
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)


Catalog#: MVCD-34
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 22 Apr 1996
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

Semete dakishimete omoi ga todoita nara
Mezameru no sa tobira wo akete

Hibike itsu made mo samishi sa wo tsuranuite
Mune wo kogashi tsuzukete ite

Takai kabe ni fusagareteru sekai de
Tooku kasumu hikari kiete shimatte mo

Wasurenaide itsu mo soba ni iru yo
Wasurenaide kono merodi

Semete dakishimete aenai hi ga atte mo
Yumemiru koto osorenaide

Semete dakishimete omoi ga todoita nara
Mezameru no sa tobira wo akete

Hibike itsu made mo samishi sa wa
Kimi kara mezameta

Tsuyoku dakishimete kono ai ga
Samete shimau mae ni

         せめて抱き締めて 思いが届いたなら
目覚めるのさ 扉を開けて

響けいつまでも 淋しさを貫いて

高い壁に 塞がれてる世界で
遠く霞む 光消えてしまっても

忘れないで 何時もそばにいるよ
忘れないで このメロディ

せめて抱き締めて 会えない日があっても
夢見る事 恐れないで

せめて抱き締めて 思いが届いたなら
目覚めるのさ 扉を開けて

響けいつまでも 淋しさは

強く抱き締めて このあいが

Now, I'll hold you with love
         Oh please, help me God!

Tsumetaku sukitooru hitomi no kimi ni dokoka miserarete yuku

Shigeki wo ima motome tsuzukete kuuru na soburi mo dekinumama
Mimimoto de kimi ga sasayaite seinaru kono yo wo kirisaita

"Tsumibukaki futarinara aishiaeru..."

Swear to God!

Tameiki ni nosete yume wo haku taikutsu na yoru wo nurikaete
Shinikake no HEART wo yusaburu myakuhaku wa RED wo tobikoeru I need Someone

"Tsumibukaki futarinara ~Please help us~ aishiaeru..."

"Kegareta jidai dakara ~Please help us~ aishiaeru" I swear to God

Ah...tsukisasaru konomuneni
Ah...kimi to nara kegare naki ai wo chikae sousa

"Tsumibukaki yoruni seinaru yoruni"

Ah...tsukisasaru konomuneni
Ah...kimi to nara nanika ga
Ah...tsukisasaru konomuneni
Ah...kimi to nara kegare naki ai wo chikaesousa
"Tsumibukaki yoruni seinaru yoruni"

God help us aishiaeru
So help us God kemono no youni
         冷たく透き通る瞳の キミに何処か魅せられてゆく

刺激を今求め続けて クールな素振りもできぬまま
耳元で君が囁いて 聖なるこの夜を切り裂いた

「罪深き二人なら 愛し合える…」

溜め息に乗せて夢を吐く 退屈な夜をぬり変えて
死にかけのハートを揺さぶる 脈拍はレッドを飛び越える I need someone

「罪深き二人なら 愛し合える…」

「汚れた時代だから 愛し合える…」 I swear to God

突き刺さる この胸に
キミとなら 汚れなき愛を誓えそうさ

「罪深き夜に 聖なる夜に…」

突き刺さる この胸に
キミとなら 何かが
突き刺さる この胸に
キミとなら 汚れなき愛を誓えそうさ

「罪深き夜に 聖なる夜に…」

God help us 愛し合える
So help me God 獣のように
         mitasalehnai nala kowashiteh shima eh subehteh o

yumeh o mitanosa totehmo kilay na mabushiku teh yasashi sugi teh

elanda no sa kowalehlu koto "Three, Two, One, Break..."

aishi aisalehta hibi yo
todoka nai hikali no mukou

osolehta nosa kowalehlu koto "Three, Two, One, Break..."

