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DELUHI - Departure

Catalog#: BMCDO-12
Format: Maxi-Single
Country: Japan
Released: 04 Aug 2010
Genre: Rock
Style: major

I want no destination
I can't tell you where, I'm going even if you ask me.

I want new vibrations
No more wastin' time, I can't wait for the day to come
I don't stray anymore!

I want no stagnation
If I ask you in five years time
''Do you still have the same dream?''
Let me hear from you

Going as far as I can reach with my hands
I will never find what I long for
I don't wanna chase what's in front of me
I only have to go faraway in search of some unseen destination

It's time of departure for the future
sono ippo ga  kitto keshiki wo kaete ikunda
Don't look back. Set off without thinking
Riyuu yori mo   motto taisetsu na koto ga arunda
It's time of departure for the future

There is no use thinking before you start
Just go ahead and do it
Once you are out on the road you will soon find
The answer you are looking for
simply is in your view, in your mind
Feel your imagination

It's time of departure for the future
fumi dasu koto ga asu wo kiri aite ikunda
Don't look back. Set off without thinking
sono namida ha itsu ga tsuyoi omoi ni kawaru
It's time of departure for the future

arata na hibi ga
michi naru hibi ga
matte iru kara
I want no destination
I can't tell you where, I'm going even if you ask me.

I want new vibrations
No more wastin' time, I can't wait for the day to come
I don't stray anymore!

I want no stagnation
If I ask you in five years time
''Do you still have the same dream?''
Let me hear from you

Going as far as I can reach with my hands
I will never find what I long for
I don't wanna chase what's in front of me
I only have to go faraway in search of aome unseen destination

It's time of departure for the future
その一歩が  きっと景色を変えていくんだ
Don't look back. Set off without thinking
理由よりも  もっと大切な事があるんだ
It's time of departure for the future

There is no use thinking before you start
Just go ahead and do it
Once you are out on the road you will soon find
The answer you are looking for
simply is in your view, inyour mind
Feel your imagination

It's time of departure for the future
Don't look back. Set off without thinking
It's time of departure for the future

I want no destination
I can't tell you where, I'm going even if you ask me.

I want new vibrations
No more wastin 'time, I can't wait for the day to come
I don't stray anymore!

I want no stagnation
If I ask you in five years time
''Do you still have the same dream?''
Let me hear from you

Going as far as I can reach with my hands
I will never find what I long for
I don't wanna chase what's in front of me
I only have to go faraway in search of aome unseen destination

It's time of departure for the future
I'm sure it will change the landscape in one step
Don't look back. Set off without thinking
I have more important things thats why
It's time of departure for the future

There is no use thinking before you start
Just go ahead and do it
Once you are out on the road you will soon find
The answer you are looking for
simply is in your view, inyour mind
Feel your imagination

It's time of departure for the future
What will it take to open up tomorrow
Don't look back. Set off without thinking
The tears eventually turn into strong emotions
It's time of departure for the future

On the new tomorrow
On the unknown tomorrow
From the waiting

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