を枯らして叫べよ
いっそもう 疎まれて生きればいい

歯車にモラルに秩序なんてラインに 怯えてなんていたくない
輝かせて自分のこと あなたにだってできるさ
Hide your eyes, hide your face walk and continue to walk
and you definitely no longer know how you have already not been yourself

Forgive more and be more docile so that you don't disappear
so that your real voice doesn't disappear

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me

Show me your tears

The button in the wrong hole the time you have mistaken yourself
To face each other you stop it would be fine to be nice to yourself

Forgive more and be more docile so that you don't disappear
so that your real voice doesn't disappear so

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me

Show me your tears

The result that continued to change the result you continued to hide surely has made you alone
Expose yourself laugh and scream at the top of your lungs
Just live forgotten by the world

Raise your voice of greed to this world

The result that continued to change the result you continued to hide surely has made you alone
Expose yourself laugh and scream at the top of your lungs
You should just live forgotten by the world

I don't want to be afraid of the line in the system in the morals in the turning cogs
The self you let shine is something you can accomplish
Hold your unchanging heart
hareru koto no nai yami hira hira hira hira koe ga mau
maboroshi wa genjitsu genjitsu wa watashi to iu gensou

sasoi no koe wa amaku nureta shitasaki de mi wo yojiru
watashi wa kako ni ochiru watashi wa kami ni somuku watashi mirai wo suteyou

kono te ga anata no te wo tsukameru no nara
kono mimi ga mou ichido anata no koe wo kikeru no nara
ima sugu kono inochi wo sasagetemo kamawanai
itoshii hito yo anata ga mou ichido iki wo shitekureru no nara
yami no yuuwaku wo azukeyou

yasashisa ni tsutsumare atatakasa wo kanjite
itoshisa ni tsutsumare watashi wa shinitai

kono te ga anata no te wo tsukameru no nara
kono mimi ga mou ichido  anata no koe wo kikeru no nara
ima sugu kono inochi wo sasagetemo kamawanai
yami no yuuwaku wo azukeyou

ano koro ni modoshite
awasete kudasai
ikiteiru anata ni mou ichido
晴れることのない闇 ひらひら ひらひら 声が舞う
幻は現実 現実は私という幻想

誘いの声は甘く 濡れた舌先で身をよじる
私は過去に落ちる 私は神に背く 私は未来を捨てよう

この耳がもう一度 あなたの声を聞けるのなら
愛しい人よ あなたがもう一度 息をしてくれるのなら

優しさに包まれ 温かさを感じて
愛しさに包まれ 私は死にたい

この耳がもう一度 あなたの声を聞けるのなら
愛しい人よ あなたがもう一度 息をしてくれるのなら

In a darkness that has never seen light flutter flutter a voice dances
The phantom is reality reality is the illusion called myself

The inviting voice is sweet it twists my body with its wet tongue
I fall into the past I go against God I will throw away the future

If my hand can grasp your hand
then if these ears will once more be able to listen to your voice
it would not matter if I offered up my life right now
My beloved, if you would once more take a breath for me
I will surrender my body to the temptation of darkness

Wrapped in gentleness I feel its warmth
Wrapped in tenderness I want to die

If my hand can grasp your hand
then if these ears will once more be able to listen to your voice
it would not matter if I offered up my life right now
My beloved,if you would once more take a breath for me
I will surrender my body to the temptation of darkness

Return to that time
and let me see you
One more time with you alive
03.ローンデージー[Roun deejii](Lawn Daisy)
inoruyou ni anata no hitomi wo mitsumeta
doushiyou mo naku mune ga tsumaru
tsugi ni kikoeru anata no kotoba ga futari wo tsunagu to shinjite ~

doushite mukuwarenai koi nante eranda no kana
shiawase, sore ga koi wo suru kimochi da to omotteta no ni

soredemo ima anata ga omotteru seikatsu wa iya jyanai
koukai dake wa shitakunai kara ima wa anata wo motometai

sabishii dake?
hitori ga kowai kara soba ni itai no kana?

kuchibiru ni ima furetai dakishimetehoshii
anata no hada ni tsutsumaretanara watashi no subete wo sonzai wo ageru

anata ga umaretekureta kara
konna ni mo konna ni mo subarashii sekai ni watashi wa meguriaeta

furikaeru to itsumo watashi wa kimatte omoi wo kuchi ni dekinakatta
demo chigau ima wa chigau anata ni shittehoshii
watashi no omoi wo watashi no sonzai wo

noruyou ni anata no hitomi wo mitsumeta
doushiyou mo naku mune ga tsumaru
tsugi ni kikoeru anata no kotoba ga futari wo tsunagu to shinjite


それでも今 あなたを想ってる生活は嫌じゃない
後悔だけはしたくないから 今はあなたを求めたい

1人が怖いから そばにいたいのかな?

唇に今 触れたい 抱きしめてほしい
あなたの肌に包まれたなら 私の全てを 存在をあげる

こんなにも こんなにも 素晴らしい世界に私は巡り会えた

振り返ると いつも私は決まって 想いを口にできなかった
でも違う 今は違う あなたに知ってほしい
私の想いを 私の存在を

I watched your eyes as if I were praying
Helplessly my heart tightens up
When the next word I hear from you brings us together I will believe 

I wonder why I chose a romance that will be unrewarded
Happiness, even though that is what I thought the feeling of love was

Even so now I don't dislike the kind of life thinking of you
I only don't want to regret so now I want go after you

Only lonely?
Because being alone is frightening do I want to be close by you?

I want to touch you now on the lips I want you to hold me
If I am surrounded by your skin I will give you everything of my existence

Because you were born for me
it is such such a wonderful world I am able to be reunited in

When I look back I was always decided and I couldn't bring my feelings to words
But it is different now is different I want you to know
my feelings my existence

I watched you as if I were to pray
Helplessly, my heart tightens
When the next word I hear from you binds us together I will believe

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