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12012 - THE PAIN OF CATASTROPHE Limited Edition Type B

Label: Universal Music
Catalog#: UPCH-89077
Format: Single Limited Edition Type B
Country: Japan
Released: 26 May 2010
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

         ( finale finale finale . A bell resounding in town .)
( finale finale finale . A bell resounding in town .)

It is warning for people .)( It is question for people .)

The center of the battlefield .

This world shot by intense sorrow gave the last warning to people .
Thousands of lives were robbed , and thousands of tears were dropped .
And I cannot sleep my town . ( warning )( warning )( warning )( warning )
soozetsu na yoru to chiisana yakusoku

aishi ta kimi no Vision sae ima de wa igan de shimat te
gekidoo no sora no shimo namida no wake o tou

The people continued fighting so as to be cold - blooded .
Badly - bruised this world did not feel even a pain .
The song of the girl in hope of peace .
Tears be the proof of living .
tsumetai bi emi

( black plot ) yokuboo ni mamire jootai fuantei na esa to wana
( black plot ) ugomeku memory trick genjitsu o ushinawa seru highreturn
( black plot ) yowa sa to wa nan da tsuyo sa to wa nan da toi tadashi ta saigo no jajj imento
( black plot ) black plot ( black plot ) black plot

( finale finale finale . A bell resounding in town .)
( finale finale finale . A bell resounding in town .)

aishi ta kimi no Vision sae ima de wa igan de shimat te
reikoku na kanashimi o itetsuku ame ga saku

kono tenohira no naka ni aru chiisana shinjitsu no tane ga
arehate ta chi ni sai ta nozomi no hana to naru

owari o tsugeru kane ga nari hitobito wa machi e
kumo no sukima ni hi ga sashi te ubat te yuku kono namida o ?
         (finale finale finale. A bell resounding in town.)
(finale finale finale. A bell resounding in town.)

It is warning for people.)(It is question for people.)

The center of the battlefield.

This world shot by intense sorrow gave the last warning to people.
Thousands of lives were robbed, and thousands of tears were dropped.
And I cannot sleep my town. (warning)(warning)(warning)(warning)

愛した君のVisionさえ 今では歪んでしまって
激動の空の下 涙の訳を問う

The people continued fighting so as to be cold-blooded.
Badly-bruised this world did not feel even a pain.
The song of the girl in hope of peace.
Tears be the proof of living.

(black plot) 欲望に塗れ 状態不安定な餌と罠
(black plot) 蠢くmemory trick 現実を失わせるhighreturn
(black plot) 弱さとはなんだ強さとはなんだ問い正した最後のジャッジメント
(black plot) black plot (black plot) black plot

(finale finale finale. A bell resounding in town.)
(finale finale finale. A bell resounding in town.)

愛した君のVisionさえ 今では歪んでしまって
冷酷な悲しみを 凍てつく雨が裂く

この掌の中にある 小さな真実の種が
荒れ果てた地に咲いた 望みの花となる

終わりを告げる 鐘が鳴り 人々は街へ
雲の隙間に陽が差して 奪ってゆくこの涙を?
         (Finale finale finale. A bell resounding in town.) (Finale finale finale. A bell resounding in town.) It is warning for people.) (It is question for people.) The center of the battlefield.

This world shot by intense sorrow gave the last warning to people.
Thousands of lives were robbed, and thousands of tears were dropped.
And I cannot sleep my town. (Warning) (warning) (warning) (warning) and a small promise you love now night Vision fierce even asks the reason for tears and under a turbulent sky The people continued've distorted fighting so as to be cold-blooded.
Badly-bruised this world did not feel even a pain.
The song of the girl in hope of peace.
Tears be the proof of living.
Cold smile (black plot) and food insecure trap states desire to paint it (black plot) extinguish a real memory trick Drudge highreturn (black plot) and the strengths and weaknesses What are asked to correct the final judgment What (black plot) black plot (black plot) black plot (finale finale finale. A bell resounding in town.) (finale finale finale. A bell resounding in town.) Vision now your love is a sad, even cruel've distorted the People rang the bell and flowers mark the end of the desired species blooming desert land in the palm of the truth of this small tear tears freezing rain this goes to steal the sun pointing to the city wisps of cloud ?
02.影綴り(Kage tsuzuri)
         Is this the pain ?
Nemureru mori no shoujo shizuka na tsuki no yoru ni nagareru inochi no umi mezame nu anata he

