
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)


Label: Ki/oon Records
Catalog#: KSCL-1446
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 18 Mar 2009
Genre: Rock

         Made in heaven, I'm your creation
Tsumibukaki sonzai hakai shoudou ni seiteki shoudou
Uetsukerareta nou

Are you worried, baby? Won't you hear the word?
I will guide you forward Come here

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control, instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits sweet depravity, ha ha!

Oh, my brother, I understand well
Yami naki hikari nashi onozomi toori kyouhan
Aku no chi he kourin wo

Put your trust in me, baby I'm not telling lies
Let me show you a secret Come here

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits sweet depravity, ha ha!

The smell of sweat, now the stage is set

Unchain your closed minds
Slaves of desire, throats are running dry
Hear the beating of our hearts

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits our disgrace
Get heavy, make merry
Not scary, sweet depravity, ha ha!
         Made in heaven, I'm your creation
罪深き存在 破壊衝動に性的衝動

Are you worried, baby? Won't you hear the word?
I will guide you forward Come here

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control, instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits sweet depravity, ha ha!

Oh, my brother, I understand well
闇無き光無し お望み通り共犯

Put your trust in me, baby I'm not telling lies
Let me show you a secret Come here

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits sweet depravity, ha ha!

The smell of sweat, now the stage is set

Unchain your closed minds
Slaves of desire, throats are running dry
Hear the beating of our hearts

I want your blood, give it to me
I taste your cells, instinctively
Come, drink my blood, lose all reason
Out of control instinctively
Light the fire of desire
He awaits our disgrace
Get heavy, make merry
Not scary, sweet depravity, ha ha!
Sou ware wa ningen to yobareru saiaku no aku sa
Arayuru seimei no shihai tenteki wa doushuzoku
Arasoi ni kizamareta rekishi kara
Kesshite kyoukun wa erarenai karada ga akitarinai

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace when we're gone It's sad

Hanketsuhikoku no tsumi wa genzai yori omoi
Osoreru koto nakare shikkounin ga fuzai
Sono akunaki hakai wa jyouki wo isshi
Jigyaku wo kiwamete nao karada ga akitarinai

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace, when we're gone It's sad

"A verdict has been reached
The court finds the defendant guilty"

Once more, the hunting season
We shoot at will Why does God permit it

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace when we're gone It's sad
あらゆる生命の支配 天敵は同種族
決して教訓は得られない 身体が飽き足りない

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace when we're gone It's sad


Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace, when we're gone It's sad

"A verdict has been reached
The court finds the defendant guilty"

Once more, the hunting season
We shoot at will Why does God permit it

Rewind the times so crazy
What right have we to kill? Full of conceit
The worst creatures in history
The ground will find some peace when we're gone It's sad
         I lie awake beside the windowsill
Like a flower in a vase, a moment caught in glass

The rays of sunlight come and backon me
To a sleepy dreamy haze, a sense of summer days

If only I could stop the flow of time
Turn the clock to yesterday, erasing all the pain

I've only memories of happiness
Such pleasure we have shared. I'd do it all again

This scenery is evergreen
As buds turn into leaves, the colours live and breathe
This scenery is evergreen
Your tears are falling silently

So full of joy, you are a child of spring
With a beauty that is pure, an innocence endures

You flow right through me like a medicine
Bringing quiet to my soul, without you I'm not whole

This scenery is evergreen
I need you far too much, I long to feel your touch
This scenery is evergreen
You've always been so dear to me

This scenery is evergreen
It sorrows at the sight of seeing you so sad
This scenery is evergreen
I wish that I could dry your tears

The bells have rung, the time has come
I cannot find the words to say my last goodbye
This scenery is evergreen
You've always been so dear to me
         Jesus christ, I believe you
The deepest trust, I won't leave you
They call me crazy - but it won't matter
And death won't change me - not ever

Jesus christ, I believe you
The deepest trust, I won't leave you
But my child is fading, an innocent
I hear no answer, I'm calling

My voice is reaching the sky
I'd do anything to save this life
Take me instead

Ah, God give me death

Jesus christ, I believe you
They call me crazy - but it won't matter
And death won't change me - not ever

My voice is reaching the sky
I'd do anything to save this life
Take me instead

Ah, God give me death
Ah, God give me death
         Embraced in all desires
Hoshi garu karada kotogo tokiru made
Hayaku nukedasu nara nogase nai moment
To save you from the dark

I want it higher
To get into his light

Stay on my side
Mabushii sekai wo misetai
Let us exceed
Mou jikan ga nai are you in ?