aishi aisalehta hibi yo
todokanai hikali no mukou

aishi aisalehta hibi yo
subalashii hikali no mukou

tatoeh subehteh ushinatteh mo
         満たされないなら 壊してしまえ すべてを

夢を見たのさ とてもキレイな 眩しくて 優しすぎて

選んだのさ 壊れる事 「Three, Two, One, Break...」


恐れたのさ 壊れる事 「Three, Two, One, Break...」



たとえすべて 失っても
         If you’re not satisfied destroy it everything

I saw dreams very beautiful radiant and too gentle

I chose it that which breaks “Three, Two, One, Break…”

I gave and received love every day
Beyond the light that doesn’t reach

I feared it that which breaks “Three, Two, One, Break…”

I gave and received love every day
Beyond the light that doesn’t reach

I gave and received love every day
Beyond the magnificent light

Even if I lose everything
         dare mo shiranai boku no kokoro
kimi ha itta "tsumetasugiru"

hibiwareta chizu no ue
semegi atta kijyou no yume
haruka mukashi omoi egaite chigireta yume iromeita irozuita

kagami ni utsutta jibun no sakenda kagami ni utsutta kimi ga ima hoshii

hibiwareta boku no kokoro
dare mo shiranai garasu no tou
sabishisa jya nai munashisa jya nai sukeru you ni tadayotta sukeru you ni

kanashimi no kaze ga kagami no on wo narasu mekumori no yoru ha keshiki ga iromeku
kagami ni utsutta jibun ni sakenda nodo no sakeru made umaku waraenai

motto kizutsuite mo motto tsuyoku kizutsuite mo
haikyo ni mau chou no you ni ari no mama ni habatakeru nara
motto kizutsuite mo motto fukaku kizutsuite mo
gareki ni saku hana no you ni ari no mama ni hateru hi made

dare mo shiranai garasu no tou
jyuu to kodoku rasen no you ni
         誰も知らない 僕の心
キミは言った 「冷たすぎる…」

ひび割れた 地図の上
せめぎ合った 騎乗の夢
遥か昔 思い描いて 千切れた夢 色めいた 色づいた

鏡に映った 自分に叫んだ 鏡に映った 君が今欲しい

ひび割れた 僕のこころ
誰も知らない ガラスの塔
淋しさじゃない 空しさじゃない 透る様に 漂った 透る様に

哀しみの風が 鐘の音を鳴らす ぬくもりの夜は 景色が色めく
鏡に映った 自分に叫んだ 喉が裂けるまで 上手く笑えない

もっと傷ついても もっと強く傷ついても
廃虚に舞う蝶のように ありのままに羽ばたけるなら
もっと傷ついても もっと深く傷ついても
瓦礫*に咲く花のように ありのままに果てる日まで 誰もしらない ガラスの塔
自由と孤独 螺旋のように
05.LUV U
         Aa Kimi no kami no nioi to Toiki ga kodou wo yurasu
Togiresouna ishiki no mukou Yaseta kata wo tsutsunda

Nanimokamo yurusarereba
Kimi yo jiyuu wo sutete Kurenai ka

Aa Kimi no hada wa sukeru you ni Yami ni ukanda rain
Senaka ni tsukisasatteyuku Fukaku kizamareteyuku

Nanimokamo yurusarereba
Ore no jiyuu wo subete Suteteyaru

Kimi ga hoshii Kimi no subete ga
Akari wo keshite Ano mukougawa e
Kimi ga hoshii Tokete yukitai
Toki yo tomare Eien ga hoshii

Urunda hitomi kasanete
Kotoba nante mou iranai
Beddo no ue shibararete
Sameru koto wo wasureta Futari no hada

Kimi ga hoshii Kimi no subete ga
         あぁ キミの髪の匂いと 吐息が鼓動を揺らす
とぎれそうな意識の向こう やせた肩を筒んだ

キミよ自由を捨てて くれないか

あぁ キミの肌は透けるように 闇に浮かんだライン
背中につき刺さってゆく 深く刻まれてゆく

俺の自由よすべて 捨ててやる

キミが欲しい キミのすべてが
明りを消して あの向こう側へ
キミが欲しい 溶けてゆきたい
時よ止まれ 永遠が欲しい

冷めることを忘れた 二人の肌 キミが欲しい キミのすべてが
         Ah The smell of your hair and Your breath rock my heartbeats
The other side of my seemingly interrupted senses Wrapped [your] thin shoulders

