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Label: SPICE MUSIC/SME Records
Catalog#: SECL-547
Format: Maxi - Single
Country: Japan
Released: 12 Dec 2007
Genre: Rock
Style: major

         Amazing afureru omoi kimi wa kitto koraete
Amazing kanaetai kara wasurenai yo zutto

kimi wa dokodemo (Like I'm in the bottom of the world)
mae wo muiteita (There's nothing of the protection)
hikari kagayaku (Even this conflict is wasting time)
yoake wo motomete mada tookute

kibou ni tsukareta kokoro wa mou nidoto sugata naki mono motome
sora e

Amazing (You remember) afureru omoi kimi wa kitto koraete
Amazing (You remember) kanaetai kara wasurenai yo zutto

nami wa shizumari (My emotion is already burst)
muon no kanata e kieteku

tsukiyo ni ukabeta omokage mada ima mo sugata nakimono motome
sora e

Amazing (You remember) afureru omoi hitori namida wo koraete
Amazing (You remember) kanaetai kara wasurenai yo zutto

"Believe in yourself and the present
Whatever happened you can get away"
You said, so I can believe myself,
this environment and this moment

Ready go! I don't wanna anymore.
You have gone away to the neo universe.
Like a bomb, everything is already burst.
But I don't cry, cause you will rebirth.

Amazing itoshiki tomo yo kimi wa kaeranu tabibito
Amazing deaeta koto wasurenai yo

Amazing (You remember) afureru omoi kimi ni sayonara tsugetemo
Amazing (You remember) kanaetai kara wasurenai yo umarekawaru darou

You remember.
Ready go! I don't wanna anymore.
You have gone away to the neo universe.
Like a bomb, everything is already burst.
But I don't cry, cause you will rebirth.
         作詩:マーキー&ユウスケ 作曲:SASSY

Amazing 溢れる想い君はきっと堪えて
Amazing 叶えたいから忘れないよずっと

君はどこでも (Like I'm in the bottom of the world)
前を向いてた (There's nothing of the protection)
光り輝く (Even this conflict is wasting time)
夜明けを求めて まだ遠くて

希望に疲れた心はもう二度と 姿亡きもの求め

Amazing (You remember) 溢れる想い君はきっと堪えて
Amazing (You remember) 叶えたいから忘れないよずっと

波は静まり (My emotion is already burst)

月夜に浮かべた面影まだ今も 姿亡きもの求め

Amazing (You remember) 溢れる想いひとり涙をこらえて
Amazing (You remember) 叶えたいから忘れないよずっと

“Believe in yourself and the present.
Whatever happened you can get over”
you said, so I can believe myself,
this environment and this moment.

Ready go! I don't wanna anymore.
You have gone away to the neo universe.
Like a bomb! Everything is already burst.
But I don't cry, cause you will rebirth.

Amazing 愛しき友よ君は帰らぬ旅人
Amazing 出逢えたこと忘れないよ

Amazing (You remember) 溢れる想い君にサヨナラ告げても
Amazing (You remember) 叶えたいから忘れないよ

You remember.
Ready go! I don't wanna anymore.
You have gone away to the neo universe.
Like a bomb. Everything is already burst.
But I don't cry, cause you will rebirth.
         Amazing~ The flooding of feelings that you surely endured.
Amazing~ Because I want to grant them, I will never forget.

Wherever you are.
Like I'm in the bottom of the world.
You faced forward.
There is nothing of the protection.
Light glows.
Even this conflict is wasting time.
Seeking dawn, it's still far away.

The heart tired by hope will never again seek a late figure.
To the sky.

Amazing~(You'll remember) The flooding of feelings that you surely endured.
Amazing~ (You'll remember) Because I want to grant them, I will never forget.

The waves settle.
My emotion is already burst.
Disappearing to the inaudible.
The shadows from the moonlight are even now still seeking late figures.
To the sky.

Amazing~ (You'll remember) The flooding of emotions, tears that you withheld alone.
Amazing~(You'll remember) Because I want to grant them, I will never forget.

Believe in yourself and the present
Whatever happened you can get away
You said, so I can believe myself
This environment and this moment
Ready go! I don't wanna anymore
You have gone away to the neo universe
Like a bomb, everything is already burst
But I don't cry, cause you will rebirth

Amazing~ My beloved friend, you are a traveler who cannot return.
Amazing~ I won't forget that we met, Ahh~

Amazing~ The flooding of feelings, even if I tell you goodbye
(You'll remember)
Amazing~ Because I want to grant them, I won't forget, they will be born again.
(You'll remember)

You'll remember x2
Ready go! I don't wanna anymore
You have gone away to the neo universe
Like a bomb, everything is already burst
But I don't cry, Cause you will rebirth.

02.Secret Heart
         Breaking, Drawing, again and again.
I repeat. Breaking, Drawing, again and again.
I repeating. Break. Draw. Break. Drawing. Break. Draw. Break.

Ookina kabe ni futsukarisou na toki wa mou osokute
(Can you handle this life. Our time is running out.)
Yukanda PINTO no naka ja jouzu ni waraenakute
(I'm not afraid to bleed. Consequence of lost and found.)

