
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)

摩天楼オペラ - ANOMIE (通常盤)

Label: Sherow Artist Society
Catalog#: SASCD-52
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 28 Oct 2009
Genre: Rock
Style: ---


Haoto wo shinobase chikadzuku?hikiyoserareru amai hada ni
Shita wo hawase?omae ga nozomu basho wo nazoru

Kiritotte saite?nagameteitai hodo kirei na sono karada
Saa?nareta tetsuki de tanoshimasetekure

Hateru made odore?segamu koe wo dase?uragitte motto
Tsukande?ore wo nigirishime?kasokusaseru?karada wo yurase

Mietendayo hiwai na honshou ga isso yaritaiyou ni yacchimae yo
Omae wa onna no kao sarakedashite?naite naite nakiwameitero
Kono rizumu ni awasete yurashite?ashi no saki made chikara wo koemete
Motto motto uketometekure yo?saigo made

Hateru made odore?segamu koe wo dase?uragitte motto
Tsukande?ore wo nigirishime?kasokusaseru?karada wo yurase

Itoshisa wo kanjite?munashisa wo oboeru
羽音を忍ばせ近づく 引き寄せられる甘い肌に
舌を這わせ お前が望む場所をなぞる

切り取って裂いて 眺めていたいほど綺麗なその体
さあ 慣れた手つきで楽しませてくれ

果てるまで踊れ せがむ声を出せ 裏切ってもっと
掴んで 俺を握り締め 加速させる 体を揺らせ

見えてんだよ卑猥な本性が いっそやりたいようにやっちまえよ
お前は女の顔曝け出して 泣いて泣いて泣きわめいてろ
このリズムに合わせて揺らして 足の先まで力を込めて
もっともっと受け止めてくれよ 最後まで

果てるまで踊れ せがむ声を出せ 裏切ってもっと
掴んで 俺を振り締め 加速させる 体を揺らせ

愛しさを感じて 虚しさを覚える
Hiding the buzzing sound I'm getting closer  To the sweet skin that is pulling me closer
I trail my tongue  You're tracing the place you want to be

Cut and tear me apart  This body is so beautiful that I just have to stare at it
Well then  Make me enjoy myself in this experienced way of yours

Dance until you die  Release your pleading voice
Betray me more  Hold onto me who lays his hands on you
Faster  Rock your body

I can see it, your true obscene self
Just do it like you want to do it
Your face looks just like one of a woman and you are crying crying screaming
Sway to this rhythm
Use your strength down to the tip of your toes
More  More  Take me in  Until the end

Dance until you die  Release your pleading voice
Betray me more  Hold onto me who lays his hands on you
Faster  Rock your body

Feeling the gentleness  I remember the emptiness
Kizuke ba mou
Mawaatteta sekai
Umareta toki karamou
Miataranai jiyuu
Nanndatte nomi konde
Itsudatte reeru sotte
Nando itte kitan darou
Sou hai datte, hai datte

Get freedom
Tsukaeteru koe wo dase
Honto no koe wo dase
Yaritai youni yachimaeba ii
Oh ! Shut up that fellow
Mae dake mite hashire
Owaranu youni iki wo shite y

Jibun mamoru tame ni
Nattoku nante shinai de
Kimarikitta kotoba de
Dareka ga tsukutta kotoba de
Ore tachi ga ruuru da
Nan datte ari no ruuru da
Kono hata furi kazashite
Sou tachi agatte, tachi agatte

Get freedom
Tsukaeteru koe wo dase
Honto no koe wo dase

Kimi no hitomi ga
Kimi no sora ga
Kiete iku
Kono machi ni umore
Fui kirenai Hitobito no
Iki ga kakari
Umaku ikirenaiyo
Kimi no aishita kono merodii wo
Ikiteku koe wo kono sekai e

Kiite neh kiite
Chiisana kimi no kodou
Yasashii koe de naite iru

Get freedom !
Tsukaeteru koe wo dase
Honto no koe wo dase
Yaritai youni
Yachimaeba ii
Oh ! Shut up that fellow
Mae dake mite hashire
Owaranu youni iki wo shite yo
Oretachi nara dekiru sa