If anything can be permitted
Won't you throw away your freedom

Ah Your skin seems transparent A line risen to surface from darkness
[It] pierces [through] my back [I'm] being engraved deeply

If anything can be permitted
I will throw away all my freedom

I want you Your everything
Turn off the lights To that other side
I want you I want to melt [away with you]
Time, stop I want eternity

Close your eyes
Words are no longer needed
Being bound by the top of the bed
Our bodies forgot about cooling down

I want you Your everything
         Saa me wo tojite Kokoro no koe to
Kasukana toiki Kanji tsudzukete

How long Dorekurai Kizutsukeba ii?
Dream on Yurusu nara Aishite hoshii

Kodokuna yoru wa Boku wa yowaku suru
Mayaku no you ni Iyashite hoshii

Kono mune no oku fukaku Tomoshita honoo wa Sagashi tsudzuketeiru Mirai wo terasu

Forever & ever Itsunohimo Forever & ever Kawaranai
Forever & ever Kono omoi

So bright Kagayaite Shinji tsudzukete
Tonight Tabidatou Kawaita Koko kara

Yozora ni tsunagareta Hoshitachi no you ni Ah~ kono merodii wa Kitto eien sa

Forever & ever Kitto itsuka Forever & ever Tadori tsukeru
Forever & ever Kitto itsuka Forever & ever

Close your eyes, open your mind, going back for a moment of time
To those days and take back the eternity and the hope you felt for sure

Time changes all and strives to change me, too
If we fight, it hurts If we surrender, we go under

And many people are lost and hurt They let go of their most precious thing

Even if it breaks me into pieces
I want to keep believing, keep feeling till it ceases
The eternity deep in my heart

So, remember
That body, soul, mind, blood, tears, dreams, love, pain, and joy
Cause, they're all so precious, forever & ever

So bright Kagayaite Shinji tsudzukete
Tonight Tabidatou Hikari no naka e

Samayoi tsudzuketeru Kawaita kokoro wa Aisaretai to negau Hodo kizutsuite
Kagirinaku tsudzuku Kono michi no saki ni Motomeru sono nanika Aru to shinjitai

Forever & ever Kanau nara Forever & ever Mitsuketai

"Out from my chaos to grace"

Doko made toberu no ka tashikametakute

Forever & ever Itsunohimo Forever & ever Kawaranai
Forever & ever
         さぁ 瞳を閉じて 心の声と
かすかな吐息 感じ続けて wow

How long どれくらい 傷付けばいい?
Dream on 許すなら 愛して欲しい

孤独な夜は 僕を弱くする
麻薬のように いやして欲しい

この胸の奥深く ともした炎は
探し続けている 未来を照らす

Forever & ever いつの日も
Forever & ever 変わらない
Forever & ever この思い

So bright 輝いて 信じ続けて
Tonight 旅立とう 乾いた ここから

夜空につながれた 星たちのように
Ah〜 このメロディーは きっと永遠さ

Forever & ever きっといつか
Forever & ever たどり着ける
Forever & ever きっといつか
Forever & ever

(セリフ)Close your eyes, open your mind,
going back for a moment of time
To those days and take back the eternity
and the hope you felt for sure

Time changes all and strives to change me, too
If we fight, it hurts If we surrender, we go under

And many people are lost and hurt
They let go of their most precious thing

Even if it breaks me into pieces
I want to keep believing, keep feeling till it ceases
The eternity deep in my heart

So, remember
That body, soul, mind, blood,
tears, dreams, love, pain, and joy
Cause, they're all so precious, forever & ever

So bright 輝いて 信じ続けて
Tonight 旅立とう 光の中へ

さまよい続けてる 乾いた心は
愛されたいと願う ほど傷付いて
限りなく続く この道の先に
求めるその何か あると信じたい

Forever & ever 叶うなら
Forever & ever 見つけたい

“Out from my chaos to grace”