13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2

Afraid of all the science
Soredemo motomeru shinka shitai
Shizumu seijaku kara shinobi yoru countdown
It is the final call !

I want it higher
To get into his sight

Stay on my side
Kara wo hiki saite change our fate
Let us exceed
Chi no hate made are you in ?

I wanna be there
Need to be closer
I want it higher
To get into his light

Stay on my side
Mabushii sekai wo misetai
Let us exceed
Mou jikan ga nai todoke !

Stay on my side
Genkai wo ima koete
Frail is the world
Yume ja nai sa are you in ?

13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
         Embraced in all desires
欲しがる身体 尽きるまで
早く抜け出すなら 逃せない moment
To save you from the dark

I want it higher.
To get into his light

Stay on my side まぶしい世界を見せたい
Let us exceed もう時間が無い are you in?


Afraid of all the science
沈む静寂から忍び寄る countdown
It is the final call!

I want it higher
To get into his sight

Stay on my side 殼を引き裂いて change our fate
Let us exceed 地の果てまでare you in?

I wanna be there.
Need to be closer.
I want it higher.
To get into his light

Stay on my side まぶしい世界を見せたい
Let us exceed もう時間が無い 届け!

Stay on my side 限界を今超えて
Frail is the world 夢じゃないさ are you in?

         And the sea
Waits to bring me down
Drown me in its waves
Still I have no doubt
This meaning of life

Wearing this shroud I've journeyed long
I've seen so many worlds in my time
Wandering far and back again
My soul is getting worn
And the happiness like a firework
How it shone, now it's gone

And the sea
Waits to bring me down
Drown me in its waves
Still I have no doubt
This meaning of life

I know that darkness follows light
I see the traps that stand in my way
I'll use my head to make it through
Believers get it tough
Everything I cherished so dearly
Wasn't love, wasn't love

And the sea
Waits to bring me down
Drown me in its waves
Still I have no doubt

Though my flesh
Perishes in time
I will reach the shore
On the other side

This meaning of life
         You were the love
I've always dreamed of
But now I know
I walked away too soon

No matter how
Far away you are
I'll be there
High up on the moon Shining over you

Afureru kurai kimi he kazoe kire nai ai wo
Kasaneau saigetsu sasayaka na koi wo
Ame ni nureta yasanu you ni

Soko kara dore kurai nagasarete iru ?

You were the love
I've always dreamed of
But now I know
I walked away too soon

No matter how
Far away you are
I'll be there
High up on the moon Shining over you

Towa ni irodoru shiki wo shinjite ita ashita wo
Kono me ni wa nido to utsuse wa shinai kara
Itsu no hi mo inotte iru

Kimi he to kagayaki ga furi sosogu you ni

You were the love
I've always dreamed of
But now I know
I walked away too soon

No matter how
Far away you are
I'll be there
High up on the moon Shining over you

         You were the love
I've always dreamed of
But now I know
I walked away too soon

No matter how
Far away you are
I'll be there
High up on the moon Shining over you



You were the love
I've always dreamed of
But now I know
I walked away too soon

No matter how
Far away you are
I'll be there
High up on the moon Shining over you



You were the love
I've always dreamed of
But now I know
I walked away too soon

No matter how
Far away you are
I'll be there
High up on the moon Shining over you

         Akogare wa haruka shinkirou no kanata
Hibiwareta muna ga kogarete itai yo

Yurikago no you ni dakishimerareta nara
Hitsuyou na mono nande hoka ni nai

Ki zukeba hateshinai sabaku no ue
Chigireta omoi ga sakende ita
Miageta hitomi wa sora wo megakete
Saigo no hitotsu made mabushii ya wo hanatsu

Odayaka na hibi ni deaeta no nara
Subete yume datta yo tte mezamete mitai

Dore kurai kimi wo machitsuzuketeta darou ?
Setsunasa igai wa mou koko ni nai

Me ga kuramu hizashi ga terashiteru
Kogoeta kokoro wa moeru you ni
Miageta hitomi wa sora wo megakete
Saigo no hitotsu made mabushii ya wo hanatsu

Mogaku hodo karamu yuushi tessen wo tsurete
Hikizuru you ni ashita wo tsukamu

Horizons rise here in my eyes
A sound of silence calls
But in my heart, a distant hope
Is mine forever more
Miageta hitomi wa sora wo megakete
Saigo no hitotsu made mabushii ya wo hanate !







