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Label: Extasy Records
Catalog#: EXC-001
Format: Album
Country: Japan
Released: 14 Apr 1988
Genre: Rock

I'm bored to death (Go mad)
壁に飛び散る sprinter of glass (shed blood)
顧みる過去にむしばまれ 血を流す

I come to my sense (at last)
嘲り笑う Out sider (smush up)
全て砕け散る 快感に目を醒ます

記憶に焼きつくおまえの姿 血ヘドで吐き捨てろ

I don't want vanishing love

Break out of (my mold)
鏡に映る false face (break up)
見失いかけた欲望を 曝け出すとき

Make a past (at girl)
幻覚に視た a real knock out (rape you)
気違いじみた 快楽に明けくれろ

絡みつくおまえの幻影 忘れられない苦しみ
血迷う心のかけらは 影も形もない夢を
今も追い続けてる 作られた狂気装い

“I can't stand”
How I try to decive myself
“Waiting for you”
If the tears turn into the blood
“Can't get away”
How I try to decive myself
“Portrait of you”
No matter what you say
I can't lose track of you I missed

Injury deep inside my heart still remain
Cut up my heart (that) you live
In my illusion you go away.
I stand rooted to the spot

Injury deep inside my heart still remain
Cut up my heart (that) you live
In my illusion you go away.
I stand rooted to the spot

絡みつくおまえの幻影 忘れられない苦しみ
血迷う心のかけらは 影も形もない夢を
今も追い続けてる 作られた狂気装い

Injury deep inside my heart still remain
Cut up my heart (that) you live
In my illusion you go away.
I stand rooted to the spot

Injury deep inside my heart still remain
Cut up my heart (that) you live
In my illusion you go away.
I stand rooted to the spot

Injury deep inside my heart still remain
Cut up my heart (that) you live
In my illusion you go away.
I stand rooted to the spot

Injury deep inside my heart still remain
Cut up my heart (that) you live
In my illusion you go away.
I stand rooted to the spot

(lough at me) Being at my wit's end
(lough at me) Even if it's a forced smile
(lough at me) Being at my wit's end
Bad dream
Bad street
逃げても逃げても 追いかけてくる

In the dark
闇の中 さまよう俺が視たものは
In the eyes
淡く蒼い 光の幻影

何かにおされるように (In the light)

Vicious mind

何かが操るように (Shoot and Kill)

いつかつかみかけた ただ真っすぐな夢を
言い知れぬ孤独に 奪われ背を向けた

ひび割れた幻 覚ますざわめきは
記憶に潜む 叫び

At present
At that
まぎれもない 幼い日の夢

何かを求めて (Right away)


ひび割れた幻 覚ますざわめきは
記憶に潜む 叫び

In dazzle I was ready to be destroyed
under the power (that) was in visible
When I saw the truth, I heard my ghost cry
         殺し合う欲望に 乱れ始めた Out line
引き裂かれる黒いドレス 視界を染める Desire

(Right off) Feel getting higher
(Suck blood)

気がつけば暗い部屋 息を殺して彷徨う
身体をなぞる口唇 骨の髄までしゃぶりつく

I can't hold back the emotion welling up
in my heart
爪を立てる Sexy madness

鼻歌口づさみ 肉体噛みちぎる
無邪気な女を 笑いながら なぶり殺して

I've got ecstasy, But I feel the tear
is falling down
Oh, yes I have got ecstasy,
I'm seized with it

(No No No) 脳裏に焼き付く 毒された快楽は
殺気だち 自らの燃えあがる血を 吐き出す

I've gotta slap your face on and on
till down on your knees

絡みつく Sexy mad woman

手首を切り刻み 優しく微笑む
くるった女を壁に吊して Hanging on the wall

I've got ecstasy, But I feel the tear
is falling down
Oh, yes I have got ecstasy,
I'm seized with it

Sadistic desire!

(The sadness crosses my mind)
舞い上がる幻影 踊らせ
もて遊ぶ He's a cold-blooded beast
付きまとう欲望に I show my true colors
涙流し Tear my body up!

