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Label: God Child Records
Catalog#: DNB-001
Format: Mini-Album
Country: Japan
Released: 18 Jul 2003
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

01.Vampire Missa

sekai no yoake wo nanjira wa yumemiru no darou?
eien no kouya wo samayoi tsukare...

mi wo yakareyo sabaku taiyou sore wa kitto kaihou no sakebi! «Cry out!»

okite ni somuite nanjira wa ai ni mezameta
utsukushii saigo no yozora wo miage

odorou yami o kanjite "Love is never Die" kanki no utage

haitoku no «SILHOUETTE»
taihaiteki «riron»
kawaita «nodo»
karehateta «BARA»

nanji wo aisuru ga yue ni sotto kuchizukete wakare wo
norowareta kono yokubou de yogoshitari wa shinai
aa kanawanu negai da to shittemo ima wa
inorou mezameta ai wo wasurerarenakute...

nanji wo aisuru akashi ni koko de taiyou ni yakareyou
eien ni tsuzuku kutsuu wo ataetari wa shinai kara
nanji wo aisuru ga yue ni sotto kuchizukete wakare wo
norowareta kono yokubou de yogoshitari wa shinai
hai ni narou omoide ni tsutsumareta mama
shi wo koeta kono ai wa yagate sekai wo kaeru darou...

Vampire Missa... «"Last" Vampire Missa»

世界の夜明けを 汝らは夢見るのだろう?
永遠の荒野を 彷徨い疲れ…

身を焼かれよ 裁く太陽 それはきっと解放の叫び! 「Cry out!」

掟に背いて 汝らは愛に目覚めた
美しい 最後の夜空を見上げ

踊ろう 闇を感じて "Love is never Die" 歓喜の宴

背徳の 「シルエット」
退廃的 「理論」
渇いた 「喉」
枯れ果てた 「バラ」

汝を愛するが故に そっと口づけて別れを
呪われたこの欲望で 汚したりはしない
ああ 叶わぬ願いだと知っても今は
祈ろう 目覚めた愛を忘れられなくて…

汝を愛する証しに ここで太陽に焼かれよう
汝を愛するが故に そっと口づけて別れを
灰になろう 思い出に包まれたまま
死を超えたこの愛は やがて世界を変えるだろう…

Vampire Missa… 『"Last" Vampire Missa』

Is this the dawn of the world we dream?
We wander on through this eternal wasteland

Judging sun, burn this flesh!
Surely this is the cry of freedom
{Cry out!}

Violating the rules, we awoke to love
We look up at the last, beautiful night sky

Let us dance, sensing the darkness
This feast of rapture

Silhouette of immorality
Theory of decadence
Parched throat
Withered rose

Since I love you I kiss you silently goodbye
I will not sully you with this accursed desire
Eve now, knowing the wish will not be fulfilled,
I pray, unable to forget this awakened love

To prove my love to you, I burn here in the sun
I will not cause you eternal torture
Since I love you I kiss you silently goodbye
I will not sully you with this accursed desire
Let me turn to dust, engulfed by my memories
This love that transcends death will soon change the world

Vampire Missa…’Last’ Vampire Missa
         Fushisha karu kokui no kage wa sono subete mu ni kaesu
Hito no shu o kate to suru blood relation

Shukumei no majiwaranu nijuu rasen eien no jubaku
Shinzou ni ransha suru silver bullet

Kuroki chi ga omae wo haitokusha ni kete shimau mae ni
Dekiru nara hikitakuwanai trigger

{May cry!}
{All vampire come to nothing}

Ome no koe ga ore o tsuranuku kedo
Furikaereba sou soko ni wa mou omae wa inai
Hiraita kizuguchi ga mata uzukidasu kara
Futari no jikan o modosu tame ni hashiritsuzukete

{May cry!}
{So cool, I’m Dunpeal}

Yamanu himei ga mimi kara hanarenai
Nikumu beki chi ga nagareru kedo I never lose with you
Kono genjitsu ni wa risetto wa nai kara
Omae no tame ni dekiru koto wa Ring leader must die

Omae no koe ga ore o tsuranuku kedo
Furikaereba sou soko ni wa mou omae wa inai
Hiraita kizuguchi ga mata uzukidasu kara
Futari no jikan o modosu tame ni hashiritsuzukete
         不死者狩る黒衣の影は その全て無に帰す
人の種を糧とする blood relation

宿命の交わらぬ二重螺旋 永遠の呪縛
心臓に乱射する silver bullet

出来るなら弾きたくはない trigger

「May cry!」
「All vampire come to nothing.」

振り返ればそう そこにはもうお前はいない

「May cry!」
「So cool, I'm Dunpeal.」

憎むべき血が流れるけど I never lose with you.
お前の為に出来ることは… Ring leader must Die.

