
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)


Label: Ki/oon Records
Catalog#: KSCL-1004
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 26 Apr 2006
Genre: Rock

         Jesus christ, I believe you
The deepest trust, I won't leave you
They call me crazy - but it won't matter
And death won't change me - not ever

Jesus christ, I believe you
The deepest trust, I won't leave you
But my child is fading, an innocent
I hear no answer, I'm calling

My voice is reaching the sky
I'd do anything to save this life
Take me instead

Ah, God give me death

Jesus christ, I believe you
They call me crazy - but it won't matter
And death won't change me - not ever

My voice is reaching the sky
I'd do anything to save this life
Take me instead

Ah, God give me death
Ah, God give me death
         Embraced in all desires
Hoshi garu karada kotogo tokiru made
Hayaku nukedasu nara nogase nai moment
To save you from the dark

I want it higher
To get into his light

Stay on my side
Mabushii sekai wo misetai
Let us exceed
Mou jikan ga nai are you in ?

13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

Afraid of all the science
Soredemo motomeru shinka shitai
Shizumu seijaku kara shinobi yoru countdown
It is the final call !

I want it higher
To get into his sight

Stay on my side
Kara wo hiki saite change our fate
Let us exceed
Chi no hate made are you in ?

I wanna be there
Need to be closer
I want it higher
To get into his light

Stay on my side
Mabushii sekai wo misetai
Let us exceed
Mou jikan ga nai todoke !

Stay on my side
Genkai wo ima koete
Frail is the world
Yume ja nai sa are you in ?

13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
         Embraced in all desires
欲しがる身体 尽きるまで
早く抜け出すなら 逃せない moment
To save you from the dark

I want it higher.
To get into his light

Stay on my side まぶしい世界を見せたい
Let us exceed もう時間が無い are you in?


Afraid of all the science
沈む静寂から忍び寄る countdown
It is the final call!

I want it higher
To get into his sight

Stay on my side 殼を引き裂いて change our fate
Let us exceed 地の果てまでare you in?

I wanna be there.
Need to be closer.
I want it higher.
To get into his light

Stay on my side まぶしい世界を見せたい
Let us exceed もう時間が無い 届け!

Stay on my side 限界を今超えて
Frail is the world 夢じゃないさ are you in?

         Made in heaven, I'm your creation
Tsumibukaki sonzai hakai shoudou ni seiteki shoudou
Uetsukerareta nou

Are you worried, baby? Won't you hear the word?
I will guide you forward Come here

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control, instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits sweet depravity, ha ha!

Oh, my brother, I understand well
Yami naki hikari nashi onozomi toori kyouhan
Aku no chi he kourin wo

Put your trust in me, baby I'm not telling lies
Let me show you a secret Come here

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits sweet depravity, ha ha!

The smell of sweat, now the stage is set

Unchain your closed minds
Slaves of desire, throats are running dry
Hear the beating of our hearts

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits our disgrace
Get heavy, make merry
Not scary, sweet depravity, ha ha!
         Made in heaven, I'm your creation
罪深き存在 破壊衝動に性的衝動

Are you worried, baby? Won't you hear the word?
I will guide you forward Come here

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control, instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits sweet depravity, ha ha!

Oh, my brother, I understand well
闇無き光無し お望み通り共犯

Put your trust in me, baby I'm not telling lies
Let me show you a secret Come here

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits sweet depravity, ha ha!

The smell of sweat, now the stage is set

Unchain your closed minds
Slaves of desire, throats are running dry
Hear the beating of our hearts

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits our disgrace
Get heavy, make merry
Not scary, sweet depravity, ha ha!
         Feel, I can feel you - the bliss, your kiss
I can't believe it - could this be fate?

重力の開放 魂はもうarise

You're part of me, we're melting into each other
Life's mysteries, no, none of it seems to matter

Waiting for this time
Now the truth is mine

I didn't notice you here, so near
Words, we don't need them - this soup of the soul

最後のピースが今埋め込まれたso sweet

You're part of me, we're melting into each other
Lefe's mysteries, no, none of it seems to matter

Waiting for this time
Now the truth is mine
         Feel, I can feel you - the bliss, your kiss
I can't believe it - could this be fate?