Kimi no hitomi ga
Kimi no sora ga
Kiete iku
Kono machi ni umore
Fui kirenai
Hitobito no iki ga kakari
Umaku ikirenaiyo
Kimi no aishita kono merodii wo
Ikiteku koe wo kono sekai e

Wasurenaide toumeidatta
Kimi no kokoro wo
Oitekanaide kizuite
Honto no kagayaki wo mou wasurenaide
Kimi wo omou hito ga iru koto
Hontou no kimi wo
We change the world
Brandish a flag

気付けばもう廻ってた世界 産まれた時からもう 見当たらない自由
何だって飲み込んで いつだってレール沿って

Get freedom!
つっかえてる声を出せ 本当の声を出せ やりたいように やっちまえばいい
Shut up that fellow
前だけ見て走れ 終わらぬように息をしてよ

決まりきった言葉 誰かが作った言葉で
この旗振りかざして 立ち上がって 立ち上がって

Get freedom!
つっかえてる声を出せ 本当の声を出せ やりたいように

君の瞳が 君の空が消えていく この街に埋もれ
拭いきれない 人々の息がかかり 上手く生きれないよ
響かせてやる 君の愛したこのメロディーを
生きてく声を この世界へ

聞いて ねえ聞いて 小さな君の鼓動 優しい声で泣いている

Get freedom!
つっかえてる声を出せ 本当の声を出せ やりたいようにやっちまえばいい
Shut up that fellow
前だけ見て走れ 終わらぬように息をしてよ 俺達ならできるさ

君の瞳が 君の空が消えていく この街に埋もれ
拭いきれない 人々の息がかかり 上手く生きれないよ
響かせてやる 君の愛したこのメロディーを
生きてく声を この世界へ

忘れないで 透明だった君の心を 置いてかないで 気付いて
本当の輝きをもう忘れないで 君を思う人がいること 本当の君を

We change the world
Brandish a flag

Before you knew it the world was already revolving, freedom missing since you were born,
taking in anything, always following the rails,
You’ve said it so many times, haven’t you? “Yes” “Yes”

Get freedom!
Let out that obstructed voice! Let out your real voice! Do whatever the hell you want!
Shut up that fellow
Just look forward and run! Breathe so you won’t ever stop!

Don’t just accept things to protect yourself,
With established words, somebody’s made-up words
they say “we are the rules”, but what’s the worth of such rules,
Brandish this flag and stand up, stand up!

Get freedom! Let out that obstructed voice! Let out your real voice! Do as you wish!

Your eyes, your sky is disappearing, buried in this city
the people’s breaths that can never be wiped out can’t start up, can’t live properly!
We’ll let it resound, this melody you loved,
the living voices, into this world!

Listen, hey, listen, your small heartbeat is crying in a gentle voice

Get freedom! Let out that obstructed voice! Let out your real voice! Do whatever the hell you want!
Shut up that fellow
Just look forward and run! Breathe so you won’t ever stop! If it’s us, we can do it!

Your eyes, your sky is disappearing, buried in this city
the people’s breaths that can never be wiped out can’t start up, can’t live properly!
We’ll let it resound, this melody you loved,
the living voices, into this world!

Don’t forget your clear heart, don’t leave it behind,
realize true radiance and don’t forget there are people thinking of you, the true you

We change the world
04.悲哀とメランコリー(Hiai to merankorii)[Hiai to Melancholy]
me kakushishite jibun no sugao kakushite aruite arukitsudzukete
kitto mou jibun jyanai koto ga wakaranakunatteru

motto yurushite sunao ni nare jibun no koto wo kienai you ni
hontou no koe ga kienai you ni

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me

namida misete yo

kakechigai no botan jibun to surechigattekita jikan
mukaiau tame ni tachidomaru jibun ni yasashiku shitatte ii

motto yurushite sunao ni nare jibun no koto kienaiyou ni
hontou no koe ga kienai you ni dakara

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me

namida misete yo

kawashitsudzuketa kekka ga kakushitsudzuketa kekka ga kitto omae wo hitori ni shitanda ne
sarakedashite waratte koe wo karashite sakebe yo
isso mou utomareteikire