Forever & ever いつの日も
Forever & ever 変わらない
Forever & ever

Forever & ever
         Close your eyes and Continue to feel
The voice of your heart and Your faint breath

Till when do we have to hurt [each other's feelings]?
If possible I want you to love me

Lonely nights make we weak
Like a drug I want you to heal me

Deep in this heart A burning flame Continues to search Illuminates the future

Forever unchanged
This thought

Shine, keep believing
Tonight Let's begin a journey From this dry place

Like the stars joined in the night sky This melody is surely eternal

Forever & ever For sure someday Forever & ever We can find our way
Forever & ever For sure someday Forever & ever

Close your eyes, open your mind, going back for a moment of time
To those days and take back the eternity and the hope you felt for sure

Time changes all and strives to change me, too
If we fight, it hurts If we surrender, we go under

And many people are lost and hurt They let go of their most precious thing

Even if it breaks me into pieces
I want to keep believing, keep feeling till it ceases
The eternity deep in my heart

So, remember
That body, soul, mind, blood, tears, dreams, love, pain, and joy
Cause, they're all so precious, forever & ever

So bright Shine, keep believing
Tonight Let's begin a journey Into the light

This parched wandering heart hurts as much as it wishes to be loved
It wants to believe That thing which it looks for [Exists] ahead on This unending road

Forever & ever If dream comes true Forever & ever I want to find [out]

"Out from my chaos to grace"
I want to ascertain how far I can fly

Forever Unchanged
Forever & ever
         awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...

Hito ga kokoro no kibade arasou yume wo mita
Mapputatsuni wakareta chiisana kikkakede

Nanika ga me wo samasu sennen no yakusoku 1999

Mindcontrol Seigi wo kazasu youni
Daremo shiranaiuchini kazu wo herasu youni

Nanika ga ugokidasu sennen no henkaku 1999

awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...

I have never had such a bad nightmare before

At the end of 20th century, someone is fixing the number of people
overflowing from the Earth
It was no longer the days of fighting the flesh and blood

Brainwashed by subliminal and all kinds of traps through many media
Don't need much for the people to separate into enemies and allies and hating with the fangs in their heart

For no reason, many unnatural deaths were all over. It was the image of the weak minds

When the losers are lost, they jump off the building roof one after another

If there was strength to love one through at the time...
If you were there to love me through...
If there was a dream stronger than hate...

I need you
         人間は心の牙で 争う夢を見た
真っ二つに別れた 小さなきっかけで

千年の約束 1999

マインドコントロール 正義をかざす様に
誰も知らないうちに 数を減らす様に

千年の変革 1999

awake...parasite...blood...the end...

I have never had such a bad nightmare before
At the end of the 20th century, someone is fixing the number of people overflowing from the Earth
It was no longer the days of fighting the flesh and blood

Brainwashed by subliminal and all kinda of traps through many media
Don't need much for the people to separate into enemies and allies and hating with the fangs in their heart

For no reason, many unnatural deaths were all over it was the image of the weak minds

When the losers are lost, they jump off the building roof one after another

If there was strength to love one through at the time...
If you were there to love me through...
If there was a dream stronger than hate... I need you
         awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...

With the fangs in man's heart . I had a violent dream
Split right in half . by a small chance

Something will awaken their eyes
The millenium's destiny 1999

Mind control in order to hold justice over their eyes to block out the sun
Before anyone knew it in order to reduce their numbers

Something begins to move
The millenium's change 1999

awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...
awake...parasite...blood...the end...

I have never had such a bad nightmare before
At the end of the 20th century,
someone is fixing the number of people overflowing from the Earth
It was no longer the days of fighting the flesh and blood

Brainwashed by subliminal and all kinds of traps through many media
Don't need much for the people to separate into enemies and
allies and hating with the fangs in their heart

For no reason, many unnatural deaths were all over
It was the image of the weak minds

When the losers are lost, they jump off the building roof one after another

If there was strength to love one through at the time ...
If you were there to love me through ...
If there was a dream stronger than hate ...