(Sadistic desire)
I've got ecstasy, But I feel the tear is falling down
Oh, yes I have got ecstasy, I'm seized with it

鼻歌口づさみ 肉体噛みちぎる
無邪気な女を 笑いながら なぶり殺して

I've got ecstasy, But I feel the tear
is falling down
Oh, yes I have got ecstasy,
I'm seized with it

Sadistic desire
“Right off”(Feel getting higher)“Suck blood”
Silence all around
I feel good
Oh! What's going on (with me) fuck the blood

Give me th plasure,more than this
That's mental destruction
I hurt myself,and I reach a stage of pain
Cry out,writhe around

Give me the pleasur
That's destruction of famed mentality
I hurt myself,and I reach a stage of pain

Start the show that destroy all
The people that has gone mad kill each other
Actuality,truth gonna be destroied
And the truth of feint is made at all
Truth,this isexist anywhere
No!This must not exist

Pleasure of spirit,It's just all in my life
But I don't know,don't know only what,I don't know
So truth isn't exist anywhere
Imagination is truth

Give me the pleasure,more than this
Cry out,writhe around
It's all over with me now
And I'll kill you
You changed me
You drove me mad
You robbed me of my loving, It's you!

Still I'm sad that you betrayed me
It's all over with me now
All over with me now
And I'll kill you!

Don't (let) let me go un-(checked)
I've gotta go (wild)

Don't (let) let me go un-(checked)
I've gotta go (wild)

Don't call it dream or fantasy
Nobody knows my soul burned as fire
Why my heart was broken so heavy
You might know my love was for you
You know!

Oh, go to the grave together

It's all over with me now
And I'll kill you
You changed me
You drove me mad
You robbed me of my loving, It's you!

I'll kill you! (You go to the grave with me)
I'll kill you!
I'm wandering the town all light off
Don't know where I'm leaving for
The muddy rain start to fall on me
And I'm walking down to subway

I can't see all around me
Get me out of here
Talk to me if someone is in this darkness

I'm out of my head
Out of my mind
Tell me where I'm what's going on,oh please

Something is hiding me off
Is this the wall of my heart

I have been lost so many things I've got
For long time I've been searching for my way

I carry on, carry on...

I'm spiting to their ugly heart
To this so stood world

Every day I forbear to fall the tears
don't wanna be down

Every night hurt is so deep in my heart
Is this my life
Oh! show me please

The wall close to me
It's so painful. Stop it!
Is there someone to help me
Please get me out here
Oh! get me out!

Dead or alive, No place to run
Get it settled once and for all
Dead or alive, Can't live in the past
Only one way to live.

※Give my heart finishing blow
If I could only turn my back
Let me do screaming high
Squeeze the throes of death from me※

It comes here the blame I'd done before
Fall on me as if it grow in my brain
The ugly side of myself tears me up
At this time I can't go back

Give my heart finish blow
If I couldn't run from the past
Let me do screaming high
Disclose feeling inside of me

Dead or alive, Can't live in the past
Only one way to live


The fight is over
The mad rain had gone past over me
Blood is flowing down
Tear is flowing down
Now I'm alive and I'm walking to the town again
I could not look back you'd gone away from me

I felt my heart ache I was afraid of following you
When I had looked at the shadows on the wall
I started running into the night To find the truth in me

嵐吹くこの街が お前を抱く
吹き抜ける風にさえ 目を閉じる
お前は走り出す 何かに追われるよう
俺が見えないのか すぐそばにいるのに

人波に消えて行く 記憶の吐息
愛のない一人舞台 もう耐えきれない
All of you in my memory Is still shining in my heart

すれ違う心は 溢れる涙に濡れ

紅に染まったこの俺を 慰める奴はもういない
もう二度と届かない この思い
閉ざされた愛に向い 叫びつづける

お前は走り出す 何かに追われるよう
俺が見えないのか すぐそばにいるのに

紅に染まったこの俺を 慰める奴はもういない
もう二度と届かない この思い
閉ざされた愛に向い 叫びつづける

紅に染まったこの俺を 慰める奴はもういない

Oh, Crying in deep red
Oh! I'm looking at you
Can't control myself
Nothing but pain for me

Wipe your tears from your eyes
Just leave and forget me
No need to be hurt anymore

Go away from me now 
I don't know What is love ?
No need to be hurt anymore

You said “I miss you so much”
“Everynight thinking of you
and facing loneliness”

But when you feel sadness
never can I stay with you

I'm not the one you need
Close your eyes and forget me
There's nothing I can do anymore
I lost my way
I've been walking in the night of tears
There I found someone was holding you
As the night was all falling down
With my love also vanished my vision of you
My heart is cold now

Wipe your tears from your eyes
Just leave and forget me
No need to be hurt anymore

You said,“I need you always”
“Everyday thinking of you
and living loneliness ”

But when you feel sadness
never can I stay with you
Go away from me now 
I don't know What is love ?
No need to be hurt anymore

Can't find my way

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