Raise your voice of greed to this world

kawashitsudzuketa kekka ga kakushitsudzuketa kekka ga kitto omae wo hitori ni shitanda ne
sarakedashite waratte koe wo karashite sakebe yo

haguruma ni moraru ni chitsuji nante rain ni obiete nante itakunai
kagayakasete jibun no koto anata ni datte dekiru sa
kawaranai kokoro wo daite
目隠しして自分の顔隠して 歩いて歩き続けて

もっと許して素直になれ 自分のこと消えないように

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me


掛け違いのボタン 自分とすれ違ってきた時間
向かい合うために立ち止まる 自分に優しくしたっていい

もっと許して素直になれ 自分のこと消えないように
本当の声が消えないように だから

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me


かわし続けた結果が 隠し続けた結果が きっと お前を1人にしたんだね
曝け出して 笑って 声を枯らして叫べよ
いっそもう 疎まれて生きれ

Raise your voice of greed to this world

かわし続けた結果が 隠し続けた結果が きっと お前を1人にしたんだね
曝け出して 笑って 声を枯らして叫べよ
いっそもう 疎まれて生きればいい

歯車にモラルに秩序なんてラインに 怯えてなんていたくない
輝かせて自分のこと あなたにだってできるさ
Hide your eyes, hide your face walk and continue to walk
and you definitely no longer know how you have already not been yourself

Forgive more and be more docile so that you don't disappear
so that your real voice doesn't disappear

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me

Show me your tears

The button in the wrong hole the time you have mistaken yourself
To face each other you stop it would be fine to be nice to yourself

Forgive more and be more docile so that you don't disappear
so that your real voice doesn't disappear so

Call me
When you're cloudy aecking
Say hold me
Say this hold me

Show me your tears

The result that continued to change the result you continued to hide surely has made you alone
Expose yourself laugh and scream at the top of your lungs
Just live forgotten by the world

Raise your voice of greed to this world

The result that continued to change the result you continued to hide surely has made you alone
Expose yourself laugh and scream at the top of your lungs
You should just live forgotten by the world

I don't want to be afraid of the line in the system in the morals in the turning cogs
The self you let shine is something you can accomplish
Hold your unchanging heart
05.月の砂(Tsuki no suna)
Kawaita oto wo tate kotoba ga chitte iku
Kokoro ni tsumareta anata kara no kotoba
Watashi no ikigai marude suna no youni
Kaze ni nagarete iku katachi dake nokoshite

Hai irode futa wo shita mafuyu no kumori zora
Iro wo kasane sugite ni gotte shimatta no ?
Dareka ga watashi no kokoro wo egakouto
Fude wo kasanete shippai shita mitai

Toori sugita hibito natte iku no kana
Soredemo tsunorasete iku anatae no nikushimi wo tabanete
Kanashimi to watashi wa ikiru
Kono mune no naka suna ni natteiku
Anata ega kureta kotoba no kakeratachi
Atsumete mite to suri nukete iku bakari Kono te no naka kara

Watashi dake kizutsuite watashi dake naiteru
Watashi dake hitoride anata wo ometteru

Sukoshi wa hontou no koto wo shabette ita no ?
Nanimokamo utagatte shimau
Anata hontou wo shirita katta kedo
Ima wa sonna koto shiri taku nakatta to omou

Atatakana tsuki no youni anata no koto mamorita katta
Konna kimochi mo anata ni totte wa
Tada no omoni ni shika naranakatta no kana
Nikushimi wo tabanete kanashimi to watashi wa ikiru
Kono mune no naka suna ni natte iku
Anata ega kureta kotoba no kakeratachi
Atsumete mite to suri nukete iku bakari Kono te no naka kara
Kuyashii keredo namida ga nokotteru Anata ga koishii

Kawaita oto wo tate kotoba ga chitte iku
Kokoro ni tsumareteta anata kara no kotoba
私の生きがい まるで砂のように
風に流れていく 形だけ残して

灰色で蓋をした 真冬の曇り空
色を重ね過ぎて 濁ってしまったの?


