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Catalog#: MVDD-36
Format: Single
Country: Japan
Released: 25 Mar 1996
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

(I need you)

ikusen no hoshi ni dakaleh teh loman o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
sabitsuita toki wa nagaleh teh kimi wa tashika ni fulueh teh ita

(Sometimes, I get so scared of loving you too much)

End of Sorrow

(What's wrong with that?
I really can't see anything but you
I love you)

kitto hito wa guuzen to tatakatteh namida o shilu sehpia ilo no omoi deh
hitoli goto ga nia u seiki no hateh ni jibun no koto kizuki hajimeh teh lu

ikusen no hoshi ni dakaleh teh loman o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
sabitsuita toki wa nagaleh teh itami o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
itoshii kimi o hanasanai ah tokimehki o...

dalehmo ga ima nehmulehnai yolu o shilu
(I really can't see anything but you)
kogoeh sou na kobaluto blue no yolu
(Right now, the most important thing is to satisfy ourselves)
kazeh ga tsuyoku kokolo o suli nukeh teh mo
osoleh nai deh ashita o shinji teh

ikusen no hoshi ni dakaleh teh loman o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
sabitsuita toki wa nagaleh teh itami o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
itoshii kimi dakeh o omou ah setsunasa o...

hito wa kanashimi o shili kokolo kala no ai o shilu
nazeh umaleh teh kita no ka
jibun no koto aishi hajimeh lu

(I really can't see anything but you
I love you
I love you
I need you)

ikusen no hoshi ni dakaleh teh loman o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
sabitsuita toki wa nagaleh teh itami o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
itoshii kimi o hanasanai towa ni...

kanashimi no hibi yo kodoku yo
ah sayonala
         “I need you"

幾千の星に抱かれて ロマンを叫び続けて
さびついた時は流れて 君は確かに震えていた

SometimesI get so scarce of loving you too much.
What's wrong with that?
I really can't see anything but you!
I love you.

きっと人は 偶然と戦って
涙を知る セピア色の想い出
独り言が 似合う世紀の果てに
自分の事 気づきはじめてる Oh

幾千の星に抱かれて ロマンを叫び続けて
さびついた時は流れて 痛みを叫び続けて
愛しいキミを離さない あぁ トキメキ を…

誰もが今 眠れない夜を知る
凍えそうな コバルトブルーの夜
風が強く 心をすり抜けても
恐れないで 明日を信じて Oh

幾千の星に抱かれて ロマンを叫び続けて
さびついた時は流れて 痛みを叫び続けて
愛しいキミだけを思う あぁ セツナサ を…

人は悲しみを知り 心からの愛を知る
何故生まれて来たのか 自分の事 愛しはじめる

幾千の星に抱かれて ロマンを叫び続けて
さびついた時は流れて 痛みを叫び続けて
愛しいキミを離さない トワ に…

悲しみの日々よ 孤独よ あぁ サヨナラ
         Embraced by the millions of stars
Forever calling out for my ambitions
As the rusty time oozed by,
You were shivering, for sure.

People probably fight against sudden accidents
And then the sepia memory learns how to cry
At the end of the century
when it's normal for people to mutter to themselves
I'm just beginning to understand myself

Embraced by the millions of stars
Forever calling out for my ambitions
As the rusty time oozes by,
Forever screaming out for my pains
I will never let you go, my precious.

Everyone experiences sleeplessness now
In the freezing cobalt-blue nights
Even if the wind gusts through you,
don't be afraid; trust your tomorrow.

Embraced by the millions of stars
Forever calling out for my ambitions
As the rusty time oozes by,
Forever screaming out for my pains
I can only think about you, my precious.

One experiences sorrow
And learns of true love
...Why was I born in this world?...
And then begins to love himself

Embraced by the millions of stars
Forever calling out for my ambitions
As the rusty time oozes by,
Forever screaming out for my pains
I will never let you go, my precious.

Oh, the days of sorrow,
         Mado ni utsutta shine ma mitai na sora
Usu murasaki no kumo wa nagareru
Doko e yuku no ka nagasareru mama ni
Naze ka sabishisa afuretekuru

Kioku no tobira kagi wo kowashite
Kimi wo mitsumeta ano toki ni kaeru sotto

Ima yomi ga eru mune ga itamu hodo
Kimi no yokogao nagameteita
Kurushimetaku nai demo wasurerarenai
Taisetsu na kotoba kese ya shinai

Damatte miteiru dake de yokatta
Jibun ni uso ga tsuke nai koto mo shirazu ni

Koe wo kikasete namida wo tomete
Koe wo kikasete ah mou ichido

Ano hi no sora wa kanashii hodo no
Aozora datta todokanai omoi no mama

Koe wo kikasete namida wo tomete
Koe wo kikasete kowaresou sa

Iku ate mo naku nagasareru mama
Koe wo kikasete ah mou ichido
         窓に映った シネマみたいな空 薄紫の 雲は流れる
何処へ行くのか 流されるままに 何故か淋しさ 溢れてくる

記憶の扉 鍵を壊して
キミを見詰めた あの時に帰る そっと

今蘇る 胸が痛む程 キミの横顔 眺めていた
苦しめたくない でも忘れられない 大切な言葉 消せやしない

黙って見ている だけで良かった
自分に嘘が つけない事も知らずに

声を聞かせて 涙を止めて
声を聞かせて あぁ もう一度

あの日の空は 悲しい程の
青空だった 届かない思いのまま

声を聞かせて 涙を止めて
声を聞かせて 壊れそうな

行くあてもなく 流れるまま
声を聞かせて あぁ もう一度
         In the cinema-like sky reflected on the window
Light purple clouds flow
Where are they going
Floating in that manner
For some reason desolation surges

Breaking the key to the door of memories
Return to those days when I gazed at you Softly

Now revives To the extent of paining my heart
I gazed at your profile
I don't want to suffer
Yet I cannot forget The precious words I cannot erase

I should just remain silent and watch
Without knowing that I cannot lie to myself

Let me hear your voice
Stop my tears
Let me hear your voice Ah Once more
The sky on that day
Was a sad blue sky of unreachable feelings

Let me hear your voice Stop my tears
Let me hear your voice I am on the verge of breaking

Drifting aimlessly
Let me hear your voice Ah Once more

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