I feel dry. Kill smile. I lie to see my inner vision.

Ah nani wo katadotta no?
(If you stop the breath, you become the end, like these dark days.)
Sonna himitsu no you na kokoro wo mou nidoto matoenai hikisaite hakidashite
(Like the sun goes down. At last become the dark. It's restrictive.)
Ima wo kaeru koto dekiru nara kanashimi wo ajiwatte mo ii no ni

Will you accept the end. Can you hear that countdown to the end.
Will you accept the end. I don't have better way, so she said get away.
Will you accept the end. Everything is restrictive. Go away.

Ah nani wo katadotta no?
(If you stop the breath, you become the end, like these dark days.)
Sonna himitsu no you na kokoro wo mou nidoto yurusanai kizutsuite kizutsukete
(Like the sun goes down. At last become the dark. It's restrictive.)
Ima wo kaeru koto dekiru nara namida sae ushinatte mo ii no ni

Breaking, Drawing, again and again.
I repeat. Breaking, Drawing, again and again.
I repeating. Break. Draw. Break. Drawing. Break. Draw. Break.
         Breaking, Drawing, again and again.
I repeat. Breaking, Drawing, again and again.
I repeating. Break. Draw. Break. Drawing. Break. Draw. Break.

(Can you handle this life. Our time is running out.)
(I'm not afraid to bleed. Consequence of lost and found.)

I feel dry. Kill smile. I lie to see my inner vision.

(If you stop the breath, you become the end, like these dark days.)
そんな秘密のような心をもう二度と纏えない 引き裂いて吐き出して
(Like the sun goes down. At last become the dark. It's restrictive.)
今を変える事 出来るなら悲しみを味わっても良いのに

Will you accept the end. Can you hear that countdown to the end.
Will you accept the end. I don't have better way, so she said get away.
Will you accept the end. Everything is restrictive. Go away.

(If you stop the breath, you become the end, like these dark days.)
そんな秘密のような心をもう二度と許さない 傷ついて傷つけて
(Like the sun goes down. At last become the dark. It's restrictive.)
今を変える事 出来るなら涙さえ失っても良いのに

Breaking, Drawing, again and again.
I repeat. Breaking, Drawing, again and again.
I repeating. Break. Draw. Break. Drawing. Break. Draw. Break.
         Kawaranai mainichi ga nani genaku subete yuku
Tokubetsu na fuman mo nai kedo MIRAKURU mo nai
Sore wa Maybe DORAI na jibun
(Sagen na Tention ugokidashi Revolution nukedasou konna hibi Gimme your special)

Yareru koto wo konashite mata jikan ni owarete
Aji no nai GAMU no you na hibi ni akite kiteru nara
Hakisutete Make the new world
(Kinou no Cry nante kyou wa kankeinai For life)

Mikansei na Style sonnan janai
Afuredasu sono kimochi wo misete yo

Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
Mabushii mirai sagashiteru jidai (Parade)
Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
Hitori janai kono michi Step by step

Majime ni yarisugoshite sukoshi tsukareta Fuzzy days
Omou you ni yarezu ni hiza wo kakaeteru nara
Imasugu ni Break on the world
(Kinou no Cry nante kyou wa kankeinai for life)

Aimai na Style sonnan ja tsurai
Kakureteru sono kimochi wo misete yo

Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
Mabushii sekai shinjiteru jidai (Parade)
Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
Tsunagatteru ashita e say "hello"

Parade Parade Parade Parade
Mabushii mirai sagashiteru jidai
Parade Parade Parade Parade
Hitori janai kono michi Step by step

Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
Mabushii sekai shinjiteru jidai (Parade)
Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
Hitori janai kono michi Step by step
Tsunagatteru ashita e say "hello"
(下げんな Tention 動き出しRevolution 抜け出そうこんな日々 Gimme your special)

やれることをこなして また時間に追われて
吐き捨てて Make the new world
(昨日のCryなんて今日は関係ないFor life)


Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
眩しい未来 探してる時代 (Parade)
Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
独りじゃないこの道Step by step

真面目にやり過ごして少し疲れたFuzzy days
今すぐにBreak on the world
(昨日のCryなんて今日は関係ないFor life)


Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
眩しい世界 信じてる時代 (Parade)
Parade Parade (Gimme the wing)
Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
繋がってる明日へsay "hello"

Parade Parade Parade Parade
眩しい未来 探してる時代
Parade Parade Parade Parade
独りじゃないこの道Step by step

Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
眩しい世界 信じてる時代 (Parade)
Parade Parade (Gimme the wing) Parade Parade (Gimme the chance)
独りじゃないこの道Step by step
繋がってる明日へsay "hello"
04.Amazing (Instrumental)

HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR - Amazing【初回生産限定盤】

Label: SPICE MUSIC/SME Records
Catalog#: SECL-545[DVD with]
Format: Maxi - Single Limited Edition
Country: Japan
Released: 12 Dec 2007
Genre: Rock
Style: major

02.Secret Heart
04.Amazing (Instrumental)
DVD - off-shot images

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