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Alice Nine - 祇園盛者の鐘が鳴る

Catalog#: PSTA-0054
Format: Mini-Album
Country: Japan
Released: 17 Nov 2004
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

mazariau kuro to shiro yuruyaka ni fuyuushite
terasareta aka to ao yubisaki de karamaseta

sora to hikari ga mazariai orinasu
kimi to boku no kyousoukyoku

fusaideta ao no toki ashikase ni toikakete
'naze boku wa umareta no' afuredesu senritsu

gen ga kirete tomedonai ari sama
yurete kieta shabon dama

itsuka ano sora no you ni dandan ni kimi to yureteitai
kotoba yori mo ochite ikou itsuka mata dokoka aeru hazusa
zutto zutto tooku no anata e

koboreteku namida nagareteku* toki ni utsushidesareta mizuiro no guradeeshon

suisai to kousai to shizumikomu yoteichouwa
'naze kimi wa naiteru no' afuredesu senritsu

sora to hikari ga mazariai orinasu
kimi to boku no kyousoukyoku

gen ga kirete tomedonai ari sama
yurete kieta shabon dama

itsuka ano sora no youni dandan ni kimi to yureteitai

kotoba yori mo ochite ikou itsuka mata dokoka aeru hazusa
zutto zutto tooku no anata e
混ざり合う 黒と白 緩やかに 浮遊して
照らされた 赤と青 指先で 絡ませた

空と 光が 混ざり合い 織り成す
君と 僕の 協奏曲

塞いでた 青の時 足枷に 問いかけて
「何故僕は 生まれたの」 溢れ出す 旋律

弦が 切れて 止め処ない 在り様
揺れて 消えた しゃぼん玉。

いつか あの空のように 段々に 君と 揺れていたい

言葉よりも 堕ちて行こう いつかまた 何処か 会えるはずさ
ずっと ずっと 遠くの 貴方へ。


水彩と 光彩と 沈みこむ 予定調和
「何故君は 泣いてるの」 溢れ出す 旋律

空と 光が 混ざり合い 織り成す
君と 僕の 協奏曲

弦が 切れて 止め処ない 在り様
揺れて 消えた しゃぼん玉。

いつか あの空のように 段々に 君と 揺れていたい

言葉よりも 堕ちて行こう いつかまた 何処か 会えるはずさ
ずっと ずっと 遠くの 貴方へ。
Aptly blending, black and white, floating leisurely
Illuminated, red and blue, entwined at the fingertip

Blend the sky and the light, they weave and form
The concerto that is yours and mine

At the time of blue which has closed, I asked my shackles
"What was I born for?"; the overflowing melody

The string snaps, in this endless manner
The soap bubble quivered and disappeared.

Someday, like that sky over there, I want to sway with you, gradually
Words are more likely to keep falling, I expect I'll meet you someday and somewhere
Surely, surely, towards you in the distance.

The spilling tears were reflected in the flowing time, by the gradation of the colour of water.

Watercolours and splendour, the arranged harmony which ebbs
"What are you crying for?"; the overflowing melody

Blend the sky and the light, they weave and form
The concerto that is yours and mine

The string snaps, in this endless manner
The soap bubble quivered and disappeared.

Someday, like that sky over there, I want to sway with you, gradually

Words are more likely to keep falling, I expect I'll meet you someday and somewhere
Surely, surely, towards you in the distance.
02.極彩極色極道歌〈G3〉(Gokusai gokushoku gokudouka)
Hitotsu, shikakui heya de umare
Futatsu, naka kara tsuki o miage
Mittsu, ibasho no nai kago o
Hitari, hitari to notauchi mawaru

Hitotsu, chiriyuku sadame to shiri
Futatsu, kuusou no jiyuu o
Mittsu, nakitsukarete nemuru
Ituka, habatakeru hi made

Kirameiteru ano hoshi mo kimi no nakigao uekara waratte iru to
Dakara itsuka kagayakeru hi made * jirazu yukkuri "oyasumi"

Dakara ima wa kao agete itsuka egaita rakugaki sagashi ni yukou
Kitto itsuka kokoro kara waraeru hibi wo yume mite