振り返ればそう そこにはもうお前はいない
         The black-cloaked shadow hunting the undead returns all to nought
A blood relation, feeding on humankind

The twain fold spiral of destiny, the eternal curse
The silver bullet which penetrates the heart

Before the black blood corrupts your morality
I will not pull the trigger if I need not

{May cry!}
{All vampire come to nothing}

Your voice pierces me
Yet when I look back you are there no more
As the open wound begins to hurt once more
I keep running, so as to bring back our time together

{May cry!}
{So cool, I’m Dunpeal}

The endless scream will not leave me
The hateful blood flows yet I never lose with you
Since we can’t reset this reality
Ring leader must die is what I can do for you
Your voice pierces me

Yet when I look back you are there no more
As the open wound begins to hurt once more
I keep running, so as to bring back our time together
         Sou inori no naifu de kegareta umi kakidashite
Kono kiyome no izumi ni karada shizume umarekawaru

Oozora ni tokekomu sekai o miorosu
Itoshisa mo nikushimi mo nigotta kono chi no naka de

‘Sa te o tsukande’ mienai asu ga aru to shitara
Yagata kuru arashi no naka sasaeatte kuremasu ka?

Daichi ni shimiwataru megumi sae doku o obite
Teritsukeru taiyou ni kokoro made kawaite yuku kara

Tada boku o tsutsunde atatakana hikari to sono koe to sono ai de
Mou nanimo mayowanai kono subete sasageyou
Itsumademo itsumademo tomedonaku

Oounabara ni utau namiutsu kono tamashii de

Tada boku o tsutsunde atatakana hikari to sono koe to sono ai de
Mou nanimo mayowanai kono subete sasageyou
Itsumademo itsumademo tomedonaku

Ima kimi o tsutsunde aganai to inori de tsumi sae mo yurusareru
Shukufuku ga furisosogu kimi to nara chikaeru yo
Soba ni ite soba ni ite kore kara mo

Yuganda daichi o hanare hikari no mukougawa e
Te ni ireta tsubasa de
Mirai eigou kawaranai Eden no kagayaki wa Diamond no namida

         そう 祈りのナイフで 汚れた膿掻き出して
この清めの泉に 躰沈め 生まれ変わる

大空に溶け込む 世界を見下ろす
愛しさも憎しみも 濁ったこの血の中で…

「さあ 手を掴んで」 見えない未来があるとしたら
やがて来る嵐の中 支え合ってくれますか?

大地に染み渡る 恵みさえ毒を帯びて
照りつける太陽に 心まで乾いてゆくから…

ただ僕を包んで 暖かな光と その声とその愛で
もう何も迷わない このすべて捧げよう
いつまでも いつまでもとめどなく…

大海原に歌う 波打つこの魂で…

ただ僕を包んで 暖かな光と その声とその愛で
もう何も迷わない このすべて捧げよう
いつまでも いつまでもとめどなく…
今君を包んで 贖いと祈りで 罪さえも許される
祝福が降り注ぐ 君となら誓えるよ
側にいて 側にいてこれからも

歪んだ大地を離れ 光りの向こう側へ 手に入れた翼で
未来永劫変わらない EDENの輝きは Diamondの涙

ああ… 舞いながら… 揺れながら… 祈りながら…
         So I scrape away the filth with the knife of prayer
To be reborn, immersed in this cleansing spring

I look down on the world as it dissolves into the vast sky
Inside this blood muddied by love and hatred

‘Come, take my hand’ If there is indeed a future
Will you support me amidst the brewing storm?

Even the blessings covering the earth are tinged with malice
As I am parched to my soul by the beating sun

Merely hold me, with a warm light; with that voice and that love
No longer am I lost; I offer all to you
Endless, forever

This spirit, undulating and singing to the mighty ocean

Merely hold me, with a warm light; with that voice and that love
No longer am I lost; I offer all to you
Endless, forever

I hold you now, in prayer and recompense even our sins are forgiven
Blessings pour on us; with you this I swear
I will ever more be by your side

Let us leave this twisted earth for the light
With our newfound wings
Eden’s eternal glow, diamond tears

dancing… trembling… praying…
04.Lost breath
         Hametsu no kane de boku no asa ga hajimeru…hijou na ase ni mamirete
Nagarekomu mirai ni ‘atama ga waresou da!!’

