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D - Paradox (通常盤)

Label: God Child Records
Catalog#: DNB-016
Format: Mini-Album
Country: Japan
Released: 03 May 2006
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

         You must pray, then, this way.
Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.

Let your kingdom come.
Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

Give us today our bread for this Day.

yami iroshita kowaku de tsumi na biroudou no nami ni oboreteita akumu

And forgive us our Debts, as we also have forgiven our Debtors.
And do not bring us into temptation,
but Deliver us from the wicked one.

odayaka na hizashi wo saegiru kogoeru horobi no CURTAIN
egaita kokoro utsusu watashi no kao ga nuri tsubusareteyuku... kuroku
Distort my face

Pray to God
IKARETA yami ga akutoku motome bikou to komaku no naka made
okasarete yuku shikai to risei... mihatenu yume to shiri nagara...

Everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
praying God the Father through him. [Amen]
         You must pray, then, this way.
Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.

Let your kingdom come.
Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

Give us today our bread for this Day.


And forgive us our Debts, as we also have forgiven our Debtors.
And do not bring us into temptation,
but Deliver us from the wicked one.

描いた心映す私の肖像画が塗り潰されてゆく... 黒く
Distort my face

Pray to God

イカレタ闇が悪徳求め 鼻孔と鼓膜の中まで
犯されてゆく 視界と理性... 見果てぬ夢と知りながら...

Everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, praying
God the Father through him.
         You must pray, then, this way.
Our Father in the heavens, let your name be sanctified.

Let your kingdom come.
Let your will take place, as in heaven, also upon earth.

Give us today our bread for this Day.

The nightmare that drowned in the wave of velvet, in crime and darkness

And forgive us our Debts, as we also have forgiven our Debtors.
And do not bring us into temptation,
but Deliver us from the wicked one.

The frozen curtain of extinction, blocking the quiet sunlight
My face, reflecting my heart, is slowly painted over... into black
Distort my face

Pray to God
Eccentric dark seeks out corruption... I breathe it in, I hear it
View and reason, sinned against... though I know this dream will never be fulfilled

Everything in the name of the Lord Jesus,
praying God the Father through him. [Amen]
02.Night-ship "D"
         Yoru wo ayatsuru watashi ga aisuru kokou no fune... Night-Ship "D"
Believe or not Believe
"Under sail!"
Sora to Chaos no umi wo ho wo age gin no obi wo hiku... Night-ship "D"
Believe or not Believe

Mirai wa kono te no naka ni yukusaki shimesu [GURASU] ni
gokujou no ai sosogi jiyuu no na no moto ni hata kakagete

Tada tsukiakari dake ga aoku terasu yoru wa ushinatta hibi wo omou
yagate kanashimi ga owari furisosogu yasuragi wo kimi to tomoni
"Stout mind!" "Honest mind!" "Fair mind!"
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death

Mirai wa kono te no naka ni yukusaki shimesu [GURASU] ni
gokujou no ai sosogi jiyuu no na no moto ni hata kakagete

Kono yoru wo wasurete shimaeba subete kiesari omoide sae nokoranai
kimi wa utsukushiku nareru sugao no mama de kazaranai de

Saa sono mado kara nukedashite yo ga akeru made hoshiboshi wo watatte yukou
soshite warera no kouro ni [SHANPAN] to Nocturne wo sasage mashou
"Stout mind!" "Honest mind!" "Fair mind!"
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death
"Stout mind!" "Honest mind!" "Fair mind!"
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death
         夜を操る私が 愛する 孤高の船... Night-ship“D”
Believe or not Believe
宇宙と混沌の海を 帆を上げ 銀の帯を引く... Night-ship“D”
Believe or not Believe

未来はこの手の中に 行く先示すグラスに
極上の愛注ぎ 自由の名のもとに旗掲げて

ただ月明かりだけが蒼く照らす夜は 失った日々を想う
やがて悲しみが終わり 降り注ぐ 安らぎを君と共に
「Stout mind!」 「Honest mind!」 「Fair mind!」
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death.

