
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)

Nightmare - the WORLD/アルミナ (Cタイプ)

Label: VAP
Catalog#: VPCC-82215
Format: Maxi-Single Type C
Country: Japan
Released: 18 Oct 2006
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

01.the WORLD
Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri
Aishita yue ni mebaeta aku no hana
Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete wo
Dare ni mo jamasaseru wake ni wa ikanai kara

Kajitsu ga tsugeta mirai
Risei o wasureta machi
Kuroku yuganda imai demo
Yume, risou ni kaeru

Doushite? Boku wa kowareta messiah
Dare mo ga nozonda "owari" o...

Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri
Aishita yume ni mebaeta aku no hana
Kore kara saki otozureru de arou subete o
Dare ni mo jamasaseru wake ni wa ikanai

Itsuka boku ga misete ageru
Hikari kagayaku sora wo

Doushite? Boku wa kowareta messiah
Dare mo ga yumemita "rakuen" o...

Hirogaru yami no naka kawashiatta kakumei no chigiri
Aishita yume ni mebaeta aku no hana
Kore kara saki otozureru de aru subete o
Dare ni mo jamasaseru wake ni wa ikanai

Itsuka boku ga misete ageru
Hikari kagayaku sekai o
広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り


どうして? 僕はこわれた救世主?

広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り


どうして? 僕はこわれた救世主?
広がる闇の中 交わし合った 革命の契り

We exchanged promises of revolution in the expanding darkness
I loved you, so the flower of evil sprouted
I won't let anyone interfere with
Everything that is to come in the future

A fruit has told me of the future
This city has a forgotten reason
These distorted and black times will
Change into ideals, into dreams

Why? Am I a broken messiah?
The "end" that everyone has wished for...

We exchanged promises of revolution in the expanding darkness
I loved you, so the flower of evil sprouted
I won't let anyone interfere with
Everything that is to come in the future

One day I will show you
The sky that shines with light

Why? Am I a broken messiah?
The "paradise" that everyone dreamed of...
We exchanged promises of revolution in the expanding darkness
I loved you, so the flower of evil sprouted
I won't let anyone interfere with
Everything that is to come in the future

One day I will show you
The sky that shines with light
Nagareru toki no naka matataku Setsunateki kirameki o
Kono yo no kioku ni kizamu tame Arukitsuzukeru Believer

Dare ni mo mirenai yume o mite
Iranai mono wa subete suteta
Yuzurenai omoi Kono mune ni yadoshite

Mada riaru idearu no hazama ni ite
Gisei no kase ni ashi o torarete mo
Afureru shoudou osaekirenai
Tsuyoku motomeru kokoro ga aru kara

"Itsuwari"? "Osore"? "Kyoshoku"? "Urei"?
Samazama na negateibu ni
Torawareru hodo yowaku wa nai
Kodoku mo shiranu trickster

Yozora o tsukisasu biru no mure
Hoshi nado mienai sora miage
"Mayoi wa nai ka"? to Jibun ni toikakeru

Kono machijuu afureru mono ni mamire
Utsutsu o nukasu you na koto wa nai
Asu e to tsunagaru michi no hate de
Kono te ni tsukamu mono o mitai kara

Mabuta o toji ishiki no umi ni ukande
Omoiegaku Risou o te ni suru sono toki o

Kagiri aru "sei"? o kono yo ni uke
Kare yuku dake wa oroka ni hitoshii
Hoka no dare mo ga mochienai mono
"Jibun jishin"? to iu na no kesshou e

Kireigoto o tsukitoosu koto
Itsuka fakuto e kawaru
Katakuna ni shinjitsuzuketai
It’s just my faith. The absolute truth.

Nagareru toki no naka matataku Setsunateki kirameki o
Kono yo no kioku ni kizamu tame Arukitsuzukeru Believer
この世の記憶に刻むため 歩き続けるBeliever

誰にも見れないユメを見て 要らないものは全て捨てた
ゆずれない想い この胸に宿して

まだ現実(リアル)と理想(イデアル)の狭間にいて 犠牲の枷に足をとられても
溢れる衝動押さえきれない 強く求める心があるから

「偽り」「恐れ」「虚飾」「憂い」 様々なネガティブに
とらわれるほど弱くはない 孤独も知らぬTrickster

夜空を突き刺すビルの群れ 星など見えない宙(そら)見上げ
「迷いはないか」と 自分に問いかける

この街中溢れるモノにまみれ うつつを抜かすようなことは無い
未来(あす)へと繋がる道の果てで この手に掴むものを見たいから

瞼を閉じ意識の海に浮かんで 思い描く 理想を手にするそのときを

限りある「生」をこの世に受け 枯れゆくだけは愚かに等しい
他の誰もが持ち得ないもの 「自分自身」という名の結晶へ

キレイゴトを突き通すこと いつか真実(まこと)へ変わる
頑に信じ続けたい It's just my faith. The absolute truth.

流れる時間(とき)の中瞬く 刹那的煌めきを
この世の記憶に刻むため 歩き続けるBeliever
I'm a believer who keeps on walking
In order to etch into my memories of this world
An ephemeral glimmer,
Sparkling in the passing time.

Dreaming what no one can dream,
I've completely discarded the things I don't need,
Carrying in this chest of mine
Hopes I can't surrender.

Still in the gap between reality and my ideals,
Even though my legs are bound by the shackles of sacrifice,
I can't manage to suppress the overflowing urge,
Because I have a heart that persistently seeks its desire.

I am not so weak to be seized with
The various negativities--
Falsehood, fear, ostentation, grief--
I'm a trickster who knows no loneliness.

A crowd of buildings piercing the night sky...
Looking up to a sky where stars and such can't be seen,
I ask myself,
"Do I have any doubts?"

The city is smeared with overflowing things
Its not something that unrealistic
At the end of the road that connects us to the future,
I want to see what ive go in my hand
Closing my eyes, I float on the sea of my senses,
and envision it

The day that I have my ideals within my grasp
Its accepted in this world that "righteousness" has its limits,
and withering is foolishly the same way
Something that no one else has,
toward a crystallization called myself
Piercing though simplicity,
one day it will change into reality

I want to continue to obstinately believe,
its just my faith. The absolute truth
Amidst the passing time,
a twinkling and ephemeral sparkling
im a believer that keeps walking,
to carve his memories of it into the world

Nightmare - the WORLD/アルミナ (Bタイプ)

Label: VAP
Catalog#: VPCC-82606[DVD with]
Format: Maxi-Single Type B
Country: Japan
Released: 18 Oct 2006
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

01.the WORLD

DVD - アルミナ(Alumina)

Nightmare - the WORLD/アルミナ (Aタイプ)

Label: VAP
Catalog#: VPCC-82605[DVD with]
Format: Maxi-Single Type A
Country: Japan
Released: 18 Oct 2006
Genre: Rock
Style: Major

01.the WORLD


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