
-OZ- (22) 12012 (40) 168 -one sixty eight (3) A (エース)[Ace] (8) ACID (3) AKi (2) AND (20) ASAGI (2) Acid Black Cherry (26) Administrator (8) Alice Nine (36) Angelo (21) BACK-ON (4) BORN (21) Black Gene For the Next Scene (5) Buck-Tick (63) BugLug (16) Creature Creature (2) D (43) D'ERLANGER (11) D'espairsray (26) D.I.D (4) D=OUT (27) DADAROMA (4) DAMIJAW (4) DEAD END (9) DELACROIX (9) DELUHI (13) DER ZIBET (4) DIAWOLF (2) DIR EN GREY (45) DIV (13) DaizyStripper (26) Deshabillz (5) Eccentric Agent (20) FLOW (1) GACKT (13) GALEYD (8) GALNERYUS (7) GLAY (15) GRANRODEO (10) HALLOWEEN JUNKY ORCHESTRA (1) HIGH and MIGHTY COLOR (23) HYDE (7) Hemenway (7) Janne Da Arc (9) Jessica (3) Jupiter (7) KAMIJO (5) KISAKI PROJECT (1) Kagrra (34) Ka・za・ri (1) Klaha (3) Közi (4) L'Arc~en~Ciel (62) LAREINE (1) LAYZis (3) LIGHT BRINGER (2) LUNA SEA (30) Lc5 (5) Lizard's Tail (1) LuLu (10) Lucy (2) Luzmelt (4) Lycaon (12) MALICE MIZER (11) MANNEQUIN (2) MORRIE (2) MUCC (56) MUSCLE ATTACK (2) MeGAROPA (1) Metis Gretel (7) Mitsuru Matsuoka EARNEST DRIVE (3) Moi dix Mois (10) Montage. (2) NEGA (1) NEVER CRAZY (5) Nightmare (44) Nimo (1) OBLIVION DUST (19) PENICILLIN (55) PIERROT (19) PhI (2) Phantasmagoria (4) Plastic Tree (9) REIGN (8) RENTRER EN SOI (3) REVINE (2) RIBBON (1) ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (11) ROUAGE (15) Raphael (1) SIAM SHADE (16) SOPHIA (39) Sadie (32) Scar. (10) Schaft (2) Schwein (1) Screw (28) Sel'm (8) Signal (1) Spin Aqua (4) SuG (27) Sujk (2) THE MORTAL (2) The 3rd Birthday (9) The FLARE (1) Tourbillon (5) Transtic Nerve (6) ULTRA SOULS (3) UVERworld (10) VAASTU (3) VAMPS (14) VANIRU (5) Versailles (13) ViViD (16) Virgil (7) Wilma-Sidr (1) X JAPAN (20) XOVER (2) YFC[ YELLOW FRIED CHICKENz ] (3) ZIGZO (13) ZIZ (1) ZON (1) abingdon boys school (11) aim (1) chanty (6) defspiral (16) exist†trace (17) girugämesh (30) hide (13) lynch. (8) nano (7) shiki∞project~志鬼陰謀~ (3) sukekiyo (3) tezya (4) the GazettE (41) the Underneath (3) vistlip (23) Λucifer (3) ν[NEU] (6) アヲイ[awoi] (2) アンティック-珈琲店-[An Cafe] (7) イロクイ。[Irokui.] (2) カラス(Karasu) (2) ギルド(GUILD) (10) シド[SID] (11) ナノ[nano] (9) パノラマ虚構ゼノン[Panorama Kyokou Zenon]/Xenon (1) ブラスト[V-last] (2) ユナイト[UNITE] (4) ライチ☆光クラブ[Litchi Hikari Club] (6) 和楽器バンド[Wagakki Band] (3) 大佑と黒の隠者達[Daisuke to Kuro no Injatachi] (4) 少女-ロリヰタ-23区[Lolita23q] (19) 幕末Rock 超絶頂★ソング[Bakumatsu Rock Ecstasy★Song] (5) 幕末Rock[Bakumatsu Rock] (10) 幕末Rock天歌[Bakumatsu Rock Heaven's Song] (1) 平成維新[Heisei ishin] (9) 摩天楼オペラ(Matenrou Opera) (25) 松本和之[Matsumoto Kazuyuki] (2) 査~マルサ~[Marusa] (1) 櫻井敦司[Sakurai Atsushi] (4) 清春[Kiyoharu] (7) 葵-168- (3) 藍[Ai] (3) 超魂團 (1) 陰陽座[Onmyo-za] (30) 雅-Miyavi- (7) 黒夢(Kuroyume) (33)

Buck-Tick - ドレス (Bloody Trinity Mix)