Horizons rise here in my eyes
A sound of silence calls
But in my heart, a distant hope
Is mine forever more
         Karami tsuku kazeni sakarai ushinatta kisetsu wo sagashite iru
Wazuka demo mesasu houkou he azayakana kioku ga tsuki ugokasu

How many cuts should I repeat ?
How many fates should I accept ?
Does it have an end ?

Itsumo karada juu wo kimi ga kake meguri afuresou
Dakara kowaku nai yo asu mo Because I always feel you in me.

Kawaki kitta nodo he nagashita kimi no mei de kokoro wo uruoshiteku

How many cuts should I repeat ?
How many fates should I accept ?
Does it have an end ?

Haruka ano tori no you sora wo tobi koete yuketara
Itsumo tsutaete iyou ai wo Because I always feel you in me.

You taught me how to love. I feel. I can do anything.

Yume ni egaku sekai wo kimi no me no mae ni hirogetai
Dakara kowaku nai yo asu mo My beloved season calls me.
Because I always feel you in me

How many cuts should I repeat?
How many fates should I accept?
Does it have an end?

だから怖く無いよ 明日も Because I always feel you in me.


How many cuts should I repeat?
How many fates should I accept?
Does it have an end?

いつも伝えていよう 愛を Because I always feel you in me.

You taught me how to love. I feel. I can do anything.

だから怖く無いよ 明日も My beloved season calls me.
Because I always feel you in me.
         Sweet Vanilla
I give myself to you
Bara wo shiki dumete suteki na yume mi wo
Darling, It's all for your love

Me wo fusagi takunaru sekai no hate demo
Kanashi mase wa shinai

I will show to you the stars
There's so much that you should know
I won't cause you any tears
Believe me Believe me

Sweet Vanilla
I've waited here for you
Amai suhada ni kisu oshi minai ai wo
Darling, It's all for your love

Saa, te wo nobashite sekai wa mujun ni
Kegarete wa ite mo

I will show to you the stars
There's so much that you should know
I won't cause you any tears
Believe me Believe me

You make me feel brand new Cause you chase the clouds away
Believe me Believe me

I will show to you the stars
There's so much that you should know
I won't cause you any tears
You've no need for any fear

I will show to you the stars
There's so much that you should know
I won't cause you any tears
Believe me Believe me
         Sweet Vanilla
I give myself to you
Darling, It's all for your love


I will show to you the stars
There's so much that you should know
I won't cause you any tears
Believe me Believe me

Sweet Vanilla
I've waited here for you
Darling, It's all for your love


I will show to you the stars
There's so much that you should know
I won't cause you any tears
Believe me Believe me

You make me feel brand new Cause you chase the clouds away
Believe me Believe me

I will show to you the stars
There's so much that you should know
I won't cause you any tears
You've no need for any fear

I will show to you the stars
There's so much that you should know
I won't cause you any tears
Believe me Believe me
11.HELLO (Album Mix)
         Mezameta no wa yume no ato
Itsuwari darake no chi no hate he youkoso
Jirijiri to yakitsukusu ten wo aogi
Tsukamitoru kagayaki de iki wo hikikaesou

Kasoku suru kono omoi negai yo michibiite yo
Taiyou no mukou made negai yo habataite

Yakusoku wo shita ano egao
Toomawari wo shite ita kimi no matsu heya he to
Girigiri to shinigami ni dakareta mama
Soko wo tsuku tamashii mo ato ga nai keredo

Kasoku suru kono omoi negai yo michibiite yo
Taiyou no mukou made negai yo habataite

Shinjite ite ato mou sukoshi de
Soba he ikeru kimi no

Mezameta no sa won't trust no one again
Mezametano sa lead me to your side

Kasoku suru kono omoi negai yo michibiite yo
Taiyou no mukou made negai yo habataite

Mune ni sasatta koe ga ima hibiiteru
Taisetu na hito he to negai yo habataite ike

Shinjite ite ato mou sukoshi de
Soba he ikeru hello
         目覚めたのは 夢の後


底をつく魂も 後が無いけれど



目覚めたのさ Won't trust no one again
目覚めたのさ Lead me to your side



そばへ行ける Hello
         Come on and take a walk outside
It's just the day for it
Are hateta ashimoto
You've grown a bit of a jungle
Mina ifuri suru akka
It's time to make a stand
Chimeishou ni naru mae ni
You've gotta tear it up and destroy

Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― do you wanna stay?
Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― to make a play.

You can't avoid it anymore
Let's take a closer look
Tori modose kimi no ishi
Dig in and get your hands dirty
Sake you no nai itami
You've always done before
Shihai sareru kurai nara
You've gotta tear it up and destroy

Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― do you wanna stay?
Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― to make a play.