憎しみを束ねて 悲しみと私は生きる
砂になっていく あなたがくれた言葉の欠片たち


何もかも 疑ってしまう

こんな気持ちも あなたにとっては

憎しみを束ねて 悲しみと私は生きる
砂になっていく あなたがくれた言葉のかけらたち
涙が残ってる あなたが恋しい

乾いた音を立て 言葉が散っていく
心に積まれてた あなたからの言葉
Words scattering with a hollow sound,
the words from you that were stored in my heart,
Just like the sand, my reason to live
is being swept away by the wind, leaving only its shape behind,

A cloudy, midwinter sky shrouded in grey,
Did it grow muddy because too many colours were layered on?
It’s as if someone tried to paint my heart
but piled on the brushstrokes and failed,

Will every day continue to pass me by?
Even so, I’ll let it grow stronger
toward you…

Controlling my hatred, I will live with sadness
in this heart,
Even if I try to gather them
the fragments of the words you gave me turn to sand,
just slip away from these hands,

Only I am hurting
Only I am crying
Only I am alone
thinking of you

Did you speak a little of the truth?
I end up doubting everything,
Though I wanted to know your truth,
now I think I wouldn’t have wanted to know such things,

Like the warm moon
I wanted to protect you,
But perhaps for you these feelings too
could only become a burden,

Controlling my hatred, I will live with sadness
in this heart,
Even if I try to gather them
the fragments of the words you gave me turn to sand,
just slip away from these hands,
Though it’s frustrating,
there are tears left and I miss you

Words scattering with a hollow sound,
the words from you that were stored in my heart
06.電脳パラノイア[Dennou paranoia](Dennou Paranoia)
imi to iu ningen no shinkei wo KONTOROORU shitai
kimi to iu ningen no chuusuu wo nozokitai
kimi to iu ningen no saibou ni tobikonde
boku dake no boku dake no kimi to iu ningen ni somete yaru

Dive into your body

oyoide wataru  airashii sekai  boku dake ga shitteru kimi dake no sekai
omoitoori sa  kokoro no koe mo  ima sugu boku wo yobu koe ni kaete yaru

kimi to iu ningen no kankaku ni majiritai
kimi to iu ningen ni shouka saretai
kimi to iu ningen no ketsueki ni tobikonde
karadajuu kakemeguri  kimi no tainai de oborete itai

Dive into your body

fuantei na koi  sore datte ii sa
boku ni wa o-niai no migatte na PARASAITO
kimi no nioi mo  kimi no kanjou mo  kimi no kioku mo  boku dake no mono sa

oyoide wataru  airashii sekai  boku dake ga shitteru kimi dake no sekai
omoitoori sa  kokoro no koe mo  ima sugu boku wo yobu koe ni kaete yaru

fuantei na koi  sore datte ii sa
boku ni wa o-niai no migatte na PARASAITO
kimi no nioi mo  kimi no kanjou mo  kimi no kioku mo  boku dake no mono sa

mou hanasanai  kimi ga shinu made boku ga sodatete ageru

Dive into your body

泳いで渡る 愛らしい世界 僕だけが知ってる君だけの世界
思い通りさ 心の声も 今すぐ僕を呼ぶ声に変えてやる

体中駆け巡り 君の体内で溺れていたい

Dive into your body

不安定な恋 それだっていいさ
君の匂いも 君の感情も 君の記憶も 僕だけのものさ

泳いで渡る 愛らしい世界 僕だけが知ってる君だけの世界
思い通りさ 心の声も 今すぐ僕の呼ぶ声に変えてやる

不安定な恋 それだっていいさ
君の匂いも 君の感情も 君の記憶も 僕だけのものさ

もう離さない 君が死ぬまで僕が育ててあげる
TYakaburu yokubou to, kouyou ni hirei suru karada
Ichijiku no ha wo maku, ivu no you ni
Sukoshi no haji raito , sukoshi no yuuwaku de
Omoi doori ni ore wo moteasobu

Voice of the greed
Chain of desire
Feel it

Motome tsuzukeru no wa, taburakasu hebi no seika ?
Osaereba osaeru hodo, anata ga atama ni, arawarete hanarenai
Te wo nobashite wa ikenai to, wakatteiru no ni

Voice of the greed
Chain of desire
Feel it
1 2 3 4 Burning out

Ubai au do ni oto shita, fukai ai ni miru namida wa, hito toki dake no kanashimi wo tsurete, kieteiku
Kawaita karada yose atte, soshitemata azamuki atte, dakishimerareru kodoku wo shiru no