未来はこの手の中に 行く先示すグラスに
極上の愛注ぎ 自由の名のもとに旗掲げて

この夜を忘れてしまえば すべて消え去り 想い出さえ残らない
君は美しくなれる 素顔のままで 飾らないで

さあ その窓から抜け出して 夜が明けるまで 星々を渡って行こう
そして我らの航路に シャンパンと夜想曲を捧げましょう
「Stout mind!」 「Hones mind!」 「Fair mind!」
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death.
         Navigating through the night, I adore this arching ship... Night-ship "D"
Believe or not Believe


In the sky and on the sea of chaos, raise the sail, pull up the silver belt... Night-ship "D"
Believe or not believe

The future is in these handsIn the glass which shows our destination
The finest love flowsRaise the flag in the name of freedom

Shining blue only by the moonlightThe night recalls lost days
My sorrow will end soonSharing overwhelming peace with you

[Stout mind!] [Honest mind!] [Fair mind!]
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death.

The future is in these handsIn the glass which shows our destination
The finest love flowsRaise the flag in the name of freedom

Were you to forget this night, all would vanish, not even memories would remain
You can be beautiful, as you are, without adornments

So let us draw from the window, crossing the heavens until daybreak
And on our course let us raise our glasses and our nocturnes

[Stout mind!] [Honest mind!] [Fair mind!]
Nothing is impossible when you lose your fear of Death.
03.Angelic blue
         Natsukashii ishiki no naka de nijimu anutsu na shikisai
toki ga subete ga kokochiyoku...

Toumei ni toke hajimeta sekai wa kagirinaku soumei de...
yume yo samenai de ite tsumi ga yurusareru made

Aa nando namida nagashite mo egakenai iro ga soko ni wa atta

Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world.
Zaiaku no "shi" kara mezameru watashi ga
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world.
"Genjitsu" ga sonzai suru "toki" no imi wo shiru...

I think about oneself the future again.
I never forget the meaning of a Dream.

Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world.
Atarashii "sei" kara ayumu watashi no
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world.
senaka osu atatakade yasashii te ga...

Yume janakute ima anata ni ano sumikitta keshiki wo tsutaetai
yume ga samete iroaseta genjitsu ni "asa" ga kuru toki no you ni...

Zaiaku no shi kara mezameru watashi ga ima...
atarashii ikara ayumu watashi wa inoru...
時間が すべてが 心地良く...

白昼夢よ覚めないでいて 罪が許されるまで

ああ何度涙流しても 描けない色がそこには在った

Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world.
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world.

I think about oneself the future again.
I never forget the meaning of a Dream.

Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world.
新しい “生”から歩む私の
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world.

夢じゃなくて 今あなたにあの澄み切った景色を伝えたい
夢が覚めて 色褪せた現実に“朝”が来る時の様に...

Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world.
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world.

         Hues of deep depression seep into my nostalgic consciousness
Time, everything... so comfortable

The dissolving world is an endless clear blue
May this dream never end... until all sin is forgiven

However much I cried there was always a shade you couldn't imagine

Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world
Waking from the 'death' of guilt
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world
I know the meaning of 'truth' existing in 'time'

I think about oneself the future again.
I never forget the meaning of a Dream.

Angelic blue sea. I want to know another world
Stepping from a new 'life'
Angelic blue sea. You can see this another world
I feel gentle, warm hands pressing against my back

This is no dream... I want to tell you of that pure scenery
The dream is ended... as if 'morning' is just faded reality

Waking from the 'death' of guilt, I now...
Stepping from new life, I pray...
04.花惑(はなまどい)[Hana madoi]
         watashi wa kakerushikkoku no kiba de
ueta fushisha no miyako wo hakeba ni kaete

tsukiakari abite hishou suru kage
reiketsu na kizoku no riyouchi wo haikyo ni kaete

The light has attempted to destroy the darkness.
My blade at the ready, I let my eyes gleam red.

yami no aruji ni tada roujoku sareru kimi no moto kake tsukeru keredo
shi no naka de mezameta kono watashi wo mite aishitekureru no darou ka?

bara iro shita hanabira kaeri chi ka saku
gin no hikari wa reirou nigetsuri kaku

The light has attempted to destroy the darkness.
My blade at the ready, I let my eyes gleam red.

yami no aruji ni tadaroujoku sareru kimi no moto kake tsukeru keredo
shi no naka de mezametakono watashi wo miteaishitekureru no darou ka?

kokoro tomadoinagara saki midaretechi ni nureta kaze no naka hitori
aka to kuro ga konjiri aukonna watashi gaaishitekureru no darou ka?
         私は駆ける 漆黒の騎馬で


The light had attempted to Destroy the Darkness.
My blade at the ready,I let my eyes gleam red.

闇の主人にただ 凌辱される君の元駆け付けるけれど
死の中で目覚めた この私を見て 愛してくれるのだろうか?

薔薇色した花弁 返り血が咲く
銀の光は玲瓏に 月輪描く

The light had attempted to Destroy the Darkness.
My blade at the ready,I let my eyes gleam red.