Label: Victor Entertainment Japan
Catalog#: VICL-35804
Format: CD, Maxi-Single
Country: Japan
Released: 02 Mar 2005
Genre: Electronic, Rock
Style: Industrial, Synth-pop

1.ドレス(bloody trinity mix)[Doresu{Dress}(Bloody Trinity Mix)]
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

kagami no mae de kimi to madoromu usubeni no yubisaki
sono te wa fui ni yowasa wo misete kuchibiru wo fusaida
ano hi kimi to yakusoku wo kawashita
ima wa futari omoidasezu ni

taikutsu na uta ni mimi wo katamuke mado no soto mitsumeru
boku wa doresu wo matoi odottemiseyou kurutteru kai oshiete
itsuka kaze ni sarawarete yuku darou
ima wa futari omoidasezu oo

boku wa naze kaze no you ni kumo no you ni ano sora e to ukabu hane ga nai naze
hoshi no you ni tsuki no you ni subete tsutsumu ano yoru e to shizumu hane ga nai aa

wasurenaide ai afureta ano hibi
kimi no kao mo omoidasezu ni
itsuka kaze ni kaki kesarete yuku darou
ima wa futari omoidasezu oo

boku wa naze kaze no you ni kumo no you ni ano sora e to ukabu hane ga nai naze
hoshi no you ni tsuki no you ni subete tsutsumu ano yoru e to shizumu hane ga nai aa

boku wa naze kaze no you ni kumo no you ni ano sora e to ukabu hane ga nai naze
kono ai mo kono kizu mo natsukashii ima wa itoshikute itami dasu aan...ah

鏡の前で君とまどろむ 薄紅の指先
その手は不意に弱さを見せて 唇をふさいだ
あの日 君と約束を交わした
今は二人 想い出せずに

退屈な歌に耳を傾け 窓の外見つめる
僕はドレスをまとい 踊って見せよう 狂ってるかい 教えて
いつか 風にさらわれてゆくだろう
今は二人 想い出せず

僕はなぜ 風の様に雲の様に あの空へと浮かぶ羽がない なぜ
星の様に月の様に全て包む あの夜へと沈む羽がない ああ

忘れないで 愛あふれたあの日々
君の顔も 思い出せずに
いつか 風にかき消えされてゆくだろう
今は二人 思い出せず

僕はなぜ 風に様に雲の様に あの空へと浮かぶ羽がない なぜ
星の様に月の様に全て包む あの夜へと沈む羽がに ああ

僕はなぜ 風に様に雲の様に あの空へと浮かぶ羽がない なぜ
この愛もこの傷も懐かしい 今は愛しくて痛みだす ああ
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

In front of the mirror, I doze off with you, your fingertips light pink
Your hand unconsciously showed me its weakness, and you shut your lips
That day, we exchanged promises
And now, we’re together, without remembering

Your ears are bored by a tedious song, and you gaze out of the window
Shall I put on the dress and dance for you?* Am I crazy? Please tell me
Someday, maybe, we’ll be caressed by the wind
And now, we’re together, without remembering

Why can’t I float into the sky like the wind, like the clouds? Why don’t I have wings?
Like the stars, like the moon, I have no wings enfolding everything and sinking into the night, ah...

Don’t forget those days that overflowed with love
Without even remembering your face
Someday, maybe, I'll be erased by the wind
And now, we’re together, without remembering

Why can’t I float into the sky like the wind, like the clouds? Why don’t I have wings?
Like the stars, like the moon, I have no wings enfolding everything and sinking into the night, ah...

Why can’t I float into the sky like the wind, like the clouds? Why don’t I have wings?
This love and these scars are so dear
Now, they poignantly begin to ache, ah…

*The odd thing about this line is that Sakurai uses the word “boku” to mean “I.” This pronoun is usually only used by men, or by women trying to make a statement. Is Sakurai is implying cross-dressing or, a feminist girlfriend?
2.六月の沖縄(Live)[Rokugatsu No Okinawa (Live)]
Rokugatsu no Okinawa
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Yotteiru kimi wa mabuta ni kuchibiru de toge wo sashite
Kanjiru kai? Kono owari wo shinu made yume wo mireba ii sa aa

Tegami wo kimi ni okuru yo sore wa todoku koto wa nai kedo
Moshi ii nara boku ni henji wo sore wa tabun yomenai kedo oo

Kimi no koe kikasete yo rokugatsu no ame no you ni
Boku no koe kikoeru kai? Kizutsuite shimau kai?