煌めいてる あの星も
君の 泣き顔 上から 笑っていると
だから いつか 輝ける 日まで
焦らず ゆっくり 「おやすみ」

だから 今は 顔上げて いつか
描いた 落書き 探しに行こう
きっと いつか 心から 笑える 日々を夢見て
03.朱い風車(Akai kazaguruma)
onedarishite kattemoratta shiromono o chisetsu na wake janai
te o nobaseba kaze no dooru hashirimichi oshiete kureru kara sa

yuuyake iro shareta iro sa omouhodo chisetsu na wake ja nai
mimi sumashite kaze no yukue sagashite kyou mo kuridashiteku

kono machi wa aisou waraide chakashitekuruze
aseta shikisai

me ni wa me o aisou warai de chakashiteyaruze
shareta asobi de

kaze no you ni naitetari warattetari shitaidakesa
migi to onaji kao shitari awasetari wa gomennanosa ima wa

kono machi wa aisou waraide chakashitekuruze
aseta shikisai

me ni wa me o aisou warai de chakashiteyaruze
shareta asobi de

kaze no you ni naitetari warattetari shitaidakesa
sora no utau jazz song ya love song ga kikitaidakesa

itsuka tori wa tobukoto mo nakukoto mo sukkari wasure
ware wa ware no michi o tsukisusumuze hashaide
おねだりして 買って貰った 代物を 稚拙な訳じゃない
手を伸ばせば 風のドオリ 走り道 教えてくれるからさ

夕焼け色 洒落た色さ 思う程 稚拙な訳じゃない
耳澄まして 風の行方 探して 今日も繰り出してく

この街は 愛想笑いで 茶化してくるぜ

目には目を 愛想笑いで 茶化してやずれ

風の ように 泣いてたり 笑ってたり したいだけさ
右と 同じ 顔したり 合わせたりは 御免なのさ 今は

この街は 愛想笑いで 茶化してくるぜ

目には目を 愛想笑いで 茶化してやずれ

風の ように 泣いてたり 笑ってたり したいだけさ
空の 歌う  Jazz song や  Lovesong が 聴きたいだけさ

いつか 鳥は 飛ぶ事も 鳴く事も すっかり忘れ
我は 我の 道を 突き進むぜ はしゃいで
This favour, bought and received as a substitute, doesn't mean I'm childish
Because you can be taught that the road you're running on passes through the wind, if you reach out your hand

Thinking about the colour of sunset and stylish colours doesn't mean I'm childish
Seek with your ears, search for the whereabouts of the wind, send it out today as well

With an insincere smile, this street is teasing
The faded colours

An eye for an eye, teasing with an insincere smile
Playing fashionably

I only want to cry, to smile, like the wind
Like the others, with the same expression, joining in together; it is exemption, now

With an insincere smile, this street is teasing
The faded colours

An eye for an eye, teasing with an insincere smile
Playing fashionably

I only want to cry, to smile, like the wind
I only want to hear jazz songs and love songs that the sky is singing

Someday, the bird will completely forget how to fly and sing
I'll push forwards on my path, in high spirits
04.本日ハ晴天ナリ(Honjitsu wa seitennari)
Roku gatsu youka, asa kara amefuri
Noizoita madobe ni nagareru ame no oto

Shizuka na rhythm de, kizanda heibon na hi
Soredemo kimi ni wa ý@ataerarenainda ne

Itsuka kuruto shiteta mitsumetsuzuketeita
Nido to kuru hazu nai kakegae no nai kyou.

Kono oozora ni, shizuka na tobari ga ochiru.

Dokomademo yukou shiranai basho e iki o kirashi dokomademo
Bokutachi wa itsuka kikoenai furi mitometaku nakute

Rokugatsu nanoka imada ni harenai
Kumotta ýgaozoraýh uekara miterukana

Itsuka kuru to shitteta mitsumetsuzuketeita
Nido to kuru hazu nai kakegae no nai kyou.

Kono oozora ni, shizuka na tobari ga ochiru.