闇の主人にただ 凌辱される君の元駆け付けるけれど
死の中で目覚めた この私を見て 愛してくれるのだろうか?

心戸惑いながら咲き乱れて 血に濡れた風の中一人
紅赤と暗黒が混じり合う こんな私が 愛していいのだろうか?
         Mounted on a pale-black horse, I race
To make the fortress of the starved undead a burial ground

Soaked in moonlight, shadows flit across the sky
The domain of heartless aristocracy turns to ruins

The light has attempted to destroy the darkness.
My blade at the ready, I let my eyes gleam red.

I hasten to you-raped by this lord of darkness, but
Would you love me, I, who awakened in the midst of death?

The light has attempted to destroy the darkness.
My blade at the ready, I let my eyes gleam red.

I hasten to you-raped by this lord of darkness, but
Would you love me, I, who awakened in the midst of death?

One person, in the blood-soaked wind, an uncertain heart yet in bloom
Could I, a mix of black and red, love you?
         meguru meguru kisetsu no naka de nando mo kizutsuku keredo
kimi no hisashisa ni tsutsumarete miyasareteku

muryoku na boku wa nemureme yoru wokasaneta tatta hitotsu yume mite
kuyashisa dake gakarada wo atsutsuku nagarete yakure deshita namida wo fuite

donna toki mo tada kimi dake wo shinjita tatta hitotsu hokoreru kotoba da ya

ima wa tada fuan na hibi woataeru dake no boku no yume ga
oozora ni habataki kidameite azayaka ni asu wo irudoru

itsuka boku ga kimi wo aishita shinjitsu wo shouishi shitai
kimi no kutsuu wo inori wo yagateegao ni kaeru tame ni

ano tori no you ni tsubasa wo hiroge
kimi wo tsurete yami no mukou eyami no mukou e

nagai yoru wo nuri kaeteyukumabushii hikari no naka de
kawaru koto no nai ashigetekuchizukete dakashimetai

meguru meguru kisetsu...nando mo kizutsuite...
itsuka boku ga kimi wo...aishita shinjutsu wo...
kimi no yasashisa dake...boku wo miyashite yuku...
dakara semete kimi wo...egao ni kaeru you ni utau yo...

Sing with tender loving care.
A song that touches one’s heartstrings
         巡る巡る季節の中で 何度も傷付くけれど
君の優しさに包まれて 癒されてく

無力な僕は 眠れぬ夜を重ねた たった一つ夢見て
悔しさだけが 体を熱く流れて 溢れ出した涙を拭いた

どんな時もただ君だけを信じた たった一つ誇れる事だよ

今はただ不安な日々を 与えるだけの僕の夢が
大空に羽ばたき 煌めいて 鮮やかに未来を彩る

いつか僕が君を愛した 真実を証明したい
君の苦痛を祈りをやがて 笑顔に変える為に

君を連れて闇の向こうへ 闇の向こうへ

長い夜を塗り替えてゆく 眩しい光の中で
変わる事のない愛告げて 口づけて抱きしめたい

巡る巡る季節 何度も傷付いて
いつか僕が君を 愛した真実を
君の優しさだけ 僕を癒してゆく
だからせめて君を 笑顔に変える為に歌うよ

sing with tender loving care.
A song that touches one's heartstrings.
         With the returning seasons, I am wounded many times
But I am calmed, engulfed by your kindness

Powerless, I stacked up the sleepness nights, dreaming just one dream
Frustration coursed through my bodyI wiped away the flowing tears

At all times I trusted only you
This is all I can be proud of

My dreams, serving only to bring me days of anxiety
Now flutter in the skies, glittering, vividly colouring the future

I want some day to prove how I loved you
And prayed for your pain, that it might turn to a smile

I spread my wings, like the bird
And carry you beyond the darknessBeyond the darkness

In the bright light, painting out the long night
I would announce my unchanging love, would kiss you, embrace you

Returning seasons... Wounded many times...
Someday... How I loved you...
Only your kindness... would relieve me...
So only to make you smile do I sing

Sing with tender loving care.
A song that touches one’s heartstrings.

D - Paradox (初回限定)

Label: God Child Records
Catalog#: DNB-003
Format: Mini-Album Limited Edition
Country: Japan
Released: 07 Jan 2004
Genre: Rock
Style: Major
02.Night-ship "D"
03.Angelic blue
04.花惑(はなまどい)[Hana madoi]

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