
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)

-OZ- - SIX

Catalog#: DAKLPO-3[w/DVD]
Format: Mini-Album
Country: Japan
Released: 30 May 2007
Genre: Groove Metal/Visual Kei

Lost my dais
Lost my dais
Lost my dais
Lost my dais

No belief, no help
But belief, no help
No belief, no help
But belief, no help

Lost my dais
Lost my dais

No belief, no help
But belief, no help
No belief, no help
But belief, no help

Lost my dais
Lost my dais

No belief, no help
But belief, no help
No belief, no help
But belief, no help

Lost my dais
Lost my dais
Lost my dais
Lost my dais

No belief, no help
But belief, no help
No belief, no help
But belief, no help

Lost my dais
Lost my dais

No belief, no help
But belief, no help
No belief, no help
But belief, no help

Lost my dais
Lost my dais

No belief, no help
But belief, no help
No belief, no help
But belief, no help
Make reason to live
Ai na boku ni kimi no kaitou
Make reason to love
Itai kina boku ni kimi no ai wo

Make reason to live
Mijime boku ni miseru choushou
Make reason to love
Fusai da mimi wo hitasu shoudou
Crave purpose to live
Mijime na boku wo semeru chuushou
Crave purpose to love
Mu sama na iki sama sarasu hyoujou

Hitori... Torawarete...
Hikari... Tozasarete...

Go it blind

Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Loutish valet is defenseless

Make reason to live
Munashii boku wo shokusu houyou
Make reason to love
Hirai ta mizo wo ume ru doujou
Break pullback to live
Munashii boku wa kimi ni honrou
Break pullback to love
Kawara nai ai wo chikau aijou

Hitori... Kowasarete...
Hikari... Kobamarete...

Go it blind

Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Loutish valet is defenseless

All for queen

This void voice fadeaway
make reason to live
make reason to love

make reason to live
make reason to love
crave purpose to live
crave purpose to love


go it blind

brutish queen erodes my disguise
loutish valet is defenseless

make reason to live
make reason to love
break pullback to live
break pullback to love


all for queen

this void voice fadeaway
Make reason to live
Your answer to pitiful me
Make reason to love
Child-minded me after your love

Make reason to live
Miserable me watching your mockery
Make reason to love
Urges that will not reach closed-off ears
Crave purpose to live
Miserable me with all the blame for slander
Crave purpose to love
With a face that exposes a disgraceful existence

Alone... Imprisoned...
Light..... Faraway...

Go it blind

Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Loutish valet is defenseless

Make reason to live
Hollow me consumed by a touch
Make reason to love
Bridge the open gap between sympathies
Break pullback to live
As you play within empty me
Break pullback to love
Making pitiful vows of an unchanging love

Alone... Frightened
Light... Rejected

Go it blind

Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Brutish queen erodes my disguise
Loutish valet is defenceless

All for queen

This void voice fadeaway
Dirty injection
Gusty rejection
Careless diction
Who is ally ?

Unsafe resection
Perfect defection
Worthless fiction
What is ideal ?

Ah sawagi dasu sotto
Ah uzuki dasu sotto

Tsubasa hiroge inori sasagete
Yura mekumama souhaku ki haito nare
Tsumi ni fureta sonote karamete
Mayoikomu kimi no naka he

Wake up my decider !!

Ah sawagi dasu sotto
Ah uzuki dasu sotto

Tsubasa hiroge inori sasagete
Yura mekumama souhaku ki haito nare
Tsumi ni fureta sonote karamete
Mayoikomu kimi no naka he

Kono tsubasa chigire omoi yojirete
Mata sora kara kegare naki yume ochiru
Nido to ie nu kizu ni nurete
Toke konda kimi no naka he

Wake up my decider !!
dirty injection
gusty rejection
careless diction
Who is ally?

unsafe resection
perfect defection
worthless fiction
What is ideal?

Ah 騒ぎ出す そっと
Ah 疼き出す そっと

翼広げ 祈り捧げて
揺らめくまま 蒼白き灰となれ
罪に触れた その手搦めて
迷い込む 君の中へ

Wake up my decider!!