Fureta hada ga, atatakasa ga itoshikute
Sono saki ni matsu matowari tsuite kuru munashisa ni, migamaete kokoro wo osaeta

Aisaretai to negatte, aishi aitai to negatte, kono te wo nobashite shiawase wo kau, soredemo
Nozomarete umarete kite mo, nozomu you ni ikirenakute, fukanzen na jibun wo shitta

Ubai au do ni oto shita, fukai ai ni miru namida wa, hito toki dake no kanashimi wo tsurete, kieteiku
Kawaita karada yose atte soshitemata azamuki atte, dakishimerareru kodoku wo shiru no
昂る欲望と 高揚に比例する身体
少しの恥じらいと 少しの誘惑で

voice of the greed (贪欲な声)
chain of desire (欲求の连锁)
feel it (それを感じろ)

抑えれば抑える程 あなたが頭に現れて離れない
手を伸ばしてはいけないと わかっているのに

voice of the greed
chain of desire
feel it
1234 Burning out

奪い合う度に落とした 深い愛に見る涙は 一時だけの悲しみを連れて消えていく
乾いた身体寄せ合って そしてまた欺き合って 抱き締められる孤独を知るの

触れた肌が 温かさが愛しくて
その先に待つ 纏わりついてくる虚しさに 身構えて心を抑えた

愛されたいと願って 愛し合いたいと願って この手を伸ばし幸せを斯う それでも
望まれて生まれてきても 望むように生きれなくて 不完全な自分を知った

奪い合う度に落とした 深い愛に見る涙は 一時だけの悲しみを連れて消えていく
乾いた身体寄せ合って そしてまた欺き合って 抱きしめられる孤独を知るの
With rising desire  A body made in enhanced proportions
Like EVE wrapped in fig leaves
With a little shyness and  with a little temptation
You're playing with me to your satisfaction

voice of the greed
chain of desire
feel it

That I keep wanting it, is it the fault of the deceiving snake ?
If I could suppress it I would suppress it so much that  you won't vanish from my head
Although I understand  when I should not extend my hands

voice of the greed
chain of desire
feel it
1234 Burning out

The tears that fell everytime I fell  and which I see in deep love  You'll vanish from following only one sadness
I put your dried body together  and then I deceive you again  The tears that fell everytime I fell  and which I see in deep love  You'll vanish from following only one sadness
I put your dried body together  and then I deceive you again  Do you know this embracing loneliness ?

The warmth of the skin I touched felt so nice
I suppressed my closed heart in this accompanying emptiness I'm depending on

I wish to be loved  I wish to love  I'm extending these hands and look for happniess  And yet
Even if I was born the way I'd want to be  I couldn't live how I wanted  I knew my imperfect self

The tears that fell everytime I fell  and which I see in deep love  You'll vanish from following only one sadness
I put your dried body together  and then I deceive you again  The tears that fell everytime I fell  and which I see in deep love  You'll vanish from following only one sadness
I put your dried body together  and then I deceive you again  Do you know this embracing loneliness ?
08.眠れる夜(Nemureru yoru)
Kazega tsukarehateta karada wo surinukeru
Yasashii kotobani natte yoru wo yondekuru

Yatto nemurerunokana Yoru atatakade
Isogashii tokino nagare wo owarasete kureru

Mou shinitaito omou hitomede
Darekano koto wo omou hitodemo

Douka nakanaide kure Kanashimi wo shiru hito
Douka nemutte kure Kurushimi wo shiru hito
Yoruga sekai wo tsutsumi Anata wo tsutsumikomi
Azukete Bokuga anata no subete wo yurusukara

Madoni akariga tomori Machiga ieji wo terasu
Kaette Anata wo matteru hitoga irukara

Douka miagetemite Anata no sekai wo
Douka miwatashitemite Darekano egao wo
Tsudukete kita taisetsuna monowa
Hikizuru ashiwo tometemo nakunariwa shinai

Douka nakanaide kure Kanashimi wo shiru hito
Douka nemutte kure Kurushimi wo shiru hito
Yoruga sekai wo tsutsumi Anata wo tsutsumikomi
Azukete Bokuga anata no subete wo yurusukara