Hito wa kuchisoroe boku no namae o kegashi tsuba o haku darou
Rikai shita toki ososugiru to shiru ‘shuumatsu no joukei’

I feel…{End of life}
I feel…{End of days}

Gareki ni egaita boku no akai umi
Tsutsunde kureru ude ga chiheisen de…
Kimi ni dakarereba soko wa boku dake no rakuen dakara

Kumo ni sukima kara sashikomu hikari o kimi wa se ni…
Boku wa tsukarehateta karada sotto yudaneta

I feel…{End of life}
I feel…{End of days}

Gareki ni todoita kawaita kaze wa
Nageki o fukumi tsutaeru kuon no tomo e
Saisho de saigo no nozonde ita firumu
Momokuro somete azayaka ni maku wa tojiru

Shizukana yume ni ugokidasu mirai Ima o ikinagara…

Please talk me kindly for my lost breath.
I pray for my dear.
         破滅の鐘で僕の朝が始まる… 異常な汗にまみれて
流れ込む未来に  「頭が割れそうだ!!」

人は口揃え 僕の名前汚し 唾を吐くだろう
理解した時 遅すぎると知る "終末の情景"

I feel…  「End of life」
I feel…  「End of Days」

君に抱かれれば そこは僕だけの楽園だから

僕は疲れ果てた躰 そっと 委ねた

I feel…  「End of life」
I feel…  「End of Days」

嘆きを含み 伝える 久遠の友へ
最初で最後の 望んでいたフィルム
モノクロ染めて 鮮やかに幕は閉じる

静かな夢に動き出す未来 現実を生きながら…

Please talk me kindly for my lost breath.
I pray for my Dear.
         In a ruined mirror does my day being…covered in so much sweat
To the flowing future ‘My head is splitting!’

People may all dirty my name, may spit on me
Understanding came too late, I realize ‘The closing scene’

I feel…{End of life}
I feel…{End of days}

My red ocean, drawn in the debris
At the horizon, the arms which held me
To be held by you…that is my own private paradise
So hold me…

Light shone on your back through a chink in the clouds
I entrusted this exhausted body to you softly

I feel…{End of life}
I feel…{End of days}

The dry wind, drawn in the debris,
Embraces the sadness and speaks to my eternal friend
The curtain falls so vividly, turning to monochrome the film I so desired

Living the present, the future begins in a peaceful dream

Please talk me kindly for my lost breath
I pray for my dear

D - NEW BLOOD ~second impact~

Label: God Child Records
Catalog#: DNB-008
Format: Mini-Album
Country: Japan
Released: 08 Dec 2004
Genre: Rock
Style: Major
01.Vampire Missa
04.Lost breath
05.瓦礫の花(Gareki no hana)
         nemureitoshiki hito yoima waitami wasuremou
saaoyasumi nasai...nanimo osorezu ni
nagaki yoru wa mukaeruitsuka no mezame wo inotte

kieyuku omoida nihana wo te mukete
futari yorisoiainemuru you ni
nagashita chi no iro gasora ni nijinde
nido to asa wa konaiyukounemuri no chi e...

nemureitoshiki hito....nemure...

nagaki yoru wo mukaeruitsuka no mezame wo inotte
ano hi mita yume ga imakoushite genjitsu ni kawaru

kieyuku omoida nihana wo te mukete
futari yorisoiainemuru you ni
nagashita chi no iro gasora ni nijinde
nido to asa wa konaiyukounemuri no chi e...

iroaseteyuku kedoikita akashi wa
futari no mune no nakanokoru you ni
itsumademo itsumademosoba ni iru kara
ima wa kimi wo daiteyukoutowa(1) no kuni e....

(1) written "eien", same meaning of "eternity".
         眠れ 愛しき人よ 今は 痛み忘れ もう
さあ おやすみなさい... 何も恐れずに

永き夜を迎える いつかの目覚めを祈って

消えゆく想い出に 花を手向けて
二人寄り添い合い 眠る様に
流した血の色が 空に滲んで
二度と朝は来ない 逝こう 眠りの地へ...

眠れ 愛しき人... 眠れ...

永き夜を迎える いつかの目覚めを祈って
あの日見た夢が今 こうして現実に変わる

消えゆく想い出に 花を手向けて
二人寄り添い合い 眠る様に
流した血の色が 空に滲んで
二度と朝は来ない 逝こう 眠りの地へ...

色褪せてゆくけど 生きた証は
二人の胸の中 残る様に
いつまでもいつまでも 側にいるから
今は君を抱いて 逝こう 永遠の国へ...
         sleep my beloved nowforget the pain again
come now"good night"...sleep without being afraid of anything
go out to meet the long night pray that we'll wake up someday

this flower resists against disappearing memory
the two of us nestle together like we are asleep
the colour of our flowing blood blurs across the sky
the morning will never come again let us pass away in this place of sleep...

sleep my beloved...sleep...

go out to meet the long night pray that we'll wake up someday
now the dream we dreamt that day thus transforms to reality

this flower resists against disappearing memory
the two of us nestle together like we are asleep
the colour of our flowing blood blurs across the sky
the morning will never come again let us pass away in this place of sleep...

even though our colours are fading the proof of what we lived
remains like it is within our breasts
forever, forever I'll stay by your side
so now I embrace you let us pass away to the kingdom of eternity...

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