Totsuzen no ame ni kasa mo mota zu kakedashi
Tome rare zu ni chitta saigo no kioku

Mayonaka no hageshii ame no oto ni
Ano hi no kizu wa itamu kedo
Mou nani mo deki nai nante kotoba ni nara nai

Souzetsu na yoru ni surechigau futatsu no kage
Shizuka na jounetsu wa honoo no you ni

This is the pain
Nemureru mori no shoujo shizuka na tsuki no yoru ni nagareru inochi no umi kirei na namida no nochi mezame nu anata he

Jounetsu wa itsumo shizuka ni kuchi wo tozashi
Aisu beki hito mo jibun mo sukue nai
Souzetsu na yoru no yaketsui ta koukei ga
Ima demo atama kara hanare naku te

Now once again
Anata no inochi no imi tsudutta wakare no tegami wo saigo ni todoke taku te saigo ni tsutae taku te
Shizuka na tsuki no yoru ni
Aisuru anata he
         Is this the pain?
眠れる森の少女 静かな月の夜に 流れる命の海 目覚めぬ貴方へ




This is the pain
眠れる森の少女 静かな月の夜に 流れる命の海 綺麗な涙の後 目覚めぬ貴方へ


Now once again
貴方の命の意味 綴った別れの手紙を 最後に届けたくて 最後に伝えたくて
         Please close my garden Please close my garden.

Mind garden dare mo shira nai himitsu no hakoniwa
Mind garden wo hana ni mizu wo ageyo u

I want to be like a rose, noble, strong and beautiful.
Aisa re te i nai to fuan de aise nai yo

Just close my garden mitsume au tabi kokoro wa munashii bara no you de
Just close my garden kisu wo suru tabi kanashii namida ga afure dasu yo

Do you love me ? same ta hitomi de kokoro wo misukashi te
I love you nemuri ga sameru mae ni

I want to be like a rose, sharp, sad and bright.
Kizu darake no ai wo wasureru hodo no kisu de

Just close my garden dakishimeru tabi surechigau anata wo kanji te ta
Just close my garden kizu wo name au ni nin ga ochi te yuku sono mae ni

I gave a lot of sacrifice. what do you want ?
Takusan no gisei wo dashi ta. nani ga hoshii ?
I fall into the bottom of deep darkness fukai yami no soko he to ochi te yuku

Just close my garden kindan no ai ni nin ha zouka no bara no you de
Just close my garden kisu wo suru tabi namida wa kobore naku natte i ta

Please I love you darlin umarekawatta toki wa anata wo kanji tai

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         Please close my garden Please close my garden.

Mind garden 誰も知らない秘密の箱庭
Mind garden お花に水をあげよう

I want to be like a rose, noble, strong and beautiful.

Just close my garden 見つめ合う度 心はむなしい薔薇の様で
Just close my garden キスをする度 悲しい涙が溢れ出すよ

Do you love me? 冷めた瞳で心を見透かして
I love you 眠りが覚める前に

I want to be like a rose, sharp, sad and bright.

Just close my garden 抱きしめる度 すれ違う貴方を感じてた
Just close my garden 傷を舐め合う 二人が堕ちてゆくその前に

I gave a lot of sacrifice. what do you want?
I fall into the bottom of deep darkness 深い闇の底へと堕ちてゆく

Just close my garden 禁断の愛 二人は造花の薔薇の様で
Just close my garden キスをする度 涙は零れなくなっていた

Please I love you darlin 生まれ変わった時は 貴方を感じたい

12012 - THE PAIN OF CATASTROPHE Regular Edition

Label: Universal Music
Catalog#: UPCH-80181
Format: Single Regular Edition
Country: Japan
Released: 26 May 2010
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

02.影綴り(Kage tsuzuri)

12012 - THE PAIN OF CATASTROPHE Limited Edition Type A

Label: Universal Music
Catalog#: UPCH-89076[w/DVD]
Format: Single Limited Edition Type A
Country: Japan
Released: 26 May 2010
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

02.影綴り(Kage tsuzuri)

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