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ViViD - Take-off

Label: Indie PSC/Bellwood Records, Inc.
Catalog#: PSIM-91013
Format: Maxi-Single
Country: Japan
Released: 08 Jul 2009
Genre: Rock
Style: Indies

         Hikareta michi wo tada nanimo iwazu arukeba ii no ka?

Yurari yurari yurarete ita... kokoro no DOOR wo hirakenu mama

What meaning that?
『Otona』rashiku toka wakaranu mamani Take off

What meaning that?
Mienu genjitsu ni tomadou mamani Take off

Tell me why? Tell me why?
『Otona』ni narutte koto ga
Tell me why? Tell me why?
Itsuka wakaru no kana

Ima wa tada kono toki ga towa ni tsudzuku koto wo tada negau...

Yurari yurari yurarete ita... kokoro no DOOR wo hirakenu mama

What meaning that?
『Otona』rashiku toka wakaranu mamani Take off

What meaning that?
Mienu genjitsu ni tomadou mamani Take off

Tell me why? Tell me why?
Itsuka 『otona』ni natte
Tell me why? Tell me why?
Usurete iku no kana?

Ima wa tada kono toki wo usurenai youni mune ni kizamikomu

Itsuka chigau sekai e habataiteku sono toki wa
Minna wo wasurenai yo dorehodo toki ga tatte mo

Hekotarete ii sa tsurai toki wa naitatte kamawanai kara
Soshitara mae wo muite mata arukidasuba ii kara
         引かれた道を ただ何も言わず歩けばいいのか?

ゆらり ゆらり 揺られていた… 心のドアを開けぬまま

What meaning that?
『大人』らしくとか 分からぬままに Take off

What meaning that?
見えぬ現実に 戸惑うままに Take off

Tell me why? Tell me why?
Tell me why? Tell me why?

今はただ この時が 永遠に続く事を ただ願う…

ゆらり ゆらり 揺られていた… 心のドアを開けぬまま

What meaning that?
『大人』らしくとか 分からぬままに Take off

What meaning that?
見えぬ現実に 戸惑うままに Take off

Tell me why? Tell me why?
Tell me why? Tell me why?

今はただ この時を 薄れないように 胸に刻み込む…

いつか違う世界へ 羽ばたいていく その時は
みんなを忘れないよ どれほど時が経っても

へこたれていいさ 辛いときは 泣いたって構わないから
そしたら前を向いて また歩き出せばいいから
Lyric Translation
Translation Take-off

A charmed course is it not alright to only say nothing?

Sway sway* it shook... because of opening the door in the heart.

What meaning that?

『Adult』Seeming as that but not in a minute 


What meaning that?

To not show the reality as we are bewildered 


Tell me why? Tell me why?

Turning out as a thing for an 『Adult』

Tell me why? Tell me why?

I wonder if I'll understand someday...

Now it's only this time that lets eternity continue, things to only wish for.

Sway sway it shook... because of opening the door in the heart.

What meaning that?

『Adult』Seeming as that but not in a minute 


What meaning that?
To not show the reality as we're bewildered 


Tell me why? Tell me why?

Someday becoming an 『Adult』

Tell me why? Tell me why?
I wonder if it's going to fade?

Now it's only this time, so don't fade etched into my chest

Someday to the different world flapping your wings at that time
Everyone won't forget how much time is passing

Losing a pleasant heart, to bitter time, but it's not a problem if you were crying.
Now, Face forward because it's good.
show you can walk!
02.W.B.A(Wing Broken Angel)
         W.B.A. (wing broken angel)

hikari no nai  tsumi no naka de
seotta tsubasa wa  ima ni mo oresou de

kanashimi no nai  basho ga aru nara
douka watashi wo  tsurete itte yo

moshi mou ichido  waraeru no nara
douka watashi wo  tsurete itte yo

kaze ni saraware  kieta sono sugata

ashita ga mienasugite  kowarete iku
subete ga iro wo nakushi ...

kuzureochiteku  nukegara no watashi
habataku koto naku  chiru ...
         W.B.A. (wing broken angel)

光の無い 罪の中で
背負った翼は 今にも折れそうで

悲しみの無い 場所があるなら
どうか私を 連れて行ってよ

もしもう一度 笑えるのなら
どうか私を 連れて行ってよ

風にさらわれ 消えたその姿

明日が見えなすぎて 壊れていく

崩れ落ちてく 抜け殻の私
羽ばたく事無く 散る…
         W.B.A. (wing broken angel)

In this crime  with no light
The wings on my back are  soon breaking off

If there's a place  with no sadness
Please, take me  with you

If I could laugh  one more time
Please, take me  with you

This vanished figure  was swept away by the wind

If I really can't see tomorrow  I will break
Everything loses its colors ...

I'm crumbling down  me, who cast of my skin
Without flapping my wings  I'm falling ...

This fxxk misekake no music

jidai ni nagasare
just you ah
aimai na dreamer

This rock kizamareta music

subete wo sutete
just you oh 3.2.1.go
Get of the freedom

yume wa itsuka wa  hontou ni naru
sore dake wo shinjite  aruite ita

wasurekaketeta  ano hi no chikai
todoku you ni to  mogaki tsuzuketa
itsu kara boku wa  egao wasurete ...
shakai no koma ni  natta no kana ?

This fxxk 見せかけのmusic

just you ah

This rock 刻まれたmusic

just you oh 3.2.1.go
Get of the freedom

夢はいつかは 本当になる
それだけを信じて 歩いていた

忘れかけてた あの日の誓い
届くようにと もがき続けた
いつから僕は 笑顔忘れて・・・
社会の駒に なったのかな?

This fxxk feigned music

Floating in this era
just you ah
An ambiguous dreamer

This rock engraved music

Throw everything away
just you oh 3.2.1.go
Get of the freedom

Someday my dream  will become reality
I was walking  only believing in this

I started forgetting  the vow I made that day
So that I could reach it  I kept struggling
Someday  I will forget my smile ...
I wonder whether I have become  a pawn of society ?

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