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Buck-Tick - 極東より愛を込めて

Label: BMG Funhouse, Inc.
Catalog#: BVCR-19049
Format: Single
Country: Japan
Released: 21 Oct 2001
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Industrial, Synth-pop

1.極東より愛を込めて(Kyokutou Yori Ai Wo Komete)
         Kyokutou Yori Ai wo Komete
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

mitsumero me no mae wo
kao wo somukeru na
ai to shi gekijou ga
dorodoro ni tokesemarikuru

soitsu ga ore darou
orera wa minashigo tsuyosa mi ni tsuke
daichi ni sobietatsu
hikari kagayaku kono karada
soitsu ga omae darou
ima koso kono yo ni ikiru imi wo

ai wo komeutaou
ajia no hate de
nanji no teki wo ai suru koto ga
kimi ni dekiru ka
ai wo kome utaou
kyokutou no chi nite
hiai no teki wo
ai suru koto ga ore ni dekiru ka

nakidasu onna no ko
"nee mama dakishimeteite
motto tsuyoku!"

ai wo komeutaou
ajia no hate de
nanji no teki wo ai suru koto ga
kimi ni dekiru ka
ai wo kome utaou
kyokutou no chi nite
hiai no teki wo
ai suru koto ga ore ni dekiru ka

mitsumero me no mae wo
kao wo somukeru na
ai to shi gekijou ga
dorodoro ni tokesemarikuru

見つめろ 目の前を
愛と死 激情が

そいつが 俺だろう
俺らはミナシゴ 強さ身に付け
そいつが お前だろう
今こそ この世に生きる意味を

汝の敵を 愛する事が
愛する事が 俺に出来るか

泣き出す 女の子
「ねえママ 抱き締めていて

汝の敵を 愛する事が
愛する事が 俺に出来るか

見つめろ 目の前を
愛と死 激情が
         Kyokutou Yori Ai wo Komete (Spread Love From the Far East)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Look, before your eyes
Don’t turn your face away
The violent emotions of love and death
Ooze and flow towards us

That one was me
All of us are orphans, so learn strength!
Standing toweringly on the earth
My body shines with light
That one was you
Right now, show the meaning of living in this world

Sing and spread the love
To the ends of Asia
Love your enemy
Can you do it?
Sing and spread the love
To the lands of Asia
Love your sorrowful enemy
Can I do it?

A girl bursts into tears
“Mama, hold me tighter!”

Sing and spread the love
To the ends of Asia
Love your enemy
Can you do it?
Sing and spread the love
To the lands of Asia
Love your sorrowful enemy
Can I do it?
Look, before your eyes
Don’t turn your face away
The violent emotions of love and death
Ooze and flow towards us
2.王国 Kingdom Come -Moon Set-(Oukoku Kingdom Come -Moon Set-)
         Oukoku Kingdom Come –moon set–
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Nami wo egakou oukoku no sea side
Ai wo kizamou kimi no mune ni

Aishite wa shinu hibi ga sugiteiku
Yurusareru nara kimi no te ni dakareteitai
         王国 Kingdom Come –moon set–

波を描こう 王国の sea side
愛を刻もう 君の胸に

愛しては死ぬ 日々が過ぎて行く
許されるなら 君の手に 抱かれていたい
         Oukoku Kingdom Come –moon set–
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

I’ll paint the waves at the kingdom’s sea side
I’ll carve love into your heart

Loving is dying, the days are passing
If I can be forgiven, I want to be held in your hand
3.女神[Designed By - Oval](Megami [Designed By Oval])
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Kagerou no naka wo megami ga maiori
Mou kodoku ja nai to negai wo kanaete

Fukidasu gekijou ni kurutte wa nando mo nagusame
Tsumi wo okashi batsu machiwabite yorogeteiku dake

Haitoku ni modae yokan ni furueru
Boku ni waraikakete negai wo kanaete

Sakebigoe ore wa haretsu shita kuruoshiku itoshii
Kyoufu ni yugamu yokogao sae utsukushiku itoshii

Mechakucha ni nare yo ore no mae ni
Dakishimetekure yo nani mo mienai

Shizuka na yoru da ne kirei na yoru sa
Boku ni waraikakete negai wa kanawanai

Sakebigoe ore wa haretsu shita kuruoshiku itoshii
Kyoufu ni yugamu yokogao sae utsukushiku itoshii

Mechakucha ni nare yo ore no mae ni
Dakishimetekure yo nani mo mienai

Yasashii n da na kimi dake wa
Konna boku ni kimi dake wa

陽炎の中を 女神が舞い降り
もう孤独じゃないと 願いを叶えて

吹き出す激情に狂っては 何度も慰め
罪を犯し罰待ち侘びて 汚れていくだけ

背徳に悶え 予感に震える
僕に笑いかけて 願いを叶えて

叫び声俺は破裂した 狂おしく愛しい
恐怖に歪む横顔さえ 美しく愛しい

滅茶苦茶になれよ 俺の前に
抱き締めてくれよ 何も見えない

静かな夜だね 奇麗な夜さ
僕に笑いかけて 願いは叶わない

叫び声俺は破裂した 狂おしく愛しい
恐怖に歪む横顔さえ 美しく愛しい

滅茶苦茶になれよ 俺の前に
抱き締めてくれよ 何も見えない

優しいんだな 君だけは
こんな僕に 君だけは
         Megami (Goddess)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

In a shimmer of heat, a goddess alights
Now that I’m no longer lonely, grant my wish

I’m going mad in an outpouring of emotion, consoled many times
I commit a sin and wait anxiously for punishment; I’m just sinking into corruption

I’m in an agony of immorality, I’m trembling with a premonition
Smile at me and grant my wish

Shouting out, I exploded—it’s maddening, precious
Even your profile warping in fear is beautiful, precious

Go to excess, before my eyes
Hold me; we can’t see anything

It’s a quiet night, isn’t it? Such a clear night
Smile at me—my wish will not be granted

Shouting out, I exploded—it’s maddening, precious
Even your profile warping in fear is beautiful, precious

Go to excess, before my eyes
Hold me; we can’t see anything

You’re so gentle, only you
You’re the only one for someone like me