Fukai fukayoru no naka de shiawase ga tsukamesou sa
Koyoi machi wo hashiri nukete ano sora de aishiaou

Chi no kuda ga atsuku naru rokugatsu no suna no you ni
Genkaku ni aisarete tataki tsukerarete

Fukai fukai yoru no naka de shiawase ga tsukamesou sa
Koyoi machi wo hashiri nukete ano sora de aishiaou

Atsui atsui hizashi no shita zetsubou ga tsukamesou sa
Nagai kami wo furimidashite ano umi de aishiaou

Konya kono sekai wo nageku you ai wo komete
Konya ore kono sekai wo furikiru you ni odoru dake aa

酔っている君はまぶたに 唇でトゲを刺して
感じるかい?この終わりを 死ぬまで夢を見ればいいさ ああ

手紙を君に送るよ それは届くことはないけど
もしいいなら僕に返事を それは多分読めないけど おお

君の声聞かせてよ 六月の雨に様に

深い深い夜の中で 幸せがつかめそうさ
今宵 街を走り抜けて あの空で愛し合おう

血の管が熱くなる 六月の砂の様に
幻覚に愛されて たたきつけられて

深い深い夜の中で 幸せがつかめそうさ
今宵 街を走り抜けて あの空で愛し合おう

熱い熱い日差しの下 絶望がつかめそうさ
長い髪を振り乱して あの海で愛し合おう

今夜 この世界を 嘆く様に愛を込めて
今夜 俺 この世界を 振り切るように踊るだけ ああ
Rokugatsu no Okinawa (Okinawa in June)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

You drunkenly pierced a thorn into my eyelid with your lips
Can you feel it? Can you feel this end? Ah, it would be better if we could just dream until we died

I’ll send you a letter, even though it will never be delivered
If you have the time, send me an answer, even though I probably won’t be able to read it

Make me hear your voice, just like the rain in June
Can you hear my voice? Am I hurting you?

In the deep, deep night, I feel like I could catch this happiness
Tonight, let’s run away from the city, and make love in the sky

My veins grow hot, just like the sand in June
I’m being loved by an illusion, I’m being beaten

In the deep, deep night, I feel like I could catch this happiness
Tonight, let’s run away from the city, and make love in the sky

Under the hot, hot sun, I feel like I could catch this despair
Tangling our long hair, let’s make love in the ocean

Tonight, I’ll extend my love like a lament to this world
Tonight, I’m just dancing like I want to escape this world, ah
3.誘惑(Live)[Yuuwaku (Live)]
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

Wareta garasu no kakera de migite ni kizu wo tsuketa
Wasuresasetekure ima sugu
Tokekondeiku keshiki ni torinokosareteita mama
Kimi no taisetsu na mono wa nani?
Mezame ni wa kitto wasureru darou
Konna kao mo nukumori mo

Boku no aishita tenshi-tachi shindeshimatta Maria
Minna shinjitsu wo motteitta
Soshite konya mo sasotteiru shi toiu na no koibito
Sonna shiawase ja nai darou
Yubi karamasete karada no atsui basho e
Raku ni nareru nara ii sa

Kimi no koe ga kikoeru kaerou ka tsumetai ano heya e

Aaa hayaku nigenakya aaa kieteshimau yo

Yuuwaku no shi no uta nagareteiru konya doko ni nigeyou ka?

Kimi no koe ga kikoeru kaerou ka tsumetai ano heya e
Boku wa aisareteiru? Kono mama daremo inai basho e

Kimi no koe ga kikoeru kaerou ka tsumetai ano heya e
Boku wo korosanakute wa ikenai kimi no moto e

Aaa hayaku nigenakya aaa kieteshimau yo

割れたガラスの欠片で 右手に傷をつけた
忘れさせてくれ 今すぐ
溶け込んでいく景色に とり残されていたまま
目覚めには きっと忘れるだろう

僕の愛した天使達 死んでしまったマリア
そして今夜も誘っている 死と言う名の恋人
指からませて 体の熱い場所へ

君の声が聞こえる 帰ろうか 冷たいあの部屋へ

アー 早く逃げなきゃ アー 消えてしまうよ

誘惑の死の詩 流れている 今夜 何処へにげようか?

君の声が聞こえる 帰ろうか 冷たいあの部屋へ
僕は愛サレテイル? コノママ 誰もいない場所へ

君の声が聞こえる 帰ろうか 冷たいあの部屋へ
僕を殺サナクテハ イケナイ 君のもとへ

アー 早く逃げなきゃ アー 消えてしまうよ
Yuuwaku (Temptation)
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Hoshino Hidehiko

With a shard of broken glass, I cut my right hand
Now, please allow me to forget that
Melting into the landscape, what is that precious thing of yours
That was left behind?
Upon waking, I will surely forget
A face like this, warmth like this

The angels I loved, dead Maria
They all took the truth away with them
And again, tonight, it’s tempting me—a lover by name of death
Isn’t it that kind of happiness?
Entangling fingers, towards the hot part of my body
It would be fine if I could make it easy

I hear your voice; should I return to that cold room?