I need you
(I need you)

ikusen no hoshi ni dakaleh teh loman o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
sabitsuita toki wa nagaleh teh kimi wa tashika ni fulueh teh ita

(Sometimes, I get so scared of loving you too much)

End of Sorrow

(What's wrong with that?
I really can't see anything but you
I love you)

kitto hito wa guuzen to tatakatteh namida o shilu sehpia ilo no omoi deh
hitoli goto ga nia u seiki no hateh ni jibun no koto kizuki hajimeh teh lu

ikusen no hoshi ni dakaleh teh loman o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
sabitsuita toki wa nagaleh teh itami o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
itoshii kimi o hanasanai ah tokimehki o...

dalehmo ga ima nehmulehnai yolu o shilu
(I really can't see anything but you)
kogoeh sou na kobaluto blue no yolu
(Right now, the most important thing is to satisfy ourselves)
kazeh ga tsuyoku kokolo o suli nukeh teh mo
osoleh nai deh ashita o shinji teh

ikusen no hoshi ni dakaleh teh loman o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
sabitsuita toki wa nagaleh teh itami o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
itoshii kimi dakeh o omou ah setsunasa o...

hito wa kanashimi o shili kokolo kala no ai o shilu
nazeh umaleh teh kita no ka
jibun no koto aishi hajimeh lu

(I really can't see anything but you
I love you
I love you
I need you)

ikusen no hoshi ni dakaleh teh loman o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
sabitsuita toki wa nagaleh teh itami o sakehbi tsuzukeh teh
itoshii kimi o hanasanai towa ni...

kanashimi no hibi yo kodoku yo
ah sayonala
         “I need you"

幾千の星に抱かれて ロマンを叫び続けて
さびついた時は流れて 君は確かに震えていた

SometimesI get so scarce of loving you too much.
What's wrong with that?
I really can't see anything but you!
I love you.

きっと人は 偶然と戦って
涙を知る セピア色の想い出
独り言が 似合う世紀の果てに
自分の事 気づきはじめてる Oh

幾千の星に抱かれて ロマンを叫び続けて
さびついた時は流れて 痛みを叫び続けて
愛しいキミを離さない あぁ トキメキ を…

誰もが今 眠れない夜を知る
凍えそうな コバルトブルーの夜
風が強く 心をすり抜けても
恐れないで 明日を信じて Oh

幾千の星に抱かれて ロマンを叫び続けて
さびついた時は流れて 痛みを叫び続けて
愛しいキミだけを思う あぁ セツナサ を…

人は悲しみを知り 心からの愛を知る
何故生まれて来たのか 自分の事 愛しはじめる

幾千の星に抱かれて ロマンを叫び続けて
さびついた時は流れて 痛みを叫び続けて
愛しいキミを離さない トワ に…

悲しみの日々よ 孤独よ あぁ サヨナラ
         Embraced by the millions of stars
Forever calling out for my ambitions
As the rusty time oozed by,
You were shivering, for sure.

People probably fight against sudden accidents
And then the sepia memory learns how to cry
At the end of the century
when it's normal for people to mutter to themselves
I'm just beginning to understand myself

Embraced by the millions of stars
Forever calling out for my ambitions
As the rusty time oozes by,
Forever screaming out for my pains
I will never let you go, my precious.

Everyone experiences sleeplessness now
In the freezing cobalt-blue nights
Even if the wind gusts through you,
don't be afraid; trust your tomorrow.

Embraced by the millions of stars
Forever calling out for my ambitions
As the rusty time oozes by,
Forever screaming out for my pains
I can only think about you, my precious.

One experiences sorrow
And learns of true love
...Why was I born in this world?...
And then begins to love himself

Embraced by the millions of stars
Forever calling out for my ambitions
As the rusty time oozes by,
Forever screaming out for my pains
I will never let you go, my precious.

