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DIR EN GREY - -I'll-

Catalog#: FWR-5
Format: Single
Country: Japan
Released: 12 Aug 1998
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

         sabitsuiteiru kono tokai boku no youda
hito no ai wa nanige naku owari wo mukaheru

osanaii koro wo omou yasashisa ni ueteta
amari ni mo tooisugita anata no koe

boku no kokoro ano koro to nani mo kawarazu
kimi ni okuru shitto dake gatsu noru bakari

kizutsuku no ga osokute nani mo dekinaku naru
itsu ka yume ga kanau to boku wa negau

kisetsu ga yuki o furashite sonna yoru
kimi ga boku ni okutta ai no hanataba zokei no doku no hanataba

osanaii koro wo omou yasashisa ni ueteta
itsu ka yume ga kanau to boku wa negau

kisetu ga yuki o furashite sonna yoru
kimi ha boku ni okutta ai no hanataba zokei no doku o hanataba

boku no
         I'll For You...

錆びついてるこの時計 僕のようだ
人の愛は何気なく 終わりを迎える
幼い頃を想う 優しさに飢えてた
あまりにも 遠すぎた 貴方の声

I'll For You...

僕の心 あの頃と 何も変わらず
いつか夢が叶うと 僕は願う

季節が 雪を降らした そんな夜

幼い頃を想う 優しさに飢えてた
いつか夢が叶うと 僕は願う

季節が 雪を降らした そんな夜


季節が 雪を降らした 
         I'll for You...

this rusty cloch is like myself
people's love arrives to his end without reason

I remember my childhood when I hungered for tenderness
your voice was too far away

my heart didn't change at all since this time
only the jealously I take to your increases

I'm afraid to be hurt and I could not do anything
I wish someday my dreams come true

this night when seasons made snow fall
the bunch of love flowers you sent me
was just a bunch of poisoned flowers

I remember my childhood when I hungered for tenderness
I wish someday my dreams come true

my collapsed dream turned into sand
and was taken away by the wind

I won't be able to love anybody
but I'm still looking for you
seasons made snow fall
I won't be able to love anybody
but I'm still looking for you
         konya kimi to futari de iretara
boku no yume wa kanau yo
are kara mou nikagetsu
torikago no naka de kawarete ita

kimi no heya ni iku to
shiroi torikago no naka ni wa
ryoushi wo shibarare
ikiru koto no dekinai tori ga ita

shiranu uchi ni kumo no ito de
te kuri yoseta boku wo
nayamashi gena hitomi de
boku no kuchi wo ubau no ka

kuri kaesu yami no naka de kimi to futari damashi aetara
kono mama de zutto itai boku no yume wa kimi no ude no naka
kuitsuku shita no nara...

me ga sameru to ugokenai
kimi no heya no kabe ni wa
migime igai umerareta
boku ga kimi wo mite ita

kuri kaesu yami no naka de kimi wo itsumo kabe kara mite iru yo
kono mama de zutto itai boku no yume wa towa ni tsuzuita

konya mata betsu no hito ga kumo no ito ni te kuri yoserare
kuchizuke wo kawashi kimi no heya ni hitotsu futatsu kazarare
torikago no naka ni wa...
         繰り返す闇の中で 君と二人騙し合えたら




繰り返す闇の中で 君と二人騙し合えたら
このままでずっといたい 僕の夢は君の腕の中で


繰り返す闇の中で 君をいつも壁(ここ)から見ているよ
このままでずっといたい 僕の夢は永遠に続いた


繰り返す闇の中で (ずっと)
         When you and two people to swindle in the darkness which it repeats

When tonight you and you insert with two people
As for my dream Kanai [u] That two months which probably will be entwined
You were raised in the bird cage

When it goes into your room
in white bird cage
binding both feet
the bird which cannot live was

While knowing, with the thread of the spider
Hauling the [se] it is me
It is seductive the [ge] with the pupil
My lip (the mouth) taking?

When you and two people to swindle in the darkness which it repeats
This way, it was directly to be, as for my dream in your arm
Eating it exhausted, if is…

When the eye awakens, it cannot move
in wall of your room
Other than the right eye it was buried
I looked at you

Always the wall (here) from you look at you in the darkness which it repeats
This way, it was directly to be, my dream continued eternally

Tonight and another person to haul to the thread of the spider, the [se] and others [re]
Kiss is exchanged, in your room one two decorations
In bird cage...

(Directly in the darkness which it repeats)
This way
in your arm

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