やっと眠れるのかな  夜は暖かで

もう死にたいと思う人でも  誰かのことを想う人でも

どうか泣かないでくれ  悲しみを知る人
どうか眠ってくれ  苦しみを知る人
夜が世界を包み  あなたを包み込み
預けて  僕があなたのすべてを許すから

窓に明かりが灯り  街が家路を照らす
帰って  あなたを待ってる人がいるから

どうか見上げてみて  あなたの世界を
どうか見渡してみて  誰かの笑顔を

どうか泣かないでくれ  悲しみを知る人
どうか眠ってくれ  苦しみを知る人
夜が世界を包み  あなたを包み込み
預けて  僕があなたのすべてを許すから

Kazarareta kotoba kasane atteita kuchibiru de
Aishiteru nante kimochi ni kaenai de
Haitsuku bari aeida koe ga suki dakara
Hakanai me de ore wo mitsumenai de

Motto kongan shite yuuwaku shite
Moteru dake no uso wo zenbu nigiri shime
Karakara kawaku karada ni
Urei no toiki fukikakete kure

Ore wa madaikenai mada
Atama no naka hakkasasete
Yuugaina gaia motto motto kirei ni kaeteakeru

Toumeina kizuguchi wo osaete yasashiikoe wo motanai de

Urunda hotomi de motte mitsumete yo
Mune no oku tsukamareta toki no kanshoku ga itoshii
Kurikaeshite jirashite motto suki ni shite
Senaka ni mawashita sono ude de tsuyoku dakishimete

Aishite nanteinai noni
Dakiau tabi yasuragi ga aru hanashitakunai

Kazarareta kotoba kasane atteita kuchibiru de
Aishiteru nante kimochi ni kaenai de
Haitsuku bari aeida koe ga suki dakara
Kono mama

Motto kikasete nobori tsumeteku sono koe wo
Karameta yubisaki ga motomeai hanarenai
Atsuku natta karada wo ase de suberasete
Yasashii me de omae wo mitsume you

Motto kongan shite yuuwaku shite
Moteru dake no uso wo zenbu nigiri shime
Karakara kawaku karada ni
Urei no toiki fukikakete kure
飾られた言葉 重ね会っていた唇で
這いつくばり 喘いだ声が好きだから

もっと恳願して 誘惑して
憂いの吐息 吹きかけてくれ

俺はまだいけない まだ
頭の中 発火させて
有害なガイア もっともっと綺麗に変えてあげる

透明な傷口を押さえて  優しい声を待たないで

胸の奥 捕まれた時の感触が愛しい
繰り返して 焦らして もっと好きにして
背中に回したその腕で 强く抱きしめて

抱き合う度 安らぎがある 離したくない

飾られた言葉 重ね会っていた唇で
10.Sexual Entrapment
Amai amai mousou no doori saseteageru wa
Sono kitanarashii kuchibiru wo uketometeageru
Anata wa ima?watashi wo douyatte te ni ireru ka
Kangaete bakari no?guretsu na marionetto

Anata no migatte na hanashi wa mou iranai kara
Hayaku sumasete?kawaii koe de naiteageru wa
Ashita ni nareba anata no kenri wa nakunaru
Saigo no yoru wo seizei tanoshimi ga ii wa

I live in hallucination genjitsu wo sagashinagara
(I want to breathe, I want to die)
I want to live my life?shinjitsu no basho wo motomete
(Whoever you are, I want you to need me)

Hora te wo nobashite?katachi wo tashikametemite yo
Guta guta guta?usui kotoba?narabetenaide
Mou?watashi no hou ga aserasaseteru mitai ne
Ii wa?watashi ga anata no te wo michibiiteageru

I live in hallucination genjitsu wo sagashinagara
(I want to breathe, I want to die)
I want to live my life?shinjitsu no basho wo motomete
(Whoever you are, I want you to need me)

Atama dake ga betsu no basho de?kono munashisa wo waratteru
Hanshateki na koe?atsukanatta karada?anata to onaji marionetto

I live in hallucination?genjitsu wo sagashinagara
(I want to breathe, I want to die)
I want to live my life?shinjitsu no basho wo motomete
(Whoever you are, I want you to need me)