Oh, the days of sorrow,
         Naze Toki wa ochiteku Naze Koi ni ochiteku
Ah Kowaikurai Just lose my mind
Naze Kimi no mae de wa Omou you ni dekinai
Ah Ubawareru nante

I know Mirai wa I am no satisfied
Kimi wo shiru made wa

Jidai ga umare kawaru Susanda machi ga hoeru
Ah Kimi wo mamoritai

I know Mirai wa I am not satisfied
Kimi ga inakereba

Hageshiku Mune ga harisakesou sa Kokoro ubaware sugiteyuku
Hageshiku Fukaku kizutsuku koto mo Osorenai
Doredake Kokoro ga kowaretemo Tatoe kimi wo kowashitemo
Hageshiku Atsuku dakishimesasete Kimi no subete wo

Fureru dake no Koi mo shita Yoru wo kizanda
Shadows of my LUV

Hageshiku Mune ga harisakesou sa Kokoro ubaware sugiteyuku
Hageshiku Kirikizamareru koto mo Osorenai
Doredake Kokoro ga kowaretemo Tatoe kimi wo kowashitemo
Hageshiku Iki mo dekinai hodo no Ima Kuchidzuke wo

Hageshiku Dakishimesasete kure Kimi no kako mo kanashimi mo
Tomoranai Dare ni mo tomerarenai
         何故 時は落ちてく 何故 恋に落ちてく
Ah 怖いくらい Just lose my mind
何故 キミの前では 思うようにできない
Ah 奪われるなんて

I know 未来は I am not satisfied

時代が生まれ変わる 荒んだ街が吠える
Ah キミを守りたい

I know 未来は I am not satisfied

激しく 胸が張り裂けそうさ 心奪われすぎてゆく
激しく 深く傷つくことも 恐れない
どれだけ 心が壊れても たとえキミを壊しても
激しく 抱き締めさせて キミのすべてを

触れるだけの 恋もした 夜を刻んだ
Shadows of my LUV

激しく 胸が張り裂けそうさ 心奪われすぎてゆく
激しく 切り刻まれることも 恐れない
どれだけ 心が壊れても たとえキミを壊しても
激しく 息もできないほどの 今口づけを

激しく 抱き締めさせてくれ キミの過去を悲しみも
止まらない 誰にも止められない
         Why is time falling Why am I falling in love
So scary Just lose my mind
Why when I am before you I cannot act as I wish
Being snatched away

I know The future I am no satisfied
Until I get to know you

The time is being born again The desolate street howls
I want to protect you

I know The future I am not satisfied
If you are not here

Furiously My chest is about to burst open My heart is being carried away
I am not afraid of even being hurt violently and deeply
No matter how much my heart breaks Even if I break you [into pieces]
Make me hold intensely and passionately Your everything

I have been through even love affairs which involve only touching Engraving the nights
Shadows of my LUV

Furiously My chest is about to burst open My heart is being carried away
I am not afraid of even being cut up violently
No matter how much my heart breaks Even if I break you [into pieces]
So intense that even breathing is impossible Now Kiss

Please make me hold intensely Your past and sorrow
It will not stop No one can stop it
         Ah shizukehsa o nikun da ano kolo wa
kazeh wa wala u you ni suna o makiagehta

meh o kolashiteh mo kota eh nado nai
solaga umi o daitehta anohi

in silence solehwa
in silence hatehshinaku
in silence sotto
oh my heart mayotteh ita

Ah ikutsumo no koi o sulinukehta
machi o sulinukehta mayonaka sugi no secret

mimi o sumashiteh mo nami no oto dakeh
sobani iteh hoshikatta anohi

in silence kimi o
in silence mitsumeteh ita
in silence sotto
oh my heart afulehte ita

musuu no tsuki ga telashita futali wa
towa no kuchizukeh no naka
ilo asehnu mama

masshilo na haneh ga sola ukandehta
nanika o tsugehlu youni
setsuna no kazeh ga kokolo walatta
sakamaku jidai dakala imawa

in silence sotto
in silence motomehteh ilu
in silence sotto
oh my heart mitsukehtai