この翼千切れ 想い捩れて
また空から 汚れ無き夢堕ちる
二度と癒えぬ 傷に塗れて
溶け込んだ 君の中へ

Wake up my decider!!
Dirty injection
Gusty rejection
Careless diction
Who is ally ?

Unsafe resection
Perfect defection
Worthless fiction
What is ideal ?

Ah, going mad, softly
Ah, pain begins, softly

Spreading wings, I dedicate a prayer to you
As I tremble, they burn into pale ash
For touching crime, their hands have been bound
Wandered off, to within you

Wake up my decider !!

Ah, going mad, softly
Ah, pain begins, softly

Spreading wings, I dedicate a prayer to you
As I tremble, they burn into pale ash
For touching crime, their hands have been bound
Wandered off, to within you

As these wings are twisted off, my thoughts distort
And by the sky, dirty dreams are devoured
Twice unhealed, with wounds simply patched over
And I merge, into you

Wake up my decider !!
04.Illegal SLEEP
Aketatsu sora kurameku koe mori fukaku de
"O mukae matsu ?"
Please call my name

Michibiki hito seisho saite doku nomi hosu
"O aji hadou ?"
Can you come with me ?

Bleach my heart with sleep
Erase my love with you

Sleepless follow
Never trust in an illusion
Creep in sorrow
Can't weep it any further

Shioreta hanataba kakaete
Fall asleep...

Bleach my heart with sleep
Erase my love with you

Sleepless follow
Never trust in an illusion
Creep in sorrow
Can't weep it any further
明け立つ空 呟めく声 森深くで
Please call my name

導き人 聖書裂いて 毒飲み乾す
Can you came with me?

Bleach my heart with sleep
Erase my love with you

Sleepless follow
Never trust in an illusion
Creep in sorrow
Can't weep it any further

fall asleep...
Standing at the dawning sky, mumbling voice, deep in the forest
"Welcome please wait?"
Please call my name

The leaders, who led us to holy books, have brought poison to drink
"You taste it?"
Can you came with me?

Bleach my heart with sleep
Erase my love with you

Sleepless follow
Never trust in an illusion
Creep in sorrow
Can't weep it any further

Holding a wilting bouquet
Fall asleep...
I feel my way
In after image of sky
Crossing you
You change, you break
Resemble the sky
Crushing you
Fly away...

Kono te ni nuguenu itami wo
Kakaite samayoidasu
Kawatteiku kimi no sono koe mo
Houjou mo kotae sae mo

This words and this prayers
Kitto negau yori mo
Wazuka shika tsutaerarezu ni todoita
Itsuka sonzai sae mo kanten ni kowareyuku

I feel my way
In after image of sky
Crossing you
You change, you break
Resemble the sky
Crushing you
Fly away...

Tell me, Tell why
Pretend to be smile
And tears are thrown

I feel my way
In after image of sky
Crossing you
You change, you break
Resemble the sky
Crushing you
Fly away...

Fly away...
Far away...
I feel my way
in afterimage of sky
crossing you
You change, You break
resemble the sky
crushing you
fly away・・・


This words and this prayers
This winds and this warmth

Tell me, Tell why
pretend to be smile
and tears are thrown

fly away・・・
I feel my way
In afterimage of sky
Crossing you
You change, You break
Resemble the sky
Crushing you
Fly away...

In these hands
Unerasable pain is clutched
Care is thrown away
And things change
With that voice of yours
And expression
Even your answers

This words and this prayers
Surely, rather than wish
For a little-known existence
This winds and this warmth
One day will come into existence
And be easily destroyed

Tell me, Tell why
Pretend to be smile
And tears are thrown

Fly away...
Beset by doubt
Pray be vanished

Decide problem
Reset my life


Shut up
Shut up

Everything is tough shit
Don't shoot the shit
Everything is so fake
To hell with it

Everything is tough shit
Don't shoot the shit
Everything is so fake
Knock the shit out of fate

Beset by doubt
Pray be vanished

Decide problem
Reset my life


Shut up
Shut up

Everything is tough shit
Don't shoot the shit
Everything is so fake
To hell with it

Everything is tough shit
Don't shoot the shit
Everything is so fake
Knock the shit out of fate
DVD - Zenith

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