Karada wo kaishite dakishime aeba surprise
Kuuryoku no kaihou tamashii wa mou arise

You're part of me, we're melting into each other
Life's mysteries, no, none of it seems to matter

Waiting for this time
Now the truth is mine

I didn't notice you here, so near
Words, we don't need them - this soup of the soul

Marude toke nakatta kokoro no puzzle complete
Saigo no piece ga ima umekomareta so sweet

You're part of me, we're melting into each other
Lefe's mysteries, no, none of it seems to matter

Waiting for this time
Now the truth is mine
         Karami tsuku kazeni sakarai ushinatta kisetsu wo sagashite iru
Wazuka demo mesasu houkou he azayakana kioku ga tsuki ugokasu

How many cuts should I repeat ?
How many fates should I accept ?
Does it have an end ?

Itsumo karada juu wo kimi ga kake meguri afuresou
Dakara kowaku nai yo asu mo Because I always feel you in me.

Kawaki kitta nodo he nagashita kimi no mei de kokoro wo uruoshiteku

How many cuts should I repeat ?
How many fates should I accept ?
Does it have an end ?

Haruka ano tori no you sora wo tobi koete yuketara
Itsumo tsutaete iyou ai wo Because I always feel you in me.

You taught me how to love. I feel. I can do anything.

Yume ni egaku sekai wo kimi no me no mae ni hirogetai
Dakara kowaku nai yo asu mo My beloved season calls me.
Because I always feel you in me

How many cuts should I repeat?
How many fates should I accept?
Does it have an end?

だから怖く無いよ 明日も Because I always feel you in me.


How many cuts should I repeat?
How many fates should I accept?
Does it have an end?

いつも伝えていよう 愛を Because I always feel you in me.

You taught me how to love. I feel. I can do anything.

だから怖く無いよ 明日も My beloved season calls me.
Because I always feel you in me.
I entrust my will to you

Love is lost kizutsuke au you ni The desire fires it on
Kanashii sekai wa rensa suru Worshipping an image
All people should be equal, We are all God's children
Never try to judge your enemy

I will climb that hill in time - for truth
And I will bear the cross upon my back
I entrust my will to you - meaning of love
To one who understands, I'm satisfied

Koboreru onaji chi Without feeling sorry for me
Mabushii hikari wo kanjiru Because I go to Him

You must love each other, as I love each one of you
Come, walk in my footsteps

I will climb that hill in time - for truth
And I will bear the cross upon my back
I entrust my will to you - in your hearts
I see a future that is full of calm, it guides me on

To you I entrust my will
I see a future that is full of calm
In you my will lives on
Carried down through time

My will lives on
Carried down through time
My will lives on
Carried down through time
My will lives on
I see a future that is full of calm
         I entrust my will to you

Love is lost 傷付けあう様に The desire fires it on
悲しい世界は連鎖する Worshipping an image
All people should be equal, we are all God's children
Never try to judge your enemy

I will climb that hill in time - for truth
And I will bear the cross upon my back
I entrust my will to you - meaning of love
To one who understands, I'm satisfied

零れる同じ血Without feeling sorry for me
眩しい光を感じるBecause I go to Him

You must love each other, as I love each one of you
Come, walk in my footsteps

I will climb that hill in time - for truth
And I will bear the cross upon my back
I entrust my will to you - in your hearts
I see a future that is full of calm, it guides me on

To you I entrust my will
I see a future that is full of calm
In you my will lives on
Carried down through time

My will lives on
Carried down through time
My will lives on
Carried down through time
My will lives on
I see a future that is full of calm
         It won't be long now till scientists
Program a soul into the A.I.
Accelerated by tools of war
Our science is religion

To bring you back into this world
I'd break every rule
Machines try to take me to hell
I don't really care - I do it for love

Build a tower tall and strong It will be beautiful
Using our technology Babel will stand anew

A clone created on English soil
Where does her soul come from, I wonder
No need to challenge the Cherubim
The fallacy, God's failure

To bring you back into this world
I'd break every rule
Machines try to take me to hell
I don't really care - I do it for love