Ah nagasalehteh
toki wa nagasalehteh
         あぁ 静けさを 憎んだ あの頃は
風は 笑う様に 砂を巻き上げた

目を凝らしても 答えなどない
空が海を抱いてた あの日

in silence それは in silence 果てしなく
in silence そっと oh my heart 迷っていた

あぁ いくつかの 恋を すり抜けた
街を すり抜けた 真夜中 過ぎのシークレット

耳を澄ましても 波の音だけ
そばにいて欲しかった あの日

in silence キミを in silence 見つめていた
in silence そっと oh my heart 溢れていた

無数の月が照らした uh 二人は
永遠の口づけの中 uh 色あせぬまま

真白な羽が 空浮かんでた 何かを告げる様に
刹那の風が 心笑った 逆巻く時代だから 今は

in silence そっと in silence 求めている
in silence そっと oh my heart 見つけたい

Wo…in silence Wo…
Wo…in silence Wo…

あぁ 流されて 時代は 流されて
         Ah... those days when I despised silence
The wind blew over the sand as though it was laughing...

Even if I tried hard to see
I couldn't make out any answers
That day when the sky embraced the sea...

in silence
It was
in silence
in silence
oh my heart

Ah... I slipped through many loves
I slipped through the city
The secret after midnight

Even if I tried hard to hear
I could only make out the voice of the waves
That day when I wanted you here with me...

in silence
I watched
in silence
in silence
oh my overflowing heart

The two of us
Illuminated by the countless number of moons
In the everlasting embrace
Never fading away...

A snow white feather was floating in the sky
As though it was warning something
For an instant, I thought I heard the wind laugh
This is the period of rage

in silence
in silence
in silence
oh my heart
to find

Ah... Washed away
The period... washed away
         I want to convey this love with you
Until the color of the universe is true

Ima kimi wa dokokara yume wo mitsukerutame
Yokubouni youtame nee kikaseteyo

Fuanna tsubuyaki wa toki no kazeni kakikesarete

I want to convey this love with you
Until the color of the universe is true

Ima oboeterunowa mezameru sono mae no
Umi no nakade kiita kodou yasurakana

Hajimetemiru subeteni odoroki wo kanjiteta

Toki ga egaita sekai ga sameteyuku itamisae kanjinaihodo
Kimito deatta sekai ga kuzureteku sorayo naze kotaete kurenaino

Nemuranai machi no hi wa sukui wo motomeru youni
Afurekaeru chijyoude sorani Signal wo utsu

Toki ga egaita sekai ga sameteyuku yasashisa ga jyamani naruhodo
Tokini kizanda omoi ga tsunorukara sorayo ima kotaetehoshii
Kimini chikatta mirai ga mamoretara kono inochi saemo sasagete

Tokini kizamareta ai wo tsutaetai nukumori ga kienaiyouni
Tokini kizamareta ai wo tsutaetai
Itsumademo kono netsu wo Itsumademo
         I want to convey this love with you
Until the color of the universe is true

今 キミは何処から 夢を見つけるため
欲望に酔うため ねえ 聞かせてよ

不安な呟きは 時代の風にかき消されて

今 覚えてるのは 目覚めるその前の
海の中で聞いた 鼓動 やすらかな

初めて見るすべてに 驚きを感じてた

時代が描いた世界が 冷めてゆく 痛みさえ 感じないほど
キミと出逢った世界が 崩れてく 宇宙よ何故 答えてくれないの

眠らない街の灯は 救いを求めるように
溢れかえる地上で 宇宙にシグナルを打つ

時代が描いた世界が 冷めてゆく 優しさが 邪魔になるほど
時代に刻んだ思いが つのるから 宇宙よ今 答えて欲しい
キミに誓った未来が 守れたら この命さえも 捧げて 時代に刻まれた愛を 伝えたい ぬくもりが 消えないように
いつまでも この熱を いつまでも


Catalog#: UPCH-20059[w/DVD]
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 19 Dec 2007
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

05.LUV U

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