Dokomademo yukou shiranai basho e iki o kirashi dokomademo
Bokutachi wa itsuka kikoenai furi kanashikute

Yuuyami ni haeta ajisai no iro aoku awaku shinayaka ni
Rokugatsu no ame o boku wa me o tojite abite ita

静かなリズムで、刻んだ 平凡な日
それでも君には 与えられないんだね

いつか 来ると 知ってた 見つめつずけていた
二度と 来る筈無い かけがえのない今日


どこまでも行こう 知らない場所へ 息を 切らし どこまでも
僕達はいつか、聴こえない振り 認めたく なくて

曇った 空 上から見てるかな

いつか 来ると 知ってた 見つめつずけていた
二度と 来る筈無い かけがえのない今日


どこまでも行こう 知らない場所へ 息を 切らし どこまでも
僕達はいつか、聴こえない振り 悲しくて

夕闇に映えた 紫陽花の色 碧く 淡く しなやかに
六月の雨を  僕は目を閉じて 浴びて いた
8th of June, it's been raining since morning
Peeking out by the window, the sound of trickling rain

In the quiet rhythm, the common days are carved
In spite of this, I can't offer anything to you

Once, I thought it would come, and continued to watch for it
The second time, I didn't expect it to arrive; today which can't be replaced.

In this wide sky, the quiet curtain falls.

We'll go anywhere, to places we don't know, we'll run out of breath, anywhere
Someday, pretending that we can't hear, we don't want to recognize each other

7th of June, the skies still haven't cleared
Can you see the cloudy 'blue sky' from above

Once, I thought it would come, and continued to stare
The second time, I didn't expect it to arrive; today which can't be replaced.

In this wide sky, the quiet curtain falls.

We'll go anywhere, to places we don't know, we'll run out of breath, anywhere
Someday, pretending that we can't hear, we feel sorrow

The colour of hydrangeas is reflected in the dusk, palely, faintly, yieldingly
I closed my eyes and bathed in the June rain
semi naku kisetsu nite kaaten kakari maku ga hiraku
bokura mioroshiteru yo ni saita hanabira sa
itsumo omotte imasu tonari no anata wo zutto zutto

tsuki to sei wo kurabete saite wa kieru hakanai mono de
tada tada bonyari to, miagete ita natsu no yoru

itsumo omotte imasu tonari no anata wo

te wo nobashite mo todokanakute mo naze ga totemo atatakakute.

midori kiiro akairo ga ukande shimatte (kieru) ochite
joucho fuantei kimi iro ga itai no itai no tondetta.

garasu goshi ni utsutta, fuurin no mukou toori nuketeku.

itsumo omotte imasu tonari no anata wo

tada, hitotsu dake chikaeru naraba, zutto anata wo
itsumademo, ano hana no youni, terashi tsuzukeru koto deshou
蝉鳴く季節にて カーテンが架かり 幕が開く
僕ら見下ろしてる 夜に咲いた 花弁さ
いつも想っています 隣のあなたを ずっとずっと

月と背を比べて 咲いては消える 儚いもので
ただ只ぼんやりと、見上げていた 夏の夜。

いつも想っています 隣のあなたを

手を 伸ばしても 届かなくても 何処か とても 暖かくて。

みどり きいろ あかいろが 浮かんで 消えて 落ちて
情緒 不安定 君色が 痛いの 痛いの 飛んでった。


いつも想っています 隣のあなたを

只、一つだけ、誓えるならば、ずっと 貴方を
In the season when the cicadas chirp, the curtain is hung and the scene opened
We look across the view of petals that bloomed in the night
Always thinking of you beside me, all the time

Comparing the moon and my back, blooming and disappearing in this momentary thing
Just faintly, dimly, we looked up at the summer night.

Always thinking of you beside me

Even though I stretch out my hand, it doesn't reach. Why is it very warm?

Green, yellow, and red are rising, disappearing, falling
Unstable emotions, colours of you painfully, painfully take flight.

(After the summer festival...)
Projected across the glass, cutting through to the other side of the windchime.

Always thinking of you beside me

If I could only make just one promise, it would be for you to
Forever, like that flower, go on shining brilliantly

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