Poison circulates It's going to your head now
Do you want to stay?
The way you are Today?

Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― do you wanna stay?
Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― to make a play.

(It's time)
Are you ready now?
(It's time)
Are you ready now?
(It's time)
Are you ready now?
(It's time)
Are you ready now?
         Come on and take a walk outside
It's just the day for it
You've grown a bit of a jungle
It's time to make a stand
You've gotta tear it up and destroy

Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― do you wanna stay?
Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― to make a play.

You can't avoid it anymore
Let's take a closer look
Dig in and get your hands dirty
You've always done before
You've gotta tear it up and destroy

Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― do you wanna stay?
Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― to make a play.

Poison circulates It's going to your head now
Do you want to stay?
The way you are Today?

Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― do you wanna stay?
Hideaway ― say you're OK.
Hideaway ― to make a play.

(It's time)
Are you ready now?
(It's time)
Are you ready now?
(It's time)
Are you ready now?
(It's time)
Are you ready now?
         I'm crossing the borderline
Without a sound
A wilderness
No one could ever know
The sadness
How it brings me down
I know I have no choice
Is it wise? Taking a life?

And I need to know
Tell me how I should see the light
I draw the gun And I take aim
The world stands still Like a dream
I stray

I'm crossing the borderline
God's on my side
The sacrifice
We make In heaven's name
I'm praying
But there's no escape
I fire a ball of lead
It's so cold This can't be love

And I need to know
Tell me how I should see the light
I draw the gun And I take aim
The world stands still Like a dream
I stray

And I need to know
Tell me how I should see the light
I draw the gun And I take aim
The world stands still Like a dream
Hear me pray
I stray
         I know what I've seen
Midnight celebration
I want to be free
Midnight celebration
I want you to rise
Midnight celebration
I pray you obey
Midnight celebration

I have no plan but that's alright
Can you trust me when I'm mad
Have no time to set things right
Can you love me when I'm sad
I have no plan but that's alright
Can you trust me when I'm right
Have no time to set things mad
Can you love me when I'm sad
Promises moven

Through space and time the path unwinds
Leading me straight to you
Reaching across a moonlit square
We found each other's hands
Under the blessing of the stars
The life poured into us
To meet is so unexpected
         So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the raging sea

So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside

You'll never notice
The colour of sin
Just as the storm clouds close in
It's dark

Here in the shadows
I am pursued
Until the ends of the earth

The ghost ship wanders far
For there is no guiding star
And this treasure has no meaning anymore

So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the raging sea

So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside

You know completely
The taste of sin
Melting sweet in your mouth
Like chocolate

A moment of pleasure
You are fulfilled
But every dream has its time
To die

The ghost ship wanders far
For there is no guiding star
And this treasure has no meaning anymore

Will this be my fate?

So where do I sail?
A ship losing control
My cries swallowed up, lost in the raging sea

So where has love gone?
Will I ever reach it?
The Cape of Storms echoes the pain I feel inside
         I could have seen the other side
Taking a step into the sky
Ah, I'm always late

I could have done the same routine
Showing the old and golden scene
I'm lying again
To make them go
Wearing again my rocking shoes
Over the puddles made of tears
Flash back
I know you're clever
I remember

I know we could cross over rainbows
I wish that we could aim the sun again
I know we could dream for tomorrow
To share the long forgotten Glamorous days

I could have done a lot for you
Nothing was left for me to do
Ah, I'm always late
I let you go
You always said it's Rock'n'Roll
Life is a battle, fight and grow
Flash back
I loved your flavor
I remember

I know we could shine like the starlight
I wish that we could aim the sky again
I know we could dream for tomorrow
To share the long forgotten Glamorous days

I won't be sleeping

Sunday, Monday,
Yet another Tuesday
Wednesday, Thursday, you're still away
Friday, Saturday, I'll be lonely everyday
And I'm crying high up to the moon
And I somehow hope to hear you cry

I know I could fight all the troubles
If only I could stay there on your side
I know I should dream on my own now
To chase the long forgotten Glorious days

I know we could cross over rainbows
I wish that we could aim the sun again
I know we could dream for tomorrow
To share the long forgotten Glamorous days

Glamorous sky…



HYDE - HYDE Limited Edition

Label: Ki/oon Records
Catalog#: KSCL-1444[w/DVD]
Format: Album Limited Edition
Country: Japan
Released: 18 Mar 2009
Genre: Rock

11.HELLO (Album Mix)