Ah, I have to run away right now
Ah, I’ll disappear

A song of the temptation of death plays on
Tonight, where should I escape to?

I hear your voice; should I return to that cold room?
Am I loved? Just like this, to an empty room…

I hear your voice; should I return to that cold room?
You must kill me; back to you…

Ah, I have to run away right now
Ah, I’ll disappear
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

Kono mama ame ni nareba ii sa furueta kara wo uchinuku
Ore no naka ni wa aka no mezame afureta kyouki no maebure
Kurueru taiyou sore wa marude wamekisakebu kao wo tokashiteta

Kono karada kono mama kitto akaku kirameku sotto
Aa moetsukiru kono ore
Hai ni naru sa naru sa konya wa
Sono yubi de aishite sotto amaku koroshite motto
Aa kieteuseru kono mama
Zero ni naru sa zero ni subete ga

Kore kara ore wa doko e nigeteiku no ka? Waratte shinu no sa
Tsuki ni baketa kimi wo aishi nemuru (mou) ashita wa iranai
Ore wa mou shizumu utau koto wo yameta kedamono kaeru ie mo nai
Onna no mune de soshite nani wo omoi sotto namida nagasu no ka?

Kono karada ima nara kitto fukaku kirameku sotto
Aa moetsukiru kono ore
Hai ni naru sa naru sa konya wa
Sono yubi de aishite sotto amaku koroshite motto
Aa kieteuseru kono mama
Zero ni naru sa zero ni subete ga

Aozora ga yasashiku sotto boku wo temaneku kitto
Aa toketeukabu sasori da
Hai ni naru sa naru sa konya wa
Mouichido me wo toji zutto ore wa tobu no sa motto
Aa shinjitsu sae subete ga
Zero ni naru sa zero ni subete ga

このまま雨になればいいさ 震えた体を撃ちぬく
俺の中には赤の目覚め あふれた狂気の前ぶれ
狂える太陽 それはまるでわめき叫ぶ 顔を溶かしてた

この体 このまま きっと 赤く キラメク そっと 
ああ 燃えて尽きる このおれ
ハイになるさ なるさ 今夜は
その指で 愛して そっと 甘く 殺シテ もっと 
嗚々 消えて失せる このまま
ゼロになるさ ゼロに 全てが

これから俺は 何処へ逃げていくのか? 笑って死ぬのさ
月に化けた君を愛し眠る (もう)明日はいらない 
俺はもう沈む 唄う事をやめた獣 帰る家もない
女の胸で そして何を想い そっと涙流すのか?

この体 いまなら きっと 深く キラメク そっと
ああ 燃えて尽きる このおれ
ハイになるさ なるさ 今夜は
その指で 愛して そっと 甘く 殺シテ もっと 
嗚々 消えて失せる このまま
ゼロになるさ ゼロに 全てが

青空が やさしく そっと 僕を 手招く きっと 
ああ 溶けて浮かぶ さそりだ
ハイになるさ なるさ 今夜は
もう一度 目を閉じ ずっと 俺は 飛ぶのさ もっと 
ああ 真実さえ 全てが
ゼロになるさ ゼロに 全てが
Lyrics: Sakurai Atsushi
Music: Imai Hisashi

It would be better if it rained today, and pounded down on my body
There is a red awakening within me, a harbinger of overflowing madness
The crazy sun melted my face, as if it were screaming and shouting

Just like this, my body is softly glittering red
Ah, I’m burning out
Tonight, turning, turning to ash
Love me gently; kill me sweetly with those fingers, more—
Ah, I’m disappearing, just like this
Everything’s becoming zero, zero

Now, am I running away to somewhere? I laugh and die
I love you, who turned into the moon, and then sleep—there’s no need for tomorrow
I’m already sinking; a beast who’s stopped singing, with no home to return to
In a woman’s heart—and what are you thinking of and crying softly?

Just like this, only now, my body is softly, deeply glittering
Ah, I’m burning out
Tonight, turning, turning to ash
Love me gently; kill me sweetly with those fingers, more—
Ah, I’m disappearing, just like this
Everything’s becoming zero, zero

The blue sky is softly and gently beckoning me
Ah, the scorpion has nebulously risen*
Tonight, turning, turning to ash
Ah, one more time, closing my eyes, I can fly forever…more
Ah, everything, even the truth
Everything’s becoming zero, zero

*I’m sure this is a reference to the constellation of the Scorpion, which rises during the summer (it chases Orion, which rises during the winter.)