Haiagareru mono naraba?subete wo kaetai
(I want to start over my life)
Watashi wo mitsumete?kokoro no oku made
(Please love me, Only me only me)
あなたは今 私をどうやって手に入れるか
考えてばかりの 愚劣なマリオネット

早く済ませて かわいい声で泣いてあげるわ

I live in hallucination 現実を探しながら
(I want to breath , I want to die)
I want to live my life 真実の場所を求めて
(Whoever you are , I want you to need me)

ほら 手を伸ばして 形を確かめてみてよ
ぐたぐたぐた 薄い言葉 並べてないで
もう 私のほうが焦らされてるみたいね
いいわ 私があなたの手を導いてあげる

I live in hallucination 現実を探しながら
(I want to breath , I want to die)
I want to live my life 真実の場所を求めて
(Whoever you are , I want you to need me)

頭だけが別の場所で この虚しさを笑ってる
反射的な声 熱くなった身体 あんたと同じマリオネット

I live in hallucination 現実を探しながら
(I want to breath , I want to die)
I want to live my life 真実の場所を求めて
(Whoever you are , I want you to need me)

這い上がれるものならば 全てを変えたい
(I want to start over my life)
私を見つめて 心の奥まで
(Please love me , Only me Only me)
I’ll make you accept sweet, sweet fantasies
I react to your filthy lips
How will you get your hands on me now?
Simply because you think I’m a foolish marionette

I don’t need your egotistical stories anymore
So let it end quickly
I’ll cry for you in a tiny voice
Once tomorrow comes, your rights disappear
Go ahead and enjoy your last night to the fullest

I live in hallucination as I search for reality
(I want to breathe, I want to die)
I want to live my life, I’m seeking a real place
(Whoever you are, I want you to need me)

Look! Hold out your hands, check out my curves!
Don’t tediously enumerate weak words
Looks like I’m already more aroused than you, no?
That’s fine, I’ll guide your hands

I live in hallucination as I search for reality
(I want to breathe, I want to die)
I want to live my life, I’m seeking a real place
(Whoever you are, I want you to need me)

Only my head is somewhere else
I’m laughing at my own futility
Reflexive voice, my body grew feverish
I’m a marionette just like you

I live in hallucination as I search for reality
(I want to breathe, I want to die)
I want to live my life, I’m seeking a real place
(Whoever you are, I want you to need me)

If I can sneak up on it, I want to change everything
(I want to start over my life)
Stare into my soul
(Please love me Only me Only me)
12.瑠璃色で描く虹(Ruriiro de egaku niji) -ANOMIE EDITION-
himei wa mada chikaku boku no mawari o tadayoi
kirisai te hanare nai

owara nai negai o

kono te ni nokoru anata no nukumori wa usure te itta
kidzuite ta toki nai te i ta

ima sugu ni kie tai

ochi te ukabi o kurikaesu
hai agaru tabi okubyou ni natte i ta
mou mae o muke nai

itami o kakae te miageru yuuki o kakushite
dakishime te kureru te o sagashi ta
kotae te hoshii yo anata ni kawara nai koe de
kioku to wa chigau kotoba o

ochi te ukabi o kurikaesu
hai agaru tabi okubyou ni natte i ta
mou mae o muke nai

itami o kakae te miageru yuuki o kakushite
dakishime te kureru te o sagashi ta
kotae te hoshii yo anata ni kawara nai koe de
kioku to wa chigau kotoba o

hikari no yukute o mitsumeru yuuki mo kakushite
ano hanashi te shimatta te o nobashi ta
anata to egai ta jikan o tashikameru you ni
kono te ga todoku koto wa naku te mo

kono mama ashita o machi tsuduke te
ichi nin onaji e o egaku yo
悲鳴はまだ近く 僕の周りを漂い
切り裂いて 離れない


気付いたとき 泣いていた


這い上がる度 臆病になっていた
もう 前を向けない

痛みを抱えて 見上げる勇気を失くして
応えてほしいよ あなたに 変わらない声で

あの時 離してしまった手を伸ばした

一人 同じ絵を描くよ
A rainbow drawn in sapphire

The screams are still close
They're felt in my surrondings
They cut me in two
an they won't leave