Build a tower tall and strong It will be beautiful
Using our technology Babel will stand anew

"My name is Dolly
Why was I made?
Where did my soul come from? Where will it go?
Oh, my creator, please tell me"

I'll take every blow that comes
Commit such unspeakable sins
They won't mean a thing

To bring you back into this world
I'd break every rule
Machines try to take me to hell
I don't really care - I do it for love

Build a tower tall and strong It will be beautiful
Using our technology Babel will stand anew
         Ah, the sun is born of night, it sets again
Though no one's here to see - it's endless

Sad, but everybody knows
A trip to heaven's not really on the cards, no
Yet my"moment"has come
A crying shame, for now my life is over

So perfect, this moment
So perfect, this moment
I'm happy to die in this moment

Ah, the sun is born of night, it sets again
Though no one's here to see, it's endless

So perfect, this moment
So perfect, this moment
I'm happy to die in this moment
I've been to Heaven Heaven on Earth

Ah, the sun is born of night
Ah, the sun is born of night it's endless
Come and dance with me
All we really need is euphoria
Yeah, move your body to the beat
Kara wo nuide shizentai ni naru
So shake these worries from your head

Kankei nado nai kimi no iro shinkou datte suki de ii
Tadoreba sou, onaji idenshi yuketsu datte kanou sa
See the bigger picture
It's not so hard, there has to be a better way?

No walls - embrace a world as one
Where music will guide us, guitars instead of guns
We'll play in harmony, it should be so easy
Come and dance with me

Music's breaking down all the barriers
We don't have to feel earthbound
Kankaku wo sou, togi sumashite
As we surf the waves of sound

We can come together
It's not so hard to open up our hearts to love
I woke up one morning, I'd had a dream so real
We noticed our part in the shame of history
Now we're walking, we're running, our mission is the same
We'reach our destination and realize the dream!

No walls - embrace a world as one
No walls - embrace a world as one
Where music will guide us, guitars instead of guns
We'll play in harmony, it should be so easy
Come and dance with me
Come and dance with me
         Come and dance with me
All we really need is euphoria
Yeah, move your body to the beat
So shake these worries from your head

関係など無い君の色 信仰だって好きで良い
See the bigger picture
It's not so hard, there has to be a better way?

No walls - embrace a world as one
Where music will guide us, guitars instead of guns
We'll play in harmony, it should be so easy
Come and dance with me

Music's breaking down all the barriers
We don't have to feel earthbound
As we surf the waves of sound

We can come together
It's not so hard to open up our hearts to love
I woke up one morning, I'd had a dream so real
We noticed our part in the shame of history
Now we're walking, we're running, our mission is the same
We'reach our destination and realize the dream!

No walls - embrace a world as one
No walls - embrace a world as one
Where music will guide us, guitars instead of guns
We'll play in harmony, it should be so easy
Come and dance with me
Come and dance with me
Sou ware wa ningen to yobareru saiaku no aku sa
Arayuru seimei no shihai tenteki wa doushuzoku
Arasoi ni kizamareta rekishi kara
Kesshite kyoukun wa erarenai karada ga akitarinai

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace when we're gone It's sad

Hanketsuhikoku no tsumi wa genzai yori omoi
Osoreru koto nakare shikkounin ga fuzai
Sono akunaki hakai wa jyouki wo isshi
Jigyaku wo kiwamete nao karada ga akitarinai

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace, when we're gone It's sad

"A verdict has been reached
The court finds the defendant guilty"

Once more, the hunting season
We shoot at will Why does God permit it

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace when we're gone It's sad
あらゆる生命の支配 天敵は同種族
決して教訓は得られない 身体が飽き足りない

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace when we're gone It's sad


Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace, when we're gone It's sad

"A verdict has been reached
The court finds the defendant guilty"

Once more, the hunting season
We shoot at will Why does God permit it

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace when we're gone It's sad

HYDE - FAITH Limited Edition

Label: Ki/oon Records
Catalog#: KSCL-999[w/DVD]
Format: Album Limited Edition
Country: Japan
Released: 26 Apr 2006
Genre: Rock