My unending wishes

Your warmth, wich remained in my hand
has grown dim
When I noticed this
I cried

I want to desappear right now

I repeat the decreasing, appearing breathings
Whenever I scramble up I turn into a coward
I can't turn forwards anymore

I carrier my pain, lost the courage to raise my eyes
And searched for an arm that would embrace me
Please answer me
With your unchanging voice
And words that are different
from those in my memories

I even lost the courage to look at the light's way
I reached out my arm
the one you loosened your grasp on at this time
In order to make myself sure of the time
we've drawn together
Even if my hand might not reach
13.本質へと辿る愛(Honshitsu e to tadoru ai)
Fumidasu ashi wo tomete
Kono kokoro ga oreteshimawanaiyou ni sotto naita

Aisareru koto de shika jibun no kachi wo tashikamerarezu ni
Kono saki mo zutto boku no toki wa tsudzuiteiku
Ushinai kurikaeshi

Tooku ni mieru hikari he to boku wa susumu
Ryoute de kage wo tsukurinagara kagayakeru hou he

Sabishii kanashii sonzaisuru kurushimi ga aru kara
Hito wa motomeau aiseru
Soushite mata hitori namida wo nagashitemo

Soredemo boku wa susumu
Kono ryoute ippai no shiawase wo motte
Boku no matsu mirai he
この心が折れてしまわないように  そっと泣いた

この先もずっと僕の時は続いていく  失い  繰り返し

遠くに見える光へと僕は進む  両手で影を作りながら  輝ける方へ

寂しい  悲しい  存在する苦しみがあるから人は求め合う  愛せる
そうしてまた1人  涙を流しても

それでも僕は進む  この両手いっぱいの幸せを持って  僕の待つ未来へ
14.Eternal Symphony
Konnanimo itoshi ku subete wo nagedase ru omoi gaaru
Konnanimo yasashi ku kokoro mita sareteru omoi gaaru

Toki ya kuni ki oku no hitobito kara anatani ae ta koto

Yorokobi ga afure te umo shi mo subete ukeire rareru
Katachi aru mono watashi no iki ru sekai ga
Nanimo kamo iki duite kagayai teru mabayui hikato natte

Omone ta teno naka de anatano kodou ga tashikani iki teiru
Furera rerukoto ima anatagakokoniirukotoga
Yawara kana genjitsu tonatte watashi wo tsutsun da

Sabishi katta kokoroha betsuno sabishi satonatte araware ru
Jikan ga nagaku naru
Anatamokoushite watashi wo omou nichi gaaruno ?
Fuan ga futari womotte tsunage rutoiinoni

Omone ta teno naka de anatano kodou ga tashikani iki teiru
Furera rerukoto ima anatagakokoniirukotoga
Yawara kana genjitsu tonatte watashi wo tsutsun da

Watashi ga kie rusono nichi mo anatano mune niisasete
こんなにも愛しく 全てを投げ出せる想いがある

こんなにも優しく 心満たされてる想いがある

時や国 幾億の人々から あなたに会えた事

喜びが溢れて 生も死も全て受け入れられる
形在るもの 私の生きる世界が
何もかもが息づいて輝いている まばゆい光となって

重ねた手の中で あなたの鼓動が確かに生きている
触れられること 今 あなたがここにいることが

寂しかった心は 別の寂しさとなって現れる

重ねた手の中で あなたの鼓動が確かに生きている
触れられること 今 あなたがここにいることが
柔らかな現実となって 私を包んだ

私が消えるその日も あなたの胸にいさせて

摩天楼オペラ - ANOMIE (初回限定盤)

Label: Sherow Artist Society
Catalog#: SASCD-50
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 24 Jun 2009
Genre: Rock
Style: ---


04.悲哀とメランコリー(Hiai to Melancholy)
05.月の砂(Tsuki no suna)
06.電脳パラノイア(Dennou Paranoia)
08.眠れる夜(Nemureru yoru)
10.Sexual Entrapment
12.瑠璃色で描く虹 -ANOMIE EDITION-(Ruriiro de egaku niji -ANOMIE EDITION-)
13.本質へと辿る愛(Honshitsu e to tadoru ai)


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